Year 1HB: Blog items

Wellbeing challenge number 14

Date: 30th Apr 2020 @ 10:02am

Good morning everyone, 

I hope everyone enjoyed some relaxing colouring yesterday, here is a picture of mine. It isn't quite finished yet but I had a nice relaxing hour doing it last night:

Today's challenge is to do a mindfulness breathing activity. Mindfulness can help you relax and be in the moment, appreciating everything that's around you.

Just one breath

Find a relaxing place where you won't be disturbed. Sit in a comfortable position, either with your legs crossed or any comfortable posture. This activity can be done in as little as one minute, but you can also do it for longer periods of time.

Begin by setting a timer for one minute.       

Start breathing deeply in and out. Notice how the breath feels as it moves in and out of your body. Notice how the air feels on your skin. Pay attention to any sensations that you notice or any sounds that you hear.

Take another slow deep breath and see if you can imagine how the breath moves down into the lungs and then back up again. Thank your body and breath for giving you life and keeping you healthy.

Take one more deep breath and hold the breath for a moment - then release it.

If any thoughts worry you, try and imagine your thoughts immersed in a white, puffy cloud and push the thought cloud out of your awareness.

Afterward, notice how you feel after taking this one-minute break.

If you want to tell me about your experience or send any photos of yourself doing the activity then e-mail me on

There are more simple instructions below.

Mrs Glover

Thursday Sentence of the day and phonics

Date: 30th Apr 2020 @ 9:56am

Good Morning Year 1! Where has all of the nice weather gone! I do hope It comes back soon after all of the plants and birds have had a drink.

Sentence of the day

Here are the answers from yesterday’s sentence of the day

  1. First fill your flower pot with twigs and dried leaves
  2. Next find a shady area of the garden
  3. Then that put some stones in your flower pot to stop it flying away
  4. After that add some sugar to the pot
  5. Finally peek inside to see which bugs have visited your hotel

Well done to Kaya who found all of the answers!

Today I want you to look at these sentences and decide if they need a question mark ? or an exclamation mark ! at the end.

Will lots of bugs come to the bug hotel

Do you like bug hotels

Why do the bugs like the bug hotel

What is the bug hotel called


Yesterday you had a look at lots of ai words. How many different ways is there to see the ai sound? Write them down and see if you have managed to remember them all. Watch the video to check your answers.


Today you are going to have a look at the ee sound family. Have a look around your house how many different things can you find with the ee phoneme in them? Can you draw and label them?


I have found lots of fun games for you to play on Remember to practice the ee sounds today.

Have fun and don’t forget to send us your learning in, I love seeing all of the amazing things that you’re doing.

Miss Riley and Miss Wolfenden

Wednesday's maths

Date: 29th Apr 2020 @ 1:43pm


Today we are going to focus on halving . Can you remember what halving is? When you halve an amount or cut something into half, what do you do? What happens?

Don't worry if you have forgotton. Have a look at the following links to help you remember.

Challenge 1

1. Half of 4           2. Half of 6      3. Half of 10     4. Half of 12    5. Half of 18   6. Half of 2

Challenge 2- True of False

1. Half of 4 is 2        2. Half of 6 is 4       3. Half of 10 is 7      4. Half of 12 is 6    5. Half of 8 is 4

6. Half of 20 is 10    7 Half of 16 is 9      8. Half of 18 is          9. Half of 40 is 20    10. Half of 2 is 1

Challenge 3

1. Miss wolfenden bought 12 cakes. She shared the cakes with her sister so that they both had half the amount. How many cakes did they each have?

2. Madeleine was waiting for 10 hair bobbles to arrive through the post. She opened up the box and only found half of the amount had been delivered. How many did she get?

3. 14 children wanted to go to the zoo only half of the children were allowed to go. How many went?

4. Hassan had 10 sausages on the plate. His dog ate half. How many did he have left?

5. There were 8 fish fingers . Jack and Kirsty made a fish finger sandwich, sharing the fish fingers equally. How many fish fingers did Jack have on his sandwich?


Miss Wolfenden and Miss Riley

Wellbeing challenge number 13

Date: 29th Apr 2020 @ 10:36am

Hello everyone,

It's a rather miserable looking Wednesday out there so my wellbeing challenge today is an indoor one.

