: Blog items

Tuesday Challenge

Date: 28th Apr 2020 @ 9:55am

Good morning Year 2

It has been lovely receiving all of your wonderful heart photos.Keep them coming!

English challenge:

Can you spot the mistakes?

the childrn lovd playng football so we desided to play it agayn 


Don't forget to make use of our online reading activities such as Active learn and Lexia. Well done to the children who have been logging on to Lexia. It is great to see that you are all working hard at home!

Maths challenge:

Active maths! This is one of my favourite maths activities (and some of the children’s too). With the help of an adult, write down 8 different number sentences/challenges on 8 different pieces of paper and ask somebody to hide them around the house/garden. You have as much time as you need to find them and write down the answers in your book. Here are some examples. You can make them more simple/difficult:

  1. 6 x ___ = 30
  2. How many sides does a pentagon have?
  3. 58 = 82 - ___
  4. How many cm are in a m?
  5. Half 30 = ___
  6. How many hours are in a day?
  7. 24 + 12 = ___
  8. 80 = 62 + ___

Good Luck!

Miss Hamer

Exciting news!

Date: 28th Apr 2020 @ 9:16am

Exciting news! 

Mrs Glover and Mrs Harriott have now got an email address which you can use to let us know all your news (as well as keeping in touch with your class teacher on your usual year group email).

We would love to hear from you if you have tried any of Mrs Glover's well being challenges, would like any more EAL home learning if you usually come to us for learning or have any other news to share with us .

The address is:   Ealhomelearning@ravenbsury.manchester.sch.uk 

We can't wait to hear from you !

Mrs Glover and Mrs Harriott smiley

Tuesday 28th April - Maths

Date: 28th Apr 2020 @ 8:52am

Good Morning Reception!

Let’s begin our maths learning with our favourite maths songs!





Can you work out the three warm-up questions below?

Today in our maths learning, we are going to continue focusing on halving and sharing…

This is a little bit tricky to begin with - remember that when we half quantities we share them into two equal groups. Please refer to the ‘show me’ from yesterday if you are still feeling a little bit unsure.


Below I have attached some challenges linked to halving for you to work out at home!

Please send your learning to receptionhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk! Have fun :)

Exciting news !

Date: 28th Apr 2020 @ 8:50am

Exciting news! 

Mrs Glover and Mrs Harriott have now got an email address which you can use to let us know all your news (as well as keeping in touch with your class teacher on your usual year group email).

We would love to hear from you if you have tried any of Mrs Glover's well being challenges, would like any more EAL home learning if you usually come to us for learning or have any other news to share with us .

The address is:   Ealhomelearning@ravenbsury.manchester.sch.uk 

We can't wait to hear from you !

Mrs Glover and Mrs Harriott smiley

Tuesday 28th April

Date: 28th Apr 2020 @ 8:43am

Hello everyone! 

Firstly...HAPPY BIRTHDAY MISS WENDT!!! I know you'll all join me in wishing her a very happy birthday!

What have you got planned for today? We're ready for PE with Joe here (well, nearly ready), Asaph's decided to put on his school uniform because he's missing school so much, it actually is a bit strange to see him wearing it! 

Let us know what you get up to, we'd love to see your learning for today!


Mrs Hodges here!

Are you ready for today's Sentence of the Day? Here we go!


Remember to check back later to compare your corrected sentence with my purple pen!

Good afternoon Year 5!

Wow, Miss Wendt's Grasshopper Pie looks absolutely delicious! I've never heard of it, but it sounds like exactly the sort of thing I would love too...perhaps I will make it at the weekend?!

Anyway, back on to today's Sentence of the Day - click the link below to see my corrected sentence!



Hi from Miss Wendt!

I woke up very excited this morning because it's my birthday today! Although very different to the day I expected, I'm having a lovely day with lots of treats from my family and friends. Katy has made me on of my favourite ever desserts - it's called Grasshopper Pie. It has a chocolate cookie base, a minty mousse and a marshmallow cream top! It is very sweet, but delicious. And yes, I am having a piece for my breakfast!

Enough about me being an old lady, lets get on with the maths! Here are today's fluent in five questions. Remember, some of the questions may require a written method, others you may be able to work out in your head using mental strategies. I'll be back later with the answers, if you would like me to check your work then send an email to our special Y5 address!

Maths update!

Here are the answers for the fluent in five challenge. Thank you to Rhianna, Ini and Aden who emailed the answers for me to check - and well done to all 3 children who got them all correct! We do have some fabulous mathematicians in Year 5!

