: Blog items

Tuesday 5th May - Maths

Date: 5th May 2020 @ 8:33am

Good Morning Reception!

To begin our maths learning.. Can you work out today’s fluent-in-five questions?

This morning we are going to be following on from yesterday’s learning of measuring weight! Please refer to yesterday’s blog if you did not see it!

Take a look at the pictures below - Can you work them out? Can you label which item is heavier and which is lighter? How do you know? Can you test this with the real life item?





































Fantastic! Below I have posted a link to an ‘ordering weight challenge.’ You have to look at the items on the screen and sort them from lightest to heaviest. You can either print out the sheets and cut them out into the sorting template, or make your own scale and draw which items are the lightest and which are the heaviest!



Have fun! Please email your learning into receptionhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk! J




Tuesday 5th May Writing

Date: 5th May 2020 @ 8:25am

Good Morning Reception!!

This week we have started a new story ‘The Very Busy Spider.’ If you have not managed to listen to it, click on the video at the bottom of this blog where I am reading the story.  

Pick some of the animals from the story and write some super sentences describing them.

For example,

The goat has two pointy horns on the top of his head.

It has a white beard at the bottom of his face.


Miss William’s and Miss Cogger’s Phonic group you may want to write some captions like this…

The cow is big.

Cow is black and white.


Love Mrs Iqbal

Don’t forget to send in your photos/work to receptionhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk

Tuesday 5th May Phonics

Date: 5th May 2020 @ 8:17am

Good Morning Reception!!

Let us start today’s phonic activity by singing one of our phonic songs. Choose one from the list below:




Today we are going to carry on thinking about the sound igh. This sound is a trigraph. A trigraph is three letters that make one sound.

Can you read these words…?

Can you add sound buttons under these words…?

Play quick write. Your grown up will say one of the words above, can you write it on a piece of paper?


Today’s practise and apply activities are:

Can you add the correct word in each sentence?

Can you circle the word with the correct igh spelling?

Can you label the pictures using the igh sound correctly?

Can you read the alien words?


Love Mrs Iqbal

Don’t forget to send in your photos/work to… receptionhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk


Reading Challenge

Date: 4th May 2020 @ 6:01pm

Last week we reached an impressive 1386 minutes on Lexia and earned 3 certificates. I'm so impressed with this dedication now let's see if we can get even more children using Lexia, reach even more minutes and earn more certificates. I have already seen yesterday 4 children earnt a certificate but I bet we can get more by the end of the week.

I will send you your certificate by email if I have your email address. If I don't, just email me at

y3homelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk so I can send it to you.

V.E. day Challenge

Date: 4th May 2020 @ 4:39pm

 Good afternoon Year 6,

For this week's Connected Curriculum task we will be going back to 1945 again! This week would have been a special celebration in school as Friday 8th May had been made into a Bank Holiday to mark the 75th anniversary of VE day. As we have spent much of our time finding out about WWII this year, I thought it would be fun to celebrate this week with a special V.E. Day challenge.

Click the link below for more information and good luck! Remember to send in your competition entries and email or tweet us too!







REMINDER: We've updated your home learning to hopefully make it a bit easier for you to access everything.
From today onwards we will be uploading activities onto a Padlet Page (thanks for the idea Year 4!)

You can access this page here: https://padlet.com/y6homelearning/nxkcu8zxxd8kmxo7

Let us know what you think!



The Boy at the Back of the Class Chapter 13

Date: 4th May 2020 @ 4:00pm

Good afternoon year 6. Here is Chapter 13 for you to join in with. 


Don't forget to summarise the chapter in ONLY 3 sentences and predict what the children might plan to do to help Ahmet.

Story Adventure The House on Haunted Hill Part 2

Date: 4th May 2020 @ 3:17pm

Well Maddison was the first to respond to we are heading round the back.

