Wednesday Challenge
Date: 29th Apr 2020 @ 10:43am
Good morning Year 2!
How are you all getting on with your connected curriculum/ science challenges? I would love to hear how you are finding our recycling topic.
Yesterday’s sentence of the day:
The children loved playing football so we decided to play it again.
Today’s English challenge
Today’s challenge is going to be a little bit different. I know that this is possibly a difficult time for you at home and I sometimes have my down days too. It is totally normal! In day to day life, I bet you hear lots of compliments from your friends and it might make you feel good about yourself. Today I want you to write down 5 sentences and include 5 things that make you feel proud of yourself. Remember, it doesn’t have to be anything big and there are no incorrect answers. Here are my sentences:
I am proud that I have finished my jigsaw this week and I have started a new one.
I am proud that I have finished my suduko puzzles without support.
I am proud that I have been on a run three days in a row because I sometimes find running tricky.
I am proud that I have managed to do lots of school work.
I am proud that I have been recycling more items.
Maths Challenge
Well done to everybody who has been logging on to TTRockstars. Today, I would like you to try and beat your time from last week. I know you can do it.
Miss Hamer