Thank you to everyone for all your lovely messages too! I really think I have had one of my best birthdays ever. My favourite surprise was a video call with Mrs Thewlis, Mrs Hughes, Miss Wolfenden and Miss Thornton and (best of all) the children in school! It was wonderful to see everyone again, I was blown away by the magical talents of Evodie!

Miss Brookes - Katy said she will happily make you something for your birthday in September!


Good morning from Miss Brookes!

A huge happy birthday to Miss Wendt! That dessert looks delicious (will Katy make some for all of us? Fingers crossed!)  I hope we're all back in school in September when my birthday rolls around - I even have Miss Harris' birthday present sat on my kitchen table! I was supposed to give it to her 5 weeks ago. 

Maybe you should send Miss Wendt a happy birthday email - perhaps it will make her smile even more than the grasshopper pie.

Speaking of smiling, all of these heart photographs we have received so far has put a huge smile on my face - and they have reminded me just how much I miss you all. 5HW have sent in 6 photos, and 5CB have sent in 6 photos! It's a tie at the minute, I wonder which class will send in all of their photographs first?

Anyway, onto today's learning. 

There are two videos from me today, GVP and Science!

GVP is all about prefixes (one of the prefixes was in yesterday's sentence of the day, can you remember which it was?)


Today's science is all about night and day, and the way that the Earth rotates on it's axis! 


There's also a youtube video to do with science that I'd love for you guys to watch:



Vocabulary Challenge

Date: 28th Apr 2020 @ 8:32am


Yesterday we read the story ‘Jaspers beanstalk’. If you haven’t had chance to listen to it, you can by using the link below:



At nursery we are ‘Speaking Superheroes’!

Over the last two terms, we have learnt lots of vocabulary relating to size and we use a wide range of words to describe and compare different sizes of things.


Do you remember this part of the story?


Today’s vocabulary challenge is to look at the picture above.

Think carefully about how the beanstalk has changed over time.

Now you can be a ‘Speaking Superhero’ by using lots of great words to describe the different sizes of the beanstalk?

Can you draw different sized beanstalks?

Use your ‘Speaking Superhero’ words to describe the sizes of your beanstalks and ask your grown up to write the words you have used next to your picture.


Don’t forget to send a picture of your learning to: nurseryhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk

I can’t wait to see your super work!

Tuesday 28th April Phonics

Date: 28th Apr 2020 @ 8:17am

Good Morning Reception!!

Let us start by singing our phonics song:


Today we are going to carry on thinking about diagraphs. Remember a diagraph is two letters that makes one sound. We are going to think about sh and th

Why don’t you watch Jack Hartman and sing along to these sh and th songs?

sh diagraph:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfMtsRVZWfE

th diagraph: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3INXFPrfJM

Adam is going to show you a new game. This game is called read and squeeze! You will the video at the bottom of the blog. 

First, you must write the following words on pieces of paper: shop, ship, shed, fish, cash, that, them, thin, moth, with

Next write the following sounds on pieces of scrap paper: sh, o, p, i, e, d, f, c, a, th, t, m, n, o, w

Have 15 pieces of small playdough rolled up into small balls under each sound that you have written out on the scraps of paper. Then put the words around the sounds and playdough balls. Read a word by squeezing the playdough under each sound. It should look like this: 

Once you have played the game a few times why don't you pick some words to write some sentences...

Don’t forget to send in your photos/work to receptionhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk

Tuesday 28th April Writing

Date: 28th Apr 2020 @ 8:06am

Good Morning Reception!!

This week for your writing challenge I want you to go a fact hunt about one of the minibeasts in the book ‘Mad about Minibeasts.’ The book is a little bit like a non-fiction book which gives lots of information about something. By the end of the week you will make your own information book about one of the minibeasts.

Today I want you to pick one minibeast and find out some facts about it. You may use the text in the book to help to help you or ask your grown up to use Google and do some research together. I decided to find out some facts about a dragonfly, so I used that page. I used the text in the book and the picture of the dragonfly to help me write things that I have learnt about dragonflies. Then I used the internet to find some interesting facts and my question.

Which minibeast will you choose…? Attached is the sheet for you to write on. When you scroll down you will find other minibeast sheets to choose from. You do not need to print it out you might just put your writing on a piece of paper. Make sure to keep this work safe because you are going to need it again on Thursday when you make your information book.