You walk around the back, careful not to step into the stinking puddles that seem to be everywhere. It is darker round the back as the house’s tall spires block out the bright moonlight. You hear a rustle and spin on your heel, nothing.

You walk on but hear the rustling again. This is doing nothing for your nerves. You realise you are trembling before you have even entered the house.

Do you want to investigate the source of the noise


Continue to find a back door?

Another decision to make...

Who will be the first to answer?

CBeebies Reading Challenge Tuesday 5th May

Date: 4th May 2020 @ 2:55pm

CBeebies Reading Challenge Tuesday 5th May

I hope you enjoyed last night’s story, I know I did. Our second story of the week is read by Robert Webb and the story is called ‘The Big Animal Mix Up’ In this book lots of the animals get all mixed up in a really funny way and there are lots of pairs of rhyming words in it. I spotted ‘fur,purr’ and ‘laugh,giraffe’

Can you tell your grown-up some words that rhyme in the story?


Night night sleep tight

From Mrs Ganner

Maths Daily Challenge - Tuesday 5th May

Date: 4th May 2020 @ 2:29pm

In Maths this week we are going to be naming and describing shapes. First of all I’m going to read you the shape book from our maths area in school. You will have seen this book before and talked about what you can see with your friends when you have played with it in class.  Watch the video then complete the challenge.


Shape Hunt Challenge – naming shapes and tracing around them

Did you notice how I traced around the shapes in the book? If you look around inside your house you will be able to find shapes to trace around too. Notice if the shapes have curved or straight edges. Draw the shapes you find and see if you can match them to the shapes in the book using the photos attached.

What kind of shapes have you found? Are they straight or curved? Can you think of other words to describe your shapes?

I’m going on a shape hunt now. I’ll be back tomorrow with more marvellous maths games

From Mrs Ganner

Phonics Daily Challenge - Tuesday 5th May

Date: 4th May 2020 @ 2:27pm

Phonics Daily Challenge  -   Tuesday 5th May

To start our week of Phonics learning, watch the video of me reading ‘Alfie’s Alphabet’. This is one of my favourite books by Shirley Hughes because we see lots of people and objects in Alfie’s life that link to the letters of the alphabet.

Alphabet Challenge

I’d like you to start thinking about the initial sounds that are in your life. What sound does your name begin with? Can you find that page in ‘Alfie’s Alphabet’ and point to the capital letter on that page?

Find the pages for your family and say their name then say their sound then say the name of the letter

e.g. Alfie, a, capital A

Draw your family and label each person with their initial sound capital letter. You’ll be able to use this drawing with the action challenge I set for you tomorrow.

My family’s Christian names begin with A, M, S, V. Can you remember what my family’s names are?

Take a look at 'My Family' below and have fun drawing yours.

I’ll post another phonics challenge tomorrow

From Mrs Ganner


An Update on Home Learning

Date: 4th May 2020 @ 12:26pm

Hi Year 6!

We've updated your home learning to hopefully make it a bit easier for you to access everything.
From today onwards we will be uploading activities onto a Padlet Page (thanks for the idea Year 4!)

You can access this page here: https://padlet.com/y6homelearning/nxkcu8zxxd8kmxo7

On it you will find a timetable that covers the whole week - use it to help structure your learning.
Maths activites will continue to be uploaded to Education City - link on page
English and morning activities will be updated daily so make sure you check - maybe bookmark it in your browser.

As always, please don't hesitate to email us if you are having any problems or would like to show us what you've been up to! We're always thrilled to hear from you.

The Year 6 Team

Weekly Activities

Date: 4th May 2020 @ 12:22pm

Good Morning Year 4!

I hope you are all well and have had a lovely weekend! There are lots of new and exciting activities for you to complete this week on the Year 4 Home Learning Page...

Click on the link below to find your learning activities for this week:


We now have a new feature on the page, so you can 'like' each task you have completed! Just click the heart symbol on the task you are working on! Let's see how many likes we can get!

