: Blog items

Worm Hotel

Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 8:25am

Good Morning Reception!

Whilst we are learning about minibeasts, I thought it would be a great idea to build our wriggly friends a WORM HOTEL!



You will need:

Large glass jar


Potting soil

Dark paper


3-4 big healthy earthworms




1. With an adult create a layer effect in the jar, using sand and soil.

2. Start by pouring about 1 inch of sand into the bottom of the jar.

3. Then alternate between 1 inch layers of sand and soil until the layers reach the top of the jar.

4. Pour some water on top of the layers and then put the earthworms on top.

5. The earthworms should start to burrow downwards straight away.

6. To keep the outside of the jar dark,  stick your dark paper around the outside of the jar.

7. Leave the top off the jar so that the worms can get some air.

8. Leave the jar to 3-4 days then pull the paper off.

Have the worms moved through the jar?

Can you still see layers of soil and sand?

As the worms have travelled, they have mixed all of the layers together!

Have fun! I cannot wait to see your creations! The worms will love them!

Reading challenge

Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 8:23am

Reading Challenge

For this week’s reading challenge I would like you to read and follow a set of instructions. This term we are learning all about plants and animals and how things grow and change. This week’s instructions are all about how to make a bug hotel. Can you follow the instructions to make your very own but hotel? Don’t forget to take pictures and send them in!


Monday sentence of the day and phonics

Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 8:21am


Good Morning. I hope you all had a lovely weekend! We are really looking forward to all of your learning this week and can’t wait to see all of your pictures of you busy with your activities!

Sentence of the day

Here is Friday’s sentence of the day. I quite enjoyed improving this sentence with my purple pen.

Here are some examples of children who improved their sentences too…


Today you are going to be a detective, get out your magnifying glass and put on your detective hat. You are going to go on a capital letter and full stop hunt! Where does it need capital letters and full stops? Are there any capital letters and full stops in the wrong places?


Send your new answers to the email at the bottom so that we can post them on the blog tomorrow!



Today’s phonics is all about those tricky words again.  In your home learning packs you have all of the tricky words that you need to have a practice. Practice reading them, writing them and playing games with them.

There are lots of tricky words games on https://new.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources/phase/2/tricky-word-trucks like the tricky words trucks game.

If you don’t fancy going on your tablet or computer today why not try and make a game of tricky word hopscotch. Play with your family, who can cross the words out the quickest?


Hope you have a lovely day. Don’t forget to send your learning into us – y1homelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk

Miss Riley and Miss Wolfenden

Monday Maths - Halving

Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 8:14am

Good Morning Reception!

I hope you have had a lovely weekend and had lots of fun enjoying the warm weather!

Who is ready for some Monday Maths??

Let’s begin with our maths warm up songs….



Now that we are all warmed up for our maths learning, let's have a go at the starter questions below.. (If you completed the doubling activities on Thursday you should be an expert at working out the first question!)

Well done!

Today we are going to focus our learning on HALVING and SHARING.

Halving is when we share quantities into two equal groups! We use the words ‘fair’ and ‘not fair’ to work out if our quantities have been shared equally.

Take a look at the ‘Show Me’ video below to help you understand halving a little bit better!


With your adult at home, can you work out how to help Jenny and Penny half the pears so that it is fair?

There are also links to other halving challenges below for you to take part in at home (a lot of them involve food – yum!!)

Have fun and don’t forget to send in pictures of your learning at receptionhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk

Monday 27th April Phonics

Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 8:09am

Good Morning Reception!!

Let us start by singing our phonics song:


Today I want you to continue looking at the Phase 3 sounds and think about diagraphs. Remember a diagraph has 2 letters and 1 sound… The diagraphs that we are going to look at this week are:

Listen to this show me where I am explaining how to read words with our focus diagraphs qu  and ch:


Today let us concentrate on the diagraphs qu and ch. Watch the video below showing you how to say the diagraph qu:


Now watch the Jack Hartman song all about the diagraph ch:


Can you read the following words with the digraphs qu and ch?

Now play the game quick write. Your grown up will choose a word and say it, you must have a go at writing it. Mrs Iqbal and Mrs Cooper’s phonic groups pick two qu and two ch words and write some super sentences.

Extra challenges, Play one of the games below:

Buried Treasure: Click on Phase 3 and choose either the diagraph qu or ch. You must read the word and decide if it is real or fake.


Dragons’ Den: Click on Phase 3 and choose either the diagraph qu or ch. You must read the word and decide if it is real or fake.


Don’t forget to send in your photos/work to receptionhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk

Monday 27th April Reading

Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 8:01am

Good Morning Reception!!

