Attendance League
Whole school attendance for the week beginning
10th March 2025 was:
Congratulations to 4CC who are this weeks attendance winners with 100%
They will get 5 minutes extra break! Well done
In total:
127 authorised sessions missed last week = 63.5 school days
39 unauthorised sessions missed last week = 19.5 school days
This weeks class attendance %
1AI | 97.7% |
1HB | 94% |
2KW | 97.6% |
2AH | 91.3% |
3JH | 92.1% |
3CB | 99% |
4CC | 100% |
4JB | 97.4% |
5AK | 98.7% |
5EG | 95.2% |
6RJ | 97.2% |
6RW | 95.7% |