I know lots of you are working so hard on all of your tasks, so well done and keep up the good work! I can't wait for our learning celebration when we are back in school... I'm sure I will be very impressed! Don't forget you can contact your teachers on the y4 email if you have and questions or updates to share. 

Stay safe,

Miss Bryce :) 

Tuesday's maths

Date: 4th May 2020 @ 12:21pm

Happy Tuesday !

Hello everyone,

We hope you are ready for more addition challenges today! It is going to be a bit trickier and more of a challenge  so we are going to do it step by step today so do not worry. Lets get out brains working and do some counting exercise like yesterday. Ask your adults to join in. I am going to get my family to join in all week. Why don't you send in your videos they would be lovely to watch at the end of the week. Today you can watch Joe, Miss wolfenden's son working out. 

1. Joe Joe's Jumping Jacks  - see video . Can you count in steps of 5 to 100?

2. Miss Wolfenden's wiggles- wiggle your body using your  different body parts from 0 to 100.

3. Bethany's bounce the ball- Can you bounce a  ball backwards from 50 to 0?

4. Callum's kick backs-   Can you count in steps of 10, forwards and back from 0 to 100?

5. Frankie's claps- Can you count how many claps you can do?

6. Maddie's mountain bikers- Can you count in steps of 2 from 0 to 30? If you can do that really well then count backwards from 30. 

Todays learning

So today we are going to continue with solving addition word problems using an number line but instead of counting forward in steps of 1 we are going to use a different strategy called bridging through ten. To do this really well we need to know are number pairs  to 10.

Chhallenge 1

Say your number pairs to 10. Don't worry if you have forgotten, it's ok. Listen to the songs in the links below to help you.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ch7KzI3n2Zk     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJFbJxXYaLw

Challenge 2

let's have a go at solving simple additions using a number line  but we are going to bridge through 10. 

What is bridging through 10?

It is when children recognise how number bonds to ten help them to add numbers with a total greater than ten and up to 20. Provide children with number lines and ten-frames for them to see practically how to bridge ten. Ask yourself the following questions.
How many do you add to the first number to make ten?  How many more do you need to add after getting to ten?
How can you use number bonds to ten to help add numbers? How many more do you need to add to the ten-frame to make ten? How many more do you need to put in the second ten-frame? 

Have a look at this image and see if it helps


look at how I worked out the first one!    8+4=


Finish of the questions and then have a go at the bridging through 10 activity card in the blue box at the bottom

Challenge 3

Now let's see if we can do the same thing with addition word problems. I will talk you through the first one. Make sure you have your number line to 20 ready!

1. Peter bought 6 cars from Tesco. He then went into Morrisons and bought 8 more. How many altogether?

Sometimes it is easier to write the addition sentence too! 6+8=            This is how I worked it out


2. Mrs Hughes bought 7 pencils from the shop. Mrs Leadbetter gave her 9 more pencils. How many altogether?

Can you write the addition sentence to match? if Mrs Highes took half of the pencils how many would she have?

3. Joshia found 8 smails in the garden. He looked under a log and found 5 more. How many snails did he have altogether? Miss Wolfenden found a small tank that has enough space for 10 snails. Is the tank  big enough?

4. Michael found 4 red bilkes. Miss Conway gave him 7 more. How many bikes did he have altogether?

5. Miss Wolfenden picked up 1 biscuit from the kitchen. Miss Riley gave her 10 more. How many did she have altogether?

6. Frankie found 5 toys in his toy box. His mum gave him 8 more. How many toys did he have?

7. Madeleine got 1 Easter egg. The Easter bunny brought 13 more. How many eggs did she have?

8. Jack bought 2 boxes of smarties. He was then given 16 more boxes. How many boxes did he have altogether?

9 There are 4 balls in Frankie's ball pit. His dad throws 10 more balls into the pit. How many balls does he have?

10. There are 3 cushions on the settee. Joe bought 8 more. How many altogether?

Don't forget to email your videos into school!

