Year 2KW: Blog items
Date: 15th May 2020 @ 10:23am
Good morning Year 2,
We have reached the end of another week of home learning. Go us!
English Challenge
Yesterday we looked at suffixes and adding them to the end of words. Today our main focus is going to be looking at adverbs. I would like you to look at the sentences below. They all include a verb (something someone is doing). In the missing space, I would like you to add an adverb (describing how someone is doing something) of your choice. Remember, we usually add the suffix -ly when looking at adverbs. Don’t forget to add CL, FS and FS to your work.
the crowed laughed _____ at the comedians jokes
the baby cried ______
I was walking _____ down the road because I was late for work
the turtle crawled _____ through the grass
it was raining _____ outside so the children had to stay in
Maths Challenge
1. Magazines cost £1.50p. Beth buys two magazines. How much money does she spend?
2. If Abbie goes on holiday for the whole of July and August, how many days will she be away for?
3. Tom says his cake has to be in the oven for 1 hour and 30 minutes. He puts the cake in the oven at 10 o’clock. What time will he take it out of the oven?
4. I have no edges. I have just one curved face. What shape am I ?
5. The farmer has 16 animals. He says a quarter of them are pigs. How many pigs does he have altogether?
Check back on Monday to see if you were correct!
Connected curriculum challenge answers
On Monday, I gave you a true or false challenge all about recycling. Here are the answers:
- The statue of Liberty is covered by 80 tonnes of recycled copper and bronze plating. TRUE
- only 75% of waste is recyclable but we only recycle 30% of it. TRUE
- recycling 100 cans can light up your bedroom for two weeks. TRUE
- old CDs are used to lay roads. TRUE
- I can recycle objects by putting everything in the same bin and letting the bin man separate them. FALSE
- products made of more than one material cannot be recycled. FALSE
- Everything can only be recycled once. FALSE
Have a lovely weekend :)
Miss Hamer
Date: 15th May 2020 @ 10:15am
Good morning and happy Friday! End of the week already! Fingers crossed we get some sun this weekend.
My last wellbeing challenge of the week is a creative one in case you want to spend some time on it over the weekend.
I’d like you to design your own face mask. As we know, face masks are being worn by many people at the moment to keep help them safe. If you had to wear one, what would you like it to look like? You can have whatever you want on it and make it as crazy as you like!
I’ve attached a template if you would like to use it but don’t worry if you don’t have a printer, you can just draw one like I drew mine! Here is mine for you to have a look at, now if only I could sew…
Please send me your designs as I’d love to see them!
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Glover
Past challenges
Thank you to Heer who sent me this joke:
There were two boys who were going to school and they were late.The teacher asked why they were late.One said I was looking for my money that i lost. The teacher asked the other boy why he was late.He said I put my foot on his money.
and to Tomasz for these jokes:
What is a pirate's favourite letter?
What do you call an alligator in a vest?
An investigator!
and to Theodosia for sending me a lovely video of her telling me jokes such as:
What do you get if you cross a tiger with a porcupine?
A slow poke!
Wellbeing challenge number 14.5.20
Date: 14th May 2020 @ 10:21am
Good morning everyone,
I've had a request to make the font on my blog a little easier to read so that some of the younger children can have a go at reading it themselves which is a fantastic idea, so hopefully this will be a bit easier to read!
I hope people enjoyed yesterdays challenge, I know that some people did the Jason Manford quiz at 1.30 so if anyone didn't get the chance to watch Friday the turtle or had any problems accessing the Facebook live video then here it is on YouTube today:
Today's challenge is one that will hopefully make you and others around you smile. I want you to tell someone a joke! In fact, I think you should try and make as many people laugh as possible! Laughing is very good for both your health and wellbeing and it's certainly one of my favourite things to do, especially if I'm feeling a bit sad.
If you don't know any jokes then have a look at these:
Here are some that I like!
What do elves learn in school?
The elf-abet.
Why didn’t the skeleton go to the dance?
He had no body to dance with.
Please e-mail me on with your best jokes or any stories of making people laugh.
Mrs Glover
Past challenges
Thanks to everyone who has sent me pictures of them doing a few of the past challenges, here are a few of them!
Date: 14th May 2020 @ 9:29am
Good morning Year 2,
I have a feeling that today is going to be a good day :)
Here are the answers to yesterday’s fluent in 5:
- 36 = 60 - 24
- 54 > 19 (any smaller number)
- 5 x 5 = 25
- half of 26 = 13
- 15cm + 14cm = 29cm
English Challenge
Today I would like you to focus on suffixes. A suffix is a few letters placed at the end of a word to change its meaning. I have listed some words below which can be changed using the suffixes:
ing, est, ness, ful, ly.
