: Blog items

Ramadan Mubarak

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 8:56am

We just wanted to say to all our families that have started the month Ramadan...

We have attached some activities for you to share with your child if you wanted to.  

Love Nursery and Reception Staff x 


Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 8:44am

Good morning Year 2,

It is another beautiful sunny day! I am up and ready for another work out with Joe Wicks. Don’t forget to join in if you can.

Here are yesterday’s sentences:

What time is it?

Where are my shoes?

Would you like some sweets?

Do you like swimming?

English challenge:

Using the picture attached, can you write down as many adjectives as you can think of to describe the bear? Why not ty and put them in to sentences?

Fluent in 5:

1. 60 – 23 = ___

2. 52 = 20 + ___

3. half of 24 = ___

4. double 8 = ___

5. 45 = ___ x 5

Have a lovely weekend and make the most of the gorgeous weather, I don't think it is here for much longer!

Miss Hamer

Friday 24th April

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 8:43am

Good morning everyone! I just cannot get over this consistently sunny weather we're having! I think we might have a little BBQ this evening, and Livvi really wants to do some baking. We've found a recipe for rhubarb pots that she'd really like to try, and we're very lucky because we have some rhubarb growing in our garden. Maybe I'll post a photo of our baking results later!

We'd love to hear what you're getting up to today, and we LOVE seeing photos of your learning from the daily activities - watch out for the blog post later on today celebrating that brilliant learning!


Mrs Hodges here!

Here's the final Sentence of the Day for this week! 


Remember to check back to see my purple pen sentence later on!

Good afternoon! How did you get on with today's sentence? Click the link below to compare my corrected one to yours! Just about to start making the rhubarb pots with Livvi and Asaph, I'll let you know how I get on later!


Right, rhubarb pots are made! I've attached a photo - what do you think? I'm quite pleased with them, and I can already tell you from the sneaky taste I had, they're very delicious! I loved getting an email from Rhianna showing a cake she baked - have you been learning to cook or bake any new things?


Good Morning from Miss Wendt!

I have to say Mrs Hodges, I do love sweet treats featuring rhubarb - It's one of my favourite fruits! You are very lucky having rhubarb in your garden.

It's been lovely to see and read all of the emails this week, we will be posting some of your wonderful work later on today!

On with the maths...

Today I've got a fluent in five AND a challenge for you! I enjoyed doing the find all possibilities on Wednesday so I have included another of those. 

Remember to email your answers to y5homelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk


Happy Friday everyone from Miss Brookes!

I have to say from reading these posts, baking does sound quite appealing! Though my brother has kindly been doing our essential shopping for us and his 'substitute' items for something like flour, would be something you can't even bake with, knowing my brother! I've got all of the equipment and none of the ingredients - Oh well, I will ask and we will see what turns up cheeky

I get so excited when my phone pings and it's the year 5 email with all of your fabulous work - well done everyone, I can't wait to see what else you get done while at home!

I have also had a go at one of the Connected Curriculum challenges. My mum has a free app on her IPad called 'Happy Colour by Numbers.' It gives you different pictures, and an array of colours. Every time you click on a colour, it highlights the area that needs to be coloured in - and then you tap on it and like magic, the colour appears! Each day there's a daily challenge, and on Wednesday my Mum said "this one looks a little bit complicated, can you do it for me?" Being the wonderful daughter I am, of course I offered to do the painting! Little did I know, it was going to be a Space painting of the Solar System! I've attached a picture of it for you all to see, as well as a video where you can see a speeded up version of how I painted it!

I can't wait to see your Connected Curriuclum challenges!

Now onto GVP. Can you remember the four key areas we looked at this week? Today is a recap on these areas, followed by a quiz for you all (which I have attached).


I will post a video explaining the answers at around 3pm today, so good luck!

Good afternoon everyone!

Here are the answers for today's GVP quiz. How did you do?


Miss Brookes 


Friday 24th April Challenges!!!

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 8:06am

Good Morning Reception, 

How are you all today? It is supposed to be a warm, sunny day, why not take your learning into the garden today...? smiley

Today we want you to think about the minibeast learning that you have already done so far this week. We have listened to the text 'Mad about Minibeasts,' you have been on a minibeast hunt, you have created some minibeasts using natural things from your garden and learnt about the different parts of a minibeasts body. 