Miss Wolfenden and Miss Riley


















Connected Curriculum Learning-Plants and growing

Date: 4th May 2020 @ 11:32am


So far we have looked at seasonal changes and we have noticed the changes that have happened around us, in our environment, because it is Spring. Hopefully you have drawn the changes that you can see e.g. plants growing and have 'had a go' at writing about them.

Today we are going to be thinking about what a plant needs to grow ,  we are going to labelling the different parts of a plant and thinking about their function . To help us know more about this I want you to watch the following links.






I hope you have an idea of what a plant needs to grow and what the different parts of a plant is called.

Challenge 1

What does a plant need to grow? Can you draw a picture to explain what you know?

Challenge 2

What would haappen if a plant did not get any sun or water when it wwas growing?  How do you know?

Challenge 3- copy and complete the sheet

Challenge 4-copy and complete the sheet

Challenge 5

When you out in the garden or walking as part of your daily exercise then have a look for all the plants you can see and see if they are on the plant hunt sheet.


Wellbeing challenge number 16

Date: 4th May 2020 @ 11:28am

Good morning everyone,

I hope you all had a good weekend and are ready to work hard on your learning (and your wellbeing!) this week.

Today's challenge has actually come from a website that Mrs Hughes sent to me to look at so thank you Mrs Hughes!

Today I would like you to think about resilience which means keeping strong and bouncing back even in a difficult situation. I'd like you to design a Shield of Strength.

Think about what your strengths are, especially the ones that can help you at the moment while we're not in school, and write or draw (or both!) onto a shield. Here is my shield that you may want to use for help: 

I have attached a template of the shield in case you want to use it but otherwise you can just fraw a shield on a plain piece of paper.

As always I would love to see your challenges so please send them to EALhomelearning@ravensbury.sch.uk

Mrs Glover

Past challenges

Thank you to Shawnakaye who has sent me a couple of photos of things that make her smile!

Monday 4th May :)

Date: 4th May 2020 @ 10:44am

Good Morning Year 3, 

Here's the answers for Friday's work.

Sentence of the day:

This term, we were supposed to be learning about ‘Can I grow lettuce on a mountain summit?’ in our Connected Curriculum.

SPAG activity: 

Conjunctions - 

I put on my shoes and I went out to play.

I can’t eat my sweets until after dinner.

I can’t go out tonight because I have to stay in and do my homework.

It had been a long time since I had last played football.

I was going to eat the sweets but I saved them for my sister.

She was kind to me although she wouldn’t let me play with the Lego.

Maths activity: 

Place value: Five hundred and fourty eight

Problem solving: Money in total = £4.43


+ - x ÷

78+28 = 106



30 ÷3=10

Reasoning: Part whole model: No because 131 + 70 = 210


Today's activities:

Sentence of the day: 

Today was the start of a knew day. i couldent believe my eys becos I saw a flower pop out of the ground and shoot up all the way to the sky I fort to myself, this is a bit like jack and the beanstalk_

In green:

-I needs to be a capital letter even if it is not at the start of a sentence.

-Eyes is spelt incorrectly, it needed another e

-You need a full stop after beanstalk.

6 unmarked errors.


SPAG activity: 

The words a and an come before nouns and adjectives in a sentence. Use ‘a’ with a word that starts with a consonant e.g. a bridge. Use ‘an’ if the word that follows starts with a vowel e.g. an apple.

Put an 'an' or 'a' in these sentences in the right places: 

I always eat ____ banana or ____ biscuit at break time. 

The story was about ___ kind ogre who helped ____ angry man. 

She had ____ argument with _____ friend from school. 

They sat under _____ oak tree for ____ hour on ____ wollen rug. 


Add an adjective to these noun phrases that will work with 'a' or 'an': 

a _______ spider 

an ________ door

an ________ man

a _______ day

a ______ bus

an _______ box 



How many 5's make 45?