This week we are going to continue looking at the text ‘Mad about Minibeasts.’ Start by listening to the story again and remembering all the minibeasts that you have learnt about. 


Now can you tell your grown up all the minibeasts that you saw in the book…How many can you tell your grown up in a minute…? Time yourself!!!

Today there are two reading  challenges depending on which Phonic group you are in. Make sure you click and find the correct reading challenge for your phonic group. 

Mrs Iqbal and Mrs Cooper’s phonic groups your reading challenge is to read the sentences on the cards. Do not scroll down quickly as they is a picture. You must read the sentence twice as shown on the card and then draw a picture of what you have read. This will check if you have understood what you have read. Check your picture by scrolling down to see the picture on the card, did you draw a similar picture…?

Miss William and Miss Cogger’s phonic groups your reading challenge is to read the words and try to draw the minibeast animal.

You can find the reading challenges attached to this blog at the bottom. As an extra challenge I have also attached some minibeast action reading cards. Why not read the cards with a grown up and do the minibeast actions...? You may want to move to some music...

Don’t forget to send in your photos/work to receptionhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk

Monday's Maths Challenge

Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 7:19am


Are you ready for some Maths learning today?

Let’s remind ourselves of the shapes we know and spot the shapes in the pictures using the link below.


Now that you have listened to the shape song, take a look at the ‘I spy’ picture below:

I spy with my little eye…  can you find a circle, square, triangle, oblong?

What other shapes can you see?

Did you spot lots of shapes? Fantastic!


Today’s challenge is to go on a shape hunt around your home or outside and try to find:

A circle

A square

A triangle

An oblong

Maybe you could take a picture of your shape hunt and the objects you find and send them to: nurseryhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk

Happy hunting!



Monday 27th April - Phonics

Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 6:59am


Good Morning Nursery! I hope you had a lovely weekend.

Let’s begin today’s phonics by revisiting the sounds we learnt last week.


Sing along to songs for the letter:  s, a, t and p. Can you join in with saying the sounds?



On Friday we went on a sound hunt for objects beginning with the sound 'p'. How many items did you find? 

Here are some of the things that I found… can you name each one?


Now we are going to learn a new sound…


Today if you are able to go outside, have a look to see how many insects you can find.

Go on an insect hunt then draw a picture of all insects you find.

Have a go at writing ‘i’ for insects next to your picture.

Have a great day!


Connected Curriculum

Date: 26th Apr 2020 @ 9:33pm

Good Morning everyone! 

Our Connected Curriculum this half term is Climate Change, and more specifically, ‘How is Clayton connected with the global community?'  This is a really exciting topic looking at the world and how we can find a way to do our part to help…I’m sure that you will all find out lots of interesting facts to share.

I will post a different CC activity each week on the blog for you to complete at a time that suits you best during the week.

This is also a chance to get creative in how you want to present your work… draw pictures, make posters or mind maps, write letters of fact files, make models or create PowerPoints and videos to showcase your learning!

So… TASK 1

This week’s task is to research climate change-What does it mean? How does it affect our world? What are the main causes? Is there anything being done to combat climate change?

You can present you work as you wish... perhaps a powerpoint or mind map or maybe video your own newsround clip to present your ideas for your younger viewers!

Here are some useful video clips to help get you started…


(try the little quiz after the clip- see how you get on)


I have also attached a ppt to give you extra information- good luck!

Don't forget to send pictures or videos of what you have created to y6homelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk or our class twitter page we love to see what you are doing- it really makes our day!

Have a lovely day,

Mrs Ranyard, Miss Kenwell and Misss Thornton

Happy Eid Mubarak to all the children in Year 3 who are celebrating

Date: 25th Apr 2020 @ 2:10pm

Below is a link to an interactive colouring activity for Ramadan. Enjoy. 


Home Learning Success!

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 4:35pm

Well done to all of our Year 4 learners who have been working hard this week! 

Lots of you have been busy with your learning packs, blog work and wellbeing activities! Thank you for all of your updates posted on Twitter and on the y4homelearning email.

Here are some highlights from the week!

Keep busy everyone and stay safe! 

From the Year 4 team :)



5HW Outstanding Learning!

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 4:20pm

Good afternoon everyone!

What a lovely way to celebrate the end of the week - showing off some amazing learning! It has been so nice to hear from so many of you via email this week. Please keep it up, both myself, Mrs Hodges and Miss Gallery miss you all very much and it's lovely to see what you are doing!

Thank you to Maddison, Lilly-Anne, Alissia and Rhianna for your emails!

Well done to those children who have been completing reading challenges on Reading Plus! A very big well done to Rhianna who has read over 12000 words! Keep it up Rhianna!

