Year 1HB: Blog items

The Toy Museum Visitor!

Date: 27th Feb 2025 @ 11:09am

This week we have launched our new topic -Would you rather play with toys from the past or toys from the present?' We are already very excited about this topic because we LOVE to talk, play and learn about TOYS!

On Wednesday, we had a very exciting morning because a visitor came and shown us her Toy Museum! We saw lots of intersting toys form the past and the present. The visitor told us many interesting facts about how the toys had changed over time and what materials they were made from. We also had lots of fun using our imagination to become toys ourselves and even invent toys of our own! 

In our writing lesson, we will be writing a recount about what happened when we went to visit the Toy Museum so that we can tell our parents all about it!





Does the rain fall the same amount around our school? - continued!

Date: 9th Feb 2025 @ 9:06am

After 1 week we measured the amount of rainfall collected in our 3 rain gauges! We were very excited to find out if they had collected the same amount or which one had collected the most.

The results showed that rain gauge 3 in our garden area had collected the most rain with a measure of 40ml! The other rain gauges had collected less than 10ml! We explored why this is and we thought that it was to help the plants grow! 

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Park Setting Description!

Date: 3rd Feb 2025 @ 6:31pm

Year 1 have been reading 'The Shark in the Park' in English and we have been working hard to write a setting description of the park. We have explored lots of different adjectives, verbs and prepositions! Take a look at our amazing final pieces!

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Does the rain fall the same amount around our school?

Date: 25th Jan 2025 @ 7:53am

Our new connected curriculum is 'Why is the weather so wonderful?'. We have been learning about how meterologists study the weather patterns and use diffferent types of equipment such as rain gauges, wind socks and weather vanes. 

As geographers, we wanted to role play being meterologists and asked the question does the rain fall the same amount around our school? First, we studied a map of our school and predicted where and if the rain would fall more in one place or another. Then we have made our own rain gauges using plastic bottles and labelled them bottles 1,2 and 3. We then plotted on our school map where they should be placed to collect the rain water. Afterwards we used our school maps to find the places to place our rain gauges which was lots of fun. Each week we will go and retrieve our rain gauges and measure the arount of rain fall. Most of us predicted that the rain will fall the most in Stuart's garden because the garden needs rainwater to grow the plants. 

Log on next week to see if we were correct!

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3D Shapes all around us!

Date: 25th Jan 2025 @ 7:36am

Last week, in maths we were learning to recognise and name 3D shapes. We explored the classroom to find different 3D shapes and the sorted them into groups. We problem solved the differences between a cube and cuboid as they are similar. We found that the most popular shape was a cupoid and the least popular shape was a triangular prisim. 

Have a look at home and see which 3D shapes you can find!

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1HB 3D SHAPES (4).jpg

Happy New Year!

Date: 11th Jan 2025 @ 1:22pm


It has been wonderful having the children back this week! We have enjoyed sharing what we have been up to over the holidays with our friends and of course celebrating the snowy weather!

Christmas Lunch!

Date: 4th Jan 2025 @ 6:31am

On the last Wednesday before the Christmas holidays we enjoyed our Christmas Lunch. It was delicious!! 

What can you hear?

Date: 8th Dec 2024 @ 11:37am

Year 1 have been learning about the senses in science. This week we have been exploring the sense of hearing. We went on a listening walk around the school and recorded all of the sounds that we could hear on our observation sheets. We especially enjoyed exploring the upstairs areas of the school as we don't usually visit these areas. We heard lots of different sounds and shared them as a class.

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1HB Listening walk (7).JPG   

DT houses!

Date: 24th Nov 2024 @ 11:29am

1HB have been learning how to make attachments to models. We have explored how to attach a flange and tabs so that we can then use these skills to make a stable model house for someone living in Clayton. The flange was very useful to make a chimney and the tabs were perfect to make a moveable front door. We had lots of fun designing and making our models. Next week we will evaluate our models to conclude what worked well and what we could do to improve them.

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1HB DT Houses (4).jpg

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Exploring House Materials!

Date: 10th Nov 2024 @ 8:25am

In writing, are preparing to write a non-fition book to describe the materials used to build a house. First we started by learning about how a house is built and what materials are used to build them. The next day, we explored some of the materials by visiting stations in the class room. As a class, we used our senses to describe brick, wood, slate and plastic to generate lots of adjectives for our working window. We will use these adjectives within our non-fiction books when we come to write them.

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Date: 3rd Nov 2024 @ 9:27am

We have launched our writing topic this week by reading the traditional tale of "The Three Little Pigs". We have explored the features of a brick house and considered why it was the best house. We have also completed lots of different challenges to label the features a house. We have designed and labelled a house using graph paper and then used the constrcution blocks to build our designs. We have used card, tissue paper and shiny paper to create a collage houses and named their features. We have been busy in our funky fingers area, using the sticks or peg boards to make houses, we then labelled the features using post its. 

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You can't take an elephant on the bus!

Date: 26th Oct 2024 @ 7:52am

In English, we have been reading the story 'You can't take an elephant on the bus!' In writing, we decided to write a fact file explaining why you can't take an elephant on the bus. We generated lots of adjectives to describe the elephant and we also explored what the elephant might do on the bus. Take a look at our amazing pieces of independent writing!

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Date: 13th Oct 2024 @ 3:56pm

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We have enjoyed our computing lesson this week. We have been learning about the importance of logging on using a username and password. We have also been developing our mouse control skills using the website Sketchpad. We had fun using the different tools and drawing pictures on the Chromebooks. 

Greater than and less than!