Which of these numbers is not a multiple of 5?   35     70     53     65      15      90

Round 372 to the nearest 100.

382 + _____ = 582 

What is five times eleven? 

Which is not in the 8 times tables?   32     8     40     88      94


That's all for today. Come back tomorrow for answers and some new activities! We are really impressed with all of your learning. Keep emailing to y3homelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk


Speak soon!

Miss Humphreys, Miss Faragher and Miss G :) 

Story Adventure The House on Haunted Hill Part 1

Date: 4th May 2020 @ 10:28am

The House on Haunted Hill

An Adventure 


By B.G. Waldram

You shake your head as you march up the creepy hill.

How did you get yourself into this mess? The wind whips up and blows fiercely at you as if trying to keep you away from reaching your destination. You shiver and pull your coat up around your neck, desperately trying to keep the cruel wind out. You tell yourself that the shivers down your spine and the goose bumps that have popped out all over your body is due to the cold but deep down you know it’s because the house is now in sight.

The colossal gates stand guard and the house sits behind them all sinister and spooky. You ask yourself again why you were foolish to take up the dare: ‘Who is brave enough to enter the Midnight Mansion and retrieve the Ruby Heart?’

Are you brave enough to enter this adventure with me? 

You smile to yourself as you recall the moment when you stood up and declared that you were worthy of the challenge.

All the others were amazed at your bravery. Several of them cheered joyfully, happy that they weren’t attempting the foolish challenge. Several girls came and kissed you on the cheek whilst the boys clapped your back heartily. There was no way of backing out now.

Hours later, you had left the warmth of your friends behind and you are now alone, trudging towards the mansion.

You arrive at the gates and push them open; they creak noisily as if crying out to all the ghosts of the night. You stand in front of the massive house, staring at the uninviting front door. Will you try it or do you want to go around the back?

Front door                                                                                    Around the back


The first to answer and choose either the front door or to go around the back of the house will decide our fate!

Monday sentence of the day and phonics

Date: 4th May 2020 @ 10:17am

Good Morning! I hope you all had a lovely weekend! I went on a lovely peaceful walk and made some cookies to eat when I got back.


Sentence of the day

On Friday you were challenged to think of as many adjectives as you could to describe the bug hotel. Here are some brilliant examples of children using adjectives to improve the sentence. Well done!

This week, your writing challenge is to write your own set of instructions on how to make a bug hotel. So, today’s sentence of the day challenge is to put these instructions in the correct order. Write the numbers next to the sentences along with first, next, then, after that and finally.

______fill your flower pot with twigs and dried leaves

______find a shady area of the garden

______put some stones in your flower pot to stop it flying away

______add some sugar to the pot

______peek inside to see which bugs have visited your hotel


Today’s phonics is all about those tricky words! Watch the youtube videos and write down any words that you don’t know or that you just find a bit difficult. These will be your words to practice today!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2dx65u59aw – phase 2

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R087lYrRpgY&t=11s – phase 3

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NOzgR1ANc4&t=3s – phase 4

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DbcZnb2iz1c – phase 5


Write down the tricky words twice and play a game of pairs or snap or ask someone at home to hide the words around your house and go on a word hunt.

There are also lots of tricky word games on phonics play. Like this one…



Have fun and don’t forget to send us your pictures!

Monday's maths

Date: 4th May 2020 @ 9:49am


Well I am very pleased to say it is a sunny Monday morning. I don't know about you but I woke up really early today because the sun was shining brightly through my window. I hope it says sunny all day because it always makes me feel happy and ready for learning. Before you start your maths today I want you to do some counting exercises. Let's get out brains working this morning!

Counting exercises

1. Star jumps- count forwards from 0-50

2. Hopping- count forwards in steps of 2 from 0-30

3. Jumping with 2 feet together-  counting forwards from 0 to 100 in steps of 10

4 Balancing on 1 leg- count backwards from 30 to 0

5. Body twists- count backwards from 100 to 0 in steps of 10


Today I want you to write the long date. Make sure you underline it with a ruler! Then I want you to have a go at drawing a number lime from 0-30. See if you can copy this. if you have a printer you can print one out from the file at the bottom of the page labelled number line.

