Year 1HB: Blog items

Thursday's maths

Date: 13th May 2020 @ 11:18pm

Hello everybody,

It has been lovely to see photographs of the children's learning and we are very grateful for all the parents who have taken the time to send photographs in to celebrate their child's work.It is really important that you continue to learn at home so that learning is easier when you come back to school. Try your very hardest to focus and concentrate and remember it is ok if you find learning hard some days as long as you 'have a go' and try your best.

We hope you are all ok and are ready for more learning today. Today we are going to focus on using the bar model strategy to solve subtracttion problems.

Click on this link to watch how to use this method to solve word problems

We hope you understand how to use this method. Now have a go at the following challenges.

Challenge 1

Read the problems. Write the subtraction sentence and draw the bar model to solve the problem.

1. There were 7 snakes under the log and 5 slithered away. How many snales are under the log?

2. There are 9 birds in the tree and 4 flew away. How many birds are on the tree?

3. There are 6 biscuits in the box and the children ate 2. How many biscuits are left?

4. There are 8 cakes in the tin and 3 are taken away to sell at the school fair. How many cakes were left in the tin?

5. There were 3 flowers in the garden and all the flowers were picked by the children. How many were left?

Challenge 2- Subtraction from 10

Read the problems. Write the subtraction sentence and draw the bar model to solve the problem. 

1. 10 oranges on the tree and 4 were picked by the children. How many were left?

2. There were 10 cars in the garage and 2 cars drove away. How many were left?

3. There were 10 paintbrushes in the pot and 1 was used to paint a picture. How many were left?

4. 10 books on the book shelf and 7 were removed ready to read the following day. How many were left?

5.There were 10 carrots in the field and the naughty rabbit ate 5. How many are left?

Challenge 3

Write the subtaction and addition sentence to match the bar model and then solve the problem

1.                                                         10


10-9=                                    9+ ------= 10


2.                                                          10


3.                                                          10


4.                                                          10



5.                                                             10



Happy subtraction!

Miss Wolfenden and Miss Riley

Wellbeing challenge 13.5.20

Date: 13th May 2020 @ 10:40am

Good morning everyone,

I'm sorry I didn't post a wellbeing challenge yesterday but I was in school! I meant to do it the night before but then forgot and had an early night ready for school yesterday, oops! Sorry about that but I'm back today and have a choice of 2 for you to do to make up for it.

You've been very creative lately (please see the past challenges below!) so I'm giving you something a bit different today. One is i you would like to relax and one is if you would like to have a bit of fun.

The first challenge is to do Jason Manford's comedy kids quiz at 1.30pm today, available from the following YouTube link. If you can't do it at 1.30 then it will be up for a few days after. and if you want more then have a look on his YouTube channel for past quizzes!

The second challenge is also at 1.30pm although I think you can watch it later if you're not free then! The National Marine Aquarium in Plymouth are doing Turtle Time! A live video of their Green Sea Turtle who is called Friday. I always find watching sea animals very relaxing so you could watch it, learn some facts about turtles and then have a go at drawing the turtle. Ths live video will be on facebook so you'll have to ask an adult to log in to their account if they have one.

Please e-mail me to let me know how you did in the quiz or any facts or pictures you have of the turtle!

Past Challenges

I've been blown away by the effort you've gone to with these challenges (people have even dressed up!) and every time I get emails with pictures of your challenges it really cheers me up so thank you! Here are some pictures I've received over the last couple of days, thanks to everyone who's sent me one!

Wednesday's maths

Date: 13th May 2020 @ 9:56am


 Well you  must have all stopped singing because the Sun is out today!!!!!! I have been out this morning walking in the glorious sunshine and feel ready for a day of work. I hope you are too!

Today and for the rest of the week we are going to focus on subtraction. Today is going to give you an opportunity to recap on previous learning and then use this knowledge to learn something new. So let's recap on what we have been learning so far. 

We have read and solved subtaction problems using concrete objects, crossing amounts out and using a number line.

Challenge 1- Using a number line to subtract amounts

Remember that when we subtract amounts from each other the number gets smaller and we count back on a number line to solve the problem.

Have a look at these problems

Challenge 2

Now have a go at subtracting from 10 using a number line. Can you use your knowledge of number pairs to help you ? Please remeber to write your numbers correctly!

Now time for something new!

Challenge 3- Subtraction using the bar method

We use are knowledge of addition to help us solve subtraction problems.

Let's have a look at the first question!

9-8=  we might say that as 9 take away 8 equals.

We could also say that we know that the total amount is 9. We know that 8 is taken away.

