Year 2KW: Blog items

The Great Fire of London

Date: 4th Nov 2023 @ 7:16pm

Hello 2KW and Welcome Back!

The children are super excited to be back and are excited to learn about our new topic 'The Great Fire of London'

The classroom is looking good and we even have a role play bakery!

role play area.jpg    role play 2.jpg    role play 3.jpg


As part of the Launch, the fire Service came into school and talked to the children about Fire safety. The children had an opportunity to look at the equipment the Fire Fighters wear when they are rescuing people. They loved it!

fire fighter 2.JPG    fire fighter 1.JPG  

The children learned about STOP!   DROP!   ROLL ! and the fire fighters said that they will bring the truck in for the children to see towards the end of half term!

Hope you have a lovely weekend

Miss Wolfenden and Mrs Cooper



We have been busy beavers!

Date: 14th Oct 2023 @ 7:08pm


I cannot believe how hard all the children have worked this week. They have made Mrs Cooper and I very proud! 

In English, we have been learning about writing recounts and to help us write a personal recount we went on a walk around Clayton. The children used their big googly eyes to find human and physical features and local landmarks. They used their observation skills to sketch what they could see too !

They found; The National Bike centre, Asda, the canal, Philips Park, Flip out, two bridges, Decathlon, trees, bushes, cars, buses, roads, pavements and lots more!!!!!!!!!!!! We were so lucky with the weather too. It was a warm sunny day and the leaves were falling from the trees.We even got to play on a pretend tractor.

As part of mental health week. The children rehearsed and then performed It's a beautiful day. They also created some mental health mindfulness colourings that we are going to join together to create a mural for the wall outside the year 2 classrooms. Watch the video below to see our amazing Ravy children in action.

Rebaz, the freestyle footballer also came into school to work with the children. They learnt how to perform some football tricks and got to watch him demonstrate his skills! The children absolutely loved having him in school. Hopefully we will get to see him next year too


Photographs to be added!


Miss Wolfenden and Mrs Cooper








Rainbow Fruit Kebabs

Date: 8th Oct 2023 @ 4:15pm

Good Afternoon!

This week in English we have continued to learn how to read, follow and write instructions. You will be pleased to know that this week the food we made wasn't disgusting and we could eat it. The children used their knowledge of year 2 Common exception words and phonic sounds to read words and sentences. They also learned alot of new vocabulary too! Have a look at the kebabs they made! They looked delicious and were yummy! The children also selected a healthy dipping sauce, their favourite was sticky honey!

IMG_0869.jpg  IMG_0836.jpg   IMG_0845.jpg   IMG_0847.jpg  IMG_0875.jpg IMG_0853.jpg   IMG_0851.jpgIMG_0881.jpg  IMG_0871.jpg IMG_0842.jpg    IMG_0858.jpg  IMG_0859.jpg  IMG_0888.jpg  IMG_0839.jpg


As you can see they had lots of fun! 

They have worked hard to learn lots of adjectives to describe the fruit and here are some of the sentences they said and then wrote to describe the kebabs.

Freshly picked, juicy apples         juicy, seedless grapes    plum, tasty strawberries     sticky-sweet honey     tangy, juicy oranges

They are gooing to have a go at writing their instructions independently on Monday. We can't wait to read their work!

We hope you have a lovely time talking to the children about their learning. See you on Monday !

Miss Wolfenden and Mrs Cooper 

We have been learning through play!

Date: 29th Sep 2023 @ 5:46pm


The children have been very busy this week and have enjoyed reading, writing and completing maths challenges outdoors. As part of their English learning the children have been reading and following instructions to make Whiffy Wilson's garden stew. They enjoyed collecting the ingredients from the school playground and following the step by step instructions to make the stew. They especially liked adding sloppy mud and lots of dry, crunchy leaves! Don't worry they did not eat it!

IMG_0682.jpg   IMG_0720.JPG

They also went in the hall for a purposeful play session where they had to listen to each other to complete tasks. The children confidently; shared, listened, co-operated, took turns and worked independently. They had so much fun!


We also had an amazing sport's day and used our knowledge of how to keep fit to check our heart beat and keep hydrated. We are going to be using  knowledge from reading instructional texts and from healthy eating in the CC curriculum to make a healthy eating cook book this week!

keep reading our blog!




We are artists!

