: Blog items

Story Adventure The House on Haunted Hill Part 5

Date: 7th May 2020 @ 3:32pm

Well Maddison got to the answer first again! She has opted to go down into the cellar. Cross your fingers this ends well!

Here goes...

Descending the steps is scary and dangerous as they are covered in moss and mould. They are slippery and you have to be careful as you make your way into the cold depths of the house.

Faint slivers of moonlight dance through the small doorway giving you a dim range of visibility. You look around and see a small cupboard, its door hanging off its rusty hinges. A wooden stairway is in one of the corners probably leading up into the house.

Do you climb the stairs and leave the cellar

Open the filthy cupboard

Another choice!! What will YOU choose this time.  Remember we are on the hunt for a Ruby Heart so sometimes you have to take chances.

All will be revealed on Monday but whoever gets their choice in first, that's the one I will take. 


Activities Checklist!

Date: 7th May 2020 @ 3:30pm

Good afternoon everyone!

I hope you have had a fabulous Thursday so far. 

Right at the beginning of lockdown, when we sent home our home-learning packs, we included a checklist of different activities. I've attached it as a reminder.

How well have you done on the checklist so far?

Have you managed to reach gold? Platinum? 

Email us and let us know on y5homelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk


Miss Brookes


Date: 7th May 2020 @ 1:32pm

We have had a phenomenal response to home learning this week! I am so happy to have received so many photos from you all. 

🌟 We are so proud of our Outstanding Home Learners🌟

Remember, Miss Heritage is looking forward to doing the blog next week so if you didn't manage to send your photos in this week, don't worry, she'll put them up next Friday for you.

Have a fabulous bank holiday weekend!

Stay home, stay safe and we'll see you back here on Monday.

From Mrs Ganner


BONUS BANK HOLIDAY CBeebies Reading Challenge

Date: 7th May 2020 @ 1:14pm

CBeebies Reading Challenge 

Olly Murs reads ‘Toad has Talent’ for the last of our bedtime stories this week.

It’s about a Toad who thinks he hasn’t got any talent and he’s nervous of entering the talent contest. Just like last night’s story there are lots of action words, ‘wiggled, jiggled, bend, twist, cartwheeled, slipped. 

What talents do you have? What would you do?


Choose your own bedtime story over the weekend. Will you reread one of the ones we read this week or will you choose a new one?  Head over to CBEEBIES to choose one of your own

Night night sleep tight

From Mrs Ganner

BONUS BANK HOLIDAY Maths Daily Challenge

Date: 7th May 2020 @ 1:08pm

Maths Daily Challenge  

Our last challenge of the week is my favourite one. You’re going to create an amazing piece of art!

Straight Shapes Shape Challenge

Look at the photos attached to this blog. What shapes can you see? All of the shapes are straight sided shapes. Can you name them?

You could use chalks or paint or felt tips to make your own straight shapes picture - make the straight lines with a ruler or masking tape like the one in the photos.

Next week Miss Heritage is going to set lots more fun challenges.

Have a lovely weekend

From Mrs Ganner

BONUS BANK HOLIDAY Phonics Daily Challenge

Date: 7th May 2020 @ 1:04pm

Phonics Daily Challenge 

If you didn't make a sound monster, look at my video of how to make one:


Sound Monster Challenge  - p,i,n

Complete your phonics challenges for this week by finding groups of objects beginning with ‘p’ or ‘i’ or ’n’ and then practice writing the letters.



Say the sound

Name the letter

Write the letter

Bounce pppp pirate

letter p

down the plait and over the pirate’s face

Bounce iiii insect

letter i

down the body, dot for the head

Stretch nnnnnnnnet

letter n

Down Nobby over his net


Have an amazing weekend and Miss Heritage will be back next week with more fabulous phonics challenges. Have you mastered isolating initial sounds and writing them to label objects yet? If not, it’s O.K. you just need to keep practicing at home with your family.

Mrs Ganner

Year 4 Home Learning

Date: 7th May 2020 @ 12:56pm

Good Morning Year 4!

I hope you are all having a great week!

Don't forget to visit the Year 4Home Learning Page to find your tasks for this week!


We now have a new feature on the page, so you can 'like' each task you have completed! Just click the heart symbol on the task you are working on! Let's see how many likes we can get!