What do I need to add to 8 to make 9 and draw it to help you.

Challenge 4- subtraction from 10 using the bar method  

Have a go at writing the bars to match the subtraction 

1. 10-5=     2. 10-7=     3.10-3=     4.10-4=     5.10-1=      6. 10-2=

Happy learning!

Miss Wolfenden and Miss Riley


Wednesday sentence of the day and phonics

Date: 13th May 2020 @ 9:29am

Good Morning! We had lots of pictures of your learning in yesterday, it’s great to see you all so busy. Remember that you can still go on Lexia and active learn so that you can practice your reading skills every day.

Sentence of the day

Here are the answers to yesterday’s sentence of the day. If you saw that the full stops were missing you were correct! Well done! The sentence should have looked like this…

The young boy planted a miniscule seed in the gritty soil. Every day he splashed the seed with water, but it didn’t grow. He waited and waited and one day out from the dark soil sprouted a little green stem.

Here is today’s sentence. What needs altering today?

joe loves gardening when the weather gets warmer. last sunday he purchased some tiny round seeds from the shop. when he got home he found a large shiny pot and planted the seeds deep into the soggy brown mud.



Let’s start todays phonics by recapping those initial blends that you looked at yesterday.

bl           pl           gl           cl           fl

Write some words out to match each blend, for example, blue, plane, glove, clown, flowers; now place them on the floor. Ask your grown up to play some music, when the music stops pick up a word and read it out loud. If you read the word correctly you can keep it, if not you have to put it back down.

Today you are going to be looking at end blends. End blends are blends that come at the end of a word. Watch the youtube video to find out more.

Here are our blends today…

nk                 st                 nd                 mp                ft

Here are your three challenges

Challenge one – Make a hopscotch using the different words you saw in the video. You can do this with chalks outside or on pieces of paper and lie them on the floor.

Challenge two – Play a game of hopscotch, when you land on the word, read it. If you want it to be a competition, play with a family member and pick the words up as you land on them. The person with the most words is the winner.

Challenge three – Can you use any of the words to make sentences?


Hope you have a lovely day J

Miss Riley and Miss Wolfenden

Tuesday's maths

Date: 12th May 2020 @ 12:41pm

Hello everyone !

Have you been singing and making it rain? if so, STOP we need the sunshine to return. Today we aare going to focus on writing the names of numbers. It is a tricky thing to do but something we all need to be able to do in readiness for year two. It is really important that we can write the number manes to twenty so that is what we are going to practice today.

Challenge One-  Copy the grid and have a go at writing the number names

     Look Cover Spell Check

Challenge 2-   Shout a number

Ask a family member to shout a number name between 0-20. Then write the number as a numeral then as a word.

e.g. The adult shouts 18 ,so you write 18 and eighteen.


Miss Wolfenden and Miss Riley

Tuesday Sentence of the day and phonics

Date: 12th May 2020 @ 9:27am

Good Morning! I hope you all had a lovely day yesterday. This morning I have done some yoga to get my brain up and ready to learn.

It has been lovely to see lots of you busy with your learning. Remember that you can still go on Lexia and active learn so that you can practice your reading skills every day.

Sentence of the day

First put some damp soil in a plastic cup so it comes up almost to the top.

Next drop a sunflower seed into the hole.

Then put the cup on a sunny windowsill.

Finally your plant should pop up through the soil after about 1 or 2 weeks.


Well done to those children who used the time connectives to help you. I am going to use these instructions to plant a sunflower this week. I wonder how tall it’ll grow.

Have a read of today’s sentence and have a think. What is it missing?

The young boy planted a miniscule seed in the gritty soil__ Everyday he splashed the seed with water, but it didn’t grow__He waited and waited and one day out from the dark soil sprouted a little green stem__

What is missing in this sentence? Find it and send your sentences in for us to see.



Let’s start todays phonics by recapping those initial blends that you looked at yesterday.

If you still have your initial blend signs from yesterday you can use them again. If not just make some new ones.

dr        gr        tr         br       cr

Put a 5 minute timer on. How many words with each of the initial sounds can you write under each word? You get one point for every word. Have a competition with someone you live with. Or compete with yourself; can you beat your score?

Todays phonics is going to focus on some more of those initial sounds.

So today we are going to practice some other initial blends. Initial blends come at the start of words. Today’s blends are…

bl           pl           gl           cl           fl

Here are your three challenges

Challenge one: Write down the blends onto a piece of paper and go on a scavenger hunt. How many things can you find starting with the initial blends, say the word and draw them?

I’m looking in my garden and I have found a flower and some gardening gloves.



