Year 1AI: Blog items

Grouping animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.

Date: 29th Jun 2024 @ 6:22pm

In science this half term we have been learning about animals. We have learnt which animals belong in the five main animal groups - reptiles, mammals, fish, birds and amphibians. We learnt about the vocabulary carnivores, omnivores and herbivores. We did some research to find out the meaning of each word and used an identification key to learn about some animals in each group. We played GAS (Go and Stand) by listening to some animal names and clues to identify whether they were a carnivore, herbivore or omnivore. In pairs we did some grouping using a Venn diagram to find out which animals were from each group. In our science books we recorded some animals that were carnivores, herbivores and omnivores in our own Venn diagram using pictures and labels. 

Art with Mrs McAffer Part 2!

Date: 29th Jun 2024 @ 6:10pm

It's a busy couple of weeks in 1AI! Two weeks ago we finised our collage project with Mrs McAffer. We used animal templates to draw around using our patterned backgrounds from the previous week. We used out cutting skills to cut out each fish part carefully to create some fish collages. They looked fantastic! 

Art with Mrs McAffer

Date: 14th Jun 2024 @ 9:59am

On Tuesday we worked with Mrs McAffer to start our next art project with her. This time we linked it with our science learning all about animals. Our project is inspired by the work of an artist called Clare Youngs.

This week we created some mark making skills using different tools such as oil pastels, pens, printing and paint dashes on large sheets of paper. Next week we will choose an animal and draw around and cut the different animal parts using our paper with the different marks we created this week to create a collage of an animal. 


Exploring London!

Date: 10th Jun 2024 @ 5:11am

What a busy start to the final half term in Year 1!

Our last topic question is called 'What is in the United Kingdom?' To begin this topic we started to think about our new text that we will be using for our reading and writing sessions for the next few weeks. The story is called Katie in London who visits lots of the famous landmarks around the city on top of one of the lions in Trafalgar Square. After reading the story and learning the names of the landmarks Katie visited, we started to explore them by doing activities like:

*creating some of the landmarks using construction and small world toys.

*reading some non-fiction books about London in the reading area.

*finding the landmark names on a wordsearch.

*cutting and sticking the landmarks on a map of London.

*using our drawing skills to draw some of the landmarks thinking about the use of lines and shapes. 

Our writing outcome for this story will be writing a recount of the places that Katie went to visit in London. 

Here is a link to the story Katie in London to listen to at home: Katie in London 🦁 (

What would you pack for a hot and cold climate?

Date: 24th May 2024 @ 1:39pm

In our Connected Curriculum this half term we have been answering the question 'Why is weather so wonderful?' During this topic we have been learning about weather in different seasons, tried to understand the meaning of different weather symbols, learnt about what and where the Equator, North and South poles are. 

We learnt about what and where the Equator line was. We used an atlas and globe to locate it along with the North and South poles. We used small polystrene balls to mark on the Equator, North and South poles and told our friends some facts that we could remember. 

We had a fantastic discussion about what climate is and what the weather conditions were in hot and cold places. The children were very confident and knowleageable about what would happen in dangerous weather conditions such as too much rain, sun or snow. Even Mr Jones was impressed who came to see the lesson! At the end of the discussion we chose a climate that we would prefer to visit by playing Go and Stand using two suitcases labelled hot and cold climates. Most of the children chose to visit a hot climate, including Miss Timmins! 

We decided to pack our suitcases with things we would need to take with us if we were going to a hot or cold climate. The drawings and labels were very detailed. It was lots of fun and the suitcase pictures looked amazing!

Lifecycle of a Sunflower!

Date: 24th May 2024 @ 1:17pm

In our reading and writing sessions for the past few weeks we have been looking at the features of a non-fiction book and reading lots of information about plants, how they grow and what happens in the lifecycle of a sunflower. 

We read information and generated ideas about each stage of the lifecycle of a sunflower. We put all our ideas together to create a factfile of information about how a sunflower grows. 

I think you will agree they look amazing!! 

Wear green for Mental Health Awareness!

Date: 17th May 2024 @ 1:53pm

This week in school it was Mental Health Awareness Week. We discussed what mental health was and how we can keep our feelings and emotions in check by doing lots of different things. In class we discussed what we would do to feel good - keep active, do yoga, learn a new skill, spend time with our friends and family, eat something nice and do some colouring or crafts. On Friday we came to school wearing something green to finish off the week and voted for an activity that we wanted to do in the morning. Our class voted for a craft activity where we made some plants using paper, straws and masking tape. 

Parts of a tree!

Date: 17th May 2024 @ 1:47pm

In science this week we have been learning about the different parts of a tree. We used some non-fiction text to support our learning and went outside into the playground to look at some of the trees. We used our observational skills to sketch some trees and label the different parts of the tree using the correct vocabulary - roots, trunk, bark, branches, leaves and crown. 