Tomorrow we will be posting our weekly celebration of our home learning, so send us your updates on the Y4 email! We will also be announcing the Readers of the Week of Lexia and ActiveLearn, so make sure you have logged on!

Stay safe,

Miss Bryce :) 

Thursday 7th

Date: 7th May 2020 @ 12:22pm

Good afternoon year 3.

All your home learning tasks are available via the link https://padlet.com/missfaragher/kj2clvf5jjlr98k1

and the answers from yesterday's sentence of the day and fluent in 5.

Enjoy your day.

The year 3 team

Outstanding Learning!

Date: 7th May 2020 @ 10:36am

Good Morning 5CB! I am so proud of you all, for working so hard both at home, and in school (for those couple of children who are in still in school).

The work you have been sending me has been amazing, and has really cheered me up this week. I am writing the celebration post today because tomorrrow is a bank holiday, however, I am not going to write the winners of this weeks reading challenge, or the reading plus challenge, until tomorrow evening - to give you a fair five days to complete it.

The children this week, that have demonstrated outstanding learning are:







What amazing work you have all emailed me! Look below for some pictures of their learning.

Please send in your heart photographs - we only have 7 so far, and Mrs Thewlis wants to make the video this weekend. y5homelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk

Have a brilliant three day weekend, take care, and stay safe. 

Miss Brookes 

Wellbeing challenge number 19

Date: 7th May 2020 @ 10:28am

Good morning,

Yet another lovely sunny day! I'm looking forward to getting out in the sun later although I actually got a little bit sunburnt yesterday! Remeber that suncream!

Today's challenge is a creative one, I'd like you to try a bit of origami. Origami is the art of folding paper and while it can be a bit tricky, it's also quite a nice relaxing activity once you know what you're doing and you end up with something that looks amazing. You could even make a few things and use them to decorate your house!

What you need for all origami is a square of paper, either plain or patterned. If youre not sure how to turn a piece of paper into a square then have a look here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPxi1dIWRws

Then you could take some time to decorate your paper if you like before you fold it.

Then this is a fairly simple one to get started, a butterfly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWjEYlMZnhE

Just follow each instruction carefully and the good thing about watching a video is that you can rewind it as much as you like! If you're not a fan of butterflies then feel free to have a look for something else on the Red Ted Art channel.

Here's my butterfly that I've just made. It's not perfect but it's the first time I've ever done it so I was quite impressed with myself!

As always I'd love to see pictures of what you've made or of any past challenges, e-mail EALhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk to send them or even just to let me know what kind of challenges you prefer so I can make sure I'm doing ones that people like :-)

Past challenges

Thanks to all the children who have sent me pictures, you've all been very busy which is great to see!

Lexia Superstars

Date: 7th May 2020 @ 10:28am

First of all I want to say a huge thank you and well done to everybody who has logged on to Lexia this week and has continued to read at home. I am very impressed! There has been a few children who have moved up a reading level this week on Lexia. Well done to Daniel, Andrew and Hashim who have received certificates! I can't wait to see who receives certificates next week. Keep up the hard work :)

Miss Hamer

Thursday Challenge

Date: 7th May 2020 @ 10:17am

Good morning Year 2,

Today is the last day of learning this week as tomorrow is bank holiday! I am excited for a long weekend break in the sunshine. Hopefully I can find more objects from the hunt sheet this weekend. I have added pictures of what I have found so far. Can you beat me? 

English challenge

Today I would like you to look at the picture attached of the busy street and pick out objects (nouns) in the picture and write down adjectives to describe them in your book. For example, sharp teeth (sharp = adjective, teeth = noun)

Extension: Now you have thought of your adjectives and nouns, can you put them in to a sentence?

Maths Challenge

Using the greater, less than and equal symbols (< > =), I would like you to complete the number sentences independently:

3   <   7

27 ___ 35

38 ___ 48

8 ___ 11

60 ___ 60

9 + 3   >    6

14 + 7 ___ 25

12 – 3 ____ 9

16 + 10 ___ 26

Miss Hamer

Story Adventure The House on Haunted Hill Part 4

Date: 7th May 2020 @ 10:01am

Ok year 6 were are round the back of the old house now so let's see where today's adventure takes us...

You continue to walk around the back squelching through the cold mud and then you see a small door next to an open window.

As you get nearer, the wind blasts through and catches the door, swinging it open. You peer inside and see that it leads down into a dismal and dank cellar. You don’t fancy the idea of descending into such filthy depths.

