: Blog items

CBeebies Reading Challenge - Monday 4th May

Date: 4th May 2020 @ 8:30am

CBeebies Reading Challenge Monday 4th May

Today Angelica Bell is going to read ‘Nobot the Robot with No Bottom’. What a funny title and what a funny book! It made me giggle when I read it. Another reason I like it is because the animals are very creative with their uses for Nobot’s bottom! Tell your grown-up what you like about it and why.

Can you send me some photos of you using an object in interesting and different ways?


Night night sleep tight

From Mrs Ganner

Weekly Vocabulary Challenge ‘Baby Animals’

Date: 4th May 2020 @ 8:28am

Describe the Baby Animals Weekly Challenge

I bought this book from Home Bargains last week for you. I know how much you like animals.  You might have some animals like these at home. We call them pets. I haven’t got any pets but if I did, I’d love to have a dog. Dogs are silly and they like cuddles, which is a bit like me! Tell your grown up what you know about pets. How do you look after them?

Watch and listen to the Show Me Video and join in pointing to the words as I read the story. You’ll need your listening ears too because I’m going to ask you lots of questions.


Use the Superhero Speaking Cape Symbols from class to help you (see photo below)

Pause the video: Can you use shape words to describe the animals?

Shape Vocabulary –describe the shapes – round, circular, tall, pointy, wide,

Pause the video: Can you use texture words to describe the pictures?

Texture Vocabulary– fuzzy, soft, fluffy, silky, squidgy, smooth


Find groups of objects in your house and sort them by shape or texture. Can you describe your objects using interesting vocabulary? I’ll post the groups I found on Friday

I hope you find lots of objects to put in your groups. Maybe you could have some spiky objects or some hard objects. Make sure you send in photos or videos of your learning to



Have Fun

From Mrs Ganner

Monday 4th May Phonics

Date: 4th May 2020 @ 8:20am

Good Morning Reception!!

Let us start today’s phonic activity by revising Phase 3 tricky words. Use your Phase 3 tricky word mat and play fastest finger first. Grown ups say a tricky word, who will point to it the fastest...?

Sing the tricky word song. Write the Phase 3 tricky words on scraps of paper and put them around your room where you can see them. Each time you sing a tricky word in the song point or stand near the word. Click the video link at the bottom of the blog for the song.

Today we are going to think about a new sound. This sound is a trigraph. A trigraph is three letters that make one sound. Our new sound is…

Watch this show me video where I am going through the trigraph igh:


Today’s practise and apply activities are:

Can you make some igh words using the letters on the sheet? Time yourself, how many will you be able to write in 1 minute…?

For example, on the sheet I can see bright and might.  


Can you label the pictures with the igh words…? Mrs Iqbal and Mrs Cooper’s Phonic groups choose three words and write some super sentences.


Can you find the igh words in the wordsearch?


Play the game Dragon’s Den on Phonics Play. Click Phase 3 and find the sound ‘igh.’


Love Mrs Iqbal

Don’t forget to send in your photos/work to… receptionhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk

It's quiz time !

Date: 4th May 2020 @ 8:14am

Did you get to try something new over the weekend? Was it fun ?

We thought we'd do something new on our blog this week - a round the world quiz! We'll post  questions about  somewhere around the world and you can send us your answers to Ealhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk.

Question 1

Can you name the country and the capital city for this flag?



Monday 4th May Reading

Date: 4th May 2020 @ 8:09am

Good Morning Reception!!

This week we have a new story all about a very busy spider. Listen to the video at the bottom of the blog where I am reading the story for you.

Can you remember all the animals in the story? Tell your grown up all the animals that were in the story. Use the story PowerPoint to see if you remembered all the animals.  

Mrs Iqbal and Mrs Cooper’s Phonics groups – Use a piece of paper and make a story map of the story. Use the animal pictures attached to the blog or you could draw the animals. Look at my story map to give you an idea…

Miss Williams and Miss Cogger’s Phonic groups – Match the animal to the word. Cut out the animal pictures and read the words and match the picture to the correct words.  

Love Mrs Iqbal

Don’t forget to send in your photos/work to receptionhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk

Weekly Connected Curriculum Challenge 'The Family Book - Creating Family Art'

Date: 4th May 2020 @ 8:08am

Creating Family Art

This week we will be learning about our families and there are lots activities you can choose to do after listening to the story I am reading for you. Watch the video of me reading 'The Family Book'


Choose one or more of the challenges that your family would like to complete with you and then send your photos to us


Exciting Science Challenge (You need a packet of Skittles sweets)

Do the ‘skittlescope experiment’ together and use your speaking skills to find out what will happen.