It is your job to decide which suffix goes at the end of each word.
Extension: Once you have added the suffixes, I would like you to choose five words and put them in to sentences.
Maths Challenge
Todays Maths challenge is going to be a little bit different. Please watch my clip to see what I would like you to do today and use the number sentences below for the task set.
- Quarter of 40 = ___ run to the nearest door and run back
- ____ = 30 - 15 bend down to touch your toes
- 2 x 9 = ____ jump on the spot
- Half of 12 = ___ lunges (answer is how many per leg)
- 28cm - 9cm = ___ press ups
- 10p + 6p + 8p = ___ hop like a frog
- A hexagon has how many sides? ____ spin around in a circle
- ___ = 19 + 10 star jumps
- ___ = 5 x 3 sit ups
- Double 7 = ___ hold your arms out and make large circles with them
Don't forget to send me in your Science challenges as well as your Connected Curriculum challenges. It would be great to see what you have all been getting up to!
Miss Hamer
Date: 13th May 2020 @ 10:39am
Good morning everyone,
I'm sorry I didn't post a wellbeing challenge yesterday but I was in school! I meant to do it the night before but then forgot and had an early night ready for school yesterday, oops! Sorry about that but I'm back today and have a choice of 2 for you to do to make up for it.
You've been very creative lately (please see the past challenges below!) so I'm giving you something a bit different today. One is i you would like to relax and one is if you would like to have a bit of fun.
The first challenge is to do Jason Manford's comedy kids quiz at 1.30pm today, available from the following YouTube link. If you can't do it at 1.30 then it will be up for a few days after. and if you want more then have a look on his YouTube channel for past quizzes!
The second challenge is also at 1.30pm although I think you can watch it later if you're not free then! The National Marine Aquarium in Plymouth are doing Turtle Time! A live video of their Green Sea Turtle who is called Friday. I always find watching sea animals very relaxing so you could watch it, learn some facts about turtles and then have a go at drawing the turtle. Ths live video will be on facebook so you'll have to ask an adult to log in to their account if they have one.
Please e-mail me to let me know how you did in the quiz or any facts or pictures you have of the turtle!
Mrs Glover
Past Challenges
I've been blown away by the effort you've gone to with these challenges (people have even dressed up!) and every time I get emails with pictures of your challenges it really cheers me up so thank you! Here are some pictures I've received over the last couple of days, thanks to everyone who's sent me one!
Date: 13th May 2020 @ 9:45am
Good morning Year 2,
Well done to the children who logged on to TTRockstars yesterday. I love checking where you are all up to on the rockstar ladder :)
English challenge
Can you fix the sentences below? Check for CL, FS, FS and spelling.
the small child has bootiful iyes
the little girl wore a pretty dress
Maths challenge
Fluent in 5:
1. ____= 60 - 24
2. 54 > ___
3. 5 x ___ = 25
4. half of 26 = ___
5. 15cm + ___cm = 29cm
Check back tomorrow for the answers.
Have a great day.
Miss Hamer
Date: 12th May 2020 @ 10:00am
Good Morning Year 2,
I have received some brilliant sentences from the English challenge yesterday. Zendaya and I even had the same fruit for breakfast. How funny. It is lovely to see what you have all been up to at home to keep yourselves busy! I am very proud of you all.
Yesterday’s maths answers
- 24 cakes
- 40 wheels
- 80 trains
- 8 years old
- 5p
English Challenge
I received some excellent questions from the literacy shed challenge last week. This week I would like you to watch the video clip carefully but instead of writing your own questions, I would like you to answer my questions below. Remember, you must always write in full sentences and explain your answers in detail.
How do you think the girl is feeling?
Do you think the girl is stuck in the tower?
Why do you think the town turned grey when she went outside?
Do you think she will ever leave the tower again?
Do you think anybody lives in the town?
Would you like to live in the tower? Why?
Maths Challenge
TTRockstars - Well done to the children who have been logging on to TTRockstars. I can see some of you are moving up the rockstar ladder. Well done! Today I would like you to try and beat your fastest time.
Reading challenge
I have noticed that some of you are struggling to get on to Lexia and Active Learn at home. If that is the case, you could always read at home using the link below. If you are able to read through Lexia, why don't you try this activity as an extra challenge? I know you can do it Year 2!
