Year 2KW: Blog items

We just love maths!

Date: 19th Jan 2025 @ 10:20pm


The children have really enjoyed multiplication and have enjoyed using songs to help them remeber the 2,5 and 10 timrs table. The children have used objects, drawn pictures and used sentence stems to complete problems and to explain their thinking. Look at their hard work!

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The children have enjoyed working with the Manchester City Coach this week. They worked in teams and kicked the footballs to each other. They had to really concentrate and aim the ball accurately at a friend. the friend had to stop the ball and pass it to their friend. They found it a bit tricky!

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Another fun filled week

Have a lovely weekend!

Welcome back!

Date: 19th Jan 2025 @ 9:54pm

Hello and Happy New Year!

Well, it has been a very snowy return back to school. As always, the children have handled the cold, icy weather really well and got on with their learning. 

The children have been very busy and have settled back into their learning in a mature and sensibe manner. It has made me feel very proud!

The children enjoyed working in small groups in their Purposeful play session. They focused on sharing and taking turns. They absolutely loved it!

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They have also enjoyed working collaboratively and practically in maths lessons. They have been grouping and completing repeated addition problems. Look at their work!

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I think you will all agree they have made a fantastic start back!

Have a lovely weekend

The Greggs Factory Visit

Date: 19th Nov 2024 @ 10:04pm


This week, the children went on a visit to the Greggs Factory. The children were very excited and couldn't wait to see how bread is made now in comparison to in London 1666.

They walked all the way to Openshaw Village which took them 45 minutes. Luckily, the weather was glorious and the sun was shining bright. The children walked around the factory and were lucky to watch how the bread dough is made, how the bread is kneaded into buns, how it is cooked and how it is packaged. They got to visit the warehouse where the ingredients were stored and watch how the ingredients are weighed and put into bags. Before they could go onto the factory floor they had to wash their hands and put on a special hat and jacket. 

After the factory tour the children returned back to the classroom where they got to meet some special characters and decorated biscuits. The children went back to school with a special Gregg's cake that hasn't even been in the Greggs shops yet!

The children were very tired but had a fantastic time! The Gregg's team were very kind and extremely helpful. 

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The children were very lucky and even got to eat the cakes that they decorated! They have asked to go back soon.


Miss Wolfenden and Miss Edey





Happy Diwali

Date: 19th Nov 2024 @ 9:31pm


The children have enjoyed learning about and celebrating Bonfire night. They have linked this learning to the festival of Diwali, the festival of lights. The children shared the story of Rama and Sita and enjoyed finding out How and Why Hindu families celebrate Diwali. As part of this learning the children made lanterns and Diva lamps. They enjoyed sculpting the clay to make a pot and then using the mark making tools to add patterns. They finished their work by using paints to decorate them. They used their reading skills to independently read and follow instrucctions to make lantern.  Look at what they created!

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Thank you

Miss Wolfenden and Miss Edey



Welcome Back!

Date: 19th Nov 2024 @ 8:54pm


We all hope you had a fantastic half term break and are excited to be back. This week the children have been introduced to the new topic ' The Great Fire of London' and have enjoyed completing the Launch activities. As part of the Launch the children created ' London in 1666' pictures using pastels and tissue paper. The children used charcoal to sketch tudor houses. They are a very creative class and really enjoy getting creative! I think you will agree that their creations are beautiful! 

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In maths, the children have been continuing to use the concrete objects in the classroom to add amounts. They have worked hard to add 3 addends and find the total. They have used their knowledge of number pairs to ten to help them!

I think you will agree they have made a fantastic start to the new term!


Miss Wolfenden and Miss Edey



The Disgusting Sandwich

Date: 13th Oct 2024 @ 8:58pm


This week the children have continued to learn how to write instructions. As a hook to engage the children to write, we read 'The disgusting Sandwich' The children enjoyed reading about all the disgusting ingredients that can be used to make one. After reading the story, the children thought of their own ingredients and generated adjectives to describe them. They even generated expanded noun phrases using adjectives with the same initial sound to make their descriptive sentences more exciting for the reader.
Here are some of our ideas
' Slimy, Sludgy slugs'       ' Wriggly Worms'    ' black, tiny ants'    ' wet, white bird poo'   ' 
To help the children describe their ingredients and use time connectives and bossy verbs to write a set of simple instructions the children used play doh to create their ingredients. look at their work
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The children enjoyed every minute!
After, having such a busy day they enjoyed taking part in Mindfulness activities as part of Mental Health Day. They enjoyed meditation, listening to calm music and completing mindfulness colouring.
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The children have worked hard!
Miss Wolfenden

Whiffy's Stew

Date: 6th Oct 2024 @ 8:07pm

Good Afternoon,

This week, the children have been learning about the features of an instructional text. They have read instructions on How to make Whiffy Stew and then  enjoyed collecting the ingredients to make it from the school playground. They enjoyed getting messy and filling their cups with sloppy mud and water!

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After that, they read the instructions and made the stew. They absolutely had a wonderful time and it was lovely to see them all laughing and smiling outdoors. it was a good job the sun stayed out too.


Miss wolfenden

we are becoming confident, independent learners!

