: Blog items

Wellbeing challenge number 18

Date: 6th May 2020 @ 10:44am

Good morning,

Another sunny day! smiley First all of all I want to thank everyone who has sent in pictures of them doing my wellbeing challenges, it's fantastic to see and hear about how you're enjoying doing them! Have a look at the Past Challenges bit at the bottom to see some photos.

Today's challenge is another one to get you moving and do a mini workout. Sometimes it can seem a bit scary or time consuming to do a whole workout so these mini workouts are perfect if you want a quick break from doing school work or even from just watching TV if you fancy a stretch! All of these little energisers from Go Noodle are between 2 - 4 minutes long so perfect for something to wake you up in the morning or as a break from whatever you are doing.

Here are a few that I like: 




Or just go to YouTube and type in Fresh Start Fitness to see a variety of mini workouts.

Remember to email EALhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk with any photos of you doing any of the challenges.

Have a lovely day!

Mrs Glover

Past Challenges

So many fantastic photos of what you've all been up to, well done!

Wednesday challenge

Date: 6th May 2020 @ 10:39am

Good Morning year 2!

Here are yesterday’s answers:

We could buy pens or we could buy pencils.

Sarah opened the door but she did not go outside.

The people put on their coats and they went to town.

Bob likes walking when he is on holiday.

Lucy started to cry because the bird ate her ice cream.

English challenge

Can you re-write the sentences in your book and add capital letters and full stops?

sarah didn’t have time to finish her breakfast because she was running late for school

the car was travelling very fast

the elephant squirted water with his trunk

sam couldn’t find his car keys

rob didn’t have enough money to buy his favourite sweets

Don’t forget to check back tomorrow for the answers

Maths Challenge

Can you write down the numerals and words for each number e.g. twenty-five = 25?

9 = ____

Eleven = _____

Sixty-six = ____

21 = ______

39 = ______

Fifty-two = _____

Twenty-seven = _____

Miss Hamer

Wednesday sentence of the day and phonics

Date: 6th May 2020 @ 9:43am

Good Morning! This morning I did some yoga before starting my work and my brain feels much more awake and ready for the day!

Sentence of the day

The creepy crawly bugs found the bug hotel. It was warm and had all of their favourite snacks inside. The spiders liked the dark corners and made their webs there. The butterflies liked the bits in the warm sun where they could flutter their wings.

Well done if you managed to find them all! Today’s challenge focusses on capital letters. Can you use your amazing reading skills and read the sentences and find where the capital letters belong?

the glorious bug hotel was in the corner of the over grown garden. it was the perfect place for a bug hotel. bugs came from far and wide to see the bug hotel and one sunday the most important bug of all came to visit.


Let’s start our phonics today by remembering all of the different ways we can make the oa sound.


Watch the video and write down all of the ways that you saw of making the oa sound.

Today’s phonics challenge focusses on the ue vowel family. Have a think, how many different ways can you remember to make the ue sound? Write them all down on a piece of paper. Now watch the video, did you managed to find them all?


Today I have three phonics challenges for you. I wonder if you can complete them all?

Challenge one: Go on a sound hunt. How many different things can you find with a ue sound in them? Remember to use your senses, what can you hear, smell, taste, see and touch? Write them down as they will come in useful later. 

Challenge two: Now it's time to travel to planet obb. I want you to make up as many ue alien and nonsense words as you can. This might be tricky at first so I have made some of my own alien words to help you. Remember alien words are aliens names so you will have to draw an alien to match them. 


Challenge three: Make yourself a planet real and an alien nonsense.


Now sort your words so that the alien words can go back to planet nonsense and the real words can go straight to planet real.


Hope you have a lovely day and enjoy the sunshine!

Story Adventure The House on Haunted Hill Part 3

Date: 6th May 2020 @ 9:36am

Well I cannot wait any longer so I am going to decide where we go next on our story adventure. We had these two choices in Part 2 of the adventure...

Do you want to investigate the source of the noise


Continue to find a back door

I am quite a nosey person so I have an urge to investigate the source of the noise. Here we go.. 

You cautiously walk towards a large, dark bush to see what is causing all of the noise. The rustling is getting louder and then stops.