Challenge two – When you have finished your scavengar hunt look at all of your pictures. Now label them, use your phonics and your sound mats in your packs to help you.

Challenge three – Practice your reading skills by playing a game like dragons den on phonics play. Today we are practicing phase 4 blends so don’t forget to press on phase 4


Hope you have a lovely day J

Miss Riley and Miss Wolfenden

Wellbeing challenge 11.5.20

Date: 11th May 2020 @ 10:38am

Good morning everyone,

I hope everyone has had a lovely weekend! I spent a lot of time in the sun, in fact possibly a bit too much time! I also had some delicious food and lovely video chats with some of my friends.

Thanks again for all your wellebing challenge e-mails. It really cheers me up whenever I get one and see what you've all been up to!

Today's wellbeing challenge is actually Miss Bryce's idea so thanks Miss Bryce! It's a creative one and is to design your own superhero.

Who would they be?

What would they do?

What would they wear?

Have a think about what is important to you and then either draw, make or write about your superhero.

See the attached picture file for all the details and how it relates to Banksy.

Remember to e-mail to show me pictures of your superheroes!

Past challenges

Some fantastic origami by all the pupils who gave it a go, well done!

Monday sentence of the day and phonics

Date: 11th May 2020 @ 9:28am

Good Morning! I hope you all had a lovely bank holiday weekend, celebrating VE day and enjoying the sunshine!


Sentence of the day

Here are the answers from Thursdays sentence of the day.

A sunflower needs water and sunlight to grow. It needs to be the right temperature, if it is too cold or too hot the sunflower could die.

Well done to the children who managed to find the mistakes. Look how neat and beautiful their learning is, well done!


For today’s sentence I want you to read the instructions and put them into the correct order. Remember to use the time connectives to help you.

Next drop a sunflower seed into the hole.

First put some damp soil in a plastic cup so it comes up almost to the top.

Then put the cup on a sunny windowsill.

Finally your plant should pop up through the soil after about 1 or 2 weeks.



Let’s start todays phonics by reviewing our tricky words. Find your tricky word mat and play a game of fastest finger with your grown up. Ask them to say a word and point to as quick as you can with your fast fingers.







Today’s phonics focus is going to be a recap of blends which come at the start of words. Watch this video to remind yourselves of these blends.

Today you are going to have three challenges again.

Challenge 1: Make yourself a roll and read mat using the words on the youtube video. Here is an example of what it should look like. My roll and read mat has all of the same blend but you can make yours harder by including all of the words on the video

Challenge 2: Play a game of 4 in a row with your roll and read mat. Take turns with someone you live with to roll the dice and read a word. The first person to read 4 in a row will be the winner.


Challenge 3: Make signs with the initial blends that you saw in the video – dr, gr, tr, br, cr. Then cut up your roll and read mat so that you have lots of little words. Read the word and match them to their initial blend. For example the word brush will go with the sign br.


Hope you have a lovely day! If you have any questions then please email us and we’ll be happy to help you! Don’t forget that you can carry on practicing your reading skills on lexia!

Year One Lexia and Active learn reading apps

Date: 11th May 2020 @ 8:22am


Just a quick message to remind you that you can use active learn and lexia to help you read at home!

As part of the daily learning each child should be completing reading challenges on lexia and Active learn, each day. As you know there have been no reading books going home so it is very important that you are logging into these apps each day. Miss Riley and I can see who has been reading and would love to see more children in year one reading every day. If you have any problems with logging on and need any help then contact the year1 team at and we will be more than happy to help you.

Thanks Miss Wolfenden and Miss Riley

Reading Challenge Reminder!

Date: 11th May 2020 @ 8:14am


We hope you all had a lovely weekend and enjoyed the VE day celebrations. Last week you were asked to complete a Jack and the Beanstalk reading challenge. Well done to the children who have completed their writing for the leaves. It would be great if we could have some more back because we would love the tree in the shared area to be big and full of your lovely work!

We have posted the challenge again for you to have a go at this week!


 Miss Fish is helping the Key Stage one staff to  create a Jack and the Beanstalk display in the shared area and we need your help! We are making 120 leaves for the beanstalk, one for each child, which we will decorate when the children return back to school. We thought it would be a lovely idea if each child writes something positive about reading and sends it into school. The staff will then type up the work and add it to the leaves when they are completed. Maybe you could write about your favourite book or favourite author. Sometimes it is nice to read about some of the exciting vocabulary that you have read, maybe you could share that! You can email your work in or take a photograph of the writing and send it in. It is up to you! Each leaf is going to be the size of an A4  piece of paper so you have plenty of space to write your ideas down. If any of your brothers or sisters or even your adults want to join in, they can! If they are younger they might want to draw a picture or write about their favourite character, that's fine. We want to celebrate the schools love of reading so you can be as creative as possible. We will be giving prizes for creativity and  presentation so take your time! We can't wait to see the work. Happy reading!