Don’t forget to send in your photos/work to receptionhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk


Tuesday's Maths - Drawing shapes

Date: 28th Apr 2020 @ 7:56am


Are you ready for your Maths learning today?

Join in this song and use your hands to create some of the shapes we know:


Yesterday we went on a shape hunt. Did you find lots of shaped objects?


I went on a shape hunt around the garden. Take a look at the different shaped objects I found and talk to your adult about all the shapes you can see.



Now we are going to have a go at drawing some of the shapes:



Today's challenge is to have a go at drawing or painting the shapes you have found.

We would love to see your shape pictures so make sure you send them to: nurseryhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk


Tuesday 28th April - Rhyme

Date: 28th Apr 2020 @ 7:23am

Good Morning Nursery!

I hope you enjoyed going on an insect hunt yesterday, looking for 'i' for insects.

What insects did you find? How many insects did you see? Where did you find them? Which insect did you like the most?

Take a look at the pictures below of the insects I found. Can you name the insects? How many insects can you see?



Today we are going to be learning about rhyme and finding rhyming pairs.

Let’s start by sing a nursery rhyme. Can you join in with the song and say the words that rhyme?



At Nursery we have played lots of rhyming games and made rhyming strings.

Can you think of a word that rhymes with the pictures below?

Now have a go at playing this rhyming game to see if you can find the rhyming pairs.


Listen carefully to the name of the object. Then match it to its rhyming pair.


You can use the sheet attached to find and say the rhyming pairs. You could also cut out the pictures or ask an adult to draw them onto pieces of paper, turn them face down and play a game to find the rhyming pairs.


You can also sing along to some of your favourite nursery rhymes by using the link below:



Have a great day!




Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 3:31pm


Attention Year 4! 

Every week your teachers will be announcing their ‘Reader of the Week’, this will be based on the reading, spelling and grammar work that we can see being completed each week on Lexia or ActiveLearn. 

Some children have already completed lots of activities on these sites but there are lots of you who will need to get logged on! Remember, these sites give you access to lots of different books but also help with your question and answer skills. 

Everyone should have their log in details in their Learning Packs. If you are having trouble logging in please contact Miss Bryce on the Y4 email and she will help! 

We look forward to seeing who this week’s winners will be… to be announced on Friday’s celebration post!

Good Luck!

From the Year 4 Team

The Boy at the Back of the Class Chapter 9

Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 3:08pm

Good afternoon year 6. You are going to find this chapter a big surprise. I certainly did!



What do pomegranates look like? Both inside and out.

When did the narrator give the new boy the pomegranate? Why then?

What happened on page 93 that was so unusual?

Why do you think Ahmet attacked Brendan-the-Bully?

What was Ahmet and Brendan’s punishment? Do you think it was fair? Why/why not?


Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 2:52pm

Keep active and moving with GoNoodle!

See if you can join in and complete a fun GoNoodle activity everyday!

You will find a guide to help you navigate the site in your home learning pack...Enjoy! 

Heart Photo Challenge ❤️

Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 1:57pm


I hope you have seen the super video on the school website / Twitter of all the staff using their hands / fingers to create a heart shape. This is to show that we are all missing you very much! If you have not seen it yet, please make sure you take a look. 

Here is a picture of the EYFS team making a heart shape to give you an idea!

We have a very exciting challenge for you to do this week too...

Your challenge is to create a heart shape using your hands / fingers, take a photograph and send it to: nurseryhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk

The photos will be used on the class blog pages online and on our school twitter account, so please make sure you are happy for us to use them on these platforms before sending it to us.

Have fun creating your picture. We can't wait to see your photo! ❤️

Love Miss Heritage and Mrs Ganner


Getting Arty

Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 1:43pm

Fancy doing a bit of art? Something creative?

Click on the link below and have a go...


Reading Challenge

Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 1:31pm

Last week we reached an impressive 1189 minutes on Lexia and earned 5 certificates. I'm so impressed with this dedication now let's see if we can get even more children using Lexia, reach even more minutes and earn more certificates.

I sent out most of the certificates last week but there are still a couple that still need to be sent out. Please remember to email us if you earn a certificate so I can send it out.

y3homelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk so I can send it to you.

Haunted House Story

Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 12:03pm

You have probably completed your writing tasks we set and put in your packs so it is time to start something new. Writing a Haunted House Spooky Story! 

