Year 1HB: Blog items
#30 Days Wild Launch Day βοΈπ²πΎπ·π
Date: 1st Jun 2020 @ 8:18am
June 1st - #30DaysWild - Challenge 1
Hello everybody,
I hope you had an amazing half term and you’re as excited to be back completing home learning challenges as I am. This month our school is going to go WILD! Yes, that’s right, our mission is to do as many wild things as we can and have fun whilst learning outside.
Each day I will put up a wild challenge and you can take a photo of you and your family completing it so I can put it on this blog.
Here is your challenge for today, see how many wild minibeasts you can find outside:
Send your photos in to and I'll put them up on our school blog.
If you'd like to choose your own challenges download this app:
PLEASE BE CAREFUL and make sure you complete the challenges with an adult.
From Mrs Ganner
Date: 25th May 2020 @ 11:00am
Hello and happy half term!
I'm not going to be posting a daily challenge for you over half term but here is something you can do if you like. It's a funny time right now and it's one we may want to look back on in the future to remind oursleves what we did, how we felt and how lucky we are when it's all over. So I've attached a time capsule template for you use so that you can record some of these things, either by writing or drawing it's up to you.
You can either print it out, do it on a computer or just draw our each page for yourself. Do as much or as little as you chooe and feel free to share anything you do on
Stay safe,
Mrs Glover
Date: 22nd May 2020 @ 10:11am
Let’s Celebrate!
Today is the last day of term before our May holidays. It’s been a very different term than what we expected but we are very proud of all the hard work you have been doing.
Here are some of our outstanding learners this term. You are all superstars so give yourself a round of applause!
We love these smiling 2D shapes! It’s great getting creative with your maths learning!
This learning is so neat! It looks like these people are going to be experts in measuring when we return to school!
We loved reading this poem! I think it describes Ravensbury wonderfully! It definitely is an excellent place!
This person has been so busy with their phonics!
I wonder how many bugs have moved into this bug hotel. I think there will be a spider or two in there by now!
It’d been a great week to take our learning outside! We love that this person has been practicing their tricky words using bits they have found outside!
We love seeing your wellbeing challenges! It’s so lovely to be thinking about how people help us and how we help them especially in times like these!
This person has been very busy thinking about how many synonyms are in different words! Well done!
It looks like this workbook is getting pretty full! Well done to this person! Another example of beautiful presentation!
Well done everyone! We hope you all have a brilliant haf term holiday!
Friday sentence of the day and phonics
Date: 22nd May 2020 @ 9:33am
Good Morning everyone! Can you believe it is Friday all over again?
Sentence of the day
Here are the answers to yesterday’s sentence. If you noticed that I hadnt used a sound mat to write my sentence, then you were correct! Well done!
Wednesday was a glorious day, the sun was shining and the birds were chirping in the tall towering trees.
Have a look at today’s sentence. It’s Friday and I am feeling a little sleepy, so their might be quite a few mistakes in there.
yesterday i tuk a relaxsing stroll to the park. i visited the small pond by the torl warta weeds and wen I looked down I saw hundreds and hundreds of tiny inky black tadpoles_
Today we are going to start our phonics by recapping our polysyllabic words. Ask your grown up to say some different words with more than one syllable. Can you clap or stomp or chomp out how many syllables that word has?
For today’s phonics we are going back to tricky words. Today we are going to look at a mixture of phase 3, 4 and 5 tricky words. It’s your job to choose the ones that you find most difficult and practice them.
Challenge one – Watch the tricky word videos. When the video is finished write down any of the words that you found difficult to read or remember. These will be your own unique list of words to practice today. If there are lots of words in phase 3 that you are unsure of then just practice phase three, you can move onto phase 4 and 5 another day J
Phase 3 -
Phase 4 -
Phase 5 -
There isn’t a phase 5 song online so if you fancy making a phase 5 tricky word song for us all and sending it in that would be amazing! There will be a special prize when we return to school for anyone who makes us a catchy song with music!
Challenge two – Now that you have your word list its time to play a game. Today’s game is heads up! For this game you will need a family member who can read the tricky words to play with.
Write the tricky words onto separate pieces of paper. Close your eyes and your partner is going to stick the word onto your head. You need to ask questions to see if you can solve which word is on your head. For example – does it have the letter a in it? Does it have a capital letter?
