: Blog items


Date: 23rd Apr 2020 @ 9:09am

Good Morning Year 2! 

I am up and ready early to start my workout with Joe Wicks. Wish me luck. 

English challenge:

Have a look at the sentences below. Are they command, statment or question sentences? Think carefully about your punctuation.

what time is it

where are my shoes

would you like some sweets

do you like swimming 

Maths Challenge:

Well done to Kendra, Noah, Keyina, Cherish, Justin, Harison, Mubaraq, Faith and Daniel from 2CC and Goodgift, Hashim and Raphael from 2HR for using TTRockstars recently! Today I would like you all to try and beat your highest score on TTRockstars. If you do not have access to the internet, why not challenge an adult in your house to fire times table questions at you? I know you can do it Y2!

Good luck.

Miss Hamer


Wednesday challenge

Date: 22nd Apr 2020 @ 10:36am

Good Morning Year 2!

It has been great hearing from you all. Don't forget to send me your work to y2homelearning@manchester.ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk .

Sentence of the day:

my mum askd me to fold my clowthes quicklee

(Think about your suffixes)

I know that you have been learning about time at home over the past few weeks. Let’s see how much you can remember after our Easter break!

Maths word problem:

I start swimming at 5 o’clock and swim for one hour. What time do I finish?

I go shopping at 12 o’clock. I shop for 2 and a half hours, what time do I finish?


Whilst I was on my daily walk yesterday, I noticed that one of my neighbours had made their own plant pots using recycled items. How cool! I might try this myself but I don’t think it would be as neat as this. Why not give it a go yourself

Miss Hamer

Miss Thornton's Science Investigation with Joe Wicks!

Date: 22nd Apr 2020 @ 10:18am

Good morning year 6! This morning I have been doing a science investigation. I have been looking at the effects of exercise on heart rate.

  1. I checked my resting heart rate to begin with which was 75 bpm (Beats Per Minute).
  2. Next I started the Joe Wicks PE lesson. By the way I got all of the questions right today!
  3. After 15 minutes I checked my heart rate to see if it had risen and it was 107 bpm!
  4. At the end of the session (30 mins in total) my heart rate had risen to 139 bpm. I think it was all the jumping involved getting my heart rate racing!
  5. Then I wanted to see how long it took for my heart rate to return to normal-this is called resting rate.
  6. After 5 minutes it had dropped to 109 bpm.
  7. After 10 mins it had dropped to 86 bpm.
  8. After 15 mins it had dropped to 77 bpm, which was approximately what my resting rate was originally.

This is a great investigation you could easily try at home year 6. You can watch this morning’s Joe Wicks PE lesson on YouTube and try it for yourself.

Below is an optional sheet you can complete to note down your findings or you can just tell me your results via our email or on twitter-I’d love to hear how high your heart rate went.



Welcome back (ish) !

Date: 20th Apr 2020 @ 2:15pm

We are now at the start of our Summer term after the two week Easter break. We hope you had a rest over the holidays and feel  ready to start your home learning again now.

If you are coming to the end of your home learning pack , why not have a look at the BBC Bitesize lessons on their web site,  red button button on your television or iPlayer if you have it. There's lots of lessons on there that you can do - just click on the right year group for you and choose a subject.They even have fun games you can do to use your new knowledge!


Remember to keep connected with us by emailing your work , ideas and questions using your yera group's email address. 

Why smiley face emojis should never be used in work emails ...

Spellings of the week

Date: 15th Mar 2018 @ 3:19pm

These spellings will be tested on Wednesday 24th May.


Connected Curriculum Launch

Date: 15th Mar 2018 @ 3:18pm

To launch our Connected Curriculum topic, Why is Spain such as popular tourist destination? The children had the opportunity to create a Spanish dish (Patatas Bravas). The children used their design technology and maths knowledge to help them create this delicious Spanish dish.

Spellings of the week

Date: 15th Mar 2018 @ 3:17pm

These spellings will be tested on Wednesday 10th May.



Greek food tasting

Date: 15th Mar 2018 @ 3:15pm

World Book Day saw the launch of our modern Greece connected curriculum topic. The children tasted a range of food from Greece including olives, hummus and pitta bread. There were mixed responses from the children with many liking some of the new flavours but others (such as the figs) proving slightly less popular!

Science Week Experiment

Date: 15th Mar 2018 @ 11:57am

This week is Science week at Ravensbury School so to mark it, we carried out a science experiment linked to our human timeline topic to test the hypothesis that a person’s arm span is equal to their height.

The children found that it is sometimes spot on. Some children had exactly the same height and arm span measurements! For those who didn’t, the class agreed that they were broadly the same.

The children demonstrated excellent measuring skills and they planned the experiment independently; deciding to measure 5 children before reaching a conclusion; recording the results and summing them up. Well done 5HC!

Testing for solubility in water

Date: 15th Mar 2018 @ 11:55am

This half term in science, we are investigating how mixtures can be made or separated. In this lesson, children tested which materials were soluble in water and which ones weren’t. There were some brilliant examples of scientific vocabulary use including soluble, solubility, solution and solvent.