The link below will take you to a powerpoint where you can follow the story and make your own spooky decisions 

House on Haunted Hill Powerpoint B G Waldram


Adventure & Mystery:

  •  Horror/Suspense Editing and Publishing (Matthew J. O'Leary) MS Powerpoint
  •  Writing an Adventure Story (Sandra Jennings) MS Powerpoint
  •  Haunted House (Karen Broad) MS Powerpoint
  •  'The House on haunted Hill' Adventure Game (Ben Waldram) MS Powerpoint
  • What is an Adventure? (Sara Carr)  
  • Fire Island Adventure (Sara Carr)   MS Powerpoint 
  •  Adventure (Wendy James) PDF
  • Mystery Wordbank (Maria Tarring) MS Powerpoint MS Powerpoint
  • Mystery Planning Template (Belinda Collins)  


Click on the yellow highlighted link and off you go!

Look out for more spooky stories to follow.

Year 6 Heart Challenge

Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 11:48am

Good morning year 6, I hope you all a great weekend! I had to venture out to the shops yesterday and it was not very busy so I could get around quickly and get back home safely. We made different smoothies too with frozen fruit and they were delicious. 

Have you seen the Heart Video? If not it is on the website and Twitter. It was great to see everyone's faces again. 


Take a photo of yourself making your heart shape-be creative. Either send it to us via the email or Twitter. Mrs Thewlis has set a challenge to see which year group can get the most responses so let's do this year 6!


An extra challenge for you this morning!

Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 11:21am

It's me again!

Last week, the staff at Ravensbury School decided to make a video creating hearts with our hands. Mrs Thewlis has had a brilliant idea that we should ask the Ravensbury children to create one too - after all, we are all one big family! You could even include the adults and children in your household too! The picture you decide to send in will be posted on the twitter page and on the school blog so don't forget to have a big smile on your face (and maybe even brush your hair). 

I have attached my photo so you have an idea of the kind of photo I am expecting :) Dont forget to send your pictures in to y2homelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk 

I have been told that the class with the most photos sent in will win a prize! We all know how competitive I can be!

Miss Hamer

Wellbeing challenge number 11

Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 11:16am

Happy Monday everyone!

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend and made the most of the lovely warm weather (I think it might be the last hot sun for a while although it seems nice so far this morning!)

Today's challenge is to do something that I have just discovered myself although my husband has been nagging me to do it for a while - Listen to a podcast.

A podcast is a bit like a radio show that you can download to your tablet, phone or laptop and listen to either while you relax or while you go for a walk. Some include music, some are educational, some entertain you and some are just good for helping you relax. You can listen to them with others or by yourself if you need a bit of me time.

This weekend I have been listening to one called Sounds of the 90s by Fearne Cotton that includes lot of music from the 90s as well as intervews with 90s pop stars. I've been listening to it while I go on my hour long walks every day and I think some of the teachers may also enjoy it!

Here are some podcasts I've found that I think you might all like, the links are under each description:

But Why: A pocast for curious kids
A podcast answering lots of questions that you may find interesting!

10 - 15 minute stories (mostly for little ones)

What if world 
With wacky episode titles such as "What if Legos were alive?" and "What if sharks had legs?," this series takes ridiculous "what if" questions submitted by young listeners and turns them into a new story every two weeks.http://www.whatifworldpodcast.com/

Noodle Loaf
A delightful offering from a music education specialist and his co-host daughter will get kids of all ages singing, rhyming, moving, and engaging in all kinds of musical games. The segments, games, and songs are so silly and upbeat that the whole family will enjoy participating. Little listeners can even add their voice to the theme song in the podcast's electronically compiled kid's choir!

Be Calm on Ahway Island
Includes soothing stories and mindulness techniques

History Storytime
Fun, educational and music re-telling of historical events

I hope you enjoy listening to some of these, please let us know about any that you particularly enjoy!

Mrs Glover



Heart Challenge!!!

Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 11:12am

We have an exciting challenge for you this week....

All the staff in school have made a little video where we are using our hands/fingers to make a heart shape to show how much we are missing you all.heart The video is posted on Twitter but in case you haven't managed to see it I have attached it to this blog. I have also attached a photo of all the EYFS staff making a heart shape to give you ideas. 

Your challenge is to create a heart shape using your hands/fingers and send us a photo via the email address:  receptionhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk 

Please note that we will be posting these photos on the class blog pages online and on our school Twitter account, so please make sure that you are happy for us to post your photo on these online platforms before sending it to us. 

We can't wait to see your photos!!!

Love Mrs Iqbal and Miss Williams 

Monday challenge

Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 10:58am

Good morning Year 2,

I hope you all had a lovely weekend - I know I did in the sunshine.