Using the animals from the text 'Mad about Minibeasts' we want you to pick your favourite insect and make a model using craft ideas or playdough. Look at the challenge sheet attached to this blog for more information. We have also attached the playdough recipe that was in your home learning packs. You may want to use playdough that you may already have. 

We can't wait to see your favourite minibeasts in a creative way!!!

Send your photos to receptionhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk


Superstar Learners 🌟

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 7:59am

Well done to all the children who have been busy learning at home this week! 

You are all 🌟 Outstanding Home Learners 🌟 

Keep up the good work and keep sending pictures of your learning to: nurseryhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk


Friday - Counting

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 7:44am


Let's get active and to 10!



This week we have completed lots of counting games and activities. 

Today you can practise counting objects by playing the game below.

Click on the picture to play the game!

Remember to use the Success Spider criteria to help you with your counting.

You have learnt to play some new counting games this week. I hope you have enjoyed playing them with your adult.

Which game did you enjoy the most? Maybe you can play this game with your adult today.

Have a great day!

Reception Superstars!

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 7:30am

Good Morning Reception!!!

Well done to all of these superstars for completing their learning this week and doing a fantastic job!!! Look at all of the different activities they have taken part in...

Also a big thank you to parents for supporting this learning at home and emailing in pictures of your children's work :)

Friday 24th April - Phonics

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 7:02am


Good Morning Nursery - it's Fantastic Friday!

I hope you enjoyed hunting for items beginning with the letter 't'.

Can you name the objects that I found around the house?

You may have found objects outside too!


Take a look at the letter we are looking at today.


Today's challenge is to find items beginning with the sound 'p'.

See if you can practise writing the letter yourself.

You could paint a picture of an object you find or have fun creating a picture using potatoes or paint using Pom poms! You could even make the letter p using pennies

Take a look at the picture below for some ideas! 

Be creative and have a fun filled day and don't forget to send your amazing work to nurseryhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk


Parents/ guardians

Date: 23rd Apr 2020 @ 7:40pm

Hello all!

I have received a few emails regarding extra work/ activities for the children which is absolutey brilliant to hear! I thought I should share a few of my favourite websites with you that you might like to use at home to help you through this possibly difficult time. 


There is a website called tes.com that you are able to sign up to for free. The site has amazing maths acivity sheets that you can print off if you think your child might enjoy completing extra tasks. If you do not have a printer do not worry, you can always look at the activity sheets on your device and write down the answers down on paper/ a work book. 


There is a site called literacy shed that I love using with the children. At the moment, it is free to use and you do not need to sign up. You are able to choose any short video and there are lots of different writing/ art activities below each video to keep the children entertained and most importantly keep them writing

BBC Bitesize 

At the moment, BBC bitesize have daily lessons on their websites for KS1 children. There are lots of different subjects on there and they look really interesting!


I know a few of you have been struggling to get up the correct time tables up at home. I have had a look at my TTRockstars and have been able to choose the 10, 5, 2 and 3 times tables. I have attached the 'parent sheet' for you to see how to use it (it is tricky to understand at the start I must admit).

Don't worry, none of the extra websites are complusary but I thought I would share them with you in case you find them as useful as I do :)

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me at y2homelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Miss Hamer


Date: 23rd Apr 2020 @ 2:59pm

Good morning year 3. We have made it to the end of the week.

Here is today's sentence of the day and maths activity. Below are both the answers from yesterday and today.

Sentence of the day

although plant seem to bee almost everywhere_ many kinds are in danger of dying out altogether.



Enjoy your weekend.

Miss Faragher and Miss Humphreys

What's in the box?

Date: 23rd Apr 2020 @ 1:30pm

Hi Nursery, I hope you are enjoying the lovely sunny weather!

Here is a clue to the theme we are going to be looking at over the next few weeks ...

Children, children, what do you know? Can you think of something that can grow?

Have a think of what it could be?

Can you think of any books that we might be looking at?


Take a look at the video below called 'What's in the box?'

I hope you will join in with singing the song!


Can you talk to your grown up about what we might use the objects for?