The Key Stage One team

Monday's maths

Date: 11th May 2020 @ 7:51am

Happy Monday! 

Today we are going to focus on adding 3, 1 digit numbers together. 

Sometimes it easier to use the number facts we know to help solve trickier problems. We can count on using a number line, use concrete objects or count on but there are other strategies we can use that are much faster and much more effective.

Look at this addition           2+5+8=

Ask yourself the following question. Can I see 2 numbers that when  added together make 10?

Then re -arrange  the addition sentence so that the 2 numbers that add to 10 are together       

  8+2+5=    We know that  8+2=10    and   10+5=15 

Use a number line to help you !

Have a go for yourself

Challenge 1

1.  7+5+3=        2. 1+4+9=     3. 8+3+2=   4. 6+1+4=   5. 8+5+5=   6. 4+10+6=   7. 9+9+1=   8. 10+10+10=

Challenge 2

Can you read the questions and then write the number sentence to represent it, remembering to use the correct formation!

1. James bought 7 red cars, 4 blue cars and 3 yellow cars. How many altogether?

2. Kirsty bought 2 pink cakes, 7 yellow cakes and 3 blue cakes. How many altogether?

3. Dan bought 1 fizzy sweet, 3 mint sweets and 9 chocolate sweets. How many sweets does he have altogether?

4. 6 children jumped into the pool. 5 more children jumped in and then 4 more jumped in. How many children are in the pool?

5. There are 6 dogs, 7 cats and 4 rabbits. How many animals altogerther?

Challenge 3

Have a go at completing the challenges in the blue boxes below. Remeber to use yyour knowledge of number facts  to 10 to help!


Miss Wolfenden and Miss Riley


Date: 7th May 2020 @ 7:08pm


Can you believe it’s that time of the week again! Where has this week gone! We hope that you are all having a lovely day, maybe you’re celebrating VE day or maybe you’re enjoying a relaxing bank holiday in the sunshine. Whatever you’re doing we hope you are having a lovely time, you deserve it!


We have had so many pictures of you and your learning in this week! It’s amazing to see how busy you all are and how you are still doing lots of learning in these strange times. We are so proud of you and we miss you all very much!

So here are this weeks superstar learners!

Look at this beautiful presentation! This child looks like they are concentrating so hard on making their learning look neat, I think that they are definitely getting ready for year 2! Well done!



You are looking very proud of yourself here! I think I would be the same if I had managed to complete all of that learning.


We are missing all of your creations so much! It’s lovely to see you making, creating and getting crafty at home!




Another child with stunning presentation! I think we are going to have some number line experts when we come back to school!




Look at this gorgeous flower. I wish the flowers in my garden looked like this.





I couldn’t believe the amount of words on this adjective list. It was more than I could think of. I think we have another child ready for year 2!



Here is another person concentrating mega hard on his home learning. I wonder if Mrs Hughes will let us carry on learning in our pyjamas when we go back to school.




VE day

Date: 7th May 2020 @ 7:04pm

VE Day

Today it is the 75th anniversary of VE Day. Victory in Europe Day/VE Day took place on May 8th 1945. It was a public holiday and day of celebration to mark the defeat of Germany by the Allied forces in Second World War.

On VE day people ran out in the street with flags and banners and they sung and they danced. They hung up bunting and had parties and food in the streets.


This year we are celebrating VE day and our May bank holiday a little differently. Here are some activities that you can do at home to celebrate VE day.

  • Make your own union jack bunting just like the bunting that they had on VE day 75 years ago.

  • Make your own union jack flags and banners and wave them whilst dancing to music in your garden


  • Have a picnic outside


-Make your own special VE day medals

Whatever you do, we hope you have a lovely day.

Wellbeing challenge number 19

Date: 7th May 2020 @ 10:28am

Good morning,

Yet another lovely sunny day! I'm looking forward to getting out in the sun later although I actually got a little bit sunburnt yesterday! Remeber that suncream!

Today's challenge is a creative one, I'd like you to try a bit of origami. Origami is the art of folding paper and while it can be a bit tricky, it's also quite a nice relaxing activity once you know what you're doing and you end up with something that looks amazing. You could even make a few things and use them to decorate your house!

What you need for all origami is a square of paper, either plain or patterned. If youre not sure how to turn a piece of paper into a square then have a look here:

Then you could take some time to decorate your paper if you like before you fold it.