You strain to hear it when suddenly a powerful dog leaps out from the bush, its ferocious attack surprises you and knocks you to the ground. Its ravenous jaws dribble saliva all over your face and then before you have time to defend yourself it snaps its mouth shut!

Your adventure is over.

Oh! Oh dear!

At least we get more chances. Tomorrow we will see what will happens when we continue to find the back door instead. Come on year 6 I need your help with the choices, as you can see mine are not always the best!

Quiz 6.5.20

Date: 6th May 2020 @ 9:27am

Good morning !

How did you get on with yesterday's quiz question? A huge well done to Alissia and Keira who were the first to email Mrs Glover and me with their answer :

It was the flag of Portugal . Lisbon is the capital city and  o is hello in Portuguese .

Here's our question for today :

Can you name the country , its capital city and how you would say my name is for this flag?

Flag of France - Wikipedia

Email your answer to us on Ealhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk

We're looking forward to hearing from you!

VE day paper

Date: 6th May 2020 @ 9:23am

Good morning everyone,

I have found some lovely resources to use for your VE day challenge including some nice paper to present your work. We don’t have a printer in my house so my daughters have decided to make our own border paper.

They have decorated our windows and we are looking forward to having a living room picnic on Friday to celebrate VE day whilst staying safe at home- what are your plans?

Stay safe everyone 


The Boy at the Back of the Class Chapter 15

Date: 6th May 2020 @ 9:20am

Good morning year 6-another glorious sunny day for us to enjoy! Here is the next chapter of our story. I hope you are enjoying it as much as I am?  Today’s question is a prediction question to see if you can use what you have read and what you know about the characters already, to try and think what they might do next.



What do you think they might be planning to do?

Why would it be dangerous?

Why would it get them into trouble?

Spiderweb Craft

Date: 6th May 2020 @ 8:46am

Good Morning Reception!

Have you enjoyed learning about ‘The Very Busy Spider’ this week? Today I have posted some exciting craft activities, where you can make your own spider’s web craft! Take a look at the pictures below, you can choose which web you would like to make!


This web was made using a paper plate and string!

This spider’s web was made using lollypop sticks and string!


Which one are you going to choose? You can even use your own ideas to make your own spider’s web!

Make sure to send in pictures of your spider web creations! I can’t wait to see them! 


Wednesday 6th May - Maths

Date: 6th May 2020 @ 8:45am

Good Morning Reception!

First of all, I’d like to say a big WELL DONE to all of the children who participated in their maths learning earlier this week! Your teachers are so proud of you! J

Today let’s begin our maths learning with some familiar songs and some fluent-in-five questions! How quickly can you work them out? Can you get an adult to time you?




Today in our maths learning, we are going to belearning about CAPACITY. We have learnt a little bit about capacity before in reception, it sounds a little bit tricky, but it’s not! Capacity is the amount something can contain (a container, box, etc!)

Take a look at a funny capacity video/song below!


In reception we have taught this before by looking at different measurements of water and rice in cups. We use the vocabulary of  ‘full’ ‘almost full’ ‘half full’ ‘empty’ ‘almost empty’ and ‘half empty.’

Below I have posted a list of activities linked to capacity that you can try at home:

Container activity: Provide children with different containers. Can they make their container full, nearly full, nearly empty and about half full. Can they find a container which holds more than their container? Can they find one which holds less?

Spoons activity: Provide your child with a bowl or cup and a selection of different sized spoons and ladles. Ask them to investigate how many small spoons it takes to fill their container. How many large spoons? How many ladles? Which sized spoon was the best? Why?

Outdoors activity: Provide a small box for children. Ask them to hunt for things to put inside. How many items can they fit inside? Can they find the prettiest leaf? A small pebble? What is the largest item you can fit inside your box?

Don’t forget to email in pictures of your maths learning! Enjoy! J

Wednesday 6th May

Date: 6th May 2020 @ 8:44am

Good morning Year 5!

I think we've got a couple of lovely, warm days with us today and tomorrow, hooray! I managed to weed the garden over the weekend, and I'm very pleased with how tidy it's looking, so I'm excited to be outside for a bit later today. I think Asaph is keen to put up a mini tent we have and use it as a den!

