Year 1HB 2024 - 2025

Welcome to 1HB's class page!

We hope that you find this information useful. We’re sure your child will enjoy their new class, and will have a fun and exciting year!

Please do not hesitate to contact us regarding your child’s progress or any concerns or worries you may have.


Your Teacher

Mrs Brierley



Your Teaching Assistant

Miss Birley



Coming into School

Children enter the school playground via the gate on Stockholm Street at 8.50am. It is really important that children arrive at school on time to allow us to get into school and start our learning as soon as possible. All children have their own locker where they put all their belongings including their coat and their jumpers if they choose to remove them throughout the day. It is your child's responsibility to look after their own belongings.  

Please can you ensure that your child’s name is written clearly in all their posessions.  This includes coats, jumpers, uniform and PE kit.  This makes it easier if it goes missing as then it usually finds its way back to our classroom.  Also can you make sure they don’t bring any toys into school.


Water and fruit will be provided for all children.  We are a healthy school so would appreciate it if you don’t send your child in with any juice drinks or snacks other than fruit.  Milk can be ordered from the School Reception if required.

Reading Books

Your child has now been given a Reading Book and a Reading Record Book.  The Reading Book they have been given has been chosen from a set coloured reading band which they should be confident at.  It is important that they do a little bit of reading EVERY night

When they have read their book there is a space in the Reading Record Book for you to say how they found the book, which bits they did well with and anything they struggled on.  We suggest they read it a couple of times to gain in confidence.

Reading books are brought back to school on a Friday and a new book will be sent home the following Monday.

*Reading books need to be brought back into school everyday.*


Our school uniform includes:

  • a white t-shirt or shirt 
  • grey school trousers
  • grey skirt or pinafore
  • a blue school sweatshirt or cardigan.


Children are asked to come into school in their P.E. kit on their P.E. days. Our class P.E. days are Monday and Thursday. Your child does not need to wear their school uniform on these days. 

Our school PE. kit is:

  • a white t-shirt
  • a black pair of shorts/leggings/tracksuit bottoms 
  • some pumps/trainers


Children are expected to show respect to each other, to all adults and the school environment. (Inside the building and in the playground) We have a clear behaviour system that all the children follow which encourages good behaviour. There are a lot of rewards in place for Ravensbury children. The rules and behaviour systems are clearly displayed in all classrooms and around central parts of the school.

How you can help...

Reading and Writing 

  • Listen to your child read EVERY NIGHT – discuss pictures and story content.
  • Help them to be independent readers.
  • Encourage your child to read anything as well as their ‘reading book’ – library books, comics, street names - anything.
  • Encourage your child to be an independent writer – writing anything – letters, lists, and shopping lists – to put their writing skills in everyday situations.
  • Help your child to form their letters correctly and present work neatly, including sitting letters correctly on the line.
  • Help your child to spell and read simple key words and use them in reading and writing.
  • Make reading fun, a time that you both look forward to spending together.


  • Play games – snakes and ladders, dominoes – all help to develop a variety of mathematical skills.
  • Talk about numbers and look for numbers everywhere – shopping, in the street – it all helps to recognise and understand numbers and number patterns
  • Help your child to form their numbers properly.
  • Practice counting – it’s surprising what you can count.
  • Practice counting forwards and backwards – to 10, 20, 100.
  • Add 2 numbers together or taking 1 number from another – make into a story or a game.
  • Understand symbols for addition, subtraction and equals ( +, -, = )
  • Recognising different coins. - Practise counting handfuls of loose change and shopping activities.

Connected Curriculum

Over the course of the year your child will cover the topics: 'What is in our local area?', 'How is the world changing over time?', 'Why is the weather so wonderful?', ‘Would you rather play with toys from the past or the toys from today?’, 'What is in the United Kingdom', and 'How did we learn to fly?' Through these topics they will study all aspects of the Year 1 Curriculum including Science, Art, DT, Geography, History, ICT, Music and RE.


Thank you for looking at our page, please keep checking our blog to keep up to date with the fantastic learning we are doing.

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‘We create, We explore,

We care, We soar’


Ravensbury Community School

Tartan StreetClayton M11 4EG

Maureen Hughes | Headteacher

Jo Wendt | SENCO

0161 223 0370