We have a whole range of activities that have taken place -  growing tomatoes, learning Spanish and science and writing postcards! 

Have a look below and see what 5HW have been doing!

Outstanding Learning!

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 4:01pm

It's time to celebrate all of the hard work you have done this week. Well done 5CB, I'm very proud of you!

We are winning timestable rockstars so far - we're just over 2,000 points ahead of 5HW! Well done!

A huge congratulations to the children who completed this week's reading challenge by managing to read 3 or more books! You are all owed a hot chocolate when we go back to school.

The winners are:

Sam (with 10 books!)

Denico (with 8 books!)

Dylan (with 4 books!)

Victoria (with 3 books!)

Tia (with 3 books!)

You only had to read 3 books, so well done everyone. Remember, the aim is to try and score 80% in all of the comprehension questions.

Thank you for everyone who has emailed pictures of their to me this week - and it's lovely to see some of you completing the wellbeing challenges as well!

I have to say, Jennifer's GVP made me laugh because all of her sentences were about the spider that attacked me! (Thankfully it was very small, and I didn't drop the IPad!) Below are some pictures of the amazing work I have seen.

Well done to the following children, who are also oustanding learners this week:






I can't wait to see more of your wonderful work next week! 

Have a fabulous weekend 5CB, you thoroughly deserve it!

The Boy at the Back of the Class Chapter 8

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 3:48pm

Good afternoon year 6! What a lovely day it is. Well here is your final instalment of the story for this week and I think it is starting to get really exciting. This chapter is very long and to be honest I found it quite tricky reading it all in one whole recording!! Sorry for any mistakes I made, I was getting slightly distracted by my tortoise scratching away next to me. I think he likes the story too! laugh


After reading/listening, can you write down any similarities in this chapter to our last book 'Once' and Felix's life?  (Text to Text)

Prediction- What do you think will happen the next day at school? (A clue- The next chapter is called 'The Big Fight'. 

Remember to share your answers with us on our year 6 Twitter page or using our year 6 email address, we'd love to hear from you!

Have a lovely weekend-Stay Safe and Stay at Home!

More Reception Superstars!!!

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 12:15pm

What a start to the Summer term in Reception!!!

We are amazed at all the things that you are doing with your grown ups. Well Done everyone!!!smiley

Find the video below and watch some of our Superstars and their work... Why not dance along to our celebration song from our Friday Celebration Assembly!!!


Friday's maths

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 11:54am


We hope you are ready for another maths challenge today. Today we are going to focus on counting in steps of 10. Remember to put the date in your workbook and use a ruler to underline it! 

Follow this link to help you remember how to count in steps of 10




Challenge 1

10+10=      20+10+10=      30+10+10=    40+10=      50+10=      60+10=    80+10=      100+10=

Challenge 2

80-10=     90-10=    100-10=    40-20=      50-10=    20-10=    30-10=      60-10=    70-10=    10-10=

Challenge 3

Tom bought 20 oranges and James bought 10 more. How many altogether?

Jenny saw 10 planes and 10 trains. How many altogether?

There were 40 puppies in the vets. Ten more came. How many altogether?

Miss Wolfenden bought 60 cakes and then ate 10. How many left?



More Outstanding Learning

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 11:51am

More outstanding learning from 3LF this week. Well done.

It's time to celebrate!

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 11:33am

Lets celebrate!

It's Friday which means it's time to celebrate! We are so so proud of all the amazing learning that you are doing at home. It is so lovely to see your pictures and your smiling faces sent to us every day.

Here are our Super star learners this week...

Look who lost their tooth this week! You look like you have been working very hard, maybe it's your new haircut!

Look whose busy with their home learning! Great job!

Another busy bee doing all of his home learning! We love your picture of a Spring chick!

Another child with a big smile on his face! That cake does look yummy!

Wow look at all of those number sentences! What a superstar!

Look who looks so grown up doing her home learning! Amazing!

Another person enjoying this lovely sunshine and taking his learning outside! I hope you saved that penalty!


Don't forget to send us pictures of you doing all your amazing home learning and different activities at home and you might be one of our Superstar learners next week!

Well done everyone,

We miss you, stay safe

Miss Riley and Miss Wolfenden xx


NEW LINKS!!! The Oak National Academy

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 11:22am

Hi year 6, I really want your opinion on this new link we would like to try. Today I am going to post one English reading task and a maths task and would really like you to have a go and see what you think. 



Don't worry I will still put on Chapter 8 from The Boy at the Back of the Class!!

Year 2 superstars

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 11:00am

This is my favourite part of the week!