Next time you are walking outside or going to the park, why not have a look at some of the different trees and see if you can recognise the parts...

Parts of a Plant

Date: 12th May 2024 @ 5:38pm

In science last week we were learning about the different parts of a plant and what their function was. We read some information about each part and then took our learning outside. We found some natural materials on the adventure playground. We used these materials to create some plant artwork with a partner. We told our partners the different parts of a plant. It was lots of fun! 

Learning about the Lifecycle of a Sunflower!

Date: 12th May 2024 @ 5:34pm

In English reading and writing we have started our non-fiction unit. We started by learning about the lifecycle of a sunflower and learning new vocabulary linked to the different stages. We put together some actions to go alongside the words and pictures for each word - seed, seedling, shoot, budding, fully grown plant and withering plant. We performed the lifestyle using the words and actions with a partner. Next week we will start learning facts about each stage in our reading sessions and begin to write our factfile. 

Summer term arrives in 1AI!

Date: 21st Apr 2024 @ 6:46pm

Welcome back to the Summer term in Year 1! I can't believe we have started the final term of Year 1!

The children have come back raring to get on with their learning. The children have started the term with a positive attitude towards their learning and have got stuck in with all areas of their learning. 

In our Connected Curriculum we have started to think about the new topic question 'Why is weather so wonderful?' by thinking about what we already know about weather and sharing our favourite weather conditions. We have also created the front covers for our books.

In Science we have started to think about plants and what we know about this area in science. Children were introduced to the activities in the Science area and have started to explore them. 

In Writing we started our new text 'Oliver's Vegetables.' We used our sense of smell, touch, sight and taste to explore different vegetables from the story. We used adjectives to describe how they looked, felt and tasted. We read the story, sequenced pictures and wrote sentences in the correct order. 

Phew! That was just a little snapshot of some of things we have done. 


Easter Bonnet Parade!

Date: 28th Mar 2024 @ 4:55am

On Wednesday we loved joining in our Easter Parade. Children came into school with theor wonderful bonnet creations and we walked around the daily mile track to Easter songs. It was wonderful to see our grown ups come and watch us! At the end we sang some Easter songs to finish the parade. It was lots of fun!

We hope you have an amazing Easter holiday. Be safe and we will see you all on Monday 15th April


Mrs Iqbal & Miss Timmins 

The Wright Brothers!!

Date: 28th Mar 2024 @ 4:51am

We have enjoyed learning about the Wright Brothers during our topic 'How did we learn to fly?' We used books, factsheets, internet research and videos online to learn about these famous inventors. We shared these facts through some news reports using green screen technology. We enjoyed sharing these facts!

1AI are Historians!

Date: 24th Mar 2024 @ 1:39pm

In our Connected Currculum work this week we looked at the legacy of the Wright Brothers and why their invention was really important for the history of flight. We played a quiz thinking about our previous lesson where we learnt lots of facts about the Wright Brothers and then we worked in pairs to put some pictures and dates in the correct order in a timeline. We designed some modern day aircrafts using some of the invention ideas from the Wright Brothers. 

On Friday afternoon we made some paper gliders in the style of the Wright Brothers and tested them out in the playground to see how far they would fly. It was lots of fun! 

KS1 Wacky Rockets Exhibition

Date: 17th Mar 2024 @ 10:14am

Adam from Sublime Science finished off Science Week with KS1. He put on a exhibition in the playground all about how to create some rockets using fizzy water, a pump and mentos sweets. He used different sized bottles and changed the amount of mentos sweets that went into the fizzy water to see how far each rocket would go. Some rockets went out of our school playground!!

It was so much fun!!! 

We are Scientists!

Date: 17th Mar 2024 @ 10:09am

Last week we celebrated British Science Week which had the theme of 'Time' this year. We started the week thinking about the idea of time and how we use it for lots of different things. We discussed how we can measure time and learnt how to use timers on the IPADs. We conducted some time challenges where we investigated the following activities:

  • How many star jumps we can do in 30 seconds.
  • How many times we can write our name in 30 seconds.
  • How many many times we can say the alphabet in 30 seconds.
  • How many blocks we can use to build a tower in 30 seconds.
  • How many counters can be picked up with tweezers in 30 seconds.

We also had some science workshops by a company called 'Sublime Science' who came into school last Thursday and Friday. They were led by Dr Adam who conducted lots of experiments and we made some slime. We had so much fun! 

World Book Day in 1AI!

Date: 10th Mar 2024 @ 4:52pm

On Friday we celebrated World Book Day in great style! 