Miss Hamer’s recycling pictures
Over Christmas, I visited Stockholm with my friends. We visited a museum all about recycling and it made me think about global warming and how to try and help save the planet. I have attached some pictures that I took to help you understand why it is so important that we recycle.
Have a great day. Hopefully the sun will be back soon :(
Miss Hamer
Date: 11th May 2020 @ 10:36am
Good morning everyone,
I hope everyone has had a lovely weekend! I spent a lot of time in the sun, in fact possibly a bit too much time! I also had some delicious food and lovely video chats with some of my friends.
Thanks again for all your wellebing challenge e-mails. It really cheers me up whenever I get one and see what you've all been up to!
Today's wellbeing challenge is actually Miss Bryce's idea so thanks Miss Bryce! It's a creative one and is to design your own superhero.
Who would they be?
What would they do?
What would they wear?
Have a think about what is important to you and then either draw, make or write about your superhero.
See the attached picture file for all the details and how it relates to Banksy.
Remember to e-mail to show me pictures of your superheroes!
Past challenges
Some fantastic origami by all the pupils who gave it a go, well done!
Date: 11th May 2020 @ 10:23am
Good morning year 2,
I hope you have all had a lovely weekend in the sunshine. Here goes Miss Hamer’s long Monday morning blog…
English challenge
We have all been living a very different life over the past few weeks. Without realising, most of us have started a new daily routine. I know I have! Using the time connectives below, I would like you to write down a few things that you do in your day to day life (or one specific day) whilst you have been off school. Remember, if you are writing about something you did yesterday, you must write in past tense.
first, next, then, later, after, eventually, finally, following that.
Here is an example of what I did on Friday:
First I got up and made my breakfast. I had strawberries, grapes and yogurt.
Then I logged on to my computer and checked the Year 2 school blog.
After that I brushed my teeth and got dressed.
Next I did a long workout in my garden.
Then I had a hot bubble bath and put on clean clothes.
In the afternoon I continued with my jigsaw.
Several hours later I went on my daily walk. I enjoyed it because it was nice and sunny outside.
Following that I made my delicious tea and watched TV.
Finally I put on my pink pyjamas, brushed my teeth and got in to bed to read my non-fiction book.
Maths challenge
Read the word problems below and answer them independently.
- 12 children are at a party. they each eat 2 cakes. how many cakes are eaten altogether?
- There are four wheels on one car. How many wheels will be on ten cars?
- Eddie gave half of his trains to his brother. He now has 40 trains. How many trains did he have to start with?
- Gary is 14, his sister Jane is 6 years younger. How old is Jane?
- Crisps cost 20p and drinks cost 15p. What is the difference in price?
- Can you write down a sentence to describe the similarities between a cube and cuboid? (remember when we are talking about a 3-d shape ‘corners’ are called vertices).
Keep an eye on tomorrow’s blog for the answers!
Vocab challenge
Looking at the words below, which three are the most important words when looking at the topic recycling?
South Pole
I would like you to write three sentences explaining why you have chosen the three words to be the most important when discussing recycling. For example ‘global warming is important when looking at recycling because it teaches us about how rubbish pollutes our environment and how it will affect the globe in the future’.
Reading challenge
Last week I awarded three children with a Lexia reading certificate. Lets see if we can beat that this week!
Connected curriculum challenge
I would like you to have a look at the quotes below. Using your knowledge from what you have learned over the past few weeks, have a think whether the quotes are true or false. I would then like you to write down your answers and discuss with an adult WHY you think they are true/false.
1. Products made of more than one material cannot be recycled.
2. The statue of Liberty is covered by 80 tonnes of recycled copper and bronze plating.
3. Only 75% of waste is recyclable but we only recycle 30% of it.
4. Everything can only be recycled once.
5. Recycling 100 cans can light up your bedroom for two weeks.
6. Old CDs are used to lay roads.
7. I can recycle objects by putting everything in the same bin and letting the bin man separate them.
Check back on Friday to see if you were correct!
have a lovely day!
Miss Hamer
Date: 11th May 2020 @ 8:14am
We hope you all had a lovely weekend and enjoyed the VE day celebrations. Last week you were asked to complete a Jack and the Beanstalk reading challenge. Well done to the children who have completed their writing for the leaves. It would be great if we could have some more back because we would love the tree in the shared area to be big and full of your lovely work!
We have posted the challenge again for you to have a go at this week!