We'd love to see what you've been up to - remember to show us by emailing us at Y5homelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk

Don't forget to send in your heart photos heart


Hello! Mrs Hodges here.

Two activities from me today - firstly, the Sentence of the Day.


There's not many corrections in today's sentence because I'd like you to focus on adding in parenthesis where you think it would be most helpful (clue: remember parenthesis can be used to explain the meaning of a technical or scientific word...if you're not sure what any of the words in the sentence mean, go back and rewatch Tim Peake's YouTube video I posted on the Monday blog!)

The second activity is a Writing/Vocabulary activity. I've attached a Pobble document called, "Fairytale Ending" - I'd like you to look at two little activities from it. Firstly, have a look at the "Question Time" section and have a go at answering them to help you think about the image you can see. You could write your thoughts down or talk about it with a brother or sister, or your grown up.

Then I'd like you to focus on the "Sentence Challenge" part.

I walked across the field towards the door.

Consider other verbs for "walk" - how does changing this verb impact the picture the reader would have about the character and how they're feeling about approaching the house? To get you started, here are some other verbs you could use:

crept, sauntered, bounded, sprinted, wandered, strolled

Do you know the meaning of these verbs? Can you act them out to show how you would move? Are there other verbs you could use instead?

Practise writing 3 or 4 sentences where you change the verb each time, and think about how this impacts the meaning of the sentence. Which one do you think is most effective?

I'm looking forward to seeing your sentences!

Good afternoon Year 5!

How have you got on with today's activities? Click the link below to check your corrected Sentence of the Day with my purple pen!



Miss Wendt here!

Good morning everyone, hope you are all well and looking forward to a very sunny Wednesday. I was writing your reports in the garden yesterday. It was a chance to look back and think of all the fun things we do in Y5, and how much progress you have all made this year. I think in 10 years time we'll all still be talking about the events in 2020!

Answers from yesterday!

Have a look at the different ways I have chosen to partition 0.62. This question is a find all possibilities, there were many! Remember to email your answers.

Here is the fluent in five for today!

I'll be back later with the answers smiley

...and here they are! How did you do today?


Good morning from Miss Brookes!

Thank you for all your emails yesterday - they always put a huge smile on my face! I hope you're enjoying the nicer weather this week (sorry about last weeks rain!)

Today's GVP is all focussed on relative pronouns - how many can you remember? We look at 6 key ones today.


Enjoy your Wednesday!

Wednesday 6th May Phonics

Date: 6th May 2020 @ 8:13am

Good Morning Reception!!

Let us start today’s phonic activity by revising Phase 3 tricky words. Use your Phase 2 and Phase 3 tricky words. Play quick read. How many words can you read in 20 seconds or 30 seconds? Ask your grown up to time you!!!

Today we are going to think about a new sound. This sound is a diagraph. Remember a diagraph is two letters that make one sound. Our new sound is oa

Watch this show me video where I am going through the diagraph oa:



Today’s practise and apply activities are:

Can you label the pictures with the oa words? Check your answers on the second page.


Play the caterpillar spelling game with someone in your house. Cut out the strip of words on the sheet and keep them to one side. Take turns to tell each other a word on the list which must be spelt in the box under your caterpillar. Check if it is correct with the list of words, then colour a circle on your caterpillar. Who will be the first to colour all 6 circles on their caterpillar?

Play the game Buried Treasure on Phonics Play. Click Phase 3 and ‘+oa’ to start playing the game.


Love Mrs Iqbal

Don’t forget to send in your photos/work to… receptionhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk

Wednesday 6th May Reading

Date: 6th May 2020 @ 8:07am

Good Morning Reception!!

Wow!! I can't believe it's the middle of the week already!!! This week is going really fast!!smiley

This week we started a new story called ‘The Very Busy Spider.’ If you have not managed to listen to it yet go to Monday’s reading blog where you will find the video at the bottom of the blog.

Your grown up will ask you these questions about the story, try to remember the story and say your answers in full sentences…

Where did the spider land?

