Wednesday 29th April - Dragonfly Puppets
Date: 29th Apr 2020 @ 8:15am
Hi Reception!!
Whilst we are learning about minibeasts, and the weather isn’t great outside, I thought it would be a lovely idea to get crafty and make some dragonfly puppets!
You will need:
Coloured paper (for dragonfly body)
White paper (for wings)
Paper straws
Hole punch
Your first instruction, using a pencil, create a dragonfly body template using coloured paper. Now create a wing template onto white paper (see pictures below.) Draw some lines onto the dragonfly body to help as a guide for folding.
Using scissors, cut out the templates and begin to fold the paper backwards, then up and down again, creating a concertina effect on the dragonfly body.
Use a hole punch on the dragonfly body while it is folded, and feed the paper straw through. The top of the body should hang off quite a bit.
Add glue on the underside and end of the long piece of paper hanging off the straw. Then curl it around into a circle and secure the end on the first fold on the front of the dragonfly body to make the dragonfly head. See the pictures below as a guide.
Turn your dragonfly body face down. Flatten the first fold on the body and add glue to the middle of it. Glue the dragonfly body down in the centre of the wings.
Add a googly eye or draw an eye on each side of the face of your dragonfly craft.
Ta-da, your dragonfly craft is complete! How amazing!
Please email in your pictures, I can't wait to see your fantastic creations!