Challenge three – Now that you have played a game to practice recognising your tricky words, it’s time to put them into sentences. Can you write some silly sentences with your tricky words in?
Hope you all have a lovely day!
Miss Riley and Miss Wolfenden
Date: 22nd May 2020 @ 8:37am
Happy Friday!
So this is going to be the last maths lesson for one whole week! We hope you are ready for a challenge. We are going to be doing some problem solving using measures and our knowledge of addition and subtraction. We hope you are ready for this. The work today is not new but you will need to use all the skills that you have been taught over the past weeks in a different way.
Challenge 1- Addition and subtraction involving measures
1. The shed is 10 m long. Miss wolfenden has been given a bike that is 2m long. Will the bike fit in the shed? How much longer is the shed than the bike?
2. The elephant is 7 m long and 2 m wide. The zoo keeper needs to build a new home for the elephant. How long and wide will the home need to be? The elephants friend wants to share the new home with her. Will the zoo keeper need to change the size of the shed?
3. Gerald the Giraffe is hungry and wants to eat the leaves from the Savanna tree. Gerald is 6m tall and the tree is 12m high. Will he be able to reach the leaves on the tree? Is the tree taller than Gerald, if so how many metres taller?
4. One ladder has 10 steps and is 5m high. Miss Riley bought 5 ladders and joined them together. How tall is the ladder now and how many steps does it have?
5. Seraj, Courteous, Joshua, Kaya, Faiz and YuXiang got 5 presents each. How many presents on total? Each present was 2ch long. The children made a line with the presents. How long was the line.
Challenge 2
Remeber! Can you see a number pair to 10?
1. 5cm+ 10cm+ 5cm= 2. 3cm+ 7cm+ 8cm= 3. .6 cm + 8cm + 4cm= 4. 9cm+ 7cm + 1cm=
Challenge 3- repaeted addition
1. 10cm +10cm + 10cm = 2. 5cm +5cm+5cm+ 5cm+5cm+5cm+5cm=
3 .2cm+2cm+2cm+2cm+2cm+2cm+2cm+2cm+2cm= 4. 5cm + 5cm + 2cm + 2cm +2cm=
5. 10cm +10cm + 10 cm + 5cm + 5cm + 5cm +5cm =
Challenge 4
1. A chocoalte bar is 14cm long. Harry eats 2 pieces that are 4cm long in total. How long is the chocolate bar now?
2. Each car is 5 cm long. Zara has 4 cars and puts them in a line. How long is the line of cars? Peter comes along and removes 2 cars, how long are they now?
3. Miss Riley loves to grow plants in her garden. She planted a sunflower that grew 20cm high. Unfortunately, a bird landed on the sunflower and snapped 8cm off it. How tall is it now?
4. Sam loves to eat sausages. he bought a sausage that was 16cm long. He ate 5 cm of it for his dinner. How long is the sausage now?
Happy learning!
Miss Wolfenden and Miss Riley
Date: 21st May 2020 @ 10:15am
Good morning, I hope you all found some way to enjoy the sunshine yesterday. I sent a lot of time in my garden and I have to admit even though I applied plenty of sun cream, I’m still a little pink! I hope you were all more careful than me.
We’re almost at the end of the week and today is the last kindness based challenge as I have something a little different for tomorrow.
I hope that you have been experiencing some acts of kindness this week as today my challenge is to write a kindness acrostic poem. This is where you use each letter of the word you choose to start a sentence or word.
I’ve attached a file that has a few different kindness words to use for your poem so you can choose one or choose more than one you like! As always if you can’t print then don’t worry, you can write it out on a piece of paper or even type it on a computer like I have.
I have chosen the word caring. Here is my poem.
Cooking for other people
Asking people how they are
Returning peoples phone calls and messages
Interest in what friends and family are up to
Niceness goes a long way!
Going the extra mile for those you love
As always please e-mail your poems to
Mrs Glover
Past challenges
I'm very impressed with all the origami hearts you've all been making, some of you even made both hearts like I did! Here they are along with some other past challenges.
Thursday Sentence of the day and phonics
Date: 21st May 2020 @ 9:52am
Good Morning everyone!