What did the spider begin to do?

What did the horse want the spider to do?

What did the cow want the spider to do?

Which animal wanted the spider to run in the meadow?

Who said ‘Maa, Maa?’

The pig said roll in the mud, but the spider ignored him. How do you think that made the pig feel?

What word would you use to describe the spider’s web?


Today I want you to make some stick puppets and retell the story ‘A Very Busy Spider’ to someone in your house. You could colour and cut out the characters from the story and put them on straws or lolly pop sticks. You could even put little strips of paper at the back of each puppet and make finger puppets.

It would be lovely if someone in your house can video your puppet show and send it in to us.

Love Mrs Iqbal


CBeebies Reading Challenge Wednesday 6th May

Date: 5th May 2020 @ 4:26pm

CBeebies Reading Challenge Wednesday 6th May

Today’s story, 'No Matter What’ is read by Suranne Jones.  It makes me feel happy when I read this story and there are so many rhyming words in this book too – just like in yesterday’s book.

Can you tell your grown-up some words that rhyme and then keep adding more to make a rhyming string?

I found two words that rhymed ‘small, all’ and then Mickey and Minnie helped me play a game to create more ’all’ words like ball, fall, call, nall, sall, rall, zall  - yes that’s right I included some silly billy rhyming words too. Send a video in of you playing the game with your family.



Maths Daily Challenge - Wednesday 6th May

Date: 5th May 2020 @ 4:21pm

Maths Daily Challenge  - Wednesday 6th May

Yesterday we looked for shapes that you could touch and trace around in your home. Today I want you to go outside with a grown-up and take a piece of paper and a pencil with you please. Find a safe place to look at your house. If it’s raining take a photo and look at it inside. Look at the pictures of houses I’ve attached to this blog. Is your house exactly the same? Is there one that is similar? Is it completely different? Talk to your adult about what you can see.

'My House' Drawing Challenge

What shapes did you see on your house? Is the main building a square shape or is it rectangular? Maybe it’s a tall shape or a wide shape. Trace the shapes of your house in the air whilst holding your pencil. Stand far enough back and using your whole arm. Ask a grown-up to help you if it’s a bit tricky. Now draw your house on paper. Are you going to colour it in using the same colours as your real house or will you choose your favourite colours? I think I’d like a rainbow roof and spotty bricks in my dream house

I hope you enjoy your maths challenge today.

I’ll see you around on here tomorrow, don’t be square, make sure you’re there (sorry about that rubbish joke)

From Mrs Ganner

Phonics Daily Challenge - Wednesday 6th May

Date: 5th May 2020 @ 4:11pm

Phonics Daily Challenge  - Wednesday 6th May

UPDATE Thursday 7th May :


from 2 of our amazing families. 


Can you remember reading ‘Alfie’s Alphabet’ yesterday? I’ve attached a photo of the drawing that I made of my family. Did you remember to do one of your family?  Do it now if you forgot and then take a look at how to complete today’s activity.

Active Alphabet Challenge

Click on the YouTube link to join in singing and dancing to the alphabet song.


Then look on the A-Z photo attached to see if you can complete your initial sounds active challenge. I’d love to see a video of you doing it. Can your whole family complete their initial sounds actions? There is a video of me completing my ‘V’ challenge too.

I’ll be back tomorrow with more phonics fun

From Mrs Ganner

Quiz 5.5.20

Date: 5th May 2020 @ 12:48pm

Did anyone know or guess the country and capital city from our flag quiz yesterday? 

It was the Democratic Republic of Congo and the capital city was Kinshasa (I had to ask Mrs Harriott as I had no idea so at least I've learnt something today!)

I'm going to give you a bit of an easier one as I'd really like some of you to e-mail us with the answer!

Question 2

What country is this the flag for and what is the capital city?

You get a bonus point if you can also tell us how to say hello in that language!

E-mail us on EALhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk if you know the answer!

Mrs Glover



Date: 5th May 2020 @ 12:42pm

We have had some new players on the NUMBOT website and app!