Do you:

Go down into the cellar

Climb through the window

So year 6 we have another choice to make! Who will be the first to answer and make the choice? You can respond with your choice either on Twitter or through our email...


Quiz 7.5.20

Date: 7th May 2020 @ 9:59am

Good morning,

Well done Faith from 2CC who e-mailed us yesterday in record time to correctly tell us that it was the French flag and the capital is Paris. She also knew that my name is in French is mon nom est (or you could also have had je m'apelle)

Here is today's flag. Can you tell us the country and capital city? What is the main language that is spoken in this country? Bonus point if you can tell us any of the other languages that are spoken here too!

Have a lovely day,

Mrs Glover


The Boy at the Back of the Class Chapter 16

Date: 7th May 2020 @ 9:49am

Good morning year 6. Another lovely day for you to enjoy. Maybe you could listen back to all the chapters on your headphones in the garden!

Here is chapter 16 for you and some questions to answer after.


Chapter 16 Questions

On page 169 why is Michael worried about ‘The Greatest Plan in the World’?

On page 170 find and copy a word that means encouragingly?

On page 171, why couldn’t the narrator imagine meeting the queen?

Why did Ahmet get suspicious of his friends on page 172?

Why did they suggest the narrator wrote the letter to the Queen?

Do you think you will find out the name of the narrator by the end of the story?


Thursday Sentence of the day and phonics

Date: 7th May 2020 @ 9:43am

Good Morning! What a lovely day we had yesterday, I hope you enjoyed the sunshine! It looks like it’s going to be like this for the rest of the week! Hurray!

Sentence of the day

Here are the answers from yesterdays sentence. Well done to the children who managed to find where all of the capital letters go, even those sneaky ones that I tried to trick you with.

The glorious bug hotel was in the corner of the over grown garden. It was the perfect place for a bug hotel. Bugs came from far and wide to see the bug hotel and one Sunday the most important bug of all came to visit.

If you found that a little tricky or need a reminder have a look at the poster to remind yourself when we need capital letters.









Have a look at today’s sentence. It has a few different green for growths, can you solve what all of them should be?

a sunthlower needs worterand sunlite to grow. It needs to bea the right temperature, if it istoo cold or too hot the sunflower cud die.



Let’s review some of the phonics that we did yesterday. Can you sort these words into words that belong on planet nonsense and words that belong on planet real? I have taken away the alien pictures this time so you need to have a read and think about whether it is a real or nonsense word.


Todays phonics focusses on phase 5 tricky words. Let’s start by listening to the tricky words.


Today you have three challenges again

Challenge one: Make yourself a tricky word mat just like this one. Remember to spread the words out so that they are easy to read and find. If you have chalks you could even make a giant word mat outside.







Challenge two: Ask your grown up to say a word out loud and you need to find it with your fast fingers or feet on the word mat.

Challenge three: Find some scraps of paper and write the tricky words on them, one word per each piece of paper. Now stick the words around a room or around your garden. Listen to the tricky words on the youtube video, when it says a tricky word run to that word. Remember to keep listening as the tricky words change quite quickly!


I hope you all have a lovely day in the sunshine. Stay safe x

Thursday 7th May

Date: 7th May 2020 @ 8:58am

Good morning Year 5!

Another beautifully sunny day, I wonder if you'll go on a little walk or a bike ride today? Livvi and Asaph did some baking with Jon yesterday and made lemon shortbread, it was very tasty! Let us know what you get up to!

We've another few activities ready for you today, so check back on this blog post to make sure you don't miss anything!

Tomorrow we will all be having a day off to celebrate 'VE day.' It stands for 'Victory in Europe," and celebrates the end of the second world war in Europe. We've attached some extra VE activities for you all, that are entirely optional, if you want something to work on tomorrow. Miss Brookes' street is having a 'social distancing party.' They are all standing outside their houses for a 2 minute silence at 11am, and then sitting in their front garden to enjoy a coffee/tea and cake! Hopefully the weather stays sunny for it. 

Don't forget to check your class blog later for the celebration post, and please continue to email us your heart photographs - each class has sent in 7 so far. 



Mrs Hodges here!

The final Sentence of the Day of this week, click the link below:


Well done to Ganesa for another fantastically corrected Sentence of the Day that she emailed over earlier on! Click the link below to see my purple pen sentence!



