Year 1AI: Blog items

1AI - Busy, Busy, Busy!!!

Date: 3rd Dec 2023 @ 8:37am

What a busy few weeks we have had in 1AI!!!

It's looking a lot like Christmas in school and we are busy rehearsing for the Nativity performances next Tuesday. We are very excited to share our singing, acting and dancing skills to EYFS and KS1 grown ups on Tuesday 5th December in the morning and afternoon. 

In class we have also been busy writing setting decriptions using some of the settings in the story Stickman. In maths we have continued to find the parts for numbers 7, 8, 9 and 10 in a systematic way. In science we have been learning about the properties of materials and using some vocabulary to describe these properties. 

In our Connected Curriculum work we have continued our geography skills by learning about compass points and how we can use them to give directions to get to certain landmarks on a map. 

Phew! Lots more to do in the last two weeks before the Christmas holidays!!! 

Week 3 in 1AI - Diwali, Maths week and Anti-bullying week!

Date: 19th Nov 2023 @ 6:26am

We have had a very busy week in school! We started the week with wearing odd socks and discussing bullying for Anti-bullying week. We used our Jigsaw session to talk about this important topic and designed some odd socks. 

On Thursday afternoon in Year 1 we had our Diwali celebrations. We found out about what Diwali was and the story behind this important Hindu festival. We made some Diya lamps out of clay and learnt some Bollywood dancing. Here is the video link for the dance that we were learning if you wanted to try at home:

This week was also Maths Week. We were learning how to play some games, sharing and practising the skill of turn taking. We also designed some new board games all about odd and even numbers which will be laminated and put into our maths area for everyone to play. 

In writing we also wrote our wolf sock puppet instructions.

Phew it has been busy this week! 

Wolf Sock Puppets!

Date: 12th Nov 2023 @ 9:09am

This week we have made some wolf sock puppets to support our writing for the next two weeks. We watched a video to help us to think about the instructions/steps that we needed to do to make the puppets. Whilst making the puppets we thought about the steps we needed to do to make them. We used time connectives such as first, next, then, after that and finally.

Next week we will be writing the instructions on how to make these sock puppets and putting them on the class blog. Come back next week to see the instructions! Let's see if you can follow the instructions to make your own sock puppet!

1AI Launch Topic 2!

Date: 5th Nov 2023 @ 9:51pm

Welcome back to Autumn 2!

We have had an amazing start to the second half term. The children are raring to get stuck into their learning for our next topic.

Last Wednesday we invited our parents and carers to come into school and help us launch our new topic. The topic question that we are trying to answer is 'Could the three little pigs use a better material to build their houses?' In this topic we will focus on science knowledge about materials, design & technology and geography skills. 

The building challenge was to work as a team using our learning powers to make a strong house for the three little pigs. We used large cardboard boxes, masking tape, selotape, paper and other boxes/tubes for our creations. 

The teams worked really well and the houses looked fantastic! Some of them even had a swimming pool, a lab to make potions, a garage and a garden with animals. 

Thank you to the fabulous parents/carers who came and helped us! 

Autumn 1 done!

Date: 28th Oct 2023 @ 8:39am

What a busy first half term we have had in 1AI!!!

We are very settled into the routines and timetable of Year 1 and have really enjoyed answering our topic question - What makes us Incredible? We launched this topic with a superhero day and finsihed it by creating a padlet page describing how we have changed over time. We recorded our thoughts and sent the padlet page to Miss Higgins who is the histiry lead in school. She was very impressed with our historical knowledge of changes in our lifetime! 

Next half term will be another busy one with the lead up to all things Chrismassey!! Ho, Ho, Ho!!!! 

Attached is the parent overview for Autumn 2 so you can have a look at what we will be doing in our next topic question. Don't forget the first Wednesday after the half term holidays we have invited parents/grown ups from home to join in with our next topic launch. 1AI grown ups are invited on Wednesday 1st November at 2pm. Looking forward to seeing you there! 

We are scientists in 1AI!

Date: 15th Oct 2023 @ 6:01pm

In science this half term we have been learning about body parts and what our senses are. We learnt about the job of each sense and which body part it was associated with. We used this song to help us:

We carried out a Smell Pot investigation where we predicted what was in each pot using our sense of smell. We smelt each pot and then discussed what it might be and whether we liked each smell or not. We recorded our findings in a table and discovered what each smell actually was. We predicted correctly for some of the smells!

