At Ravensbury Community School we regard attendance as high priority for the following reasons:-
- The education of our children is paramount.
- Regular attendance and punctuality enhance the quality of their learning opportunities.
- Excellent attendance promotes inclusion and equal opportunities for all pupils.
- We believe in sharing of responsibilities and working partnership with parents/carers, the local community and the Local Education Authority.
Children are expected to have 100% attendance, however we do appreciate that sometimes children are ill. If your child is absent please contact the school on the first day of absence. In addition to this please try to arrange holidays and medical appointments out of school hours.
At the end of the term we celebrate with all the 100% attendance pupils. If your child attends 96% for either half term they receive an attendance bug and certificate and if they attend for 100% of the time for the WHOLE term they receive a badge and certificate.
N.B. Our school is a secure building. If you have to take your child out of school during lesson time you will need to go to the main office, appointment cards must be shown.