Sentence of the day
Here are the answers to yesterday’s sentence. If you noticed that the full stops were missing then you were correct! Well done!
Football teams have substitutes.
Tigers wear joggers.
Elephants can walk backwards.
Cheetahs are the fastest animal.
Here is today’s sentence. Put on your detective hat and have a think, what could the problem be with this sentence?
Wensdai was a glorious dae, the sun was shinin and the burds were chirping in the torl towering trees.
Today we are going to start our phonics by recapping our tricky words. Have a look at your tricky words and write them all out in your funky writing from yesterday. I’m going to write mine in rainbow writing…
For today’s phonics we are going back to our polysyllabic words. Polysyllabic words are words that have more than one syllable. When we are decoding new longer words we use syllables to help us chunk the words and make them more manageable to read.
Challenge one – Read the words below and clap out the syllables.
Challenge two – Read the words and draw a picture on a scrap of paper to match. Make sure each picture has its own piece of paper. Once you have drawn all of the pictures write out the words on separate pieces of paper. Now play a game of pairs and pair the word cards with the picture cards.
Challenge three- there are lots of games on phonicsplay to help you practice reading your polysyllabic words. Here is one of my favourites…
Hope you all have a lovely day, stay safe,
Miss Riley and Miss Wolfenden
Date: 21st May 2020 @ 6:51am
Good Morning!
I hope today is going to be sunny like yesterday. I saw lots of children playing in their gardens, in their paddling pools on the way home from school. It was lovely to see that families were spending time together and staying safe.
Today we are going to compare the mass of objects and use words like lighter, lightest, lighter than, heavier, heaviest and heavier than to compare how something weighs in relation to another object.
Watch this link from BBC Bitesize to help you understand the learning for today and then complete the activities
At school we often use balance scales to compare the weight of objects and before school closed we got really good at drawing balance record our thinking and to identify which objects are heavier and which are lighter.
Challenge 1
Complete the heavier or lighter powerpoint on the bottom of the page
Challenge 2
Complete the heavier and lighter challenge at the bottom of the page. Use your yellow book to record your thinking.
Challenge 3
Complete the heavier and lighter cut and stick
Do not worry if you are unable to print the work out. Copy the balance scales and draw the pictures.
Challenge 4
Complete which is the heaviest activity
Miss Wolfenden and Miss Riley
Date: 20th May 2020 @ 10:06am
Happy Wednesday! It is going to be a lovely sunny day so we need to get the learning completed really quickly so that you can play in the garden with your family and bathe in your paddling pools.
Today we are goung to focus on problem solving with length and height. So hopefully you can use the skills that you have been taught from the previous weeks to help you with this new learning.
The first thing we need to think about is how we use a ruler to measure the height and length of an object.
The length of an object is how long it is.
The height of an object is how tall it is.
Have a look at this video that shows you how to use a ruler to measure the length of an object.
Remember you have to put the object at the start of the ruler-marked 0
Challenge 1
Complete the measuring length and height sheets at the bottom of the page. If you cannot print out the sheets, don't worry. You can make your own ruler and copy the questions into the yellow exercise books.
Challenge 2
Use the height chart to record the heights in cm's of your family. Who is the tallest? Who is the shortest?
Challenge 3
Ask an adult if you can use a tape measure. Have a go at measuring the length and the height of the biggest thing you can see. Draw it in your exercise books and write how long and tall it is.
Now have a look at how to use this knowledge to solve problems
Challenge 4
Find 2 objects in your house. Draw them in your book. Record how long they are. How much longer is the longest object compared to the shortest object?
Challenge 5
Find 2 objects in your house. Draw them in your book. Record how tall they are. How much taller is the tallest object compared to the shortest object?
Miss Wolfenden and Miss Riley
Date: 20th May 2020 @ 9:54am
Good morning,
Wow what a day! The weather forecast suggests it could get as hot as 26 degrees today! I can’t wait to get out there and enjoy it although I’ll definitely be putting on some sun cream!
Today’s activity is linked to kindness again and involves making a little present for either someone else or yourself. Today‘s challenge is to make an origami heart.
To start with you will need a square piece of paper and it will be easier to follow the instructions if it is decorated or coloured on one side.