Freestyle Footballer Rebaz!

Date: 15th Oct 2023 @ 5:54pm

Last week we had a visitor called Rebaz who came into school. He was a freestyle footballer who was amazing at doing tricks with a football. He showed off his skills in an assembly on Thursday and then we got a chance to work with him later in the day. He showed us four different tricks that we could do with a football.

It was lots of fun!!! 

Beware Evil Veggies are on the loose!!!

Date: 8th Oct 2023 @ 5:00pm

What a week this has been! We discovered some vegetables that were trapped in a brown sack which mysteriously came to our classroom on Monday. In the sack we found some vegtables that were trapped along with a letter. We had to describe which evil character would do such a thing! We designed our own evil vegetables, described them thinking of adjectives to describe their appearance and personality.

A second letter came the next day thanking us for describing the evil vegetables really well. We were left with the story 'Supertato' to read and learn all about the nasty character called the 'Evil Pea!' Miss Riley and Reception children came to warn us that something evil has been in their class doing lots of nasty things. This thing has ripped a sound mat! Broken some toys and scrunched up some children's work! We decided to warn everyone and write some Wanted posters describing the Evil Pea's appearance and personality. 

On Friday during Golden Time we decided that we needed to make some Evil Pea traps just in case this awful vegetable came back!

Wow! What a week of learning in our writing sessions!!! 

1AI are Artist's!!!

Date: 28th Sep 2023 @ 8:12pm

On Tuesday we worked with Mrs McAffer for the very first time this year. This half term we are looking at how primary and secondary colours can be mixed. We used the paint that we mixed into our very own local area landscapes. We used different brush skills/techniques to create different mark making patterns such as strokes, dabbing, splattering and twisting. 

It was lots of fun!!! 

A Busy week 3 in 1AI

Date: 24th Sep 2023 @ 7:47pm

This week it has been busy in 1AI!! We continued with our story 'My Mum is a Supermum' and had a go at retelling the story by drawing story maps, sequencing the story in the correct order and writing sentences that match each picture.

Here is a link for the story if you wish to watch it at home:

In maths we continued to use the language of more than, fewer than and equal to and compared two groups of objects/numbers. We also did lots of singing along to these videos which will help us to recognise numbers up to 20 and count accurately. Why not have a go at home:

Count to 20 forwards and backwards -

Count to 20 - 

In science we learnt about our body parts in using the story 'Funnybones.' We discussed all about skeletons and what each body part is called and where it is. We played Simon Says and danced along to the skeleton song. Have a go at home!

Next week we will be working with Mrs McAffer in our Art lesson for the first time!!!

1AI Topic 1 Launch

Date: 17th Sep 2023 @ 6:02pm

What a fantastic week we have had in 1AI!

It's been a week of first time things on our timetable for the children such as working the City coach for PE, starting gymnastics in the hall, going into Monday and Friday assemblies and getting stuck into our timetable. 

We also launched our first topic 'What makes us Incredible?' In this topic we will be looking at history and science learning in more detail by thinking about how we change over time as we grow, name and recognise body parts, learn about our senses and how the local area (Tartan Street in front of school) has changed over the last few years. We dressed as Superheroes and completed these four challenges over the day:

  • Creating a Superhero
  • Designing a Superhero mask
  • Creating a Numicon Superhero city
  • Writing a Superhero story

We also danced along to some Superhero dances, listened to some stories and discussed what Incredible meant to us. 

It was lots of fun!!! 

Welcome to 1AI

Date: 10th Sep 2023 @ 8:51am

Welcome back to school and Year 1!! It has been an amazing start to the school year in 1AI. Children have started Year 1 with a fantastic attitude and are raring to get on with their learning. We have really focussed on setting the expectations of learning in Year 1 and working in the provision areas in the classroom. We have also thought of some class rules linked to the school rules. We used the story 'Pow!' to think about our learning powers and how we will be using them this year to help us. We also joined in with our first singing assembly with Mrs Kent. Next week we will begin our timetable in Year 1 and introduce lots of other things.