It's actually quite a simple challenge today; I'd simply like you to do some colouring. Colouring is a lovely relaxing activity that you can do on your own for some me-time or together with a family member to make it a more sociable activity.

I think most of you were given some colouring pages when we finished school but if you've already used these and don't have any more at home then good news, there is a website where you can do online colouring without having to have any colours or anything printed out:

Or you could always draw something to colour! Anything you like.

I have a new Enchanted Forest colouring book that my husband bought me (pictured below) that I'm going to do a bit of colouring in later, maybe while I listen to a podcast or to some music to have a bit of a break from staring at a screen. I'll post a picture of my efforts tomorrow.

Remember to send in pictures of your challenges to

Mrs Glover

Past challenges

A big thanks to Roderigo from Year 1 who sent me a picture of his crystal ball challenge from yesterday, some fantastic goals there!

Lexia and activelearn

Date: 29th Apr 2020 @ 10:06am

This is just a quick blog post to remind you about Lexia and activelearn.

-To get on lexia you need to go to this website or download the lexia app. When you get to the page which says teacher email please type in .The website will then take you to your own log in page where you can enter your log in detalis provided in the pack.

Lexia will help your children to practice their reading and phonics.

- To get on activelearn you will need to go to this website When you get to this page you can log in with your log in details provided in your pack. The school passcode is ppsk.

On this website there are lots and lots of books for your children to read as well as reading and comprehension games for them to play.

Wednesday sentence of the day and phonics :)

Date: 29th Apr 2020 @ 9:52am

Good Morning Year 1! We hope you’ve had a great week so far. I have loved looking at all of your home learning pictures! I think this weeks celebration is going to be a long one!

Sentence of the day

Well done to all of those children who spotted the mistake! The time connectives were in the wrong order! It should have looked like this…


  1. First fill your flower pot with twigs and dried leaves
  2. Next find a shady area of the garden
  3. Then that put some stones in your flower pot to stop it flying away
  4. After that add some sugar to the pot
  5. Finally peek inside to see which bugs have visited your hotel









Here are Gerards and YuXiangs sentences, well done boys!


Now look at today’s sentence. Look at the green for growths, have I used the correct grapheme (phonics) to spell the words?



  1. First fill your flowur pot with twigs and drighd leaves
  2. Next find a shadee area of the garden
  3. Then that put some stoans in your flower pot to stop it flying away
  4. After that add sum sugar to the pot
  5. Finally peyk inside to see which bugs have visited your hotel



Let’s have recap of yesterday’s phonics. Sort these words into the correct sound category. I have two for you…

Can you think of any other words to put into the categories?








Watch the video and see if you can guess what todays sound will be?

For today’s phonics challenge I want you to make your very own phonics ai family bingo game.

First you will need to make a bingo card for all of your family with different ai words on – remember they must all be different otherwise everyone will win!

Next you need to write down all of the words that you will call of pieces of paper and fold them up.

Then when your family are ready to play you can  take a piece of folded paper and call the word, they will need to cross of the word on their bingo cards if they have it.

Finally if you want to play extra games, make extra cards so that you and your family can take it in turns being the bingo caller.

Good luck!


Hope you all have a great day. Don’t forget to email us if you have any questions or super learning!

Tuesday's maths

Date: 28th Apr 2020 @ 1:21pm


Today's maths challenge is going to be based on doubling. We are all really good at singing the doubling song to help us remember out doubling facts. It seems such a long time since we last sung the song together so have a go at singing it to your adults. If you would like to sing more doubling songs then follow the links and have a go at learning something new.

Challenge 1

1.Double 6     2.Double 8      3.Double 9     4.Double 4     5.Double 3    6. Double  1    7. Double 5

Challenge 2

1. Miss Wolfenden bought 4 cakes. she needed double. How many cakes did she need?

2. Mrs Hughes has a 'double it' machine. She put 9 biscuits in it . How many came out?

3. Jessica bought  5 lollies. Her mum made double the amount. How many cakes did her mum make? How many altogether?

4. Jack built a tower 12 bricks high. Tom built a tower and used double the amount of bricks. How many bricks did Tom use?