Miss Wendt here!

Hello everyone, looks like it's going to be another lovely sunny day. Hopefully you will be able to get outside for some fresh air; the children who live next door to me have just got a new trampoline and paddling pool. I am very jealous, I might even see if I can order a paddling pool for me!

Here are today's fluent in five questions.

And here are the answers!

For Spanish today I want to recap on something we know quite well. Next week I am going to look at a new topic with you, but for today I want to consolidate our learning about food.

I think we all have quite a lot of food vocabulary, but in case you can't remember any (and that does happen!) I have attached a word mat to download and inserted the image below!

We are going to think about how we say our likes and dislikes today. We use the phrases:-

Me gusta - I like

No me gusta - I do not like

Me encanta - I love

So for example, if I wanted to say I love cheese (which is very true!) in Spanish, I would say me encanta queso!

I have attached a powerpoint with lots of examples, and a series on images below that will help.

Why not email the Year 5 team and tell us what you like and dislike? En Espanol por favor!


Good Morning Year 5 from Miss Brookes!

I wonder if this is how Mrs Hodges feels? Knowing that today is the last working day of the week - it is a very strange feeling, but it must feel ordinary for Mrs Hodges! 

Today's GVP is our recap of the week, plus a quiz to test your knowledge. Don't forget to check back at about 1pm for the answers, and if you want me to mark any, please feel free to email them across at y5homelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk 


So here are the answers (I completely forgot about this part!)




Thursday 7th May Writing

Date: 7th May 2020 @ 8:28am

Good Morning Reception!!

Have you enjoyed the story ‘The Very Busy Spider’ this week…? Adam did not like it very much because he hates spiders!!!


Today I am wondering what if another animal landed on the fence and started to do something else....???

What would it be…?

What would it do…?

What other small creatures could have landed in the farmyard….?


Today I want you change the main character; the spider in the story and think about the questions above… Create a new front cover using a new animal. Here are some ideas…

Bee - busy collecting pollen from flowers

Caterpillar – busy munching leaves

Butterfly – busy flying around

Worm – busy wriggling in the soil 

Use the minibeast wordmat to think of other small creatures that could land on the fence.

Your new front cover can go on the sheet that I have attached on the blog or you could design it on a piece of paper.

Mrs Iqbal and Mrs Cooper's Phonic groups I want you to write a sentence describing your new animal and what it is doing. Try to make your sentences longer by adding the connectives 'and' or 'because.' 


Love Mrs Iqbal

Don’t forget to send in your photos/work to receptionhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk

Thursday 7th May - Maths

Date: 7th May 2020 @ 8:19am


Good Morning Reception! Happy Thursday J

Here are your fluent-in-five questions for today!

Can you work them all out in 2 minutes? Can you beat your time from yesterday?


Today in maths, we are going to be following on from yesterday’s learning of measuring capacity! Please refer to yesterday’s blog if you did not see it! We are going to work out the capacity through using potions! Take a look at the slides below and see if you can select the correct measurement!

Will the Wizard needs your help to find the right potions!

Take a look at the potions before.. which potion is full?


Well done! The potion on the right is full J

Now, take a look below… Which potion is half full?

Which potion is empty?



Fantastic! The potion on the left is half full!

The potion in the middle is empty!

Oh no! Hocus the cat has mixed up the potions… can you help to put them in the correct order? Which potion has the least?

Well done! The potion in the middle has the least!

Now…Which one has the most?

Brilliant! The potion on the right has the most!

Can you draw a picture of the three potions below and put them in the right order, from the least to the most?

Can you help the wizard by making your own real-life potions? We would love to see them!

Have fun ordering and making potions! Don’t forget to send in your learning – your teachers love to see your work J

Thursday 7th May Phonics

Date: 7th May 2020 @ 8:18am

Good Morning Reception!!

Let us start today’s phonic activity by getting active with a Jack Hartman song. Click the link at the bottom of the blog. 

Today we are going to continue thinking about the sounds oa and igh that we have learnt this week.

How many words can you read in 20 or 30 seconds…? How many words can you read in 1 minute…? Ask a grown up to time you!!!

How many alien words can you read…? Ask a grown up to time you!!!

Today’s practise and apply activities are:

Play Word Treasure Hunt using the oa and igh words. Write or print the words and have two containers or buckets with the sounds oa and igh written on them. Hide the words around the space where you are working inside or outside. When you have found a word read it to your grown up and place it in the right box/container. Watch the video where Adam is showing you how to play the game. 