First of all watch the video and talk to your family as you find out together. Explain what you think is happening and try to work out what will happen next as you watch this video. Then retell the video and carry out the experiment for yourself using your super scientist skills.

Messy Outdoor Art Challenge (see photo below)

Create a picture on an old bed sheet using paint filled balloons, your feet, hands and body! Use your hands to move the paint and draw your family’s faces. Can you write your name too? Talk to your family about completing this challenge, listen to each other and decide if this is something your family would like to do. Hope the weather doesn’t stop your fun! After creating your art, hang it up on the fence outside and see what happens when it rains next.

What happened to the colours as they mix?

Do you think your art will look the same as the children’s in your class at school? Why do you think that?

Artist’s Creative Colour Mixing Challenge  (see photos below)

Use a paintbrush to experiment mixing new colours using 2 or more paints. Use these colours to paint a picture of something you like. You might want to paint your family or your house or a pet or another rainbow for your window? You can choose anything you want because you are the artist.

The picture below is by an artist called Banksy and he created it to honour the NHS workers. I love how the ‘S’ is like the Superman logo because our NHS workers are all Superheroes.

I can’t wait to see your photos!

Have an amazing time learning with your family

From Mrs Ganner

imoves fun for the body and mind

Date: 4th May 2020 @ 8:04am

Note to parents:

Before I post our weekly challenges I want you to join in with one of the fabulous videos from imoves with your child. They are a brilliant company who have made lots of their videos available for parents and teachers for free during this Covid 19 school closure. The videos are fun ways to teach your child about exercise and keeping your mind healthy too. One of my favourites is the worry monster but your child can choose their own.

Active Challenge

Click this link and then find a video like the one in the photo or choose one of your own


If you like this video you could try some of the other Active Blasts for children  Ages 4-7

Have a blast!

Mrs Ganner

Welcome to this week's learning

Date: 4th May 2020 @ 8:01am

Hello again Nursery!

It’s lovely to be back on the Nursery blog. I will be posting lots of interesting activities and challenges this week and Miss Heritage is busy thinking of some more fun things to do with you next week.

‘Nursery Nursery who can it be? Teach me about your family’

I want to let you know about the challenges I’m setting you this week. They are all about teaching me about your family and where you live.  I will post separate blogs for each of the challenges very soon. By the end of the week the home learning you send in  will show me some things that are the same as your friends, some similarities and some differences because all of our families and homes are unique to us.

Video Exercises imoves

Before learning every day why not try some funky imoves active blasts to get your body and mind ready for the challenges we set for you? 

Connected Curriculum Weekly Challenge

‘The Family Book’ is all about celebrating the kinds of families we have and you can choose a challenge as a follow up to show me your learning

Vocabulary Weekly Challenge

This week we will be focussing on using the language of shape and texture to talk about the pictures we see in a book called ‘Baby Animals’

Reading Weekly Challenge

On the blog this week we’re going to share a CBeebies bedtime story every night. Each day I will post a new link for you to watch before you go to bed. 

Home Learning Weekly Challenge

Send any photos or videos of the challenges you complete at home to me by Friday tea time and I’ll put them all up on the blog for you to share with your friends. This is one of my favourite parts of blogging from home so please send lots and lots of photos or short videos in.


Tomorrow I will start setting you a daily phonics and maths challenge too, as well as posting the next CBeebies bedtime story so you can end your day relaxing with a book

Maths Daily Challenges

This week we will be using a book from our Maths area, ‘Big Round Red Balloon’ to learn about flat, 2D shapes. YOU WILL NEED TOILET OR KITCHEN ROLL TUBES ON THURSDAY SO START SAVING THEM.

Phonics Daily Challenges

This week we are going to continue to work on linking initial sounds to objects and isolating initial sounds to be able to complete lots of challenges with our families using the beginning sound of their names. We will use the book, ‘Alfie’s Alphabet’ to help us

I’m so excited about this week of learning together at home. Hope you are too!

From Mrs Ganner

Reception Superstars!!!

Date: 1st May 2020 @ 4:36pm

This week I have been amazed at all the home learning that has been happening in Reception children's home.

Well Done children and grown ups!!!! smileyheart

Home Learning Celebration!