Wellbeing challenge number 12

Date: 28th Apr 2020 @ 10:56am

Good morning everyone,

Today's challenge is all about thinking positivity and making the most of your time while you're not at school smiley.

Imagine looking into a cyrstal ball 3 months from now.

Draw or write what challenges you are facing, what positive changes you want to make and what might be different in 3 months time.

Try to focus on things that seem possible to achieve like starting a new hobby, learning a few words in a new language or getting better at some of your learning like reading or times tables.

I've done mine on the computer (on MS Word) as my paper is in the study where my husband is on a video call for work so I didn't want to disturb him! But you can do yours however you want.

I've included a picture of mine below if you want to have a look!

Please feel free to tell me about any of the wellbeing challenges you have done, I'd love to see what you're all doing in your free time! You can now e-mail me on to let me know (or to contact me or Mrs Harriott about any EAL home learning too)

Have a good day!

Mrs Glover

Tuesday Sentence of the day and phonics

Date: 28th Apr 2020 @ 10:03am

Good Morning! It was great to see you all up and busy doing your home learning yesterday, we had so many emails and pictures to reply to which really made us smile! Well done!

Sentence of the day

Here are the answers from yesterday’s sentence of the day. Lots of you spotted the mistakes so well done. Here are my corrections as well as some of yours that you have sent in.

Courteous's sentence of the day! Well done Courteous!

For today’s sentence I’m going to write some instructions. But are the time connectives in the right order? Time connectives tell us which order to do things in. They are really important in instructions because they help us do them in the right order. Put on your detective hat, what have I done wrong?


  1. Next fill your flower pot with twigs and dried leaves
  2. finally find a shady area of the garden
  3. After that put some stones in your flower pot to stop it flying away
  4. First add some sugar to the pot
  5. Then peek inside to see which bugs have visited your hotel





Lets have a quick read practice of those tricky words from yesterday. Look at the video and turn the sound off! Can you read the tricky words? Give yourself a point for every word you read correctly? How many points did you get? Can you beat your score?


Watch the video below to find out all about todays phonics…



We hope you all have a lovely day. Don't forget to send your home learning and love heart pictures into us at




Exciting news!

Date: 28th Apr 2020 @ 9:16am

Exciting news! 

Mrs Glover and Mrs Harriott have now got an email address which you can use to let us know all your news (as well as keeping in touch with your class teacher on your usual year group email).

We would love to hear from you if you have tried any of Mrs Glover's well being challenges, would like any more EAL home learning if you usually come to us for learning or have any other news to share with us .

The address is: 

We can't wait to hear from you !

Mrs Glover and Mrs Harriott smiley

Wellbeing challenge number 11

Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 11:16am

Happy Monday everyone!

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend and made the most of the lovely warm weather (I think it might be the last hot sun for a while although it seems nice so far this morning!)

Today's challenge is to do something that I have just discovered myself although my husband has been nagging me to do it for a while - Listen to a podcast.

A podcast is a bit like a radio show that you can download to your tablet, phone or laptop and listen to either while you relax or while you go for a walk. Some include music, some are educational, some entertain you and some are just good for helping you relax. You can listen to them with others or by yourself if you need a bit of me time.

This weekend I have been listening to one called Sounds of the 90s by Fearne Cotton that includes lot of music from the 90s as well as intervews with 90s pop stars. I've been listening to it while I go on my hour long walks every day and I think some of the teachers may also enjoy it!

Here are some podcasts I've found that I think you might all like, the links are under each description:

But Why: A pocast for curious kids
A podcast answering lots of questions that you may find interesting!

10 - 15 minute stories (mostly for little ones)

What if world 
With wacky episode titles such as "What if Legos were alive?" and "What if sharks had legs?," this series takes ridiculous "what if" questions submitted by young listeners and turns them into a new story every two weeks.

Noodle Loaf
A delightful offering from a music education specialist and his co-host daughter will get kids of all ages singing, rhyming, moving, and engaging in all kinds of musical games. The segments, games, and songs are so silly and upbeat that the whole family will enjoy participating. Little listeners can even add their voice to the theme song in the podcast's electronically compiled kid's choir!

Be Calm on Ahway Island
Includes soothing stories and mindulness techniques

History Storytime
Fun, educational and music re-telling of historical events

I hope you enjoy listening to some of these, please let us know about any that you particularly enjoy!