Date: 24th Sep 2023 @ 7:08pm


We have had a busy week in class this week! We have enjoyed working with Mrs McCaffer the art teacher and have liked learning how to print. As part of our healthy eating topic we have been printing using different fruit and vegetables. We have made colourful banners that are displayed in the classroom. They look 


lIMG_6251.JPG     IMG_6250.JPG

The children are excited to continue their learning next week. Keep checking the Blog!

Thanks for all your support

Miss Wolfenden and Mrs Cooper

We are settling into 2KW

Date: 17th Sep 2023 @ 5:43pm


We are pleased to say that the children are feeling more settled in 2KW this week!

The children have built some new friendships and have worked collaboratively in pairs and in small groups to complete math challenges. Look at how we grouped amounts into groups of 10 and then counted in steps of 10 to find the total amount.


We have also been thinking about are new topic' why can't we just eat chocolate' and have been thinking about strategies we can use to have a healthy mind. We enjoyed meditating and using breathing techniques to relax.

IMG_0614.jpg  IMG_0608.jpg

Keep looking at the learning we have been doing each week !

Miss Wolfenden and Mrs Cooper



June 3rd - #30DaysWild – Whole School Challenge 3 πŸŒ§β˜”οΈ

Date: 3rd Jun 2020 @ 8:01am

As you know this month our school is going WILD! Here’s today’s challenge. I found this challenge on the free 30 Days Wild app. You can download it on the App Store or Google Play Store.

Just because it’s raining out there it doesn’t mean you can’t go wild! Get your Peppa on and pull on some wellies to dance in the rain.

Send your photos or short videos in and I'll put them up on our school blog 

PLEASE BE CAREFUL and make sure you complete the challenges with an adult. 


From Mrs Ganner 


Wellbeing challenge check in

Date: 2nd Jun 2020 @ 9:14am

Good morning!

How did day 1 of our exercise challenge go ? Here's one of our exercise superstars playing basketball.

Well done to you if you also did some exercise !

If yesterday didn't quite happen for you, that's ok . Today is your day ! Let me know how you get on: 

Mrs Harriott


June 2nd - #30DaysWild - Whole School Challenge 2 πŸ›πŸŒ²β˜€οΈπŸ•·πŸΎ

Date: 2nd Jun 2020 @ 8:09am

Hello again,

Just a reminder - This month our school is going WILD! Here’s today’s challenge


I found this challenge on the free 30 Days Wild app.

Today why not look for signs of new life when you go out for a walk. I saw some ducklings at our local pond over the weekend (see short video) and look closely at the photo. What baby can you see? What is this baby animal called?


Send your photos in to and I'll put them up on our school blog. 

PLEASE BE CAREFUL and make sure you complete the challenges with an adult. 


From Mrs Ganner 

We have some fabulous photos below, just in from Alissia and Keira. Great bug spotting!

Wellbeing challenge 1.6.20

Date: 1st Jun 2020 @ 10:51am

Hello and welcome back to the start of our final half term of this school year !

As you know, Mrs Glover has been setting us wellbeing challenges to keep us feeling positive and productive over the last few months. It has been fantastic to look back at all the photos you have sent her showing your creative work!

For the next few weeks, Mrs Glover is lucky enough to be going into school each day to teach as we  start opening up the school to certain year groups, so I'll be setting your wellbeing challenge.

So, here's your challenge for this week:

Can you set yourself an exercise goal for the week and try and do a different  exercise each day? It could be going for a walk with your family, making up a dance , going on a bike ride, jumping on your trampoline, doing an online workout like Joe Wicks or doing 30 star jumps in your kitchen!

Use the chart below to record your exercise each day ( or just write it on a piece of paper if you do not have a printer) and send it in . If you would like to share  a photo during the week ,send it in too and I can post it on the blog for others to be inspired to try your idea !

I can't wait to see who can be an exercise superstar!

Mrs Harriott

Weekly Exercise Goals Chart (25 Sheets Per Pad) with Stickers ...

Monday June 1st - Welcome back Year 2!

Date: 1st Jun 2020 @ 8:56am

Good Morning Year 2!

Welcome back to another half term of fabulous learning. We do hope you had the chance to enjoy the sunshine and relax over the past week. If you've got any half term photos to show what you've got up to, we'd love to see them!