Well done to everyone who has started playing the games. If you haven't had your log in details yet you can get them by sending a request in to our home learning email:


Here are the players who have played so far:


Ott E-101, Jay Milliplex, Bolt Numberclone, Vesper Sigma-1


Gold Aeroplex, Tiny Earthtron, Merigold Digitar, Sparky Hydra-2.1, Junk Stellatronic, Z.O.E Autopod, Joy Stellastar, Krypton Aqualon, Stone Ultramorph

Keep watching updates on the blog to see who has been playing these fabulous number games! Will you join the robot number challenges?

Outstanding Home Learning

Date: 5th May 2020 @ 11:37am

Tuesday 5th May

Date: 5th May 2020 @ 10:55am

Good morning year 3.

Yesterday's answers are below.

The text we are meant to be looking at this half term is The Great Kapok Tree. Here is a link so you can listen to the story. 



Reading questions

Where is the story set?

What are all the animals trying to tell the man?

What does the man do at the end?

Do you agree with the man’s decision at the end? Explain why.


Sentence of the day

The amazon river the second longest river in the world and has the largest capacity

1 full stop

2 capital letters

1 missing word



Connected Curriculum

Also, remember you have a range of activities to choose from for this topic. Pick one to complete each week. I have attached them again below.

Enjoy the rest of your day

The year 3 team


Wellbeing challenge number 17

Date: 5th May 2020 @ 10:21am

Good morning everyone,

I don't know about you but I can't wait to get out in that sun so today's challenge is one that can be done outside if you like.

Today we are focusing on having a growth mindset and doing this through yoga. Having a growth mindset means you have a positive attitude to your learning and know that just because you may find something difficult and you can't do it yet, you will get there as long as you don't give up!

Here are 5 different growth mindset yoga poses to try. Please feel free to try as many or as few positions as you like and send any pictures to EALhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk

Mrs Glover

Past challenges

Thank you so much to the pupils who have sent in pictures of their shields of strength from yesterday, it really makes my day to see what you've ben doing!

VE day photographs

Date: 5th May 2020 @ 10:03am

Good morning everyone, 

Do you remember our visit to the Imperial War Museum? Well they have a brilliant website full of photographs of VE day!  I have been finding out lots about VE day this week with my little girls, who are only in Year 3 so they really don’t know as much about WWII as you all do! We have really enjoyed looking at old photos of the V.E. day celebrations- Who were the women in Trafalgar Square fountains on V.E. day? Click below to see if historians ever found out! I just keep imagining how relieved and happy the people must have been after 6 long years of war! I have found 6 weeks of lockdown tough at times!


What fantastic first hand sources they make of this time. Can you imagine what the people are thinking using your knowledge of this period? Perhaps these could help you with your VE day challenge this week? You could imagine interviewing some of these people or writing their diary or letter home. Enjoy investigating!


The Boy at the Back of the Class Chapter 14

Date: 5th May 2020 @ 9:50am

Good morning year 6. The sun is shining today and I hope you make time to go outdoors safely for your hourly exercise. 

Here is chapter 14. It is getting really exciting now and I can't wait to find out what the friends get up to trying to help Ahmet.



The Boy at the Back of the Class Chapter 14

On page 153, what were the problems with the ‘Top Secret Mission’?

What was the problem with Tom’s plan? (Page 154-155)

What was the problem with Josie’s plan? (Page 155-156)

What was the librarian Mrs Finnicky like? Use evidence from the text to help support your answer with evidence. (Page 158-160)

On page 161, find and copy a word that means instantly.

Tuesday Sentence of the day and phonics

Date: 5th May 2020 @ 9:20am

Good Morning! Today looks like it’s going to be a sunny day J Hopefully you can enjoy the sun and do some of your learning outside.

Sentence of the day

Here are the answers for yesterday’s sentence of the day. Well done to everyone who managed to put the time connectives in the correct order.