Here is a YouTube video telling you how to make a square from an A4 piece of paper.
Then you have a choice of making 2 different hearts, one flat and one 3D. I made both and prefer the flat one and found it a bit easier but it’s up to you which you do.
Here is how to make the flat heart (my first picture)
Here is how to make the 3D inflatable heart (my second picture) (then at the end you have to blow it up using the little hole at the bottom)
I can’t wait to see your hearts! Remember to e-mail them to
Mrs Glover
Past challenges
I've really enjoyed reading about all your kind acts in your hearts from yesterday and I love how some of you are mentioning clap for carers in your kind acts for others! Here are the ones I've been sent:
Wednesday sentence of the day and phonics
Date: 20th May 2020 @ 9:25am
Good Morning everyone!
Sentence of the day
Here are the answers to yesterday’s sentence. If you noticed that the capital letters were missing then you were correct! Well done!
I see a strand of hair on the screen.
On Monday Steve sprinted to school.
The stray dog scratched and scratched his head.
Put on your detective hat and have a look, what is the mistake in today’s sentence?
Football teams have substitutes
Tigers wear joggers_
Elephants can walk backwards_
Cheetahs are the fastest animal_
Today we are going to start our phonics by recapping the polysyllabic words from yesterday. Make some number cards with the numbers 1,2,3,4 on and place them in different places in your room. Watch and listen to the syllable song. Once you have clapped, stomped or crunched the syllables run to the number which shows how many syllables that word has.
For example if the word is pondweed I will do two stamps and run to the number 2.
Today’s phonics is all about our tricky words again.
Challenge one – Play a game of fastest finger. How fast can you find the tricky words?
Challenge two – Try and complete the tic-tac-toe grid. How many of the challenges can you tick off.
Challenge three- seen as though it’s a lovely day today it would be a shame to not do any phonics outside. So if you are outside today can you find different materials like twigs and stones and spell out your tricky words in different ways.
Hope you all have a lovely day, stay safe and enjoy the sunshine!
Miss Riley and Miss Wolfenden
Date: 19th May 2020 @ 10:26am
Good morning,
I hope everyone is well and taking good care of their mental health this week. We are still looking at kindness today and how important kindness is to keep everyone happy and healthy. Today's challenge will hopefully help everyone to see that kindness is all around us and I bet there are things that others do for us (and that we do for others!) that we barely even think about.
Today we're going to draw a kindness heart.
First of all draw a large heart on a piece of paper. Then on the left hand side write all the things that people do for you that are kind, all in different colours. Then on the right hand side write all the kind things that you do for others in different colours. If you can't think of many then maybe have a think of things that you could do. The acts of kindness could be as simple as just smiling at someone or saying good morning.
Here is mine if you would like to steal some ideas!
If you would like to share your kindness hearts then as always please feel free to e-mail me on
Past challenges
Thanks to Mrs Iqbal who sent me her kind acts for the week!
Well done to the children that are still sending in their mask designs as well as their kindsness acts (one here has even made his mum a cup of tea and some biscuits!)
Reading and writing challenges
Date: 19th May 2020 @ 10:13am
Reading challenge
This weeks reading challenge is to try and level up on Lexia.
If you are unsure of how to log in have a look on the blog post titled Lexia and active learn, you’ll find all the information you need there. If you are still struggling send us an email and we will be happy to help you J
Writing challenge
For this weeks writing challenge you will be using the bug hotels that you made the other week. Don’t worry if you didn’t get chance to make one or if you can’t find yous, you can just make one this week before you do your writing challenge.
This week I would like you to write your own instructions on how to make a bug hotel. Use this check list to make sure you have everything you need in your instructions
Bossy verbs are our words like put, fill, find, add, peep. They are words that are bossing about the person who is reading the instructions. These words usually come at the start of your instruction, just after your time connective. For example, First fill your pot with water.
Time terms are your time connectives – first, next, then, after that, finally
If you need a little help writing your instructions then watch the video all about how to make a bug hotel and read the instructions below. Remember these are your own instructions, so if you made the bug hotel in a different order then that’s ok J
Tuesday Sentence of the day and phonics
Date: 19th May 2020 @ 10:11am
Good Morning everyone!
