Year 1AI: Blog items
Date: 4th Jan 2025 @ 6:34am
We hope everyone has had a fab holiday and for those of you who celebrated Christmas we hope you had an amazing time.
We can't wait to see everyone on Monday 6th Januaury 2025!
Attached is the new parent overview for Spring 1 term.
Mrs Iqbal & Miss Timmins
Date: 4th Jan 2025 @ 6:31am
On the last Wednesday before the Christmas holidays we enjoyed our Christmas Lunch. It was delicious!!
Date: 13th Dec 2024 @ 1:41pm
In maths we have been learning about 2D shapes. We have been recognising what they look like and naming them using the correct vocabulary. We completed some activities in the provision such as creating 2D shape pictures, using geo boards and elastic bands to make 2D shapes. We used lolly pop sticks to make some 2D shapes and played a sorting activity on the website Topmarks.
It's looking very Christmassey in 1AI!
Date: 13th Dec 2024 @ 1:37pm
This week we have had a very busy and Christmassey week! The beginning of the week we had a dress rehearsal of our nativity for KS2 classes. Then on Tuesday we had two performances of the nativity for our grown ups at home. It was a lot of hard work practising the songs, words and dances but it was worth it!
On Thursday it was Christmas Jumper Day for the charity 'Save the Children.' We came to school wearing our festive jumpers, dresses, tops and hats. In the afternoon we met the main person at this time of the year - Father Christmas came to Ravensbury!!!
How to make wolf sock puppet instructions!
Date: 29th Nov 2024 @ 1:47pm
This week we have managed to write our instructions on how to make a wolf sock puppet. We have used time connectives and bossy verbs in our instructions so that you can follow them if you wanted to make a puppet yourself.
Date: 23rd Nov 2024 @ 6:32pm
During this half term's topic 'How has the world around me changed?' we have a design and technology project that we need to do. We learnt about what design and technology is and the three parts that are needed in any DT project - design, make and evalute. Our DT project is called create a stable and strong house model. Last week we designed our stable model house and explored how to use two joining techniques called flange and tabs. The flange joining technique created the chimney part of the house and the tab technique created the windows and doors. Then we spent Friday afternoon making our model houses. We used our designs to make sure we aded the correct number of windows, doors and other parts such as the chimney and drainpipes. Some models even had a back door and flag! Next week we will evalute our model houses and make an improvement to them.
Music sessions with Miss Kent!
Date: 23rd Nov 2024 @ 6:23pm
This year we are really enjoying our music sessions with Miss Kent on Thursdays. This half term we are focussing on music from Carnival of the Animals and recognising the names of different musical instruments. We are also learning how to play different musical instruments and creating rhythms.
Date: 17th Nov 2024 @ 3:21pm
On Friday we celebrated Children in Need in our school. We came dressed in Pudsey clothes, superheroes or somthing spotty. In the afternoon we had a carousel of Pudsey activities such as Pointilism Pudsey head painting, making Pudsey masks, Pudsey colouring to turn him into another character and some addition activities. It was loads of fun!!!
Date: 17th Nov 2024 @ 3:16pm
Last week was a very busy week in 1AI!
We finished our writing linked to an information flap book about the parts of the house. Our next writing outcome will be instructions. To get us started we decided to make some wolf puppets linked to our key text 'The Three Little Pigs' as a hook. We will then write some instructions about how to make the wolf puppets thinking about the key features of how to write instructions.
Date: 4th Nov 2024 @ 8:46pm
In science we have been looking at seasonal changes with a focus on Autumn. We have been discussing what happens during this season and used videos and information to learn more about the changes during Autumn. We discussed the different colours that can be found during Autumn and went on a colour scavenger hunt around the playground. We found some amazing natural objects with Autumn colours.
Date: 27th Oct 2024 @ 4:45pm
On the final Wednesday before the half term holidays, Kane came back to school who delivered our Inclusive Sports Day in September. He showed us how to use a wheelchair and we played some games in the hall. The children were fantastic at controlling their wheelchair and enjoyed the session a lot!
You can't take an elephant on a bus fact files!
Date: 27th Oct 2024 @ 4:42pm
On the last week of school we wrote some fact files about why you can't take an elephant on a bus. This fact file was our final piece of independent writing to finish this unit off. The build up included some skills lessons on how to use adjectives and the conjunction 'and.' It was based on the story 'You can't take an elephant on the bus!'