Date: 23rd Sep 2024 @ 12:27pm


We cannot believe how fast the school weeks are going. it is lovely to see the children becoming more and more confident as the days go by. This week there has been a real focus on the children using the classroom provision to support their independent learning.

In maths, the children have used concrete objects to make groups of 10. They were asked to find as many different ways of representing 10 and they were encouraged to work as part of The Ant Team. it was lovely to see them talking to each other and helping each other with their learning. Look at their hard work.

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Miss Wolfenden






It has been a busy week in Year 2!

Date: 15th Sep 2024 @ 5:59pm


Well all we can say is that it has been a busy week in year 2 this week. The children have settled in well and are becoming more and more confident at working independently, which is lovely to see. The children have enjoyed joining in with Mrs's Hughes Celebration assembly this week and were particularly excited when they worked with Miss Kent during singing Assembly. Our children are so talented at singing and performing and it is lovely to see they come alive when they sing and dance.

This week was the launch to our new Geography topic ' What will we see when we travel from Pole to Pole' The children made passports, created suitcase lists and boarding passes which they really enjoyed. Some of the children would make great travel agents! This week they will be using globes, maps and Atlases to locate the Continents and Oceans of the world. If would like to help them further have a look at the knowledge organiser below to see the skills, knowledge and new vocabulary that they will be learning.

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They have a fantastic week and have made all the staff very proud. We know that they will continue to work hard next week too.

Thanks for all your support

The Year Two Team

KS1 Wacky Rockets Exhibition

Date: 17th Mar 2024 @ 10:14am

Adam from Sublime Science finished off Science Week with KS1. He put on a exhibition in the playground all about how to create some rockets using fizzy water, a pump and mentos sweets. He used different sized bottles and changed the amount of mentos sweets that went into the fizzy water to see how far each rocket would go. Some rockets went out of our school playground!!

It was so much fun!!! 

We are Scientists!

Date: 17th Mar 2024 @ 1:03am

This week has been Science week and the children have enjoyed immersing themselves in science activities. On Thursday, they joined Adam from Sublime Science in the hall for a science assembly. Adam demonstrated how fun science can be and the children became very excited when they watched him carry out a range of science experiments.

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On Friday, the children took part in science workshops where they got to make slime!

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We had so much messy fun! We all had a wonderful day!

Chinese Workshop

Date: 17th Mar 2024 @ 12:31am

This week the Parents/ Carers were invited into school to take part in a Dragon Making Workshop. The children and adults were asked to use a range of joining techniquesto attach boxes,card, paper, tubes, and straws together to create a dragon body and head. Then, they used paint and collage material to decorate their dragons. They worked hard as a team and both Mrs Cooper and I were proud to see all the children listening to each other, taking turns, sharing resources and helping each other. It was truly lovely to see. After the children completed their dragons they were asked to perform a dragon dance. 

Look at their learning !

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We had so much fun!

Come and have a look at the dragons. They are displayed in the shared area.

Shape Sorting

Date: 17th Mar 2024 @ 12:02am

The children have been matching, identifying and naming 2d shapes. They have enjoyed using the mathematical language sides, vertices, straight, curved same, different, Polygon, regular, irregular and equal to describe the properties. They have used venn and Carroll diagrams to sort the shapes according to a given criteria. They enjoyed generating their own criteria to sort shapes and playing games where they have to guess the criteria. They found it a bit tricky but Mrs Cooper and I were super proud of how hard they worked.

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Can you see how they have sorted the shapes?

All about Wuhan

Date: 16th Mar 2024 @ 11:44pm

This half term the children are learning about the topic 'Where would you prefer to live; Wuhan or China?' The children have been learning about the continent Asia, The country China, the city of Wuhan and the Hubei region. As part of the learning the children have been using maps and globes to locate Asia and the country China. They looked closely at aerial photographs and maps to identify the human features in Wuhan. They have been using geographical words such as mountains, rivers, hills, coast, sea, oceans and forests to help them describe what they can see. They looked closely at images of Wuhan and used them to create and label models of some of the landmarks.

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Golden Time!

Date: 16th Mar 2024 @ 11:26pm

The children have had a really busy half term and they have worked so hard. Mrs cooper and I both agreed that they desrved a really treat. The children had decided that they wanted to make pancakes, create models and paint pictures as a reward. They had a fantastic time!

Look at all the fun they had!

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We are Researchers!

Date: 16th Mar 2024 @ 11:16pm

The children have really enjoyed finding out about hot and cold places and using a range of research techniques to find out about different animals and the habitats that they live in. The children used google, images and books to find out information and use it to write non-chronological reports. Mrs cooper and I were so impressed. All the children displayed a real interest in their learning and motivated each other to complete tasks. They all agreed that this topic was one of their favourites!

Look at the concentration on their faces!

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PE with Chiara !

Date: 16th Mar 2024 @ 10:59pm

In P.E,the children have been learning about throwing and catching the ball. They have been throwing the ball underarm and learning how to use a chest pass. They have been making a cup to catch a ball in a stationary position. They have been learning how to defend and have been using these skills to play simple games. The children have been working in pairs and have been bouncing, throwing and catching the ball whilst moving around the playground.