Then this is a fairly simple one to get started, a butterfly

Just follow each instruction carefully and the good thing about watching a video is that you can rewind it as much as you like! If you're not a fan of butterflies then feel free to have a look for something else on the Red Ted Art channel.

Here's my butterfly that I've just made. It's not perfect but it's the first time I've ever done it so I was quite impressed with myself!

As always I'd love to see pictures of what you've made or of any past challenges, e-mail to send them or even just to let me know what kind of challenges you prefer so I can make sure I'm doing ones that people like :-)

Past challenges

Thanks to all the children who have sent me pictures, you've all been very busy which is great to see!

Thursday Sentence of the day and phonics

Date: 7th May 2020 @ 9:43am

Good Morning! What a lovely day we had yesterday, I hope you enjoyed the sunshine! It looks like it’s going to be like this for the rest of the week! Hurray!

Sentence of the day

Here are the answers from yesterdays sentence. Well done to the children who managed to find where all of the capital letters go, even those sneaky ones that I tried to trick you with.

The glorious bug hotel was in the corner of the over grown garden. It was the perfect place for a bug hotel. Bugs came from far and wide to see the bug hotel and one Sunday the most important bug of all came to visit.

If you found that a little tricky or need a reminder have a look at the poster to remind yourself when we need capital letters.









Have a look at today’s sentence. It has a few different green for growths, can you solve what all of them should be?

a sunthlower needs worterand sunlite to grow. It needs to bea the right temperature, if it istoo cold or too hot the sunflower cud die.



Let’s review some of the phonics that we did yesterday. Can you sort these words into words that belong on planet nonsense and words that belong on planet real? I have taken away the alien pictures this time so you need to have a read and think about whether it is a real or nonsense word.


Todays phonics focusses on phase 5 tricky words. Let’s start by listening to the tricky words.

Today you have three challenges again

Challenge one: Make yourself a tricky word mat just like this one. Remember to spread the words out so that they are easy to read and find. If you have chalks you could even make a giant word mat outside.







Challenge two: Ask your grown up to say a word out loud and you need to find it with your fast fingers or feet on the word mat.

Challenge three: Find some scraps of paper and write the tricky words on them, one word per each piece of paper. Now stick the words around a room or around your garden. Listen to the tricky words on the youtube video, when it says a tricky word run to that word. Remember to keep listening as the tricky words change quite quickly!


I hope you all have a lovely day in the sunshine. Stay safe x

Wellbeing challenge number 18

Date: 6th May 2020 @ 10:44am

Good morning,

Another sunny day! smiley First all of all I want to thank everyone who has sent in pictures of them doing my wellbeing challenges, it's fantastic to see and hear about how you're enjoying doing them! Have a look at the Past Challenges bit at the bottom to see some photos.

Today's challenge is another one to get you moving and do a mini workout. Sometimes it can seem a bit scary or time consuming to do a whole workout so these mini workouts are perfect if you want a quick break from doing school work or even from just watching TV if you fancy a stretch! All of these little energisers from Go Noodle are between 2 - 4 minutes long so perfect for something to wake you up in the morning or as a break from whatever you are doing.

Here are a few that I like:

Or just go to YouTube and type in Fresh Start Fitness to see a variety of mini workouts.

Remember to email with any photos of you doing any of the challenges.

Have a lovely day!

Mrs Glover

Past Challenges

So many fantastic photos of what you've all been up to, well done!

Wednesday sentence of the day and phonics

Date: 6th May 2020 @ 9:43am

Good Morning! This morning I did some yoga before starting my work and my brain feels much more awake and ready for the day!

Sentence of the day

The creepy crawly bugs found the bug hotel. It was warm and had all of their favourite snacks inside. The spiders liked the dark corners and made their webs there. The butterflies liked the bits in the warm sun where they could flutter their wings.

Well done if you managed to find them all! Today’s challenge focusses on capital letters. Can you use your amazing reading skills and read the sentences and find where the capital letters belong?

the glorious bug hotel was in the corner of the over grown garden. it was the perfect place for a bug hotel. bugs came from far and wide to see the bug hotel and one sunday the most important bug of all came to visit.


Let’s start our phonics today by remembering all of the different ways we can make the oa sound.

Watch the video and write down all of the ways that you saw of making the oa sound.

Today’s phonics challenge focusses on the ue vowel family. Have a think, how many different ways can you remember to make the ue sound? Write them all down on a piece of paper. Now watch the video, did you managed to find them all?

Today I have three phonics challenges for you. I wonder if you can complete them all?