Date: 1st May 2020 @ 4:34pm

Readers of the Week

At the start of this week, we set a reading challenge to see who would be the Star Reader of the Week in each class, based on the activities completed on Lexia and ActiveLearn.

The winners this week are….

4AR:                                                  4JB:

Honour and Thecla!    &     David and Felix!

Well done, fantastic reading! All winners will get to choose from the class prize boxes and decorate a biscuit each when we are back in school! 

Who will be the champions next week???!


Well done to everyone who has been on their Lexia and ActiveLearn accounts this week. Usernames and passwords can be found in your Home Learning Packs. If you are having trouble logging in please contact your teachers at y4homelearning.manchester.sch.uk so we can help. 

We have also had lots of updates this week from children working hard at home on their learning packs, blog activities and wellbeing tasks. It’s great to see what you are getting up to so please keep sending us your messages and pictures on the y4 email! 

If you haven’t already, make sure you check out the new Year 4 Home Learning Page to find all your activities and tasks. Click on the link  https://padlet.com/mr_leverton/jg6rbkql3b7elw1f  to explore.


Stay safe and keep working hard,

From the Year 4 team xxx


Outstanding 5HW!

Date: 1st May 2020 @ 4:16pm

What a wonderful week of work from 5HW! We have had SO many emails this week, all celebrating learning and showing off different skills!

We love receiving your emails, it makes us so proud to see your motivation and dedication to work even when you can't be in school.


Our outstanding learners this week are:-

GanesaRhiannaKyroMert DenizYoel, Ini and Aden

Have a look below to see what they have been doing!



Reading Plus WINNERS (Week 5)

Date: 1st May 2020 @ 3:20pm

Good Afternoon Year 5!

Even more of you went on Reading Plus this week - well done! Mrs Hodges, Miss Wendt and  myself are so proud of you all. This weeks winners are:

Most Lessons Completed: Denico (at 10 books! Well done)

Most  Words Read: Sam (6,675 words!)

Both 5HW and 5CB now have 5 wins! Who will take over next week?

Don't forget to check your individual class blogs, where we will announce who has successfully completed this weeks reading challenge.

Well done everyone,

Miss Brookes 

More Superstar learners

Date: 1st May 2020 @ 11:20am

Have a look at this superwork. Both children have tried to work hard on the presentation of their work. They have been trying to write the long date. They have been writing the days of the week  and months correctly. Look at how fantastic and so grown up their work is. These children are getting ready for Year 2!

Well done !

3RH, I am impressed...

Date: 1st May 2020 @ 10:58am

Good Morning 3RH,

I hope you're all doing well and loving your time at home (even though the sun isn't out anymore)!

Just wanted to show you some things: 

First of all, 2 weeks ago, I set a challenge for you to create your own Roman shield. I have had some fantastic pictures back. Here they are!

How amazing are they!!!!! I'm sooooooo impressed with each and every single one! 


Secondly... We have some certificates for Lexia. Well done to these children who have been working hard and completed a level. 

Nabel, Dereck, Megan and Shawnakaye have all moved up a level! I have emailed your certificates to your adults! WELL DONE! 

Thirdly, I set you a challenge to read in as many random places as you could, here are a few of the pictures I've recieved! Keep sending them in to y3homelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk

Finally, I said yesterday about sending a message to the rest of our class to let them know that youre missing them. Here's mine and Theodosia's below. If you want to send a picture of yourself with a drawing or message to our class then email me on y3homelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk 

Speak soon,


Miss Humphreys :)

Outstanding Learning!

Date: 1st May 2020 @ 10:54am

Well done, 5CB! I am so proud of all of you, for trying so hard with your work this week. We've had some amazing Connected Curriculum challenge responses:

Look at Denico's paper mache Earth!

And look at Victoria's guide to living in Space!

They are both amazing! Thank you so much for sending in all your work, it puts a huge smile on my face. This weeks outstanding learners are:








I've attached some of their work below so you can take a look!

This weeks reading challenge winners, who managed to read a total of 5 books (well done!) are:

Dencio (10 books)

Sam (6 books)

Even though not all of you managed to read 5 books and score 80%, more of you took part in Reading Plus this week - which is what the important part is. I am so proud of you all.

Miss Brookes 

Lexia Superstar of the week

Date: 1st May 2020 @ 10:41am

Huge well done to Hao Yu for being our Lexia superstar of the week. Well done Hao Yu! 


(Please feel free to print off your certificate at home). 


Miss Hamer



Stars of the Week!