Miss Fish is helping the Key Stage one staff to create a Jack and the Beanstalk display in the shared area and we need your help! We are making 120 leaves for the beanstalk, one for each child, which we will decorate when the children return back to school. We thought it would be a lovely idea if each child writes something positive about reading and sends it into school. The staff will then type up the work and add it to the leaves when they are completed. Maybe you could write about your favourite book or favourite author. Sometimes it is nice to read about some of the exciting vocabulary that you have read, maybe you could share that! You can email your work in or take a photograph of the writing and send it in. It is up to you! Each leaf is going to be the size of an A4 piece of paper so you have plenty of space to write your ideas down. If any of your brothers or sisters or even your adults want to join in, they can! If they are younger they might want to draw a picture or write about their favourite character, that's fine. We want to celebrate the schools love of reading so you can be as creative as possible. We will be giving prizes for creativity and presentation so take your time! We can't wait to see the work. Happy reading!
The Key Stage One team
Date: 8th May 2020 @ 1:29pm
Some of you may be wondering why I haven't set any work for you today (you are very lucky). That is because today is a bank holiday as it is known as a special day where we celebrate together. Today is VE day (Victory in Europe Day) which marks the day towards the end of WW2.
I have attached a very interesting newsround page which explains why today is so important. If you would like to have a little look, you are more than welcome to :)!
Miss Hamer
Date: 8th May 2020 @ 1:22pm
Good afternoon Year 2,
I love receiving all your emails and reading your work. it is great to see how hard you are all working at home. This week, I enjoyed reading your book reviews and seeing what you have all been reading over the past few weeks. If you sent in any of your work this week, you are a SUPERSTAR! I have attached a few pictures which cheered me up :)
Have a lovely weekend!
Miss Hamer
Date: 7th May 2020 @ 10:28am
First of all I want to say a huge thank you and well done to everybody who has logged on to Lexia this week and has continued to read at home. I am very impressed! There has been a few children who have moved up a reading level this week on Lexia. Well done to Daniel, Andrew and Hashim who have received certificates! I can't wait to see who receives certificates next week. Keep up the hard work :)
Miss Hamer
Date: 7th May 2020 @ 10:25am
Good morning,
Yet another lovely sunny day! I'm looking forward to getting out in the sun later although I actually got a little bit sunburnt yesterday! Remeber that suncream!
Today's challenge is a creative one, I'd like you to try a bit of origami. Origami is the art of folding paper and while it can be a bit tricky, it's also quite a nice relaxing activity once you know what you're doing and you end up with something that looks amazing. You could even make a few things and use them to decorate your house!
What you need for all origami is a square of paper, either plain or patterned. If youre not sure how to turn a piece of paper into a square then have a look here:
Then you could take some time to decorate your paper if you like before you fold it.
Then this is a fairly simple one to get started, a butterfly
Just follow each instruction carefully and the good thing about watching a video is that you can rewind it as much as you like! If you're not a fan of butterflies then feel free to have a look for something else on the Red Ted Art channel.
Here's my butterfly that I've just made. It's not perfect but it's the first time I've ever done it so I was quite impressed with myself!
As always I'd love to see pictures of what you've made or of any past challenges, e-mail to send them or even just to let me know what kind of challenges you prefer so I can make sure I'm doing ones that people like :-)
Past challenges
Thanks to all the children who have sent me pictures, you've all been very busy which is great to see!
Date: 7th May 2020 @ 10:17am
Good morning Year 2,
Today is the last day of learning this week as tomorrow is bank holiday! I am excited for a long weekend break in the sunshine. Hopefully I can find more objects from the hunt sheet this weekend. I have added pictures of what I have found so far. Can you beat me?
English challenge
Today I would like you to look at the picture attached of the busy street and pick out objects (nouns) in the picture and write down adjectives to describe them in your book. For example, sharp teeth (sharp = adjective, teeth = noun)
Extension: Now you have thought of your adjectives and nouns, can you put them in to a sentence?
Maths Challenge
Using the greater, less than and equal symbols (< > =), I would like you to complete the number sentences independently:
3 < 7
27 ___ 35
38 ___ 48
8 ___ 11
60 ___ 60
9 + 3 > 6
14 + 7 ___ 25
12 – 3 ____ 9
16 + 10 ___ 26
Miss Hamer
Date: 6th May 2020 @ 10:43am
Good morning,
Another sunny day! First all of all I want to thank everyone who has sent in pictures of them doing my wellbeing challenges, it's fantastic to see and hear about how you're enjoying doing them! Have a look at the Past Challenges bit at the bottom to see some photos.