We came to school dressed in our comfy clothes or a dressing up costume. We met our Year 5 buddies from Mrs Caine's class and shared our library books with them. Our grown ups came in the afternoon to share some stories. It was great to see them all enjoying reading for pleasure with their child. In class we used the story 'Where the Wild Things are' to create some clay wild thing faces, we wrote some alternative versions of the story and drew some wild things on a forest background. We also created some book characters using a cardboard tube and craft materials. Phew! We did a lot!!

It was an amazing day focussing on reading for pleasure and understanding the enjoyement reading can bring to our learning. 

Manchester Airport Runway Park visit!

Date: 6th Mar 2024 @ 9:28pm

Today we had an amazing day at Manchester Airport Runway Park. We saw planes landing and taking off on the runway. We went inside some aircrafts and learnt all about the different jobs inside an airport. Whilst on board the Monarch aircraft we were able to imagine we were pilots and sat inside the flight deck. 

Our favourite part was going to see the amazing Concorde. We learnt lots of facts about this supersonic aircraft and went up close to the different parts and stood under the Concorde's body.

It was an amazing day and we learnt so many facts about modern air travel. 

Spring 2!!!

Date: 3rd Mar 2024 @ 9:28pm

Welcome back after the half term holidays! I can't believe we are half way through Year 1 already!!!

Week 1 was a busy start where we started to look at our new topic called 'How did we learn to fly?' We started to think about what we already knew about transport or flying and created our front covers using drawing skills. In Reading we read the story 'Naughty Bus' and started to think about using our prediction skills and tracking the text. In writing we started to think of questions we would like to ask Naughty Bus and wrote some sentences to match some pictures from the story. 

We can't wait for next week when we visit Manchester Airport's Runway Park and celebrate World Book Day on Friday. 

Attached is the curriculum overview for this half term. 

Hand Puppets

Date: 3rd Mar 2024 @ 9:20pm

In the last week of Spring 1 we designed and made some hand puppets. We looked at Punch and Judy puppets from the past and thought about how they were made. Then we discussed how to make a hand puppet and chose one design from a bear, dinosaur or princess puppet. 

They all looked amazing!! 

Dress to Impress!

Date: 9th Feb 2024 @ 4:30pm

This week in school we have been celebrating and learning about Children's Mental Health Week. We discussed what mental health means and did some activities over the week. We started the week discussing what mental health means and how we can have a good mental health. We discussed this year's theme 'My Voice matters' and what words or phrases we can use to help us talk and share our views. 

We completed an activity where we were thinking about what makes us happy. At the end of the week we came to school dressed to express ourselves and did lots of mindfulness and yoga. 


We are meteorologists!!

Date: 8th Feb 2024 @ 7:33pm

This term in science we have been looking at seasonal changes including weather. This week we learnt about different tools that can be used to measure weather. We discovered the job of a meteorologist and decided to make some wind socks and measure the direction the wind was blowing on Wednesday afternoon. 

We worked really hard to create the wind socks and tested them out in the reception playground. We could see the direction the wind was blowing because the strips of coloured paper was flying in that direction.💨

Threadbear has found his owner!!!

Date: 31st Jan 2024 @ 10:23pm

A few weeks ago we found Threadbear in our classroom. We decided to write some 'Found' posters that would describe him really well and put them up in some trams. We hoped the owner of Threadbear would read these posters and would be reunited with them. Today we received a video message from the little girl who read our posters on the tram and rang the number to get Threadbear back to her. 

Phew! It's a good job Threadbear has been found again!!! 

We are Artists part 2!!!

Date: 30th Jan 2024 @ 8:24pm

This week we had our second art lesson with Mrs McAffer on Tuesday. We built on the skills of drawing and mark making by creating some backgrounds for our toy pictures that we created last week. We worked in four small groups to create four backgrpound settings - space, forest, city and under the sea. 

We started by sharing ideas about what we can find in each setting on post it notes. Then we used our drawing skills to draw the different objects that would be found in each setting. We included some of the mark making skills such as hatching, cross-hatching and dots to fill in the shapes in the drawings. Finally we used oil pastels to colour in each setting. Each setting looked so affective and they will be used for a display in the KS1 shared area and in the classroom. 

We are Artists!!!

Date: 24th Jan 2024 @ 8:46pm

This week we worked with Mrs McAffer to learn more art skills. We focussed on drawing skills using different mark making patterns to show texture. We learnt about hatching and cross-hatching marks and used these in our drawings of teddy bears and toys with fur on them. We used the medium of pencils and black felt tip pens to create our drawings. They looked amazing!!! 

‘We create, We explore,

We care, We soar’


Ravensbury Community School

Tartan StreetClayton M11 4EG

Maureen Hughes | Headteacher

Jo Wendt | SENCO

0161 223 0370