We hope you are all awake and ready for your home learning. If your brain doesn’t quite want to wake up this morning then maybe have a dance or do some yoga to get it woken up and ready to learn J
Sentence of the day
Here are the answers to yesterday’s sentences…
Could the elephants stand on their heads?
Did Mrs Green ask Mr Green for some cake?
Oh wow shouted the people when the dolphin flipped in the air.
Have a look at today’s sentences what are they all missing?
i see a strand of hair on the screen.
on monday steve sprinted to school/
the stray dog scratched and scratched his head.
Let’s start our phonics by quickly recapping some of those three letter consonant blends. Have a look at the different pictures below. Which blend is missing from each word? You don’t have to write these down if you don’t want to, just say the consonant blend that you think is missing.
Today’s phonics focusses on polysyllabic words. Polysyllabic words are words that have more than one syllable for example windmill has two syllables – wind-mill, Saturday has three syllables – sat-ur-day. Syllables in a word always contain a vowel – A, E , I, O U. It is useful to know this to make decoding words easier. When we read polysyllabic words we chunk them up to make them easier to read.
Challenge one – Watch the video and find the syllables in the different words. Don’t forget to do the actions as they will help you to understand how many syllables are in a word.
Challenge two – Read the words, clap out the syllables and decide how many syllables each word has. Colour in the syllables in different colours
For example towel
Challenge three- Now look at the different pictures. Say the word that you see and write it down. Use the syllables you hear to help you.
Hope you all have a lovely day!
Miss Riley and Miss Wolfenden
Date: 19th May 2020 @ 6:17am
Today we are going to focus on measuring - length
When we compare and talk about the length of an obect we use words like short, shorter, shortest, long, longer, longest, longer than and shorter than.
Watch the videos below to see how you can use this language to compare the length of objects.
Remember when we are measurung the length of something we are finding out how long it is.
Challenge 1
Find 3 objects from around the house and put them in order from the shortest to the longest.
Then say and write the following sentences.
The the shortest.
The the longest.
The longer than ..................... but shorter than the ....................................
The ............................. is shorter than the ............................................... longer than the ............................................
Challenge 2
Complete the longer and shorter activities at the bottom of the page.
Now watch the following link so that you know how to measure the length of an object using non standard measures. Have a go at completing the activities.
Challenge 3
Complete the 'How many feet'challenge at the bottom of the page.
Miss Wolfenden and Miss Riley
Date: 18th May 2020 @ 10:41am
Good morning everyone, its the start of a new week!
Thank you to everyone who has sent their amazing face mask designs, I've been blown away once again! Have a look below to see what you have all done.
This week it is Mental Health Awareness week so I will be posting some activities linked to this. Mental Health means looking after yourself to make sure that you are happy and healthy. The theme is kindness and involves being kind to yourself and others.
For today I've attached a little booklet for "The power of kindness" where you have to draw or write what kindness means to you and then write (or draw) 5 kind acts that you can do this week (it says month but I think we can squeeze them all into a week!) The acts of kindness can be either being kind to yourself or being kind to others. Perhaps a mix of both would be nice. If you can't print out the booklet then you can just type or write them out like I have :-).
Kindness to me means doing something nice to make somebody feel good and loved.
The 5 things I am going to do are:
1. Make my husband some cups of tea
2. Send a friend a little message through the post to cheer them up.
3. Phone my mum for a chat.
4. Have a nice relaxing foot spa while I watch one of my favourite films (for me)
5. Buy myself a litle treat while I'm out shopping, maybe some nice chocolate! (also for me!)
As always, please let me know what your ideas are by e- mailing
Mrs Glover
Past challenges
Look at all these fantastic face masks! :-D
Date: 18th May 2020 @ 9:37am
We hope you had a fantastic weekend and are ready for some more maths learning today!
Today we are going to focus on Measures with a focus on comparing then measuring the height of an object.
When we compare the height of objects we use the words short, shortest, shorter, tallest, taller, taller than and shorter than.
Watch the following links to see how you can use this vocabulary to compare objects.
Now you have a good understanding of how to compare objects according to their height see if you can complete the following challenges
Challenge 1
Complete the worksheet challenge at the bottom of the page- comparing the height of objects.
