School Uniform
All items of school uniform is widely available form local supermarkets and from Panache in Droylsden. Opening times are 10am - 4.45pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Saturday 10am - 4pm. Closed on Wednesday and Sunday.
Panache Schoolwear Ltd. 90 Market Street, Droylsden, Manchester. M43 6DE
PE Kit
Plain white T shirt (indoor and outdoor)
Black shorts (indoor and outdoor)
Black tracksuit bottoms/leggings (outdoor)
Trainers/pumps (outdoor)
Uniform Exchange
Children grow so quickly so we have set up a uniform exchange service, where by you can swap an item of uniform in exchange for a different item. Not only does this benefit the environment by reducing waste but it also a a great way for parents to save money. We would be happy to accept any donations of uniform which children have grown out of but we kindly ask that any uniform brought into exchange is only good quaility, clean and is the current school uniform. Please try to remove all name tags if possible.
Please see Mrs Roberts if you would like more information on this