Bridges Launch

Date: 15th Mar 2018 @ 11:54am

Welcome back 5HC! We hope you have all had a lovely holiday.

Yesterday was the launch of our next connected curriculum topic – Bridges! At first glance, this may not be the most interesting of topics but we have lots of exciting opportunities and activities planned to enhance the children’s understanding.

We will still be linking this to our previous topic of the Victorians. The Victorian period was full of amazing inventors and many created ground-breaking bridges. As part of this, we will be visiting Quarry Bank Mill to research the Industrial Revolution.

Our launch involved making sturdy bridges from spaghetti and marshmallows. The class had a go at creating bridges using triangles – the strongest of all shapes but they children found them harder to create than expected. They may need a little more exploring of bridge types!

Victorian Inventions Day

Date: 15th Mar 2018 @ 11:53am

What a fabulous day year 5 had yesterday. We had a very knowledgeable visitor in school to tell us all about the Victorian period and how there were great changes in science and industry.

In the morning, we looked at Victorian inventions such as the electric telegraph and how it was used to send Morse code messages. We found out that people first had their photo taken during that era and we had our photos taken on a lens which was 137 years old!

In the afternoon, we learned about how the steam engine was developed and how everyone was involved in finding the most efficient and safe design. We saw a model of the winning engine called ‘the Rocket’ and we powered it around a small model railway.

Spanish linguascope

Date: 15th Mar 2018 @ 11:47am

To practise your Spanish at home, why not login into www.linguascope.com?

Ask Mrs.Caine for login details.


An Art Attack!

Date: 15th Mar 2018 @ 11:42am

Year 4 and 5 at Ravensbury School are very lucky to have been given the opportunity to help decorate a bench which is going to be placed in Manchester city centre to encourage people to enjoy and discuss different stories. Yesterday, year explored the book ‘Lost Happy Endings’ with Mrs. McAffer and sketched out some pictures from it. We obviously have some budding artists in this class! Everyone considered the feelings and events in the book very carefully and we had some fantastic discussions about different theories we came up with.

Next week, we will be moving the sketches on to the bench. Watch this space!

A Spanish Experience

Date: 15th Mar 2018 @ 11:37am

This half term, 5HC are learning about Spain in the connected curriculum. They are realising that it is a fantastic country with lots of exciting and interesting cultural aspects to it.

To give them a ‘flavour’ of Spain and what their learning might include this half term, we started it all off with a super learning afternoon of making patatas bravas. Here are some of the things the children said about it:

“It tasted amazing!”

“I wish I lived in Spain!”

WWII EVACUEES- Mantle of the Expert

Date: 15th Mar 2018 @ 11:16am

On Thursday, we welcomed a special visitor, Tim Taylor, to school who helped us with our “Mantle of the Expert” exploring through our Connected Curriculum how evacuees would have felt being sent away during the Second World War. Our ideas inspired some descriptive writing as journalists reporting the chaotic scenes from the train stations as children were evacuated. We also acted as a billeting officers  to persuade host families to take in evacuees. What a great afternoon in role!

Stockport Air Raid Shelter

Date: 15th Mar 2018 @ 11:08am

On our visit to the Stockport Air Raid shelter and museum we went back in time…we arrived as confused evacuee children waiting to be billeted and sent to new host families…but the ARP showed us all the ropes and with plenty of singing and asking questions we were ready!

Children in Need fundraising

Date: 15th Mar 2018 @ 11:03am

Well done to Year 6 who organised fun games and activities for the rest of the school to have a go on to raise money for Children in Need…the final total is still being counted! Watch this space!

Te gusta

Date: 15th Mar 2018 @ 11:01am

Today we practised asking and answering questions about school subjects in Spanish…what brilliant accents and confidence we are developing! Muy bien.

Working alongside the artist

Date: 15th Mar 2018 @ 11:01am

Autumn is here! We have really enjoyed collecting materials from the school grounds. Using nature to inspire us to make our own Andy Goldsworty inspired collages. Take a look below.

Andy Goldsworthy

Date: 15th Mar 2018 @ 10:59am

We have had a wonderful time using nature to inspire us to make art in the style of Andy Goldsworthy.


Date: 15th Mar 2018 @ 10:58am

Year 6 we work hard but always make time to play hard too! This week’s Golden Time was great fun! We enjoyed making pom-poms and biscuits; what a treat!


Date: 15th Mar 2018 @ 10:54am

As part of our Connected Curriculum theme of Survival, we have been acting out the events of our unfortunate cruise: crashing our luxury liner, falling overboard and arriving on a strange uninhabited island. How will we ever survive?










Blackpool Zoo Part 3

Date: 15th Mar 2018 @ 10:51am

Blackpool Zoo Part 2

Date: 15th Mar 2018 @ 10:47am

‘We create, We explore,

We care, We soar’


Ravensbury Community School

Tartan StreetClayton M11 4EG

Maureen Hughes | Headteacher

Jo Wendt | SENCO

0161 223 0370