Challenge 2
Find 3 different objects in your house or garden. Put the objects in height order, starting with the shortest.
Then say and write the following sentences.
The ------------------------- is the shortest.
The -------------------------is the tallest.
----------------- is shorter than ....................... but taller than........................... taller than ...........................but shorter than ................................
Now watch the BBC bitesize and watch their daily teaching lesson on comparing and measuring the height of objects.
Now lets have a look at using non standard measures such as are hands, feet, cubes, pencils to measure the height of objects. Watch the link to see how we can do this.
Now that you feel happy to measure the height of objects complete the challenges below.
Challenge 3
Complete the measuring the height of objects sheet at the bottom of the page.
Challenge 4
Find 5 objects in the house or garden. Use your hands, feet to measure the height of them.
Miss Wolfenden and Miss Riley
Weekly Connected Curriculum Challenge - How to Grow and Care for Plants
Date: 18th May 2020 @ 7:49am
How to Grow and Care for Plants
Find something growing in your garden or in the park during your daily exercise time – look at the grass or a flower– DON’T PICK IT! Leave it growing in the ground to show everyone you care for living things. Talk about what you know about plants. You could describe what it looks like or say how it has grown.
Challenge Choices
If you are a scientist you can use a computer to find out about flower grow using your knowledge of the story, ‘Jasper’s Beanstalk’ and by looking at videos on the internet like these:
If you are a singer you could learn a new song like this one and sing it to your family
If you are a dancer you could pretend you are a plant growing and move along with the music.
If you are an artist you could paint or draw a picture of a flower using the colours that you see. Look at the beautiful painting my daughter made below.
If you are a speaker you can use words to talk about what you have seen and learned. You could make a video describing your favourite flower and talk about how it grew.
There are lots of things to keep you busy there. Remember to choose your favourite and send in photos or videos of your learning by Friday
From Mrs Ganner
Monday sentence of the day and phonics
Date: 17th May 2020 @ 7:12pm
Good Morning Year 1 and happy Monday!
I hope you all had a lovely weekend. I know it has been a long time since we have been in school and sometimes your home learning might feel a bit tricky but keep up the amazing work and don’t give up, as the more practice you have at home, the easier your learning will be when we eventually go back. Fingers crossed it won’t be too long until it’s safe for us to be in school.
Sentence of the day
Well done to all of those children who completed Friday’s sentence of the day.
On Monday Jack came home with a handful of magical beans. His mother was furious and she threw them out of the window.
Today’s sentence of the day focusses on those tricky words that you looked at on Friday. Are they all spelt correctly in this sentence?
Cud the elephants stand on thair heads?
Did Misus Green ask Mista Green for some cake?
Ow wow shouted the peepul when the dolphin flipped in the air.
Let’s start our phonics by quickly recapping those tricky words. Write your tricky words onto scraps of paper and place them around the room. Play the tricky word video. When the song says the tricky word go and stand on that word.
Today’s phonics will be focussing on those consonant blends that have three letters. Watch this video and see if you can spot the three letter blends that we are looking at today.
Challenge one – When you have watched the video write down all of the three letter blends that you saw. Practice saying the blends so that you are confident in how they should sound when you read a word.
thr scr spr spl str shr
Challenge two – Look at the words below. Can you sort them into the three letter consonant blend groups?
strictest throbbing thriller strum stretcher splinter
throne scream sprout
splashing straw shrill
thrash shredder splitter
Can you think of any other words that can be put into the different consonant blend groups?
Challenge three- Now its time to go on a blend search. Read the story on
How many different words with the three letter consonant blends did you find?
Hope you all have a lovely day!
Miss Riley and Miss Wolfenden
Date: 15th May 2020 @ 10:33am
Well we got there . it has been a busy week in school and I am very pleased that it is Friday! I hope you are enjoying playing your TT rockstars game. If you are finding it a bit tricky then have a go at learning your timetables with this different website too. It is You can buy ponies and cars with the points you win from knowing your timestables. Have a look at it I know my nieces Elva and Lyla are loving playing it.
Today we are going to going to solve a mixture of Addition and Subtraction problems based on what we have learnt so far. Remember the strategies we have used so far. We have used the bar method, counting on and back on a number line, using concrete objects to add and takeaway and we have used are knowledge of number facts to help us! let me know if you bridge through ten!
