Tuesday 19th May - Maths
Date: 19th May 2020 @ 7:17am
Good Morning Reception!
Are you ready for your maths learning today?
Here is a fluent-in-five for you to begin with! How quickly can you answer these calculations below?? Can you work them out with your adult at home and see you if you can beat their time??
Yesterday in our maths blog, we were looking at how our numbers can be represented through using ‘tens frames.’ We were looking at how to answer addition questions using tens frames to help us! Please refer to yesteday’s Maths blog if you did not see it!
Today we are going to be using tens frame to help us to...
Recognise our numbers being shown in different ways
Help us with early addition skills
Here is a link to the interactive tens frame we were using yesterday, you can have a go at these activities to begin with! https://www.nctm.org/Classroom-Resources/Illuminations/Interactives/Ten-Frame/
Below I have posted links to some different activities when working out with tens frame:
The first activity is a ‘tens frame matching game!’ You have to look closely at the tens frame and work out the correct number of counters in them. There may be some other numbers there to trick you – see if you can work out which numeral matches the tens frame correctly!
How many counters are in this ten frame? What would the correct answer be?
The second activity is a ‘number bonds to ten’ activity. You have to carefully count the orange counters in the tens frame and work out how many more counters you need to add to work out the total answer. There is a number sentence underneath, you need to fill in the empty box which represents the blue counters!
Can you count the orange counters? Can you count the blue counters? Can you add on from 5 to work out how many there are all together? Fill in your answer in the empty box!
Have fun! J