Your home learning this half term will be brought to you by the wonderful Miss Woodnett and Miss Wendt! Please don't worry about Miss Hamer, she is still with us at Ravensbury but she will be working with some of the children who are currently based in school.

Some of you may have already worked with Miss Woodnett in Y2 before the break so you will be very familiar with her. Miss Wendt usually works upstairs in Y5, but she did used to teach Y2 so jumped at the chance of working with KS1 again. I'm sure you will have seen her in school before.

Everything else will stay the same. There will be daily activities and weekly actvities to complete loaded onto the Padlet. There will also be science, connected curriculum and reading challenges.

Please email us your wonderful work - - we will be celebrating your learning every Friday!

Here is your Padlet for this week, we look forward to seeing your fantastic work!

Miss Wendt & Miss Woodnett

#30 Days Wild Launch Day β˜€οΈπŸŒ²πŸΎπŸ•·πŸ›

Date: 1st Jun 2020 @ 8:18am

June 1st - #30DaysWild - Challenge 1

Hello everybody,

I hope you had an amazing half term and you’re as excited to be back completing home learning challenges as I am. This month our school is going to go WILD! Yes, that’s right, our mission is to do as many wild things as we can and have fun whilst learning outside. 


Each day I will put up a wild challenge and you can take a photo of you and your family completing it so I can put it on this blog. 

Here is your challenge for today, see how many wild minibeasts you can find outside:

Send your photos in to and I'll put them up on our school blog. 

If you'd like to choose your own challenges download this app:

PLEASE BE CAREFUL and make sure you complete the challenges with an adult. 


From Mrs Ganner 


Half term wellbeing challenge

Date: 25th May 2020 @ 10:58am

Hello and happy half term!

I'm not going to be posting a daily challenge for you over half term but here is something you can do  if you like. It's a funny time right now and it's one we may want to look back on in the future to remind oursleves what we did, how we felt and how lucky we are when it's all over. So I've attached a time capsule template for you use so that you can record some of these things, either by writing or drawing it's up to you.

You can either print it out, do it on a computer or just draw our each page for yourself. Do as much or as little as you chooe and feel free to share anything you do on

Stay safe,

Mrs Glover


Half term challenges

Date: 22nd May 2020 @ 11:16am

Good morning Year 2. It's me again!

Today is our last day of home learning until the 26th May so I thought I would share some fun activities for you to do incase you would like to take on an extra challenge. Don't worry adults, the extra challenges are not compulsary so if you would like a break, that is ok too :) 

I know that you know your phase 5 sounds, so instead of looking at your sounds on the Thursday challenge, why don't you have a go at learning some of the year 2 common exception words instead and try and put them in to sentences? 

Have a lovely break and I can't wait to see what you have all been up to :)

Miss Hamer


Date: 22nd May 2020 @ 10:59am

Good morning Year 2!

I have been so impressed with all your home learning this week. I really loved reading your recounts from the English challenge. Well done Year 2, you are all SUPERSTARS! I have attached some pictures for you to see what your friends have been up to :). 

Lexia Superstars

A huge well done to Tyler, Andrew and Zayn for moving up the Lexia ladder this week. Keep up the hard work!

Miss Hamer

Thursday Challenge

Date: 21st May 2020 @ 10:15am

Good morning Year 2,

Please find yesterday's answers and today's challenges on our Year 2 Padlet :)

Don't forget to email me your work to 

Have a lovely day!

Miss Hamer

Wellbeing challenge 21.5.20

Date: 21st May 2020 @ 10:14am

Good morning, I hope you all found some way to enjoy the sunshine yesterday. I sent a lot of time in my garden and I have to admit even though I applied plenty of sun cream, I’m still a little pink! I hope you were all more careful than me.

We’re almost at the end of the week and today is the last kindness based challenge as I have something a little different for tomorrow.

I hope that you have been experiencing some acts of kindness this week as today my challenge is to write a kindness acrostic poem. This is where you use each letter of the word you choose to start a sentence or word.

I’ve attached a file that has a few different kindness words to use for your poem so you can choose one or choose more than one you like! As always if you can’t print then don’t worry, you can write it out on a piece of paper or even type it on a computer like I have.

I have chosen the word caring. Here is my poem.

Cooking for other people

Asking people how they are

Returning peoples phone calls and messages

Interest in what friends and family are up to

Niceness goes a long way!