Have a great weekend!

June 3rd - #30DaysWild – Whole School Challenge 3 πŸŒ§β˜”οΈ

Date: 3rd Jun 2020 @ 8:01am

As you know this month our school is going WILD! Here’s today’s challenge. I found this challenge on the free 30 Days Wild app. You can download it on the App Store or Google Play Store.

Just because it’s raining out there it doesn’t mean you can’t go wild! Get your Peppa on and pull on some wellies to dance in the rain.

Send your photos or short videos in and I'll put them up on our school blog 

PLEASE BE CAREFUL and make sure you complete the challenges with an adult. 


From Mrs Ganner 


Connected Curriculum challenge - How does your garden grow?

Date: 2nd Jun 2020 @ 10:41am

How does your garden grow?

Last term our Connected Curriculum challenges were all about plants and how they grow.


You learned all about how to take care of plants and the things that they need to grow and survive. Some of you also made mini beast hotels and used natural things from your garden to help the mini beasts have a home during this warm weather. You have been able to observe the seasons changing from winter to spring to summer and watch all of the trees and flowers and plants growing and changing with the spring weather.


Now it’s your chance to show off what you know and the things that you have learned. It’s up to you how you show us, here are some ideas…

. You could make a poster or an information booklet

. You could make a model garden

. You could plant something outside and do a report on its growth

. You could make a model of a tree showing the seasons changing

. You could draw different trees and flowers and label them


It’s up to you what you do, be creative and have fun! Don’t forget to send pictures in of your creations to


Tuesday's maths

Date: 2nd Jun 2020 @ 9:32am

Today's maths Challenge-Comparing volume and Capacity

We thought it would be a really good idea to take advantage of the last of the sunshine for this week and take the maths learning outside. Today we are going to use water and containers to learn about capacity. 

When we are learning about capacity-how much liquid is in a container, we use words like full, half full, nearly full, nearly empty and  empty to describe how much liquid we can see in a container

Follow this link to find out about the learning for today!

Challenge 1

Find some containers in the house e.g. pans, cups, dishes and tubs. Fill them up in the paddling pool or in a bowl of water.

Draw the container you have used and how much water it contains. Write the words empty, full, half empty, half full, nearly full and nearly empty to describe how full or empty the container is.

Challenge 2

Ask an adult to write the words empty, full, half empty, half full, nearly full and nearly empty on a piece of paper. Ask them to hold up the words, randomnly . Read the word and fill up the container to match the word.


Challenge 3

Which container holds the least and most water in your house? Draw a picture of each container and how much liquid it held.


Miss Wolfenden and Miss Riley

Tuesday Sentence of the day and phonics

Date: 2nd Jun 2020 @ 9:29am

Good Morning everybody, it was lovely seeing all of your learning yesterday!

Sentence of the day

Today’s sentence of the day focusses on our phase 5 phonics. Use the sound mat below to make the correction where I have used the incorrect grapheme.



One bright mondai afternoon three little snayks slithered and slid through the thick green leeves whilst the boiling sun was shayning down.

Have you managed to correct all of my mistakes? Open the answers box to find out!



Before you find out todays phonics, let’s recap yesterday’s tricky words. See how many words you can remember from yesterday by playing a quick game of look, say, cover, write.


Look and say

Cover and write







































For our phonics for the next few days we are going to recap our phase 5 sounds. Look at your phase 5 sound mat and go through the different sounds. If you need a little help remembering the sounds then watch the video below and listen carefully to the sounds.


Challenge one – Word sort. Today we are just going to practice words with ay sounds in them – so with an ay, a-e, ai.

Here are some words below. Some are in the ay family and some are not. Can you sort the words so that you have a collection of words that have the ay,a-e or ai grapheme and collection of words that do not.














Challenge two – Scavenger hunt. Here is a list of things that I would like you to find. Have a look around your house or maybe keep an eye out if you go on a walk. Which things can you find?

Something that looks like a snake


A cloud that looks like it might rain


People playing a game


A pair of trainers


Something you could use as a sail


A female


Something that has been baked


Something with a tail


A snail trail


Something as small as a grain of rice



Challenge three – Did you see anything with the ai sound in that wasn’t on my list when you were on your scavenger hunt? Use your phonics to write them down


Good Luck! Don’t forget to send any home learning that you are proud of to


Miss Riley and Miss Wolfenden.