Challenge 1
8+8= 7+3= 10-5= 15-5= 12-3= 6+4= 10+10+10= 5+5+5+5+5= 2+2+2=
15-2= 18+5= 23+7= 19-9= 14-11= 30-10= 20-11= 14-6= 17-13= 13+6=
Challenge 2- Missing numbers
6 + = 12 8+ =10 4+ = 12 7+ =12 13+ =20
10- =3 13- = 16- = 13- -= 8 21- =
Challenge 3
1. David bought 8 fish and 5 crabs and put them in a basket. How many things did they put in the basket?
2. Miss Wolfenden made 12 cakes and Courteous ate 9. How many cakes were left?
3.Jane went to the shop and bought; a broom, a mop, some soap, a bucket, washing up powder and pegs. How many things did she buy. Each item cost 10p . How much did the shopping cost?
Miss Wolfenden and Miss Riley
Date: 15th May 2020 @ 10:19am
Good morning and happy Friday! End of the week already! Fingers crossed we get some sun this weekend.
My last wellbeing challenge of the week is a creative one in case you want to spend some time on it over the weekend.
I’d like you to design your own face mask. As we know, face masks are being worn by many people at the moment to keep help them safe. If you had to wear one, what would you like it to look like? You can have whatever you want on it and make it as crazy as you like!
I’ve attached a template if you would like to use it but don’t worry if you don’t have a printer, you can just draw one like I drew mine! Here is mine for you to have a look at, now if only I could sew…
Please send me your designs as I’d love to see them!
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Glover
Past challenges
Thank you to Heer who sent me this joke:
There were two boys who were going to school and they were late.The teacher asked why they were late.One said I was looking for my money that i lost. The teacher asked the other boy why he was late.He said I put my foot on his money.
and to Tomasz for these jokes:
What is a pirate's favourite letter?
What do you call an alligator in a vest?
An investigator!
and to Theodosia for sending me a lovely video of her telling me jokes such as:
What do you get if you cross a tiger with a porcupine?
A slow poke!
Date: 14th May 2020 @ 8:08pm
Let’s Celebrate!
Well this week has flown by! Thank you so much to the parents that have been able to take the time to send us your learning we really do love seeing your learning as well as the different things you are getting up to whilst at home.
What an amazing role model. This learning is presented so beautifully! It looks like you are becoming really confident using your part whole bars to help you to subtract. Well done!
Here is another example of perfect presentation. It is lovely to see you working through all of your home learning challenges. Well done!
Here is another person working hard at home with his learning. We love seeing your learning spaces and desks at home, it makes us very proud of you all!
We had to double check that this was really one of our year one children’s work! What beautiful hand writing. I think this person is definitely ready for year 2!
It’s great to see you becoming more and more confident in using a variety of methods to solve subtraction. It looks like this person is definitely getting the hang of it. Great job!
It looks like this person has really got the hang of writing their numbers using words.
Isn’t it just great that we have been able to take our learning outside? Here’s one of our year one children practicing words with different end blends whilst playing hopscotch.
Here is another person working really hard ordering their numbers. Well done!
We really love putting this blog post together on Fridays. It makes us feel so proud and pleased to see you all so busy and carrying on trying your hardest with all of your home learning. I know it feels like we haven’t been in school for ages but keep going and practicing all of your skills so that when we return we can spend lots of time creating memories and learning lots of new things.
We hope you have a lovely weekend,
Miss Riley and Miss Wolfenden
Friday sentence of the day and phonics
Date: 14th May 2020 @ 7:36pm
It’s Friday! This week seems to have zoomed by!
It has been lovely to see lots of you busy with your learning this week. Remember that you can still go on Lexia and active learn so that you can practice your reading skills every day.
Sentence of the day
Here are the answers for yesterday. There were quite a few mistakes yesterday. Well done to the children who used their amazing phonics skills to make sure the words were spelt correctly.
On Thursday Sophie dug a deep hole in the garden, in the hole she found wriggly worms and creepy crawlers. When the deep dark hole was dug she planted her favourite tree and crossed her fingers that it would grow big and tall.