Listen to the story using this link:
Read Aloud Story Time ------YOU CANT TAKE AN ELEPHANT ON A BUS ------ by Patricia Cleveland Peck
Enjoy reading some our fact files describing elephants appearance and behaviour on a bus.
Music sessions with Miss Kent!
Date: 6th Oct 2024 @ 11:21am
On Thursday's we are very musical in 1AI!
We have singing assembly with Miss Kent and then every two weeks she comes into our class to do a music session with us. The week she isn't with us Mrs Iqbal tries to deliver it!!!
For the past few weeks we have been using our voices to think about tempo, listened and appraised the song 'What a wonderful world!' by Louise Armstrong and had a go at playing some musical instruments. We have also started to learn the names of these instruments and recognise what type of instrument they are - wooden, metal, string etc...
It's lots of fun on Thursday morning in our class!!!
Date: 6th Oct 2024 @ 11:16am
Last week we finished off our writing unit all about Naughty Bus. Over the last 3 weeks we have learnt some vocabulary from the story, we read the story and created some actions/story map to help us retell the story. We sequenced the story and practiced writing sentences using capital letters and full stops correctly. Finally we wrote our very own versions of the story Naughty Bus to send off to the real life authors!
In provision we created our favourite part of the story using construction kits and wrote some sentences. In the writing area we wrote alternative versions of the story using book making equipment. In the creative area we designed our very own story maps using pictures and words from the story. In the funky fingers area we used the loose parts to create scenes from the story.
We have really enjoyed our first text and writing sessions in 1AI! Next unit is all about writing factfiles about elephants using the story 'You can't take an elephant on the bus!'
Geography Fieldwork and Provision areas in Year 1!
Date: 29th Sep 2024 @ 2:09pm
Last Monday we carried out some fieldwork for our geography learning. We made some binoculars to go on a local area walk around the school playground using a map to help us. We discussed the starting point and which route we will be taking to observe and look at all the things in our local area. Then back in class we labelled all the things we saw on a school map.
In Year 1 we have provision areas where we practice our skills using equipment, games and activities to help us. Last week we loved using the provision areas do help us with our reading, writing, phonics and maths skills. Some of our favourite areas have been writing/phonic area where we love creating books using paper and treasury tags! We also enjoy our reading area and love to look at the books for pleasure. We also enjoy using the funky fingers area to support our hand strength by doing lots of activities linked to the story or topic we are doing.
It's been another busy week in 1AI!!!
1AI participating in our Inclusive Sport's Day
Date: 22nd Sep 2024 @ 4:12pm
Last Wednesday we had a fantastic morning participating in our first Inclusive Sport's Day at Ravensbury. The different zones had some alternative activities that children participated in. The activities included trampolining, bowling, wheelchair racing, seated volleyball, blind-folded ball throw and standing or seated soft axe throwing.
It was an amazing experience and the children got stuck into all the activities with great enthusiasm!
Date: 13th Sep 2024 @ 1:39pm
This week we have been getting stuck into our timetable. We have trying to understand what we do each day in the morning and afternoon.
We have started our phonics, guided reading and writing sessions with great confidence. In geography we learnt about what our new topic was called 'What can be found in our local area?' We discussed what we already knew about the local area around our school and went on a simple fieldwork where we walked around the playground looking at all the things we could see out and around Ravensbury School.
In maths we have started to think about using the correct language when describing objects such as more, less, bigger, smaller, long, short, tall and shorter. On Friday's we will be doing a basic maths skills session and today we focussed on counting and number formation by playing games such as bingo, snakes and ladders and using resources such as numicon, dice and counters.
In PE we started to work with our new city coach called Amy. This week we played games to get to know each other using the space and listening to instructions. On Thursday we started our indoor PE session with gymnastics. We discussed the expectations in gymnastics and travelled around the space safely. We also learnt three shapes that we can do with our bodies - star, pike and tuck.
These are just some of things we have done!
It's been an amazing start to in Year 1!!!
Welcome to 1AI class of 2024-25
Date: 8th Sep 2024 @ 3:38pm
Welcome to our class blog page for 2024-25!!
The children have settled in really well in their Year 1 class and are raring to get on with their learning. The first week we did lots of learning about some new procedures around school and we learnt about the continuous provision expectations in our class.
We played a class scavenger hunt where we located where things/areas were in our class. We learnt about our learning powers and shared which one we will be using this year. We also learnt about what our rights were and listened to the story 'Every Child a Song.'
