Friday's maths

Date: 1st May 2020 @ 10:31am


Well done you made it! You are on the last maths challenge of the week.We hope you haven't found the work too tricky. We are going to continue learning about finding half and quarters.

Today I want you to find a half and a quarter of an amount. Remember to find a half, you need to share an amount into two equal groups and finding a quarter is sharing an amount into four equal groups.

Challenge 1

We want you to use objects in the house to solve these problems. Maybe you could use fruit, sweets, bricks, cars, dolls,shoes or cans of food to help find the answers,

Can you find half of ............

a..8      b.2       c.4      d.6     e.10     f.12   g.  16

Can you record your answers as a picture in your books.


Challenge 2

We want you to use objects in the house to solve these problems. Maybe you could use fruit, sweets, bricks, cars, dolls,shoes or cans of food to help find the answers,

Can you find quarter of ............

a..8      b.20       c.4      d.12     e.16     

Can you record your answers as a picture in your books.

If you want more of a challenge then have a go at the activities below. Just click on the blue bars and then will open up for you to see.









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We care, We soar’


Ravensbury Community School

Tartan StreetClayton M11 4EG

Maureen Hughes | Headteacher

Jo Wendt | SENCO

0161 223 0370