Developing the curriculum is a key priority for us this year and we are currently reviewing it.
Intent: What are we trying to achieve?
At Ravensbury Community School every child is recognised as a unique individual and by the time they leave us they are well equipped with the knowledge, skills, and understanding they need to meet the challenges of the 21st century. The curriculum is underpinned by our school ethos; we create, we explore, we care, we soar and are at the heart of everything we do. We aim to deliver a broad and balanced curriculum which ensures our pupils are ready for the next part of their learning journey.
Our bespoke curriculum is based on real, enquiry-based learning, which encourages pupils to soar and aspire to be the best version of themselves that they can be. There is a rigorous approach to securing basic skills in reading, writing and maths, as well as fostering pupils’ love of learning through providing imaginative and creative opportunities to explore the wider curriculum of foundation subjects. We aim for every child to become a confident reader and develop a love of books, so a core text inspired by and linked to the foundation subjects of the National Curriculum is at the heart of each topic.
We aim to build on pupil’s prior learning and provide rich opportunities to deepen pupils’ knowledge, skills and understanding, through immersion in a topic, in order for them to; foster a positive approach to challenge, build resilience, stamina and perseverance, become creative, critical thinkers, be responsible caring citizens and curious lifelong learners.
Our curriculum is about achievement, enjoyment and enrichment and is designed to celebrate the diversity of our school community and promote the fundamental British Values.
Implementation: How do organise and teach our curriculum?
Our curriculum is organised through the Early Years Foundation Stage framework and through the programmes of study of the National Curriculum. Learning is sequenced to enable progression through age-related expectations for each year group (Years 1 – 6). Subject leaders make sure that curriculum objectives for each subject are taught with rigour and depth across EYFS, KS1 and KS2. In each subject, there are key skills and strands of learning which are taught and re-visited to enable pupils to build on knowledge which have come before. Our curriculum is broad and balanced; it starts from a learner's existing understanding and involves the learner being actively engaged in the learning process. The holistic nature of the curriculum meets the needs of all of our children and is designed to promote intellectual, personal, social and physical development. We use Learning Powers to promote positive attitudes to learning which reflect the values and skills needed to promote responsibility for learning and future success. Enrichment through visits, visitors and first hand experiences is a key part of our curriculum.
We organise knowledge, skills and understanding in such a way that maximises opportunities for meaningful cross-curricular learning through first hand experiences, which makes learning memorable. Progression is built in to each subject and builds on the knowledge which has come before. Children learn Geography, History, Design and Technology and Art through our bespoke Connected Curriculum, it allows pupils to apply the skills they have learned in purposeful and meaningful ways Each subject, whilst linked to the others being taught, keeps its own characteristics and the children frequently behave like historians, geographers or artists. We believe our Connected Curriculum fosters children’s curiosity about the world around them and nurtures a love of lifelong learning. It is structured in such a way that immerses children in a topic, allowing them to make connections and meaningful links between subjects and to talk about a topic from different perspectives. They frequently learn ‘in role’ – as a WW2 evacuee or an astronaut in space. We believe that these emotional connections lead to deeper learning.
At the heart of each topic is a ‘Core Text’ which is inspired by and linked to the foundation subjects of the National Curriculum. The children study this text in a blended way, using what they have learned in their reading lessons and applying it to their writing. Each new topic starts with a ‘Topic Question’ and all the knowledge, skills and understanding the children acquire along the way will be used to help them answer that question. The ‘Experience’ at the end of a topic is a culmination of all of the things the children have learned. It is at this point that have an opportunity to present their work to different audiences in different ways; an exhibition, a performance, a team project or raising money. ‘Visits and Visitors’ are a big part of our curriculum strengthening understanding as well as making learning memorable. The ‘Golden Reflection’ helps the children develop an international perspective and an awareness of what is happening across the world as well as developing individual qualities and dispositions which we believe the children need to be successful citizens. ‘Vocabulary’ helps children to think and learn about the world. Learning the subject specific words on the overview and using them when talking, will allow children to communicate their thinking and understanding more effectively. Class teachers use Knowledge Organisers to ‘capture’ the key knowledge, vocabulary and concepts that pupils are expected to learn within the topic.
Impact: What is the impact of our curriculum on pupils?
We have high aspirations for all of our pupils and from different starting points we expect all children to make at least expected progress academically, emotionally, socially and physically. Our curriculum allows pupils to make connections between their knowledge, skills and understanding which are vital across all subjects. It prepares them for the challenges they may face; developing perseverance, stamina and resilience as well as instilling a love of learning. Children demonstrate the impact of our curriculum through their behaviour and attitudes to learning as well as through their learning outcomes; children are confident and successful learners. Knowledge, skills and understanding are secured and embedded so that children attain well and are fully prepared for the next part of their learning journey. Pupil progress is measured through ongoing assessment and through key assessment points during the school year. Pupil progress meetings at the end of each term evaluate the progress each pupil is making towards their end of year target and identifies those pupils who need to accelerate their progress to meet national or school expectations.
Click on each of the curriculum areas below to find out more about each subject.
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Please click on the files below to see the curriculum coverage for each yeargroup.
Right to withdraw: In the UK, parents still have the right to withdraw their children from RE on the grounds that they wish to provide their own religious education. (School Standards and Framework Act 1998 S71 (3)). This is the parents’ responsibility. However, it is good practice to talk to parents to ensure that they understand the aims and value of RE before honouring this right.