Today's challenge is another one to get you moving and do a mini workout. Sometimes it can seem a bit scary or time consuming to do a whole workout so these mini workouts are perfect if you want a quick break from doing school work or even from just watching TV if you fancy a stretch! All of these little energisers from Go Noodle are between 2 - 4 minutes long so perfect for something to wake you up in the morning or as a break from whatever you are doing.
Here are a few that I like:
Or just go to YouTube and type in Fresh Start Fitness to see a variety of mini workouts.
Remember to email with any photos of you doing any of the challenges.
Have a lovely day!
Mrs Glover
Past Challenges
So many fantastic photos of what you've all been up to, well done!
Date: 6th May 2020 @ 10:39am
Good Morning year 2!
Here are yesterday’s answers:
We could buy pens or we could buy pencils.
Sarah opened the door but she did not go outside.
The people put on their coats and they went to town.
Bob likes walking when he is on holiday.
Lucy started to cry because the bird ate her ice cream.
English challenge
Can you re-write the sentences in your book and add capital letters and full stops?
sarah didn’t have time to finish her breakfast because she was running late for school
the car was travelling very fast
the elephant squirted water with his trunk
sam couldn’t find his car keys
rob didn’t have enough money to buy his favourite sweets
Don’t forget to check back tomorrow for the answers
Maths Challenge
Can you write down the numerals and words for each number e.g. twenty-five = 25?
9 = ____
Eleven = _____
Sixty-six = ____
21 = ______
39 = ______
Fifty-two = _____
Twenty-seven = _____
Miss Hamer
Date: 5th May 2020 @ 10:20am
Good morning everyone,
I don't know about you but I can't wait to get out in that sun so today's challenge is one that can be done outside if you like.
Today we are focusing on having a growth mindset and doing this through yoga. Having a growth mindset means you have a positive attitude to your learning and know that just because you may find something difficult and you can't do it yet, you will get there as long as you don't give up!
Here are 5 different growth mindset yoga poses to try. Please feel free to try as many or as few positions as you like and send any pictures to
Mrs Glover
Past challenges
Thank you so much to the pupils who have sent in pictures of their shields of strength from yesterday, it really makes my day to see what you've ben doing!
Date: 5th May 2020 @ 8:41am
Good morning Year 2,
I loved reading your questions yesterday. I have also received some brilliant book reviews. Great work Year 2!
English challenge
Spot the conjunctions:
Can you read the sentences below, write them down in your books and underline the conjunctions?
We could buy pens or we could buy pencils.
Sarah opened the door but she did not go outside.
The people put on their coats and they went to town.
Bob likes walking when he is on holiday.
Lucy started to cry because the bird ate her ice cream.
Don’t forget to check back tomorrow for the answers.
Maths Challenge
How many different ways can you make 68p?
How many different ways can you make 43p?
How many different ways can you make 26p?
Remember we do not have a 3p, 6p or 8p…
Miss Hamer
Date: 4th May 2020 @ 11:24am
Good morning everyone,
I hope you all had a good weekend and are ready to work hard on your learning (and your wellbeing!) this week.
Today's challenge has actually come from a website that Mrs Hughes sent to me to look at so thank you Mrs Hughes!
Today I would like you to think about resilience which means keeping strong and bouncing back even in a difficult situation. I'd like you to design a Shield of Strength.
Think about what your strengths are, especially the ones that can help you at the moment while we're not in school, and write or draw (or both!) onto a shield. Here is my shield that you may want to use for help:
I have attached a template of the shield in case you want to use it but otherwise you can just fraw a shield on a plain piece of paper.
As always I would love to see your challenges so please send them to
Mrs Glover
Past challenges
Thank you to Shawnakaye who has sent me a couple of photos of things that make her smile!
Date: 4th May 2020 @ 9:41am
Good morning Year 2!
I hope you have all had a lovely, restful weekend. I am so glad that the sun is back out for a few days.
It was brilliant to see you add adjectives to your sentences on Friday’s challenge. Well done!
Here goes the long Monday morning blog…
English Challenge
I love watching films and I seem to get attached to characters quickly. I am constantly shouting questions at my TV wanting to know more! For example, does Elsa stay in the Enchanted Forest or does she go back to Arendelle?
Today, your challenge is to watch a short video clip from Literacy shed. I would like you to really think about the main character and how she might be feeling. If you were to meet her, what sort of questions would you like to ask her? I would like you to write down 5 questions that you would like to ask and don’t forget to use your question marks.