Here is our last sentence of the week. This sentence has a mixture of all of the things you’ve looked for this week that need correcting – full stops, capital letters, phonics. Let’s see who’s up for the challenge!
on Monday jack came hoam with a handful of magical beans. his mother was furious and she frew them out of the windoa__
Let’s have a quick recap of the end blends from yesterday.
lk nt sk lp lf
Play a game of rally robin with a family member. How many words can you both remember with the above end blends? Take turns to say a word, you can clap hands so that you remember whose turn it is.
Today we are going to be practicing our tricky words.
Challenge one – Get our your tricky word mat, or make another, and play a game of fastest. Your grown up will say a word and you have to point to it. Take turns, can you find the words faster than your grown up?
Challenge two – Play a game of bingo with your family. Write all of the words down, fold them up and put them in a pot. Ask the people playing to make their own bingo board with 6 words on. You can be the bingo caller or a player it’s up to you!
Challenge three – Quiz time. Ask your grown-ups to read the word and you write them down. See how many words you can spell correctly. If there were some you found extra tricky you know that these are the ones you need to practice.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend! Don’t forget to check back later for our special Friday celebration!
Miss Riley and Miss Wolfenden
Thursday Sentence of the day and phonics
Date: 14th May 2020 @ 10:24am
Good Morning! Can you believe it’s Thursday already!
It has been lovely to see lots of you busy with your learning. Remember that you can still go on Lexia and active learn so that you can practice your reading skills every day.
Sentence of the day
Here are the answers for yesterday. Well done if you spotted it – the capital letters were missing. We need capital letters at the start of the sentence and for names and days of the week.
Joe loves gardening when the weather gets warmer. Last Sunday he purchased some tiny round seeds from the shop. When he got home he found a large shiny pot and planted the seeds deep into the soggy brown mud.
Today’s sentence of the day is all about your phonics. Some of the words are spelt incorrectly, use your sound mats to make sure they are correct.
On Thersday Sophie dug a deep hole in the grdn, in the hole she fownd wriggly worms and creepy crawlers. Wen the deep dark hole was dug she plantid her favourite tree and crossed her fingurs that it wud grow big and tall.
Let’s start todays phonics by practicing the end blends that you looked at yesterday.
nk st nd mp ft
Write the end blends on paper and put them around a room. Ask your grown up to read these words. Listen to the word they read and then stand next to the end blend that it matches.
bunk loft trump
toast ghost trunk
hand found hound
jump lump sealift
Today you are going to be looking at end blends again. End blends are blends that come at the end of a word. Watch the youtube video to find out more.
Here are our blends today…
lk nt sk lp lf
Practice reading the blends one by one
Here are your three challenges…
Challenge one – Watch the video and write down the different words with the end blends in them. If you can think of any other words that match the blends then write them down too. Copy all of the words so that you have two sets.
Challenge two – Play a game of pairs with a family member. If you find a pair you win the cards, if not turn them over and wait for your next turn.
Challenge three – Silly sentences- how many silly sentences can you write using the words?
Hope you have a lovely day! Don’t forget to send us your learning. We love seeing your smiling faces!
Miss Riley and Miss Wolfenden
Date: 14th May 2020 @ 10:23am
Good morning everyone,
I've had a request to make the font on my blog a little easier to read so that some of the younger children can have a go at reading it themselves which is a fantastic idea, so hopefully this will be a bit easier to read!
I hope people enjoyed yesterdays challenge, I know that some people did the Jason Manford quiz at 1.30 so if anyone didn't get the chance to watch Friday the turtle or had any problems accessing the Facebook live video then here it is on YouTube today:
Today's challenge is one that will hopefully make you and others around you smile. I want you to tell someone a joke! In fact, I think you should try and make as many people laugh as possible! Laughing is very good for both your health and wellbeing and it's certainly one of my favourite things to do, especially if I'm feeling a bit sad.
If you don't know any jokes then have a look at these:
Here are some that I like!
What do elves learn in school?
The elf-abet.
Why didn’t the skeleton go to the dance?
He had no body to dance with.
Please e-mail me on with your best jokes or any stories of making people laugh.
Mrs Glover
Past challenges
Thanks to everyone who has sent me pictures of them doing a few of the past challenges, here are a few of them!