Today we are going to use a number line to solve addition word problems. Remeber when we add amounts together the number gets bigger and we move fo the right on a number line. 

Read this problem below

Miss wolfenden buys 10 apples from Tesco. She then drives to Morrisons and buys 6 more apples. How many apples does she have altogether?

Click this link to have a look at how to work it out


Now have a go at solving these word problems

1.Miss Riley buys 5 packs of felt tips from the supermarket. She then goes into school and finds 7 more packs . How many does she have altogether?

2. Mrs Hughes buys 12 oranges for the children in  breakfast club. Mrs Thewlis buys 7 more oranges and brings them into breakfast club. How many oranges are there altogether. There are 20 children in breakfast club. Have they bought enough oranges?

 3. Madeleine found 8 lollypops in the cupboard. She then went to the shops and bought 6 more. How many did she have altogether? She then shared them out equally between her and her friend. How many lollypops did they each have?

4. There are 14 cakes in the cake tin and Callum put 8 more in the tin. How many are there altoghether?  

5. There are 7 birds singing in the trees. 10 more birds land on the branch. How many birds are there altogether?

6. 16 cars are red, 5 cars are blue, 7 cars are yellow and 14 cars are pink.

How many cars would there be altogether if ........

a- The pink cars and blue cars were together?   b- The red cars and yellow cars were together?

c- The red and the blue cars are together?         d- The yellow and pink cars are together?

e- The red and pink cards are together?             f-  The blue and yellow cars are together?

7. There are 5 children in the swimming pool and 9 more children jump in. How many altogether?

8. 3 people get in a coach and 17 people join them. How many altogether?

9. Buzz lightyear collects 6 toys and puts them into his cart. He then finds Woody, Bo peep, Forky, Ham, Wheezy and Gabby in Als Toy Barn. He puts all the toys in his cart and takes them home. How many toys are in the cart?

10. Faiz builds a tower that is 9 bricks tall. Courteous builds a tower that is 6 bricks tall and Michael builds a tower that is 4 bicks tall. They join all the bricks together to make a really tall tower. How many bricks high is their tower.

Happy counting

Miss Wolfenden and Miss Riley

Weekly Reading Challenge!

Date: 4th May 2020 @ 9:48am

Good morning everyone!

Last week's reading challenge was to read 5 books on reading plus! Since we have been off school, there has only been around 11 children at most, per a week, on reading plus. Last week, even more of you took part! I'm excited to say that 21 of you accesssed Reading Plus last week! That's nearly double the amount of the week before. Well done everyone. 

This week, we are focussing on the number of words you read, rather than the amount of books.

Can you read more than 3,500 words this week?

Good luck!

Miss Brookes

Monday challenge

Date: 4th May 2020 @ 9:41am

Good morning Year 2!

I hope you have all had a lovely, restful weekend. I am so glad that the sun is back out for a few days.

It was brilliant to see you add adjectives to your sentences on Friday’s challenge. Well done!

Here goes the long Monday morning blog…

English Challenge

I love watching films and I seem to get attached to characters quickly. I am constantly shouting questions at my TV wanting to know more! For example, does Elsa stay in the Enchanted Forest or does she go back to Arendelle?

Today, your challenge is to watch a short video clip from Literacy shed. I would like you to really think about the main character and how she might be feeling. If you were to meet her, what sort of questions would you like to ask her? I would like you to write down 5 questions that you would like to ask and don’t forget to use your question marks.


Maths Challenge

Today I would like you to complete your fluent in 5:

1. 60 = 24 + ___

2. Half of 6 = ___

3. 90 – 47 = ___

4. Double 16  = ___

5. 30ml + 60ml = ___

Well done to the children who have been using TTRockstars! I am very impressed. Don’t forget you could also use fun websites such as top marks to keep you busy!