Maths Challenge
Today I would like you to complete your fluent in 5:
1. 60 = 24 + ___
2. Half of 6 = ___
3. 90 – 47 = ___
4. Double 16 = ___
5. 30ml + 60ml = ___
Well done to the children who have been using TTRockstars! I am very impressed. Don’t forget you could also use fun websites such as top marks to keep you busy!
Reading Challenge
Can you write a book review on your favourite book or a book that you are currently reading? Write down a few sentences to answer the questions below:
What is title of the book?
What is the book about?
Would you/ would you not recommend the book to your friends? Why?
What words has the author used to make the book more interesting?
Can you think of a more exciting ending for the book?
I would like you to read at least 3 books on Lexia this week. You could even write your book review on one of them. I can’t wait to give out more Lexia certificates at the end of this week!
Vocabulary challenge
Vocab detectives!
This week, I would like you to read the article attached below. With support from an adult, pick out some words that you may not have come across before. I would like you to write down what you think the word might mean. I would then like you to research the word to see if you were correct. Whilst reading the article, I noticed some words that you may struggle with such as aluminium, landfill and decompose. Have a look yourself and make some notes as you read.
Miss Hamer’s weekly challenge
I have attached a brilliant outdoor hunt sheet that I would love to share with you all. There is a number next to each photo based on how difficult the objects are to find. I would like you to make a tally chart of how many times you see the objects on your daily walk and then work out the total using the numbers on the hunt sheet.
Have a great day.
Miss Hamer
Jack and the Beanstalk display Reading Challenge
Date: 4th May 2020 @ 9:25am
Happy Monday Morning! We hope you all had a lovely weekend and are ready for some learning challenges this week. Miss Fish is helping the Key Stage one staff to create a Jack and the Beanstalk display in the shared area and we need your help! We are making 120 leaves for the beanstalk, one for each child, which we will decorate when the children return back to school. We thought it would be a lovely idea if each child writes something positive about reading and sends it into school. The staff will then type up your work and add it to the leaves when they are completed. Maybe you could write about your favourite book or favourite author. Sometimes it is nice to read about some of the exciting vocabulary that you have read, maybe you could share that! You can email your work in or take a photograph of the writing and send it in. It is up to you! Each leaf is going to be the size of an A4 piece of paper so you have plenty of space to write your ideas down. If any of your brothers or sisters or even your adults want to join in, they can! If they are younger they might want to draw a picture or write about their favourite character, that's fine. We want to celebrate the schools love of reading so you can be as creative as possible. We will be giving prizes for creativity and presentation so take your time! We can't wait to see the work. Happy reading!
The Key Stage One team
Date: 1st May 2020 @ 10:41am
Huge well done to Hao Yu for being our Lexia superstar of the week. Well done Hao Yu!
(Please feel free to print off your certificate at home).
Miss Hamer
Date: 1st May 2020 @ 10:28am
This is my favourite part of the week. I get lots of pictures sent to me daily and I love looking through them all. This week, you are all superstars! I have attached some photos for you to have a look at what your friends have been up to.
I also want to give a HUGE shout out to the adults who are helping you learn at home. I want you to try and do something helpful this weekend to say thank you. Why don't you try and tidy your room? Can you make your own bed? Can you tidy away your toys? You could even make a thank you card!
Have a lovely weekend!
Miss Hamer
Date: 1st May 2020 @ 10:19am
Hi everyone and Happy Friday! I can't believe it's already the end of another week. I hope everyone is working hard and staying safe.
I got the idea for today's wellbeing challenge yesterday when I saw the most amazing rainbow in the sky. It was the brightest colours I've ever seen and I could see the whole arc. There was even a faint second rainbow next to it!
Photos don't really show how amazing it was but you can see how vivid the colours are:
The rainbow made me feel happy when I saw it and I thought it might make other people happy too! So today's challenge is to take a photo of something that makes you feel happy. You could find something in your house or do it on a walk. It could be a person, an animal, an object or even something that you've made. Anything that makes you feel happy or positive. If you don't have a camera, phone or tablet of your own then ask an adult if you can borrow theirs but please be careful with it!
If you'd like to share your happy photo then please e-mail it to, I'd love to see it and then I can post some of them and spread the happiness around!
Have a good weekend,
Mrs Glover
Past challenges
Thanks to A who sent a photo of himself doing the breathing exercises I set yesterday, I hope they helped you feel nice and calm.