Monday 1st June

Date: 1st Jun 2020 @ 8:31am

Welcome back Year 5!

Well, goodness me, I can't believe we're entering our next half term of virtual school! We hope you had a lovely half term and enjoyed the fabulous weather (it almost felt as if we could have been abroad didn't it?!). If you've got any half term photos to show what you've got up to, we'd love to see! 

Just to let you know, Miss Wendt will be helping Year 2 with their virtual school learning for the next little bit, so Miss Brookes and I will be posting all your Year 5 learning. So 5HW - don't worry that Miss Wendt isn't setting you activities in each daily blog post; she is absolutely fine and will keep a little eye on what you're doing! Miss Brookes will be giving you your daily Maths, and Miss Wendt has already organised more weekly Spanish activities, so the types of activities you get each day will be the same as the last half term! 

Look out for the two other separate blog posts from Miss Brookes and I this morning - one with your weekly Reading challenge, and the other with your new Connected Curriculum activity choices! Our new topic is focused on Spain, with the big question, "Why is Spain such a popular holiday destination?". I hope you love the activities I've put on, I had a lot of fun putting it together and would quite like to try a few myself! 

Finally, remember to email us across your learning, we LOVE hearing from you (and of course, if you've any questions or things we can help with, use the email to ask us!):


Mrs Hodges here!

Right, quite a lot from me this morning to start this new half term!

For our new Connected Curriculum topic, we're going to be finding out a bit about Bullfighting. It used to be extremely popular in Spain, and still is in some parts. However, many people (both in Spain and around the world) think it is cruel and needs to be banned completely. I'd like you to research Bullfighting over the next couple of weeks, finding out some of the arguments for Bullfighting (which means people think it should be able to continue) and against Bullfighting (which means people think it should be stopped). Check out these links to help your research - I'll put them in each blog post over the next few days, I'm not expected you to look at these all in one go!

“The Matador” Film Trailer:

Bullfighting Information: 

CBBC has a whole section on bullfighting, where you can find out what happens in a bullfight, different people’s opinions for and against it happening and a reporter’s experience of a bullfight.

More information can be found on Kiddle:

Right, onto our Sentence of the Day! Our sentences are going to be based on this topic too. Click the link below for the first one!

Remember to check back later to see my purple pen!

Good afternoon!

How did you get on with today's sentence? Click the link to see my corrected one!


Good Morning from Miss Brookes!

I hope you all had a lovely week off and managed to enjoy some sunshine. I know we have now finished our Space unit, but did any of you watch the launch over the weekend? Elon Musk designed a rocket, and then two astronauts used it to travel to the International Space Station. If you didn't manage to watch it, here is a video:

I am going to be posting the maths and GVP questions this half-term! I'm looking forward to seeing what you can remember.


From next week, each week will focus on a topic (e.g. time or fractions etc.) However, this week - as our brains have had a week off - we're going to focus alternatively on the number of the day, and a fluent in 5.

Today's challenge is a number of the day. I don't expect you to answer all 10 questions (you can focus on 5, but if you want to do more it's up to you!) and I will post the answers at 1pm. Remember: when multiplying/dividing by 10/100/1000, use a place value chart - not the bus stop method.




I'm sorry the answers are a little bit late today! I forgot to set an alarm to remind me. I was just sat in the garden and I suddenly remembered and jumped up with an "oh no!" to my Mum.

Here are they are - how did you get on?









Here is today's GVP questions:






Here are the answers:




Enjoy your Monday. 

‘We create, We explore,

We care, We soar’


Ravensbury Community School

Tartan StreetClayton M11 4EG

Maureen Hughes | Headteacher

Jo Wendt | SENCO

0161 223 0370