Do you have any of the objects at home?

Where would you find them?

Do you think you can name each one?

Have a look at the picture and talk to your grown up about each object, can you describe the object to them?

You can also use your looking skills, to spot some objects in this picture attached. 

Can you find a watering can, gardening tools, plants, bean or seeds, flowers, lawn mower and grass in the picture? What else can you see?



Date: 23rd Apr 2020 @ 12:10pm

23.04.20 - MATHS – TASK 1
Hi Year 4!

I hope you’re all getting on ok, well done and thank you to everyone who has started sending in pictures or messages about the work you are doing at home! It’s great to see.

I would like you to have a go at this Maths Challenge. It will help you to practise the work we have done in class on decimals, fractions and making a whole. Click on the link below:  


(Summer Term Week 1 – Lesson 1 - Make a Whole)

Click on ‘Get the Activity’ to see the worksheet (write your answers in your exercise book if you can’t print it!) and watch the video to help you. Be ready to hit ‘pause’ to stop the video and give you time to complete the tasks!

You can split this activity into 2 parts. Why not try Questions 1-5 today and 6-10 tomorrow? When you have finished, click on ‘Get the answers’ to go through your work with your grown up.









Don’t forget you can contact your teachers with any questions at y4homelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk

Keep up the good work!   Miss Bryce :) 

Sentence of The Day

Date: 23rd Apr 2020 @ 11:27am

Year 6 I have been back onto Spag.com this morning and it is great to see you completing the set tasks. I had a look through some of the questions on the 'Hyphens, dashes & bullet points (A)' task and noticed you all found number 1 tricky.

In the list below, a word has been spelt correctly, but written inconsistently with the rest of the list. Click and select the incorrect word.

For the tripremember to bring the following clothes:

• A thickwarm jumper.

• waterproof jacket with a hood.

• Sturdy hiking boots.

• A bottle of water.

Can you spot the error? When you are writing bullet points the rule is they all need to be consistent, that is follow the same rule. For example if you use a capital letter to start the first sentence then all the bullet points below must start with a capital letter and the same if you start with a lowercase letter. This rule also applies to the full stop at the end. If your first bullet point has a full stop then all of them should and if your first one does not have a full stop then the rest should not have one either. 

Get it!

Complete the one above and now try this one.

In the list below, an error has been made, one of the sentences has been written inconsistently with the rest of the list. Identify the mistake.

There are many things you can do to keep yourself active and healthy:

• drink plenty of water

• join in with Joe Wicks in the morning to get your heart rate going

• be creative and make something

• eat healthy foods like fruit and vegetables.


Let us know by sending us an email or posting your answer to our Twitter account.

Year 6 @ Ravensbury @Year6Ravensbur1


The Boy at the Back of the Class Chapter 7 Mr Irons' Nose

Date: 23rd Apr 2020 @ 11:08am

Reading -The Boy at the Back of the Class Chapter 7

Mr Irons’ Nose

Today we are going to look at inference, where I would like you to make a point or form an opinion and then use evidence from the text to support your answer or idea. You will be asked questions about characters and their actions and responses and I have indicated what page you need to look at to find clues and evidence. Click on the link below to follow the chapter. 


  1. Did the new boy know how to play football? Use evidence from the text on pages 62 and 63 to support your answer.
  2. Were the other children in playground surprised to see the new boy playing out? How do you know? See page 63.
  3. When Brendan–the–Bully first walked over and kicked their ball away, was Josie scared? Use evidence from page 64 to support your answer.
  4. How do the children know if Mr Irons is angry or not? See page 64.
  5. Is Mr Irons a popular teacher? Give two pieces of evidence to support your answer from pages 64 and 65.

YES                     NO


  1. On page 66, how do you think the new boy felt? Give evidence to support your answer.
  2. On pages 68 and 69, what do you think Mrs Khan thought about Mr Irons? Support your viewpoint with evidence from the text.

Get in touch and show us your answers. I am missing you all and would love to hear what you think about this new story so far...

Wellbeing challenge number 9

Date: 23rd Apr 2020 @ 11:07am

Hi everyone,

I hope everyone is finding ways to enjoy this amazing weather, I don't think we've ever had such a nice April before!