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Grouping fun!

Date: 16th Mar 2024 @ 10:47pm

In Maths, the children have been learning about making groups. They have been looking at objects and then sorting them. They have then counted the objects in the groups and have used the mathematical words equal and unequal to describe if the quantities in the groups are an equal amount.The children have used this knowledge to solve practical problems and have worked collaboratively as a team to help each other.

It was lovely to see the children using the outside area to work mathematically!

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Penguin Art

Date: 16th Mar 2024 @ 10:23pm

In Art, the children have been learning how to sketch penguins. They have been using continuous line to draw an outline and then looked at the different shapes they could draw to create the head and body. Then they used the side of the pencil to shade parts of the body. The children then used this knowledge to create a 3d display of penguins. 

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The children applied all the skills they had learnt to create penguins with a range of different media. The display looks amazing outside Mrs Hughes's office!


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Snow play!

Date: 16th Mar 2024 @ 10:09pm

The children were surprised to see the weather change this week and were so excited to see the school playground covered in snow. When the snow is so thick there is only one thing to do. You guessed it SNOW PLAY!!!!!!!!!

Look at the fun they all had. We made snowmen and snow angels!

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The children were sad to see the snow disappear through the day!

We are Geographers!

Date: 16th Mar 2024 @ 9:57pm

As part of the topic 'Animals that live in hot and cold places.' The children learnt about the Continents and Oceans of the world and used

their map reading skills to locate cold and hot regions in the world.


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The children really enjoyed using the compass points to navigate around a map and are beginning to confidently identify and name some parts of the world.

Can you guess what 2KW are going to be learning about this half term?

Date: 7th Jan 2024 @ 9:23pm

Hello and Welcome back!

This week was a short week however it was extremely busy and it was lovely to see all the children eager to come back to school and get on with their learning!

As part of the learning this week, the children were learning how to develop their prediction skills . One of the activities that they really enjoyed was predicting what objects were in the rucksack. They had to use knowledge of prior learning, knowledge from learning from home and what they have read to make sensible guesses. They then found out what was in the bag and used what they had found to predict the next topic of learning.


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We found rope, plates, pans, hats, suncream, torches, lanterns, a hammer, walking boots, warm and cool clothes, sleeping bags and pillows.

We asked lots of questions and found out that it belonged to Madeleine, Miss Wolfenden's daughter. We predicted that we are going to be learning about going on an adventure and maybe different countries.

The children were very excited and can't wait to find out about the world.

Keep looking at our blogs!

Miss Wolfenden and Mrs Cooper

Gregg's bakery

Date: 26th Nov 2023 @ 1:04pm


Well what can I say. I think all the children and the adults would agree that we had an amazing time at the Gregg's factory this week. The children were asked to wear hair nets, special coats and wash their hands before they entered the factory. During their visit they looked at how the bakery makes bread, pizza and sandwich fillings. They compared Thomas farriner's bakery in London 1666 to the bakery's now and quickly recognised that they had dramatically changed! It was a lovely opportunity to see how the bread dough is made, how it is left to rise, how it is baked and packaged and then put on a lorry. The children particularly enjoyed watching how the pizza bases were made and how the toppings were added. They even had an opportunity to put the pizza bases on a conveyor belt, just like the Gregg;s staff. Mrs Cooper and I were extremely proud of all the children. They walked sensibly to the factory, which did take 25 minutes!  and were polite and well behaved during the visit. They asked lots of interesting questions and learned so much about how the factory operates. If that wasn't enough the children got to sit and have a drink, eat cakes and decotate Gingerbread people. They had a brilliant time and were so lucky to get this opportunity. Look at how much fun we had!

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We feel so privellleged to be the first school to go on such an amaazing visit.

The children had a wonderful time!

Miss Wolfenden and Mrs Cooper


2KW Diwali Day

Date: 26th Nov 2023 @ 12:35pm


The children have been learning about Diwali. They listened to the story of Rama and Sita and learned how Hindu families celebrate this special event. The children enjoyed making lanterns, Diva lamps, Diwali cards, door decorations and Rangoli patterns. Have a look at their amazing work!

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The children had an amazing time and learned so much about the Festival of Diwali. Come and look at the work that is displayed in the classroom.

Thanks for your support

Miss Wolfenden and Mrs Cooper


The Great Fire of London Artwork

Date: 12th Nov 2023 @ 12:07pm


The children have been finding out about London this week and have been identifying and locating London Landmarks using a map. They remembered lots of Landmarks and then used this knowledge to draw moving pictures. Have a look at their sketches and see if you can see London Bridge, Big Ben or th London Eye.

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The children then compared London now to London 1666. The children looked closely at Tudor houses and then sketched them to create a scene from Pudding Lane in 1666.

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The children have worked so hard. They are going to use this work to help them create a 3d scene of London in 1666.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend 

Miss Wolfenden and Mrs Cooper

‘We create, We explore,

We care, We soar’


Ravensbury Community School

Tartan StreetClayton M11 4EG

Maureen Hughes | Headteacher

Jo Wendt | SENCO

0161 223 0370