Play the oa and igh woodland board game.


Play the oa and igh roll and read game.

If you do not have a dice, you can google a virtual dice or use the link below:



Which activity will you pick…? You can do 1, 2 or all 3 of them…

Love Mrs Iqbal

Don’t forget to send in your photos/work to… receptionhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk


CBeebies Reading Challenge - Thursday 7th May

Date: 6th May 2020 @ 7:23pm

CBeebies Reading Challenge Thursday 7th May

George Ezra finds out about a ‘Kitchen Disco’ tonight.  The party fruit in this story did some amazing actions like ‘spins, jumps, dives, shake-it, wiggle, bouncy bounce.

Will your fruit have a kitchen disco tonight?

Can you shake it like a mango? How else can you and the fruit in your bowl move?


Night night sleep tight

From Mrs Ganner

Maths Daily Challenge - Thursday 7th May

Date: 6th May 2020 @ 7:19pm

Maths Daily Challenge  - Thursday 7th May

Today were going to look at how we can create our own shapes from something I’m sure you have been collecting over the week - toilet or kitchen roll tubes. Tubes are round and curved but they are also flexible so you can squash them into whatever shape you want to create. Will you make straight edged shapes or curved? Are there any shapes that are curved and straight?

Shape Toilet Roll Challenge

Look at the picture of toilet roll shape printers and work together with your adult to make your round, curved toilet roll tubes into new shapes. You choose which shapes – it’s your challenge.

Dip the end of the shape roll into paint or food colouring or even muddy water and make prints. You could do your printing in the back garden, on the pavement, on paper or material - anywhere your grown up says you can. I had to use tomato sauce for the red in my picture and I didnt have paper so I used kitchen roll!

Talk about one of the shapes you’ve printed to see if your grown-up can guess which one it is. You’re not allowed to say their shape names! You have to describe it.  

Show me your shape pictures and all of the other things you’ve been creating this week by emailing


Another shape challenge coming up for maths coming up soon. 

See you tomorrow

From Mrs Ganner

Phonics Daily Challenge - Thursday 7th May

Date: 6th May 2020 @ 7:11pm

Phonics Daily Challenge  - Thursday 7th May

Today we’re going to create and make a friend to help us play a fun phonics game.  Then we can practice making groups of objects that have the same sound. We’re not linking the sounds to our names for the rest of the week so when we write the letters today and tomorrow we will NOT be writing capital letters any more.

Sound Monster challenge  - s,a,t 

Make a sound monster, like the one in the photo, using any box you have at home. This one is a tissue box with eyes and teeth and a tongue glued on to it. I’m going to call him Sammy Sound Monster. What are you calling your monster?

Then feed your monster some objects that begin with its’ favourite sounds. The challenge is to find things beginning with ‘s’ or ‘a’ or‘t’ and let your monster snack on them! Make sure there are lots of silly sound effects too!

Remember to practice writing the initial sound too:




Say the sound            

name the letter       

write the letter

Stretch sssssssnake

letter s

slither down the snake

Bounce a a a apple

letter a

round the apple, down the leaf

Bounce t t t t  tower

letter t  

down the tower, across the tower


I’ll be back tomorrow with some more sounds to find

From Mrs Ganner

Home Learning

Date: 6th May 2020 @ 12:56pm

Good afternoon year 3.

All your home learning tasks are now going to be available on a new website called padlet.

Here is the link https://padlet.com/missfaragher/kj2clvf5jjlr98k1

We look forward to seeing your learning. Don't forget to send it to y3homelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk

Miss Faragher and Miss Humphreys

Wednesday 6th

Date: 6th May 2020 @ 11:46am

Good morning year 3.

Yesterday's answers are below.


Here you can listen to the story Flat Stanley https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkO_qyas7a0

Can you summarise the story in 50 words or less?




Sentence of the day

The ganges is 2,525km long and starts its journey  the Himalayas. The river flows threw Nepal India and bangladesh

2 capital letters

1 spelling

1 punctuation mark

1 other mistake

‘We create, We explore,

We care, We soar’


Ravensbury Community School

Tartan StreetClayton M11 4EG

Maureen Hughes | Headteacher

Jo Wendt | SENCO

0161 223 0370