Mrs Glover



Reading challenge

Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 8:23am

Reading Challenge

For this week’s reading challenge I would like you to read and follow a set of instructions. This term we are learning all about plants and animals and how things grow and change. This week’s instructions are all about how to make a bug hotel. Can you follow the instructions to make your very own but hotel? Don’t forget to take pictures and send them in!

Monday sentence of the day and phonics

Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 8:21am


Good Morning. I hope you all had a lovely weekend! We are really looking forward to all of your learning this week and can’t wait to see all of your pictures of you busy with your activities!

Sentence of the day

Here is Friday’s sentence of the day. I quite enjoyed improving this sentence with my purple pen.

Here are some examples of children who improved their sentences too…


Today you are going to be a detective, get out your magnifying glass and put on your detective hat. You are going to go on a capital letter and full stop hunt! Where does it need capital letters and full stops? Are there any capital letters and full stops in the wrong places?


Send your new answers to the email at the bottom so that we can post them on the blog tomorrow!



Today’s phonics is all about those tricky words again.  In your home learning packs you have all of the tricky words that you need to have a practice. Practice reading them, writing them and playing games with them.

There are lots of tricky words games on like the tricky words trucks game.

If you don’t fancy going on your tablet or computer today why not try and make a game of tricky word hopscotch. Play with your family, who can cross the words out the quickest?


Hope you have a lovely day. Don’t forget to send your learning into us –

Miss Riley and Miss Wolfenden

Friday's maths

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 11:54am


We hope you are ready for another maths challenge today. Today we are going to focus on counting in steps of 10. Remember to put the date in your workbook and use a ruler to underline it! 

Follow this link to help you remember how to count in steps of 10

Challenge 1

10+10=      20+10+10=      30+10+10=    40+10=      50+10=      60+10=    80+10=      100+10=

Challenge 2

80-10=     90-10=    100-10=    40-20=      50-10=    20-10=    30-10=      60-10=    70-10=    10-10=

Challenge 3

Tom bought 20 oranges and James bought 10 more. How many altogether?

Jenny saw 10 planes and 10 trains. How many altogether?

There were 40 puppies in the vets. Ten more came. How many altogether?

Miss Wolfenden bought 60 cakes and then ate 10. How many left?



It's time to celebrate!

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 11:33am

Lets celebrate!

It's Friday which means it's time to celebrate! We are so so proud of all the amazing learning that you are doing at home. It is so lovely to see your pictures and your smiling faces sent to us every day.

Here are our Super star learners this week...

Look who lost their tooth this week! You look like you have been working very hard, maybe it's your new haircut!

Look whose busy with their home learning! Great job!

Another busy bee doing all of his home learning! We love your picture of a Spring chick!

Another child with a big smile on his face! That cake does look yummy!

Wow look at all of those number sentences! What a superstar!

Look who looks so grown up doing her home learning! Amazing!

Another person enjoying this lovely sunshine and taking his learning outside! I hope you saved that penalty!


Don't forget to send us pictures of you doing all your amazing home learning and different activities at home and you might be one of our Superstar learners next week!

Well done everyone,

We miss you, stay safe

Miss Riley and Miss Wolfenden xx


Chester Zoo live again today!

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 10:22am

Hi, Mrs Glover here again!

If you enjoyed Chester zoo being live a few weeks ago then good news, it's back again! Starting at 10am they'll be showing many different animals. I've added a picture of what is happening and when underneath and here is the YouTube link:

Wellbeing challenge number 10

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 10:08am

Good morning everyone, another lovely sunny day! I can't wait to get out there in the sun for a bit.

Fot the last day of the week I'm giving you a slightly different wellbeing challenge today and it's something that always makes me feel happy and a bit better if I'm feeling a bit low.

Today's challenge is to do something nice for someone. Here are some ideas below although feel free to do one of your own ideas!

1. Read or tell a story to a younger brother or sister

2. Tidy your room

3. Do a chore or job for someone at home

4. Give someone a compliment

5. Share a toy or some food with someone at home

6. Make someone a present, picture or card

7. Offer to help an adult with the cooking or washing up

8. Write someone a poem or story

9. Tell someone a joke

10. Phone a friend or send them a nice message

See how many of the 10 you can do and remember to let us know what you have done!