Date: 1st May 2020 @ 10:39am

A huge congratulations this week to all of the children who have been working so hard from home!

Education City

Oliwia and Ofure are soaring through the maths and coding activities we have put on and have completed 5 and 6 of the 8 objectives respectfully - Well done!
Well done as well to Oliver (both of you!) Michelle, Zarak, Dylan, Blaiyze and Malachi for also logging in and having a go. 
Let's see how many people we can get on next week - remember to email us to get your login and password.


Huge congratulations to Dian, Zarak and Arion who are doing an amazing job on spag.com - keep it up!
Well done as well to Charlie, Michelle, Blessed, Dylan, Sophie, Cindy, Liam, Haya and Hafiz for logging in and getting the activites done.

Attached are some pictures of the fabulous home learning we have been sent in to our email - who can you spot?
I've also included a fantastic Powerpoint about Climate Change made by Charlie (see if it helps you with you CC work) and the start of a wonderful Rose Blanche story by Timi that might give you ideas with your own writing.

Keep sending us in what you have been up to and check back next Friday to see who's made it onto our Stars of the Week Blog Post!

The Year 6 Team

Friday's maths

Date: 1st May 2020 @ 10:31am


Well done you made it! You are on the last maths challenge of the week.We hope you haven't found the work too tricky. We are going to continue learning about finding half and quarters.

Today I want you to find a half and a quarter of an amount. Remember to find a half, you need to share an amount into two equal groups and finding a quarter is sharing an amount into four equal groups.

Challenge 1

We want you to use objects in the house to solve these problems. Maybe you could use fruit, sweets, bricks, cars, dolls,shoes or cans of food to help find the answers,

Can you find half of ............

a..8      b.2       c.4      d.6     e.10     f.12   g.  16

Can you record your answers as a picture in your books.


Challenge 2

We want you to use objects in the house to solve these problems. Maybe you could use fruit, sweets, bricks, cars, dolls,shoes or cans of food to help find the answers,

Can you find quarter of ............

a..8      b.20       c.4      d.12     e.16     

Can you record your answers as a picture in your books.

If you want more of a challenge then have a go at the activities below. Just click on the blue bars and then will open up for you to see.









Friday 1st May :)

Date: 1st May 2020 @ 10:29am

Good morning Year 3, 

Welcome to May! Hoping the sunshine comes out soon! 

Ok, so yesterdays answers... 

Adding the punctuation to the sentence of the day

Early in the morning, the dazzling, yellow sunshine appeared from behind the clouds. What a beautiful sight it was!

SPAG answers: 

Maths answers: 


Todays activities:

Sentence of the day

Can you spot all of the spelling mistakes?

This turm, we were sposed to be lurning abowt ‘Can I grow lettis on a mownten summit?’ in are Connected Currikulum.

English activity: 

Maths activity: 

There are also lots of resources on BBC Bitesize: 






Answers will be revealed Monday morning. 

That's all for this morning folks, enjoy your learning.

Miss Humphreys, Miss Faragher and Miss G :) 

Year 2 superstars

Date: 1st May 2020 @ 10:28am

This is my favourite part of the week. I get lots of pictures sent to me daily and I love looking through them all. This week, you are all superstars! I have attached some photos for you to have a look at what your friends have been up to. 

I also want to give a HUGE shout out to the adults who are helping you learn at home. I want you to try and do something helpful this weekend to say thank you. Why don't you try and tidy your room? Can you make your own bed? Can you tidy away your toys? You could even make a thank you card! 

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Hamer

Wellbeing challenge number 15

Date: 1st May 2020 @ 10:21am

Hi everyone and Happy Friday! I can't believe it's already the end of another week. I hope everyone is working hard and staying safe.

I got the idea for today's wellbeing challenge yesterday when I saw the most amazing rainbow in the sky. It was the brightest colours I've ever seen and I could see the whole arc. There was even a faint second rainbow next to it!

Photos don't really show how amazing it was but you can see how vivid the colours are:

The rainbow made me feel happy when I saw it and I thought it might make other people happy too! So today's challenge is to take a photo of something that makes you feel happy. You could find something in your house or do it on a walk. It could be a person, an animal, an object or even something that you've made. Anything that makes you feel happy or positive. If you don't have a camera, phone or tablet of your own then ask an adult if you can borrow theirs but please be careful with it!

If you'd like to share your happy photo then please e-mail it to EALhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk, I'd love to see it and then I can post some of them and spread the happiness around!