Reading Challenge

Can you write a book review on your favourite book or a book that you are currently reading? Write down a few sentences to answer the questions below:

What is title of the book?

What is the book about?

Would you/ would you not recommend the book to your friends? Why?

What words has the author used to make the book more interesting?

Can you think of a more exciting ending for the book?


I would like you to read at least 3 books on Lexia this week. You could even write your book review on one of them. I can’t wait to give out more Lexia certificates at the end of this week!

Vocabulary challenge

Vocab detectives!

This week, I would like you to read the article attached below. With support from an adult, pick out some words that you may not have come across before. I would like you to write down what you think the word might mean. I would then like you to research the word to see if you were correct. Whilst reading the article, I noticed some words that you may struggle with such as aluminium, landfill and decompose. Have a look yourself and make some notes as you read.  


Miss Hamer’s weekly challenge

I have attached a brilliant outdoor hunt sheet that I would love to share with you all. There is a number next to each photo based on how difficult the objects are to find. I would like you to make a tally chart of how many times you see the objects on your daily walk and then work out the total using the numbers on the hunt sheet.  

Have a great day.

Miss Hamer

Jack and the Beanstalk display Reading Challenge

Date: 4th May 2020 @ 9:25am




Happy Monday Morning! We hope you all had a lovely weekend and are ready for some learning challenges this week. Miss Fish is helping the Key Stage one staff to  create a Jack and the Beanstalk display in the shared area and we need your help! We are making 120 leaves for the beanstalk, one for each child, which we will decorate when the children return back to school. We thought it would be a lovely idea if each child writes something positive about reading and sends it into school. The staff will then type up your work and add it to the leaves when they are completed. Maybe you could write about your favourite book or favourite author. Sometimes it is nice to read about some of the exciting vocabulary that you have read, maybe you could share that! You can email your work in or take a photograph of the writing and send it in. It is up to you! Each leaf is going to be the size of an A4   piece of paper so you have plenty of space to write your ideas down. If any of your brothers or sisters or even your adults want to join in, they can! If they are younger they might want to draw a picture or write about their favourite character, that's fine. We want to celebrate the schools love of reading so you can be as creative as possible. We will be giving prizes for creativity and  presentation so take your time! We can't wait to see the work. Happy reading!


The Key Stage One team

Monday 4th May

Date: 4th May 2020 @ 8:47am

Good morning Year 5!

May the 4th be with you everyone! (groan...that's Asaph's - who loves Star Wars - FAVOURITE joke, and today is the day he can actually say it!!)

We hope you had a lovely weekend, it looks like the sunshine is returning this week, hooray! Perhaps you'll be able to go on a short walk, bike ride or have time outside in your yard or garden this week. Fresh air is always fantastic for our minds and bodies, especially at this time we find ourselves in!

Are you ready for this new week of learning? We can't wait to see what you get up to, remember to email us on Y5homelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk to show us!


Mrs Hodges here!

Right, before the first Sentence of the Day for this week, I'd like you to have a watch of this amazing video from Tim Peake - a British astronaut who spent 185 days on the International Space Station in 2015-2016. 


Isn't it amazing how differently water behaves without gravity! I just love watching it!

So, for today's sentence - click the link below, and remember to check back for my purple pen video later on this afternoon!


Good afternoon!

How did you get on with today's sentence Year 5? Click the link below to see my purple pen corrections!



Hello from Miss Wendt!

I did laugh at Asaph's favourite joke! I do quite like Star Wars...I'm not a big fan, but I like the special effects in the films and I must admit, I do have some Stormtrooper pyjama bottoms!

Thank you to the children who emailed over the weekend with their work. Wow, hard work at all times from Year 5! Well done Yousef and Ganesa, I will share your work on Friday!

Here are today's fluent in five questions! I will catch up with the answers and another challenge later!

