Pupil Awards
The children at Ravensbury are talented, creative and very hardworking. They take learning seriously and we are proud of what they achieve. We recognise and celebrate the successes of our children and all the great things they do. We believe in rewarding positive attitudes to learning, effort and achievement in learning, good behaviour choices, manners and presentation. Adults constantly recognise and praise the ‘extra effort’ and ‘extra mile’ that so many pupils regularly make every day of every week during the school year.
We also like to recognise and celebrate achievement on a weekly and monthly basis.
Star awards are presented each week during Monday’s celebration assembly.
Each week pupils earn house points. The house which collects the most house points is announced during Monday’s assembly. |
We promote and reward good and outstanding attendance every week and each half term.
Behaviour stars are awarded each week to children who demonstarte exemplary behaviour and conduct