Have a good weekend,

Mrs Glover

Past challenges

Thanks to A who sent a photo of himself doing the breathing exercises I set yesterday, I hope they helped you feel nice and calm.

Friday Challenge

Date: 1st May 2020 @ 9:58am

Good morning Year 2,

I hope you are all excited for a well-deserved break this weekend. I know I am :)

English Challenge

It was brilliant to read some of your sentences yesterday. They were very imaginative! I did notice though, that many of you are forgetting to include adjectives in your work. Adjectives are a great way to make your sentences more interesting. Today I would like you to write 5 sentences about the objects below and don’t forget to describe the objects using adjectives:

Plant, bath, floor, clothes.

Here are my examples:

The tiny plant started to grow.

The large bath was filled with water and lots of white bubbles.

Jack spilled a fizzy drink on the dirty floor so Miss Hamer had to clean it up.

John always wears bright clothes so he stands out.

Maths Challenge

Give these word problems a go. I know you can do it!

My pencil is 12cm long. Tom’s pencil is 6cm longer. How long is Tom’s pencil?

Sara has 12 packets of crisps. She must share them equally between her four friends. How many crisp packets will each friend get?

Eggs come in boxes of 6. How many eggs would I have if I bought four boxes?  


Miss Hamer


Date: 1st May 2020 @ 9:52am

Lets celebrate! laugh

We have had so many pictures and email this week! Lot's of you have sent your love heart pictures but we're still waiting on some more, don't forget to send them in! It has been so lovely to see all of you so busy and doing lots of exciting things. Here are our super star learners this week. Well done everybody!

We miss you too! This picture really did brighten our day!

Don’t these pancakes look delicious! It’s great to see you all learning new skills like baking and cooking!


Look whose looking very busy with her phonics learning! There’s lots of concentration going on here!

Another busy bee practicing her numbers! You’re doing a fantastic job!

Wow look whose working independently on his phonics! Wow and with a new haircut!

What a great handmade guitar! Have you managed to play a tune on it yet?


Concentrating hard on his learning this week! Well done!

It took me a second to figure out who was who on this picture! You are all looking so grown up!


Keep being amazing year 1. We are so proud of you all!


Friday sentence of the day and phonics

Date: 1st May 2020 @ 9:36am

Can you believe another week has flown by and it’s Friday again! We’ve had some great pictures through this week of you all busy with your learning! We can’t wait to show you them on our celebration blog later!

Sentence of the day

All of yesterday’s sentence were all questions, so they all needed a question mark at the end of them. We know that they are questions because they are asking something and they have our special asking words at the start of the sentence.

Will lots of bugs come to the bug hotel?

Do you like bug hotels?

Why do the bugs like the bug hotel?

What is the bug hotel called?

Well done YuXiang and Kaya you managed to find them all! Brilliant detective work!

Here is today’s sentence. How can you describe the bug house and make it more interesting to read.

I have made a _________________bug hotel.

How many adjectives can you think of to describe the bug hotel?


Put a timer on for a minute, how many ways can you think of to make the ee sound from yesterday. Write them down. If you still have some time left, think of some words that are spelt with the different ee graphemes.

ee                 ea                 e-e               ey                 y

Today’s phonics focusses on the igh sound family.

For today’s challenge I want you to make your own giant roll and read. You will need 6 rows all with 5 words on. A bit like this…

Your words need to have all of the igh sound family graphemes in them. Once you have written the words you can play! Maybe play against one of your family, who can read the most words? Or play on your own, time yourself and see if you can beat your time.

Remember there are also lots of phonics games on https://new.phonicsplay.co.uk/ for you to play and practice your phonics skills.


Hope you all have a brilliant day. Don’t forget to check back on the blog later for our weekly celebration!

Miss Riley and Miss Wolfenden x

Try something new this weekend

Date: 1st May 2020 @ 9:03am

Happy Friday everyone!

How has your week been? As well as doing my school work, I decided to try some new activities this week; I went on some new bike rides and walks with my family, baked some new recipes and tried out some online dance courses. I really enjoyed them - especially eating the brownies, even though they didn't turn out quite as they were meant to !

Why don't you try doing something new this weekend and tell us all about it by emailing :


We can't wait to hear all about it!

Have a great weekend.


‘We create, We explore,

We care, We soar’


Ravensbury Community School

Tartan StreetClayton M11 4EG

Maureen Hughes | Headteacher

Jo Wendt | SENCO

0161 223 0370