Firstly, I want to thank you ALL for all of your hard work this week. You have all been superstars!

I have had some brilliant pictures sent in this week from Queenster, Hao yu, Oscar, Andrew, Kimora and Tianah so well done for sharing your at home activities. Here are a few examples of what you have all been up to this week. It is great to see that some of you have started your recycling and science challenges. Keep up the hard work Year 2.

Miss Hamer


Chester Zoo live again today!

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 10:22am

Hi, Mrs Glover here again!

If you enjoyed Chester zoo being live a few weeks ago then good news, it's back again! Starting at 10am they'll be showing many different animals. I've added a picture of what is happening and when underneath and here is the YouTube link:


Morning Activities

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 10:18am

24.04.20   Good Morning Year 4

Morning Activities

Write down your work in your exercise book. Remember to check your answers tomorrow!

Yesterday’s Answers:

  1. “It is such a long way,” sighed Oliver.      (total 6)
  2. Miss Bryce asked, “Has everyone completed their homework?” (total 7)
  3. Lilly whispered urgently, “We’ve got to go now!” (total 6) 


Now try:     Fluent in 5:

Sentence of the Day

 Add the missing punctuation and capital letters in these sentences and correct the Year 3/4 spellings:

  1. my faverate flavour of ice cream is caramel chocolate and vanilla (total 4)
  2. this is a very inporrtent announcement (total 3)
  3. that partikuler tree is over one hundred years old (total 3)

Wellbeing challenge number 10

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 10:08am

Good morning everyone, another lovely sunny day! I can't wait to get out there in the sun for a bit.

Fot the last day of the week I'm giving you a slightly different wellbeing challenge today and it's something that always makes me feel happy and a bit better if I'm feeling a bit low.

Today's challenge is to do something nice for someone. Here are some ideas below although feel free to do one of your own ideas!

1. Read or tell a story to a younger brother or sister

2. Tidy your room

3. Do a chore or job for someone at home

4. Give someone a compliment

5. Share a toy or some food with someone at home

6. Make someone a present, picture or card

7. Offer to help an adult with the cooking or washing up

8. Write someone a poem or story

9. Tell someone a joke

10. Phone a friend or send them a nice message

See how many of the 10 you can do and remember to let us know what you have done!

I'm going to do some baking for my husband for my good deed and maybe make him a nice dinner as well. In fact, I might go and take him a cup of tea while he's doing his work! :-)

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Glover

Reading Plus WINNERS (Week 4)

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 10:06am

Good Morning Year 5!

Every week I am seeing more and more of you on Reading Plus! Well done to you all for working so hard. The winners this week for reading the most books, and the most words are:

Most Lessons Completed: Sam (at 10 books! Well done)

Most  Words Read: Rhianna (12,596 words! Goodness me! Is there a favourite 'new' word you discovered?)

5HW have 5 wins so far, whereas 5CB have 3. Come on 5CB! 

Don't forget to check your individual class blogs later today, where we will announce who has successfully completed this weeks reading challenge.

Well done everyone,

Miss Brookes 

Friday sentence of the day and phonics

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 9:29am

Can you believe it’s already Friday? This week has flown by and we have loved getting back onto the blogs and seeing all of your amazing home learning! Check back on the blog later and we will have our very own Year 1 celebration of all the fantastic things you have been doing at home!


Sentence of the day

Here are some pictures of children who managed to find the nouns in yesterday’s sentence. Well done! Here is a picture of the sentence with all of the nouns underlined. Remember a noun is a person, a place or an object.

Today’s sentence is going to have a little bit of everything we have done this week. I want you to find ways that you can make my sentence better. It might be missing capital letters, it might need some question marks. Maybe you could add some adjectives in before the nouns to make it more interesting.



I loved seeing your phonics activities from yesterday. Watch the tricky word video again to check if you can remember them today …


Today’s phonics focuses on the oo sound family.

In your home learning packs you have some games and activities which all focus on the oo sound family. There are also lots of games on https://new.phonicsplay.co.uk/  (your username and password is in the home learning pack) Use these activities as a start point and then I have a challenge for you.

I want you to design and make your own game. The game must be all about those oo sounds. You could have a snakes and ladders game with different oo words on the different squares. Maybe you want to write down as many words with the different oo sounds in them and play a game of snap or pairs. You could even play oo sound bingo!

I can’t wait to see the games that you have made! Just remember they must have the oo sounds in them!

Good Luck and don’t forget to send pictures of you playing your games to y1homelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk

‘We create, We explore,

We care, We soar’


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Maureen Hughes | Headteacher

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0161 223 0370