Wellbeing challenge check in

Date: 2nd Jun 2020 @ 9:14am

Good morning!

How did day 1 of our exercise challenge go ? Here's one of our exercise superstars playing basketball.

Well done to you if you also did some exercise !

If yesterday didn't quite happen for you, that's ok . Today is your day ! Let me know how you get on: 

Mrs Harriott


June 2nd - #30DaysWild - Whole School Challenge 2 πŸ›πŸŒ²β˜€οΈπŸ•·πŸΎ

Date: 2nd Jun 2020 @ 8:09am

Hello again,

Just a reminder - This month our school is going WILD! Here’s today’s challenge


I found this challenge on the free 30 Days Wild app.

Today why not look for signs of new life when you go out for a walk. I saw some ducklings at our local pond over the weekend (see short video) and look closely at the photo. What baby can you see? What is this baby animal called?


Send your photos in to and I'll put them up on our school blog. 

PLEASE BE CAREFUL and make sure you complete the challenges with an adult. 


From Mrs Ganner 

We have some fabulous photos below, just in from Alissia and Keira. Great bug spotting!

Reading activity

Date: 1st Jun 2020 @ 11:12am

This weeks reading activity is to read and listen to one of the songs below. We want you to think about what the words in the song really mean. Look at the lyrics and read or sing them again. 

How is the character feeling in the song?

Are they angry, frustrated, excited?

We want you to to think about why the character is feeling this way.

 You might also find it useful to listen to the music, does that give you any clues about what the character is thinking and feeling. 

Choose one of the songs below and have a listen, you might want to listen to one every day but don't forget to try and read the words to the song as well - these are called lyrics. Don't worry about thinking about all of the words in the song. You can stop the song and talk about it in small parts rather than the whole song.

Wellbeing challenge 1.6.20

Date: 1st Jun 2020 @ 10:51am

Hello and welcome back to the start of our final half term of this school year !

As you know, Mrs Glover has been setting us wellbeing challenges to keep us feeling positive and productive over the last few months. It has been fantastic to look back at all the photos you have sent her showing your creative work!

For the next few weeks, Mrs Glover is lucky enough to be going into school each day to teach as we  start opening up the school to certain year groups, so I'll be setting your wellbeing challenge.

So, here's your challenge for this week:

Can you set yourself an exercise goal for the week and try and do a different  exercise each day? It could be going for a walk with your family, making up a dance , going on a bike ride, jumping on your trampoline, doing an online workout like Joe Wicks or doing 30 star jumps in your kitchen!

Use the chart below to record your exercise each day ( or just write it on a piece of paper if you do not have a printer) and send it in . If you would like to share  a photo during the week ,send it in too and I can post it on the blog for others to be inspired to try your idea !

I can't wait to see who can be an exercise superstar!

Mrs Harriott

Weekly Exercise Goals Chart (25 Sheets Per Pad) with Stickers ...

Monday sentence of the day and phonics

Date: 1st Jun 2020 @ 10:31am

Good Morning everybody and welcome back! We hope you all had a lovely week off home learning and took some time to enjoy being outdoors in the sunshine. It has been a lovely week for us, full of walks and reading books in the sunshine but now we are definitely ready to carry on our home learning and see what the next few weeks bring!


Sentence of the day

Today’s sentence of the day focusses on our tricky words. I have put a poster below so that you can check the green for growths and make sure all of the tricky words are spelt correctly.

“Oa what a beautiful day, the sun is shining and the birds are chirping” sed Misurs Potts.

In the park the noisy peepul were chatting and they lucked like they were enjoying thair scrumptious picnics from home.


Click on the folder to find the answers from today’s sentence of the day!

Sentence of the day answers


Todays phonics focusses on the phase 5 tricky words, just like our sentence of the day! Let’s get your brains warmed up and ready for some challenges. Have a look at the words below and play a game of fastest finger with your grown-ups. Ask them to say a word and you need to point to it as quick as you can. Don’t worry if it’s a bit tricky at first, with practice you’ll make progress and get faster and more confident!