Date: 27th Sep 2024 @ 2:28pm

In maths this week we have been learning about more than and less than. We have been exploring different objects by comparing quaitities. We have also been learning about the <, > and = symbols and using them to write number equations to compare numbers.

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LAUNCH - What is in our local area?

Date: 22nd Sep 2024 @ 1:38pm

This week 1HB launched our new topic 'What is in our local area?' We went to explore the boundaries of our school from the outskirts of our playground. We enjoyed looking at the houses and sharing where we live with our friends! We were also excited to talk about our experiences of visiting the local chip shop and of course the sweet shop! We learned about how Clayton is the town where we live and that Clayton is a town in the city of Manchester. Next week we will exploring maps of our local area as well as using them to plan and follow routes.

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Date: 18th May 2024 @ 9:09am

This week we have been exploring globes as part of our connected curriculum topic Why is the weather wonderful? We have been learning the definition of the word climate and how the places around the globe have hotter and colder climates. We could identify the North and South Pole on the globe and discovered that they are the coldest climates due to their positions and distance from the sun. We also learned what the equator is and how countries close to the equator have a hotter climate because they are the closest to the sun. Afterwards we made models of the globes and presented our facts to the Reception Class. They were very impressed with our knowledge about the climate around the globe.

1HB Globes (2).JPG

Doubling and Halving!

Date: 12th May 2024 @ 9:27am

This week we have been very busy in year 1!

In Maths, we have been learning about halving and doubling numbers up to 20! We have learned that doubling means adding the same number to find what they are equal to and that halving means sharing between two. We have enjoyed using the Numicon and the ten frames to explore doubling and halving. We have also completed challenges were we have to spot the mistakes where we have found quantities have not been shared or doubled equally. We have also discovered that we can count the equal amounts of doubles by counting in 2s!


Date: 6th May 2024 @ 10:51am

In science this week we have been learning about the different types of flowers including wild flowers and garden flowers. We went out into our school garden to search and collect wild flowers and we also looked closely at some garden flowers. We were able to name the flowers using identification charts, discuss the difference between wild and garden plants and share the different places wild and garden plants will grow. We really enjoyed looking closely at the flowers especially as the sun was shining for us!

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Why is weather wonderful?

Date: 26th Apr 2024 @ 3:07pm

We launched our CC topic this week; Why is weather so wonderful?

We shared what we have learnt about the weather so far and posed questions about what we would like to learn during our topic. We looked in the rainbow bag and found items related to the weather. We discussed and shared what they are used for and what type of weather they relate to.


Computing - Rocket designs!

Date: 24th Mar 2024 @ 7:41pm

In computing we have been using the chromebooks to plan and design a model rocket! Last week we word processed a list of materials and equipment which we will need to create our model rockets. This week we have used the sketchpad to draw our designs on the chromebooks. We are looking forward to using our designs to create our models next week!

Computing rockets.jpg


Red Nose Day!

Date: 17th Mar 2024 @ 12:10pm

We had lots of fun on Friday raising money for Comic Relief. We all came to school dressed in something red and some of us even painted our noses red! We designed our own Red Noses for a competition and can't wait to find out who the winners are on Monday! We also decorated a circular biscuit in the style of a red nose! 1HB Red Nose Day.jpg

KS1 Wacky Rockets Exhibition

Date: 17th Mar 2024 @ 10:14am

Adam from Sublime Science finished off Science Week with KS1. He put on a exhibition in the playground all about how to create some rockets using fizzy water, a pump and mentos sweets. He used different sized bottles and changed the amount of mentos sweets that went into the fizzy water to see how far each rocket would go. Some rockets went out of our school playground!!

It was so much fun!!! 

Manchester Airport Trip!

Date: 7th Mar 2024 @ 1:38pm

We had such an amazing day yesterday on our visit at the Manchester Airport Viewing Park!

We climbed aboard the Monarch aircraft and explored inside, we were even invited to the flight deck and pretend to fly the plane like a pilot! We also learned about other roles and responsibilities of the people who work at the airport and got to try on some of their uniforms.

Next we went to see the impressive Concorde, it was huge! We walked underneath it and counted how many wheels it had. We also found out that it flew faster than the speed of sound! 

Later on, we loved watching the aeroplanes taking off and landing on the runway. There were alsorts of different colours and they were all very noisy! 

We had the best day ever and enjoyed our visit very much!

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Exploring wind direction!

Date: 10th Feb 2024 @ 7:21am

In science, we have been learning about weather patterns and seasonal changes. This week we have been meterologists! We created our own wind socks to explore the direction of the wind. First we decorated cardboard to make the sock and then we attached tissue paper to the base as a means to test the direction of the wind. We had so much fun going outside to test our wind socks and had the perfect windy day to find out about the direction of the wind. We questioned if the wind direction changes and which direction the wind is blowing. We found out that the wind was travelling in one direction to the west.

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Old Games!

Date: 4th Feb 2024 @ 7:10am

On Friday for our topic work we learning about asking and answering questions. The classroom was set up with lots of old games that we had not seen before! This prompted us to question: how they were played? what were the rules? How do you set the game up? How do you win? What are the pieces for? We had lots of fun learning how to play the games and afterwards we expert players. We played marbles, Jacks, Shut the box, Pick up sticks and dominoes! Afterwards we were able to answer the questions and explain how to play all the old games. We also created a class block graph to find out which was our favourite old game.

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‘We create, We explore,

We care, We soar’


Ravensbury Community School

Tartan StreetClayton M11 4EG

Maureen Hughes | Headteacher

Jo Wendt | SENCO

0161 223 0370