So today's wellbeing challenge is another way to make the most of the weather and get out in your gardens and do some gardening!

Here are some nice ideas for things to do that you don't really need many resources for: https://www.gardenersworld.com/how-to/grow-plants/10-gardening-projects-for-kids/ 

I bet you'll already have a lot of the things in your house or garden or you could collect some of them like twigs etc while out on a walk (make sure you wash your hands after if you do that!)  My favourite is the fairy garden.

Alternatively you could plant some seeds from something that you've just eatedn such as tomato seeds.

If you don't have a garden then why not design and draw your own garden (or fairy garden!) instead? You could maybe try and re-create it when you're older and have your own garden!

I have a balcony rather than a garden and had never done any gardening until a few weeks ago but below are a couple of pictures of the things I've planted! I'm watering them every day and the sun is making most of them grow nice and tall.

Have fun and remember to let us know what you've done!

Mrs Glover

Morning Activities

Date: 23rd Apr 2020 @ 10:09am

23.04.20   Good Morning Year 4

Morning Activities

Write down your work in your exercise book. Remember to check your answers tomorrow!

Yesterday’s Answers:

A. 4002 - 685 =  3317                  B. 7 x 6  = 42              C. 171÷ 6  = 28 r3

D. 6823 + 10 =  6833                       E. 8 ÷ 10 = 0.8

  1. Although the dog is small, he is very fast.     (total 4)
  2. The cloak was made from a golden, silky material.   (total 4)
  3. Tom's first thunderstorm was a terrifying experience.    (total 4)

Now try:    Fluent in 5:

Sentence of the Day

 Add the missing speech punctuation and capital letters to these sentences. Don't forget to check for statemnts, questions and exclaimations! :

  1. it is such a long way sighed oliver      (total 6)
  2. miss bryce asked has everyone completed their homework (total 7)
  3. lilly whispered urgently we’ve got to go now (total 6) 

Thursday Sentence of the day and phonics

Date: 23rd Apr 2020 @ 10:01am


Good Morning! We hope you are all well and staying safe, we've had lots of emails and pictures sent to us with all your home learning. It's put a big smile on my face this morning to see you all so busy and doing your home learning. Keep sending us pictures of you doing your activities! 


Sentence of the day

Well done to all of those children who improved yesterdays sentence. It would be lovely for you to send some pictures so that we can share them on this blog.

This is my new and improved sentence

For todays sentence of the day you are going to become detectives! I want you to find all of the nouns in the sentence.

A noun is a person, place or thing. Look at the poster below to help you to remember.


Can you read the sentence and underline all of the nouns.



Today our phonics is focussing on those tricky words. In your home learning packs you have flashcards with the tricky words on as well as some worksheets. Use these today to help you with your challenges.

Watch the video below so that you can remember the phase 5 tricky words. If these are a little hard and you think you might need more practice at phase 3 or 4 that’s ok, just type phase ¾ tricky words into youtube J

Our new topic this term is all about plants and how things grow. This week we have challenged you to create art work using things you find in your garden. Can you use these things to write out the tricky words?

Heres an example of some words I have made in my garden


Hope you have a lovely day. Don’t forget to send us pictures of you doing your learning to y1homelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk. If you have any questions please email us and we’ll get back to you J

Good morning Year 6!

Date: 23rd Apr 2020 @ 9:28am

Good morning Year 6,

I am sure like me you are really missing your friends- I know I am missing seeing Miss Thornton and Miss Kenwell everyday!

I think that is why I am enjoying listening to the blogs with Miss Thornton reading our new class novel so much so I can hear her familiar voice! Don't forget to look back through the blog for the first 6 chapters of the story....next week she will be continuing the story for those of you who are desperate to find out more about the new boy!

I don't always get time to sit down and read a book to myself especially when I have to occupy the twins so my new hobby is popping in my earbuds and LISTENING to  Miss Thornton reading me the book so I can make the tea or do the dishes at the same time!! Brilliant! Maybe you could use your earphones and chill in the garden at the same time and enjoy the story. Remember to get in touch and tell us what you have been listening to and which parts of the story you are enjoying,

Happy Thursday

Mrs Ranyard




Date: 23rd Apr 2020 @ 9:09am

Good Morning Year 2! 