First fill your flower pot with twigs and dried leaves

Next find a shady area of the garden

After that put some stones in your flower pot to stop it flying away

Then add some sugar to the pot

Finally peek inside to see which bugs have visited your hotel

Today’s challenge is to put in the missing full stops in these sentences. Remember full stops come at the end of a sentence. So your phonics to read the sentences yourself and find where the full stops belong. Good Luck

The creepy crawly bugs found the bug hotel_ It was warm and had all of their favourite snacks inside_ The spiders liked the dark corners and made their webs there_ The butterflies liked the bits in the warm sun where they could flutter their wings_


Let’s make sure your brains are up and awake before we find out todays phonics challenge. How many tricky words can you remember from yesterday? Put on a 2 minute timer and see how many you can remember. Did you manage to spell them all correctly?

Todays phonics challenge focusses on the oa sound family.

Here are some pictures and words, can you sort them all and match them to the correct grapheme?

Here’s a tip – you might want to write out the word to match the pictures so you can test which grapheme looks right e.g. is it croe,croa,crowe,crow?

Hope you all have a lovely day

Tuesday 5th May

Date: 5th May 2020 @ 8:51am

Good morning Year 5!

I hope you're all well and ready for this new day! We're ready for PE with Joe (we've done it every day!), and I know those few children going into school are doing some Yoga. What will you do today to get your body moving? 

We'd love to see the learning you get up to today, remember to email it over to us!



Hello from Mrs Hodges!

Here we go with today's Sentence of the Day!


Remember to check your sentence later using the purple pen video I'll post this afternoon!

Good afternoon! (well, nearly evening!)

Oh dear, I'm very late in posting my corrected Sentence of the Day today - I've been out for a walk with Asaph while Livvi had a Zoom dance lesson. We were finding some rocks and pebbles for an activity that I'm wondering about doing when I go into school on Monday! Anyway, do not fear Year 5, here is the purple pen sentence!



Hello from Miss Wendt!

Well I didn't start my day doing PE with Joe but I am doing some daily yoga though. It's very gentle and good for stretching the sore muscles in my ankle and leg. I did have an accident the other day - I was stood on the stairs and I had to lean forward, putting pressure on my arms. Well I wasn't really paying much attention and ended up falling and headbutting the stairs! Ouch!

I have 2 challenges for you today - one is the usual fluent in five and the other is a fraction problem. I'll be back with the answers later.



Fluent in five answers!

I will post the answers to the fraction & decimal challenge tomorrow morning - you still have time to email your responses!


Good Morning Year 5! From Miss Brookes 

I didn't start off the day with P.E either, instead I was feeding my guinea pig (Cinders) with a syringe because she had a tiny operation yesterday to get her teeth shaved (apparently they were rubbing on her tongue and stopping her from eating)! It was quite funny when we brought her home, because she was stumbling and wobbling all over the show from the anesthetic!  

Today there are two bits of learning from me. Firstly, GVP.

Thank you so much for the GVP sentences you emailed in yesterday - Jennifer's made me laugh and feel very nostologic! 

It said 'I was clearly not allowed to say an-I-oop, an-I-oop, an-I-oop in the classroom.' 5CB know how much these tiktok trends annoy me in the classroom! Though I have a secret to share, since we have been off school...I have found myself making tiktoks myself! The horror! 

Today's GVP is all about Homophones:


I hope you enjoy completing the homophone board game!

For science, we are focussing on the Moon. Next week we will be looking at moon phases, but today we are exploring how the Moon was formed. 


I've also attached a video of the Moon landing!


Tuesday Challenge

Date: 5th May 2020 @ 8:41am

Good morning Year 2,

I loved reading your questions yesterday. I have also received some brilliant book reviews. Great work Year 2!

English challenge

Spot the conjunctions:

Can you read the sentences below, write them down in your books and underline the conjunctions?

We could buy pens or we could buy pencils.

Sarah opened the door but she did not go outside.

The people put on their coats and they went to town.

Bob likes walking when he is on holiday.

Lucy started to cry because the bird ate her ice cream.

Don’t forget to check back tomorrow for the answers.

Maths Challenge

How many different ways can you make 68p?

How many different ways can you make 43p?

How many different ways can you make 26p?

Remember we do not have a 3p, 6p or 8p…


Miss Hamer

‘We create, We explore,

We care, We soar’


Ravensbury Community School

Tartan StreetClayton M11 4EG

Maureen Hughes | Headteacher

Jo Wendt | SENCO

0161 223 0370