On Thursday morning we welcomed our grown ups into school to look at our class, learn about Year 1 expectations and have a play with some of the activities in our class.
A very positive start to Year 1!!
Date: 5th Jul 2024 @ 2:31pm
In Computing this half term we have been learning about what data is and how it can be collected. We linked it to our science learning about the different groups of animals. We created a table with animal names and went into Reception to collect the data by asking children what their favourite animal was from our list. We used a website called 'Sketchpad' to create some pictograms to show the data we collected about Reception children's favourite animals. It was a little trickier creating the pictogram using the program but we persevered and tried out best!
Grouping animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.
Date: 29th Jun 2024 @ 6:22pm
In science this half term we have been learning about animals. We have learnt which animals belong in the five main animal groups - reptiles, mammals, fish, birds and amphibians. We learnt about the vocabulary carnivores, omnivores and herbivores. We did some research to find out the meaning of each word and used an identification key to learn about some animals in each group. We played GAS (Go and Stand) by listening to some animal names and clues to identify whether they were a carnivore, herbivore or omnivore. In pairs we did some grouping using a Venn diagram to find out which animals were from each group. In our science books we recorded some animals that were carnivores, herbivores and omnivores in our own Venn diagram using pictures and labels.
Date: 29th Jun 2024 @ 6:10pm
It's a busy couple of weeks in 1AI! Two weeks ago we finised our collage project with Mrs McAffer. We used animal templates to draw around using our patterned backgrounds from the previous week. We used out cutting skills to cut out each fish part carefully to create some fish collages. They looked fantastic!
Date: 14th Jun 2024 @ 9:59am
On Tuesday we worked with Mrs McAffer to start our next art project with her. This time we linked it with our science learning all about animals. Our project is inspired by the work of an artist called Clare Youngs.
This week we created some mark making skills using different tools such as oil pastels, pens, printing and paint dashes on large sheets of paper. Next week we will choose an animal and draw around and cut the different animal parts using our paper with the different marks we created this week to create a collage of an animal.
Date: 10th Jun 2024 @ 5:11am
What a busy start to the final half term in Year 1!
Our last topic question is called 'What is in the United Kingdom?' To begin this topic we started to think about our new text that we will be using for our reading and writing sessions for the next few weeks. The story is called Katie in London who visits lots of the famous landmarks around the city on top of one of the lions in Trafalgar Square. After reading the story and learning the names of the landmarks Katie visited, we started to explore them by doing activities like:
*creating some of the landmarks using construction and small world toys.
*reading some non-fiction books about London in the reading area.
*finding the landmark names on a wordsearch.
*cutting and sticking the landmarks on a map of London.
*using our drawing skills to draw some of the landmarks thinking about the use of lines and shapes.
Our writing outcome for this story will be writing a recount of the places that Katie went to visit in London.
Here is a link to the story Katie in London to listen to at home: Katie in London 🦁 (
What would you pack for a hot and cold climate?
Date: 24th May 2024 @ 1:39pm
In our Connected Curriculum this half term we have been answering the question 'Why is weather so wonderful?' During this topic we have been learning about weather in different seasons, tried to understand the meaning of different weather symbols, learnt about what and where the Equator, North and South poles are.
We learnt about what and where the Equator line was. We used an atlas and globe to locate it along with the North and South poles. We used small polystrene balls to mark on the Equator, North and South poles and told our friends some facts that we could remember.
We had a fantastic discussion about what climate is and what the weather conditions were in hot and cold places. The children were very confident and knowleageable about what would happen in dangerous weather conditions such as too much rain, sun or snow. Even Mr Jones was impressed who came to see the lesson! At the end of the discussion we chose a climate that we would prefer to visit by playing Go and Stand using two suitcases labelled hot and cold climates. Most of the children chose to visit a hot climate, including Miss Timmins!
We decided to pack our suitcases with things we would need to take with us if we were going to a hot or cold climate. The drawings and labels were very detailed. It was lots of fun and the suitcase pictures looked amazing!
Date: 24th May 2024 @ 1:17pm
In our reading and writing sessions for the past few weeks we have been looking at the features of a non-fiction book and reading lots of information about plants, how they grow and what happens in the lifecycle of a sunflower.
We read information and generated ideas about each stage of the lifecycle of a sunflower. We put all our ideas together to create a factfile of information about how a sunflower grows.
I think you will agree they look amazing!!