Challenge one – Rainbow writing! If you have a dice in your house, nows the time to get it. I not don’t worry, you can write the numbers 1-6 onto pieces of paper and close your eyes and pick a number instead of rolling a dice.


Challenge two – This is the quick write challenge! Now that you have practiced reading and writing the words your challenge is to see if you can spell them correctly without any clues. Watch the video below and when the video says a word it’s your job to write it down as quickly as you can. You can check if you have spelt them properly at the end by going back through the video.


Challenge three – For challenge three I want you to make me some sentences using the phase 5 tricky words, just like the sentences I made for our sentence of the day. You can make them silly, funny, serious or if you’re really up for a challenge you could see if you can make a story using the different words.


Good Luck! We are excited to see your home learning again!


Miss Riley and Miss Wolfenden.

Welcome back Year 1

Date: 1st Jun 2020 @ 10:16am

Good Morning and welcome back year one! We hope you all had a lovely week off and had a chance to enjoy the sunshine! It has been a lovely week for us, full of walks and reading books in the sunshine but now we are definitely ready to carry on our home learning and see what the next few weeks bring!


The home learning will be exactly the same as before the holidays. We will post a maths challenge, a sentence of the day and a phonics challenge every day as well as a reading and writing challenge once a week. You will also get a Connected Curriculum activity to do this term, this will be a bit similar to the end of term homework activities that we send home at the end of every term.


There are also lots of ways you can carry on practicing your reading at home. Here are the links to the websites below. If you struggle to get on any of them please just email us and we can try and help you.


Dont forget to send us in photos of you doing any of the activities that you are proud of and we will make sure that we put them onto the blog for all of your friends to see!


Miss Riley and Miss Wolfenden :)

Monday's maths

Date: 1st Jun 2020 @ 9:58am

Welcome back!!!

We hope you have had a lovely break and ready for learning. We have spent alot of time getting the year 1 classrooms ready for your return, making sure that each child has got 1 table each and has got resource pack ready to allow each child to work independently, without adult support. 

To make sure that you will be prepared for this way of working we are going to spend the maths session today focussing on writing the days of the week and practicing how to write the long date. We have done this before so do not worry. We just need to get ready for year 2!

Challenge 1

Have a go at reading the days of the week and practice how to write them using the grid below. Just copy the grid into the exercise books.

   Look Cover Spell Check

Challenge 2

Can you practice writing the numerals 1- 31?

Use the number square to 50 to help you write the numerals correctly . Practice writing them in the yellow exercise book.

Challenge 3

Practice writing the months of the year in the yellow exercise books

  Look Cover Spell Check

Challenge 4

Have a go at writing the long date for today.

Happy working!

#30 Days Wild Launch Day β˜€οΈπŸŒ²πŸΎπŸ•·πŸ›

Date: 1st Jun 2020 @ 8:18am

June 1st - #30DaysWild - Challenge 1

Hello everybody,

I hope you had an amazing half term and you’re as excited to be back completing home learning challenges as I am. This month our school is going to go WILD! Yes, that’s right, our mission is to do as many wild things as we can and have fun whilst learning outside. 


Each day I will put up a wild challenge and you can take a photo of you and your family completing it so I can put it on this blog. 

Here is your challenge for today, see how many wild minibeasts you can find outside:

Send your photos in to and I'll put them up on our school blog. 

If you'd like to choose your own challenges download this app:

PLEASE BE CAREFUL and make sure you complete the challenges with an adult. 


From Mrs Ganner 


Half term wellbeing challenge

Date: 25th May 2020 @ 11:00am

Hello and happy half term!

I'm not going to be posting a daily challenge for you over half term but here is something you can do  if you like. It's a funny time right now and it's one we may want to look back on in the future to remind oursleves what we did, how we felt and how lucky we are when it's all over. So I've attached a time capsule template for you use so that you can record some of these things, either by writing or drawing it's up to you.

You can either print it out, do it on a computer or just draw our each page for yourself. Do as much or as little as you chooe and feel free to share anything you do on

Stay safe,

Mrs Glover

‘We create, We explore,

We care, We soar’


Ravensbury Community School

Tartan StreetClayton M11 4EG

Maureen Hughes | Headteacher

Jo Wendt | SENCO

0161 223 0370