Going the extra mile for those you love

As always please e-mail your poems to

Mrs Glover

Past challenges

I'm very impressed with all the origami hearts you've all been making, some of you even made both hearts like I did! Here they are along with some other past challenges.



Wednesday Challenge

Date: 20th May 2020 @ 10:06am

Good Morning Year 2!

I am so happy that the sun has decided to come back! I started to do some gardening yesterday and now I can finish it off in the sunshine :) 

Yesterday's answers and Today's challenges are on our padlet:

I have also added a new link from the Manchester City website. They have loads of cool activies and games you can play to keep fit! If you are a city fan, they also have lots of pictures of the players you can colour in too. I won't be colourig any CITY players in that is for sure (Manchester United all the way). 

Have a great day!

Miss Hamer

Wellbeing challenge 20.5.20

Date: 20th May 2020 @ 9:53am

Good morning,

Wow what a day! The weather forecast suggests it could get as hot as 26 degrees today! I can’t wait to get out there and enjoy it although I’ll definitely be putting on some sun cream!

Today’s activity is linked to kindness again and involves making a little present for either someone else or yourself. Today‘s challenge is to make an origami heart.

To start with you will need a square piece of paper and it will be easier to follow the instructions if it is decorated or coloured on one side.

Here is a YouTube video telling you how to make a square from an A4 piece of paper.

Then you have a choice of making 2 different hearts, one flat and one 3D. I made both and prefer the flat one and found it a bit easier but it’s up to you which you do.

Here is how to make the flat heart (my first picture)

Here is how to make the 3D inflatable heart (my second picture) (then at the end you have to blow it up using the little hole at the bottom)

I can’t wait to see your hearts! Remember to e-mail them to

Mrs Glover

Past challenges

I've really enjoyed reading about all your kind acts in your hearts from yesterday and I love how some of you are mentioning clap for carers in your kind acts for others! Here are the ones I've been sent:

Wellbeing challenge 19.5.20

Date: 19th May 2020 @ 10:25am

Good morning,

I hope everyone is well and taking good care of their mental health this week. We are still looking at kindness today and how important kindness is to keep everyone happy and healthy. Today's challenge will hopefully help everyone to see that kindness is all around us and I bet there are things that others do for us (and that we do for others!) that we barely even think about.

Today we're going to draw a kindness heart.

First of all draw a large heart on a piece of paper. Then on the left hand side write all the things that people do for you that are kind, all in different colours. Then on the right hand side write all the kind things that you do for others in different colours. If you can't think of many then maybe have a think of things that you could do. The acts of kindness could be as simple as just smiling at someone or saying good morning.

Here is mine if you would like to steal some ideas!

If you would like to share your kindness hearts then as always please feel free to e-mail me on

Past challenges

Thanks to Mrs Iqbal who sent me her kind acts for the week!

Well done to the children that are still sending in their mask designs as well as their kindsness acts (one here has even made his mum a cup of tea and some biscuits!)


Tuesday Challenge

Date: 19th May 2020 @ 10:10am

Good morning Year 2!

I am so excited today. I have been working really hard on something new to show you. Instead of posting all of our daily activities on our blog, I have decided to create a padlet where you can see all of you daily and weekly tasks and some extra links all in the same place. It is still important to check the blog each day as I may still post some extra information or learning on here too :) 

Here is the link to our new Padlet -

Adults: Please let me know via email if you find it easier on the Padlet or if there is anything you would like me to change. I want to make home learning easy for you as well as for the children. 

Go and have a look. I hope you love it as much as me :)

Miss Hamer

Mental Health awareness week

Date: 18th May 2020 @ 10:54am

This week we are celebrating mental health awareness week. I know that things may be a little different at the moment and some of you may be finding the change a little difficult and thats ok! I have some down days too! I thought I would share some ideas with you to help think about our mental health. This year the theme is kindness. 

  1. First of all, I would like you to read the book attached ‘What's going on inside my head?’. You don't have to read it all at once. You could read a page per day this week. I loved reading it this morning as it made me realise we are all unique in our own way :). 
  2. Think of the things that make you feel happy or calm. I know that having a bubble bath makes me feel relaxed. I would like you to write 5 things down that make you feel happy. Can you create a poster to put up in your household with things that make you feel happy? That way if someone is feeling down, they can always look at it for ideas to cheer them up. 
  3. Can you write down 5 kind words to describe somebody in your household? 
  4. Can you do something helpful for somebody in your house? You could clean your bedroom or make them their favourite breakfast. Don’t forget you must always ask an adult for their permission to you use the kitchen. 
  5. Can you complete 30 minutes of cosmic kids yoga to make you feel relaxed? 