Challenge one: Go on a sound hunt. How many different things can you find with a ue sound in them? Remember to use your senses, what can you hear, smell, taste, see and touch? Write them down as they will come in useful later. 

Challenge two: Now it's time to travel to planet obb. I want you to make up as many ue alien and nonsense words as you can. This might be tricky at first so I have made some of my own alien words to help you. Remember alien words are aliens names so you will have to draw an alien to match them. 


Challenge three: Make yourself a planet real and an alien nonsense.


Now sort your words so that the alien words can go back to planet nonsense and the real words can go straight to planet real.


Hope you have a lovely day and enjoy the sunshine!

Wellbeing challenge number 17

Date: 5th May 2020 @ 10:21am

Good morning everyone,

I don't know about you but I can't wait to get out in that sun so today's challenge is one that can be done outside if you like.

Today we are focusing on having a growth mindset and doing this through yoga. Having a growth mindset means you have a positive attitude to your learning and know that just because you may find something difficult and you can't do it yet, you will get there as long as you don't give up!

Here are 5 different growth mindset yoga poses to try. Please feel free to try as many or as few positions as you like and send any pictures to

Mrs Glover

Past challenges

Thank you so much to the pupils who have sent in pictures of their shields of strength from yesterday, it really makes my day to see what you've ben doing!

Tuesday Sentence of the day and phonics

Date: 5th May 2020 @ 9:20am

Good Morning! Today looks like it’s going to be a sunny day J Hopefully you can enjoy the sun and do some of your learning outside.

Sentence of the day

Here are the answers for yesterday’s sentence of the day. Well done to everyone who managed to put the time connectives in the correct order.

First fill your flower pot with twigs and dried leaves

Next find a shady area of the garden

After that put some stones in your flower pot to stop it flying away

Then add some sugar to the pot

Finally peek inside to see which bugs have visited your hotel

Today’s challenge is to put in the missing full stops in these sentences. Remember full stops come at the end of a sentence. So your phonics to read the sentences yourself and find where the full stops belong. Good Luck

The creepy crawly bugs found the bug hotel_ It was warm and had all of their favourite snacks inside_ The spiders liked the dark corners and made their webs there_ The butterflies liked the bits in the warm sun where they could flutter their wings_


Let’s make sure your brains are up and awake before we find out todays phonics challenge. How many tricky words can you remember from yesterday? Put on a 2 minute timer and see how many you can remember. Did you manage to spell them all correctly?

Todays phonics challenge focusses on the oa sound family.

Here are some pictures and words, can you sort them all and match them to the correct grapheme?

Here’s a tip – you might want to write out the word to match the pictures so you can test which grapheme looks right e.g. is it croe,croa,crowe,crow?

Hope you all have a lovely day

Tuesday's maths

Date: 4th May 2020 @ 12:21pm

Happy Tuesday !

Hello everyone,

We hope you are ready for more addition challenges today! It is going to be a bit trickier and more of a challenge  so we are going to do it step by step today so do not worry. Lets get out brains working and do some counting exercise like yesterday. Ask your adults to join in. I am going to get my family to join in all week. Why don't you send in your videos they would be lovely to watch at the end of the week. Today you can watch Joe, Miss wolfenden's son working out. 

1. Joe Joe's Jumping Jacks  - see video . Can you count in steps of 5 to 100?

2. Miss Wolfenden's wiggles- wiggle your body using your  different body parts from 0 to 100.

3. Bethany's bounce the ball- Can you bounce a  ball backwards from 50 to 0?

4. Callum's kick backs-   Can you count in steps of 10, forwards and back from 0 to 100?

5. Frankie's claps- Can you count how many claps you can do?

6. Maddie's mountain bikers- Can you count in steps of 2 from 0 to 30? If you can do that really well then count backwards from 30. 

Todays learning

So today we are going to continue with solving addition word problems using an number line but instead of counting forward in steps of 1 we are going to use a different strategy called bridging through ten. To do this really well we need to know are number pairs  to 10.

Chhallenge 1

Say your number pairs to 10. Don't worry if you have forgotten, it's ok. Listen to the songs in the links below to help you.

Challenge 2

let's have a go at solving simple additions using a number line  but we are going to bridge through 10. 

What is bridging through 10?

It is when children recognise how number bonds to ten help them to add numbers with a total greater than ten and up to 20. Provide children with number lines and ten-frames for them to see practically how to bridge ten. Ask yourself the following questions.
How many do you add to the first number to make ten?  How many more do you need to add after getting to ten?
How can you use number bonds to ten to help add numbers? How many more do you need to add to the ten-frame to make ten? How many more do you need to put in the second ten-frame? 