I'm going to do some baking for my husband for my good deed and maybe make him a nice dinner as well. In fact, I might go and take him a cup of tea while he's doing his work! :-)

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Glover

Friday sentence of the day and phonics

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 9:29am

Can you believe it’s already Friday? This week has flown by and we have loved getting back onto the blogs and seeing all of your amazing home learning! Check back on the blog later and we will have our very own Year 1 celebration of all the fantastic things you have been doing at home!


Sentence of the day

Here are some pictures of children who managed to find the nouns in yesterday’s sentence. Well done! Here is a picture of the sentence with all of the nouns underlined. Remember a noun is a person, a place or an object.

Today’s sentence is going to have a little bit of everything we have done this week. I want you to find ways that you can make my sentence better. It might be missing capital letters, it might need some question marks. Maybe you could add some adjectives in before the nouns to make it more interesting.



I loved seeing your phonics activities from yesterday. Watch the tricky word video again to check if you can remember them today …


Today’s phonics focuses on the oo sound family.

In your home learning packs you have some games and activities which all focus on the oo sound family. There are also lots of games on  (your username and password is in the home learning pack) Use these activities as a start point and then I have a challenge for you.

I want you to design and make your own game. The game must be all about those oo sounds. You could have a snakes and ladders game with different oo words on the different squares. Maybe you want to write down as many words with the different oo sounds in them and play a game of snap or pairs. You could even play oo sound bingo!

I can’t wait to see the games that you have made! Just remember they must have the oo sounds in them!

Good Luck and don’t forget to send pictures of you playing your games to

Wellbeing challenge number 9

Date: 23rd Apr 2020 @ 11:07am

Hi everyone,

I hope everyone is finding ways to enjoy this amazing weather, I don't think we've ever had such a nice April before!

So today's wellbeing challenge is another way to make the most of the weather and get out in your gardens and do some gardening!

Here are some nice ideas for things to do that you don't really need many resources for: 

I bet you'll already have a lot of the things in your house or garden or you could collect some of them like twigs etc while out on a walk (make sure you wash your hands after if you do that!)  My favourite is the fairy garden.

Alternatively you could plant some seeds from something that you've just eatedn such as tomato seeds.

If you don't have a garden then why not design and draw your own garden (or fairy garden!) instead? You could maybe try and re-create it when you're older and have your own garden!

I have a balcony rather than a garden and had never done any gardening until a few weeks ago but below are a couple of pictures of the things I've planted! I'm watering them every day and the sun is making most of them grow nice and tall.

Have fun and remember to let us know what you've done!

Mrs Glover

Thursday Sentence of the day and phonics

Date: 23rd Apr 2020 @ 10:01am


Good Morning! We hope you are all well and staying safe, we've had lots of emails and pictures sent to us with all your home learning. It's put a big smile on my face this morning to see you all so busy and doing your home learning. Keep sending us pictures of you doing your activities! 


Sentence of the day

Well done to all of those children who improved yesterdays sentence. It would be lovely for you to send some pictures so that we can share them on this blog.

This is my new and improved sentence

For todays sentence of the day you are going to become detectives! I want you to find all of the nouns in the sentence.

A noun is a person, place or thing. Look at the poster below to help you to remember.


Can you read the sentence and underline all of the nouns.



Today our phonics is focussing on those tricky words. In your home learning packs you have flashcards with the tricky words on as well as some worksheets. Use these today to help you with your challenges.

Watch the video below so that you can remember the phase 5 tricky words. If these are a little hard and you think you might need more practice at phase 3 or 4 that’s ok, just type phase ¾ tricky words into youtube J

Our new topic this term is all about plants and how things grow. This week we have challenged you to create art work using things you find in your garden. Can you use these things to write out the tricky words?

Heres an example of some words I have made in my garden


Hope you have a lovely day. Don’t forget to send us pictures of you doing your learning to If you have any questions please email us and we’ll get back to you J

‘We create, We explore,

We care, We soar’


Ravensbury Community School

Tartan StreetClayton M11 4EG

Maureen Hughes | Headteacher

Jo Wendt | SENCO

0161 223 0370