It has been great hearing from you all through y2homelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk

Here are a few adjectives (and nouns) I wrote down to describe the bear on Friday:

Hairy, Huge, Scary eyes, black nose and sharp claws.

English challenge of the day

Can you think of some conjunctions to complete the sentences?

I like the rain _______ I can jump in puddles.

I like mash ___ I do not like chips.

I brushed my teeth ___ I went to school.

I am happy ______ my sister bought me flowers.

Maths challenge of the day

Sam invites 20 friends to his birthday. A quarter of them were girls. How many were boys?

Can you think of your own fraction word problems and test an adult in your house?

Weekly reading challenge

This week, I would like you to choose 3 of your favourite books - they could be online or from around the house. I would like you to read them to an adult in your house. Whilst reading, don't forget to look out for conjunctions (and, because, when, so etc) and suffixes (-ly, -ed, -est ect).

Weekly vocab challenge

Last week I asked you to find out the meaning of the words reuse, waste and composting. I would love to hear how you got on. This week I would like you to find out the meaning of the words biodegradable, Global warming and environment. I would like you to write the words down on seperate pieces of paper, put them in to an envelope or fold them up and while you are having your breakfast, take turns with an adult to choose a piece of paper and see if you can make as many sentences as you can with that word in. 

Miss Hamer's connected curriculum challenge 

Whilst I was on my daily walk this weekend, I felt very upset to see how much rubbish is left scattered around the environment.  I decided to take some pictures to share them with you all. With an adult, I would like you to discuss the pictures and decide what objects you think are not biodegradable and why. Can you take pictures of objects on your daily walk? 

Miss Hamer


An exciting challenge!

Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 10:55am

As you may have seen on the school twitter, or website, the staff at Ravensbury have created a video of us all creating a heart with our hands. Doesn't it look amazing? I was so happy that I had just straightened my hair when Mrs Thewlis asked for a photo! It was very good timing.

Now it is your turn. Can you send a picture of yourself (or yourself with your family!) creating a heart with your hands? I've attached one of some of the year 5&6 team to give you some ideas (you may not recognise me with my hair down! I'm the middle one on the right hand side cheeky).

If we get enough photographs, Mrs Thewlis hopes to create a 'heart video' for each year group, or perhaps the entire school, so that we can see our friends again.

Please note, that the picture you send will be posted on the class blog and twitter page, so make sure that you are happy for it to go on there before you email us. 


I can't wait to see what you send us! 

Miss Brookes 

Re: Happy Monday Everyone

Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 10:38am

Good morning Mrs Harriott and everyone,

I had a nice weekend thanks. I had a few Zoom chats with different friends, went on some nice walks with my husband and even did a bit of sunbathing. I also made some lemon and orange creams which I've added a picture of below. I've been learning Spanish too and it's getting better but it's very tricky! I've always thought our EAL children were amazing but I'm now realising how very clever you all actually are!

Like Mrs Harriott I've also been discovering some new places that I didn't know existed including some lovely green spaces and pretty canal walks. It's definitely one of the positives of this lock down as well as having more time to bake, exercise, learning new things and being able to relax more with my husband and my bunnies (I've added a recent picture of them too below). Of course the main negative is not being able to go to school every day and seee all of our fantastic children and we really are missing you all.

Oh dear, Mrs Harriott asked me about the different birds I can see or hear near my flat but I'm not very good at identifying birds at all! I do like hearing them through the window when I wake up though and sometimes they like to perch on my balcony, especially since I've planted some lovely flowers on there. I think I've seen and heard robins, blackbirds and pigeons (we have a lot of those in Manchester city centre!)  but I daresay there'll have been a fair few others as well, expecially on my walks.

Exciting news!

We've asked our technical expert Mrs Thewlis about setting up an EAL home learning address which you can use to keep in touch with me and Mrs Harriott and she's going to set it up for us hopefully this week so look out for updates about that as we would absolutely love to hear from you all!

Stay safe,

Mrs Glover


Home Learning Stars!

Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 10:30am

We want to celebrate our fantastic Home Learning Stars this week! 

We know that it can be difficult to focus at home, but these children have risen to the challenge and have been keeping themselves busy with their learning and other creative activities - well done!

Keep sending in your pictures to our email or twitter to make it onto next week's blog post!

‘We create, We explore,

We care, We soar’


Ravensbury Community School

Tartan StreetClayton M11 4EG

Maureen Hughes | Headteacher

Jo Wendt | SENCO

0161 223 0370