Have a look at this image and see if it helps


look at how I worked out the first one!    8+4=

Finish of the questions and then have a go at the bridging through 10 activity card in the blue box at the bottom

Challenge 3

Now let's see if we can do the same thing with addition word problems. I will talk you through the first one. Make sure you have your number line to 20 ready!

1. Peter bought 6 cars from Tesco. He then went into Morrisons and bought 8 more. How many altogether?

Sometimes it is easier to write the addition sentence too! 6+8=            This is how I worked it out

2. Mrs Hughes bought 7 pencils from the shop. Mrs Leadbetter gave her 9 more pencils. How many altogether?

Can you write the addition sentence to match? if Mrs Highes took half of the pencils how many would she have?

3. Joshia found 8 smails in the garden. He looked under a log and found 5 more. How many snails did he have altogether? Miss Wolfenden found a small tank that has enough space for 10 snails. Is the tank  big enough?

4. Michael found 4 red bilkes. Miss Conway gave him 7 more. How many bikes did he have altogether?

5. Miss Wolfenden picked up 1 biscuit from the kitchen. Miss Riley gave her 10 more. How many did she have altogether?

6. Frankie found 5 toys in his toy box. His mum gave him 8 more. How many toys did he have?

7. Madeleine got 1 Easter egg. The Easter bunny brought 13 more. How many eggs did she have?

8. Jack bought 2 boxes of smarties. He was then given 16 more boxes. How many boxes did he have altogether?

9 There are 4 balls in Frankie's ball pit. His dad throws 10 more balls into the pit. How many balls does he have?

10. There are 3 cushions on the settee. Joe bought 8 more. How many altogether?

Don't forget to email your videos into school!

Miss Wolfenden and Miss Riley


















Connected Curriculum Learning-Plants and growing

Date: 4th May 2020 @ 11:32am


So far we have looked at seasonal changes and we have noticed the changes that have happened around us, in our environment, because it is Spring. Hopefully you have drawn the changes that you can see e.g. plants growing and have 'had a go' at writing about them.

Today we are going to be thinking about what a plant needs to grow ,  we are going to labelling the different parts of a plant and thinking about their function . To help us know more about this I want you to watch the following links.

I hope you have an idea of what a plant needs to grow and what the different parts of a plant is called.

Challenge 1

What does a plant need to grow? Can you draw a picture to explain what you know?

Challenge 2

What would haappen if a plant did not get any sun or water when it wwas growing?  How do you know?

Challenge 3- copy and complete the sheet

Challenge 4-copy and complete the sheet

Challenge 5

When you out in the garden or walking as part of your daily exercise then have a look for all the plants you can see and see if they are on the plant hunt sheet.


Wellbeing challenge number 16

Date: 4th May 2020 @ 11:28am

Good morning everyone,

I hope you all had a good weekend and are ready to work hard on your learning (and your wellbeing!) this week.

Today's challenge has actually come from a website that Mrs Hughes sent to me to look at so thank you Mrs Hughes!

Today I would like you to think about resilience which means keeping strong and bouncing back even in a difficult situation. I'd like you to design a Shield of Strength.

Think about what your strengths are, especially the ones that can help you at the moment while we're not in school, and write or draw (or both!) onto a shield. Here is my shield that you may want to use for help: 

I have attached a template of the shield in case you want to use it but otherwise you can just fraw a shield on a plain piece of paper.

As always I would love to see your challenges so please send them to

Mrs Glover

Past challenges

Thank you to Shawnakaye who has sent me a couple of photos of things that make her smile!

Monday sentence of the day and phonics

Date: 4th May 2020 @ 10:17am

Good Morning! I hope you all had a lovely weekend! I went on a lovely peaceful walk and made some cookies to eat when I got back.


Sentence of the day

On Friday you were challenged to think of as many adjectives as you could to describe the bug hotel. Here are some brilliant examples of children using adjectives to improve the sentence. Well done!

This week, your writing challenge is to write your own set of instructions on how to make a bug hotel. So, today’s sentence of the day challenge is to put these instructions in the correct order. Write the numbers next to the sentences along with first, next, then, after that and finally.

______fill your flower pot with twigs and dried leaves

______find a shady area of the garden

______put some stones in your flower pot to stop it flying away

______add some sugar to the pot

______peek inside to see which bugs have visited your hotel


Today’s phonics is all about those tricky words! Watch the youtube videos and write down any words that you don’t know or that you just find a bit difficult. These will be your words to practice today! – phase 2 – phase 3 – phase 4 – phase 5


Write down the tricky words twice and play a game of pairs or snap or ask someone at home to hide the words around your house and go on a word hunt.