And here are the answers! Thanks to Ganesa who has sent in her work today!


Good Morning from Miss Brookes!

Wow, it didn't take long for a 'May the 4th' joke to appear! Much to my Dads horror (who loves the Star Wars films), I have never managed to see a whole movie. I've seen bits and pieces of them...but whenever my Dad puts them on at home, I fall asleep during it, every time! Oops. 

Today's GVP is continuining from Thursdays lesson on Adverbs of Possibility. Thank you to the children who completed the least certain-most certain scale. Can you beat your high score of how many Adverbs of Possiblity you can remember in 30 seconds? Don't forget to email us your score - Jessica won on Thursday's lesson (well done, Jess!) 

I'm looking out for who can make the silliest, or funniest of sentences today - so don't forget to email them along!

Here is today's video:


Here is a dice for you to use if you don't have one: https://nrich.maths.org/6717

Why doesn't a spider get stuck to its own web?

Date: 4th May 2020 @ 8:43am

Good Morning Reception!

Did you enjoy the Very Busy Spider story? If you haven’t watched it yet – the link to the video is here!


In the story, the spider is VERY busy spinning her web! After reading this story, I thought it would be a great idea to participate in a science experiment linked to spider’s webs!! Spiders catch their prey in a web (like the fly in the story!) Spider’s webs are extremely sticky so that bugs stick to them and cannot move!

But… why doesn’t a spider get stuck to its own web?

This is what we are going to investigate!

 In this experiment we are going to create our own webs and test whether our fingers stick like the fly or do not stick like the spider!

You will need:

Sticky Tape

Cooking Oil

Step one: Spread out the tape sticky side up.

Step two: Ask children to walk their fingers across the tape. What happens??

Did your fingers stick?? That is like the bugs on a spider’s web.

Step three: Now, put some cooking oil on the children’s fingers and do the same – walk their fingers across the sticky tape.

Do their fingers stick now? No! Spiders have natural oils on their bodies that keeps them from sticking to things.

I hope you enjoy this experiment!

Please email in your pictures and results to the reception home learning email (receptionhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk)

Have fun!!

Monday 4th May - Maths

Date: 4th May 2020 @ 8:40am

Good Morning Reception!

I hope you have had a lovely weekend and are ready to take part in some exciting maths learning today!

First, let’s warm up with our maths songs and today’s fluent-in-five questions!






Today we are going to be focusing our maths learning on measuring weight.

Take a listen to a catchy measurement song below. We have listened to this weight song before in reception; it’s about a big, heavy elephant!!


When we practise measuring weight in reception, we often have turned into ‘human balance scales.’

This is where children stand with their arms placed to the side of us with hands spread. Place an item on each hand and ask children to tip to show which item is heavier and which is lighter. Use balance scales to check the children’s estimations.

Children could also hold buckets or bags in each hand and place items inside to feel which has the stronger downward pull.

When we teach weight, we encourage children to use the language of heavy, heavier, heaviest, light, lighter, lightest to compare items. To avoid misconceptions that bigger items are always heavier, we provide some small, heavier items and some large, lighter ones. Below, I have posted some fun ideas for measurement activities at home!


Busy Bag Challenge:

Use a basket or bag to collect lots of items around your house.

Once you have found lots of items, can you sort them by weight?

Balance scales activity:

Give children an item, for example, an apple. Challenge them to find things which feel heavier and lighter than the apple and sort them into sets.

Ask children to use the balance scales to check their estimation.

Are all the heavier things larger than the apple?

Can they find anything which is larger than the apple but lighter?

Ask children to use cubes or similar objects to balance an item on one side and adding cubes until the scales balance. How many cubes are the same weight as an apple?

‘We create, We explore,

We care, We soar’


Ravensbury Community School

Tartan StreetClayton M11 4EG

Maureen Hughes | Headteacher

Jo Wendt | SENCO

0161 223 0370