I am up and ready early to start my workout with Joe Wicks. Wish me luck. 

English challenge:

Have a look at the sentences below. Are they command, statment or question sentences? Think carefully about your punctuation.

what time is it

where are my shoes

would you like some sweets

do you like swimming 

Maths Challenge:

Well done to Kendra, Noah, Keyina, Cherish, Justin, Harison, Mubaraq, Faith and Daniel from 2CC and Goodgift, Hashim and Raphael from 2HR for using TTRockstars recently! Today I would like you all to try and beat your highest score on TTRockstars. If you do not have access to the internet, why not challenge an adult in your house to fire times table questions at you? I know you can do it Y2!

Good luck.

Miss Hamer


Wednesday challenge

Date: 22nd Apr 2020 @ 10:36am

Good Morning Year 2!

It has been great hearing from you all. Don't forget to send me your work to y2homelearning@manchester.ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk .

Sentence of the day:

my mum askd me to fold my clowthes quicklee

(Think about your suffixes)

I know that you have been learning about time at home over the past few weeks. Let’s see how much you can remember after our Easter break!

Maths word problem:

I start swimming at 5 o’clock and swim for one hour. What time do I finish?

I go shopping at 12 o’clock. I shop for 2 and a half hours, what time do I finish?


Whilst I was on my daily walk yesterday, I noticed that one of my neighbours had made their own plant pots using recycled items. How cool! I might try this myself but I don’t think it would be as neat as this. Why not give it a go yourself

Miss Hamer

Miss Thornton's Science Investigation with Joe Wicks!

Date: 22nd Apr 2020 @ 10:18am

Good morning year 6! This morning I have been doing a science investigation. I have been looking at the effects of exercise on heart rate.

  1. I checked my resting heart rate to begin with which was 75 bpm (Beats Per Minute).
  2. Next I started the Joe Wicks PE lesson. By the way I got all of the questions right today!
  3. After 15 minutes I checked my heart rate to see if it had risen and it was 107 bpm!
  4. At the end of the session (30 mins in total) my heart rate had risen to 139 bpm. I think it was all the jumping involved getting my heart rate racing!
  5. Then I wanted to see how long it took for my heart rate to return to normal-this is called resting rate.
  6. After 5 minutes it had dropped to 109 bpm.
  7. After 10 mins it had dropped to 86 bpm.
  8. After 15 mins it had dropped to 77 bpm, which was approximately what my resting rate was originally.

This is a great investigation you could easily try at home year 6. You can watch this morning’s Joe Wicks PE lesson on YouTube and try it for yourself.

Below is an optional sheet you can complete to note down your findings or you can just tell me your results via our email or on twitter-I’d love to hear how high your heart rate went.



Welcome back (ish) !

Date: 20th Apr 2020 @ 2:15pm

We are now at the start of our Summer term after the two week Easter break. We hope you had a rest over the holidays and feel  ready to start your home learning again now.

If you are coming to the end of your home learning pack , why not have a look at the BBC Bitesize lessons on their web site,  red button button on your television or iPlayer if you have it. There's lots of lessons on there that you can do - just click on the right year group for you and choose a subject.They even have fun games you can do to use your new knowledge!


Remember to keep connected with us by emailing your work , ideas and questions using your yera group's email address. 

Why smiley face emojis should never be used in work emails ...

Spellings of the week

Date: 15th Mar 2018 @ 3:19pm

These spellings will be tested on Wednesday 24th May.


Connected Curriculum Launch

Date: 15th Mar 2018 @ 3:18pm

To launch our Connected Curriculum topic, Why is Spain such as popular tourist destination? The children had the opportunity to create a Spanish dish (Patatas Bravas). The children used their design technology and maths knowledge to help them create this delicious Spanish dish.

Spellings of the week

Date: 15th Mar 2018 @ 3:17pm

These spellings will be tested on Wednesday 10th May.



‘We create, We explore,

We care, We soar’


Ravensbury Community School

Tartan StreetClayton M11 4EG

Maureen Hughes | Headteacher

Jo Wendt | SENCO

0161 223 0370