There are also lots of tricky word games on phonics play. Like this one…


Have fun and don’t forget to send us your pictures!

Monday's maths

Date: 4th May 2020 @ 9:49am


Well I am very pleased to say it is a sunny Monday morning. I don't know about you but I woke up really early today because the sun was shining brightly through my window. I hope it says sunny all day because it always makes me feel happy and ready for learning. Before you start your maths today I want you to do some counting exercises. Let's get out brains working this morning!

Counting exercises

1. Star jumps- count forwards from 0-50

2. Hopping- count forwards in steps of 2 from 0-30

3. Jumping with 2 feet together-  counting forwards from 0 to 100 in steps of 10

4 Balancing on 1 leg- count backwards from 30 to 0

5. Body twists- count backwards from 100 to 0 in steps of 10


Today I want you to write the long date. Make sure you underline it with a ruler! Then I want you to have a go at drawing a number lime from 0-30. See if you can copy this. if you have a printer you can print one out from the file at the bottom of the page labelled number line.

Today we are going to use a number line to solve addition word problems. Remeber when we add amounts together the number gets bigger and we move fo the right on a number line. 

Read this problem below

Miss wolfenden buys 10 apples from Tesco. She then drives to Morrisons and buys 6 more apples. How many apples does she have altogether?

Click this link to have a look at how to work it out

Now have a go at solving these word problems

1.Miss Riley buys 5 packs of felt tips from the supermarket. She then goes into school and finds 7 more packs . How many does she have altogether?

2. Mrs Hughes buys 12 oranges for the children in  breakfast club. Mrs Thewlis buys 7 more oranges and brings them into breakfast club. How many oranges are there altogether. There are 20 children in breakfast club. Have they bought enough oranges?

 3. Madeleine found 8 lollypops in the cupboard. She then went to the shops and bought 6 more. How many did she have altogether? She then shared them out equally between her and her friend. How many lollypops did they each have?

4. There are 14 cakes in the cake tin and Callum put 8 more in the tin. How many are there altoghether?  

5. There are 7 birds singing in the trees. 10 more birds land on the branch. How many birds are there altogether?

6. 16 cars are red, 5 cars are blue, 7 cars are yellow and 14 cars are pink.

How many cars would there be altogether if ........

a- The pink cars and blue cars were together?   b- The red cars and yellow cars were together?

c- The red and the blue cars are together?         d- The yellow and pink cars are together?

e- The red and pink cards are together?             f-  The blue and yellow cars are together?

7. There are 5 children in the swimming pool and 9 more children jump in. How many altogether?

8. 3 people get in a coach and 17 people join them. How many altogether?

9. Buzz lightyear collects 6 toys and puts them into his cart. He then finds Woody, Bo peep, Forky, Ham, Wheezy and Gabby in Als Toy Barn. He puts all the toys in his cart and takes them home. How many toys are in the cart?

10. Faiz builds a tower that is 9 bricks tall. Courteous builds a tower that is 6 bricks tall and Michael builds a tower that is 4 bicks tall. They join all the bricks together to make a really tall tower. How many bricks high is their tower.

Happy counting

Miss Wolfenden and Miss Riley

Jack and the Beanstalk display Reading Challenge

Date: 4th May 2020 @ 9:25am




Happy Monday Morning! We hope you all had a lovely weekend and are ready for some learning challenges this week. Miss Fish is helping the Key Stage one staff to  create a Jack and the Beanstalk display in the shared area and we need your help! We are making 120 leaves for the beanstalk, one for each child, which we will decorate when the children return back to school. We thought it would be a lovely idea if each child writes something positive about reading and sends it into school. The staff will then type up your work and add it to the leaves when they are completed. Maybe you could write about your favourite book or favourite author. Sometimes it is nice to read about some of the exciting vocabulary that you have read, maybe you could share that! You can email your work in or take a photograph of the writing and send it in. It is up to you! Each leaf is going to be the size of an A4   piece of paper so you have plenty of space to write your ideas down. If any of your brothers or sisters or even your adults want to join in, they can! If they are younger they might want to draw a picture or write about their favourite character, that's fine. We want to celebrate the schools love of reading so you can be as creative as possible. We will be giving prizes for creativity and  presentation so take your time! We can't wait to see the work. Happy reading!


The Key Stage One team

‘We create, We explore,

We care, We soar’


Ravensbury Community School

Tartan StreetClayton M11 4EG

Maureen Hughes | Headteacher

Jo Wendt | SENCO

0161 223 0370