I would love to see what you get up to this week during mental health awareness week. If you have any other ideas, I would love to share them with the rest of the class :) 

Miss Hamer

Wellbeing challenge 18.5.20

Date: 18th May 2020 @ 10:39am

Good morning everyone, its the start of a new week!

Thank you to everyone who has sent their amazing face mask designs, I've been blown away once again! Have a look below to see what you have all done.

This week it is Mental Health Awareness week so I will be posting some activities linked to this. Mental Health means looking after yourself to make sure that you are happy and healthy. The theme is kindness and involves being kind to yourself and others.

For today I've attached a little booklet for "The power of kindness" where you have to draw or write what kindness means to you and then write (or draw) 5 kind acts that you can do this week (it says month but I think we can squeeze them all into a week!) The acts of kindness can be either being kind to yourself or being kind to others. Perhaps a mix of both would be nice. If you can't print out the booklet then you can just type or write them out like I have :-).

Kindness to me means doing something nice to make somebody feel good and loved.

The 5 things I am going to do are:

1. Make my husband some cups of tea

2. Send a friend a little message through the post to cheer them up.

3. Phone my mum for a chat.

4. Have a nice relaxing foot spa while I watch one of my favourite films (for me)

5. Buy myself a litle treat while I'm out shopping, maybe some nice chocolate! (also for me!)

As always, please let me know what your ideas are by e- mailing

Mrs Glover

Past challenges

Look at all these fantastic face masks! :-D



Monday Challenge

Date: 18th May 2020 @ 10:28am

Good morning Year 2!

I hope you have all had a lovely, relaxing weekend. I watched lots of films and ate loads of chocolate. I am going to have to go on lots of runs this week to make up for it! This is our last week of home learning before our May half term. I am excited for a little break. I’m sure you are too :) 

Fridays Maths Answers 

1. £3

2. 62 days

3. half past 11

4. sphere

5. 4 pigs 

English Challenge

Today I would like you to look at the picture of the castle attached. Can you write down at least 5 adjectives to describe 5 nouns in the picture? 

Extension: Using your chosen adjectives, can you put them in to a sentence?

Maths Challenge

I know that you have been working really hard learning all about time at home. You should be feeling a little more confident when looking at o’clock and half past the hour now. 

If you would like a little more practice, why don’t you play the time game with an adult in your house? An adult must say a time and you have to try make it on the clock! Give it a go at:

 Extension: Can you answer the word problems below?

  1. Miss Hamer put her cake in the oven at 11 o’clock. She took it out half an hour later. What time did she take her cake out?
  2. A school football match lasted an hour and a half. It started at 12 o’clock. What time did the match finish?
  3. School starts at 9 o’clock. Sarah sets off for school at 8 o’clock. How long does it take Sarah to get to school?

Vocab challenge 

Over the past few weeks we have been looking at recycling. I have asked you to research key words which may have helped you understand why recycling is so important to the environment.  Using your knowledge and your new vocabulary, can you use what you have learned about recycling to explain why it would be bad for the environment if we were to stop recycling objects? The challenge is to use as many of our new words as possible!

Reading Challenge

I would like you to read the book attached with help from an adult. If you cannot see all of the words, do not panic. Just listen to the audio instead . I would then like you to answer the questions below. I don’t expect you to answer them all in one go. Why don’t you try and answer a few questions per day? That way you will become more familiar with the book and the characters :) 

1.On page 2, the author uses rhyme. What two words rhyme in the extract below?

But his stripes were too straight and his tentacles too few, 

he just floated in the sea not sure what to do 

2.On page 3, the words terrible and swallowed are in bold. Why do you think the author has put these words in bold? 

3.Can you think of three other words the author could have used instead of terrible?

4.The author has used questions throughout the book. Can you find the questions and write them down?

5.The author has used lots of different suffixes throughout the story. Can you find them and write them down?

6.How do you think Stanley is feeling when the Seagull swallowed him?  

7.How does the author describe the shell on page 18? 

8.What does the story teach you about why it is important to pick up your rubbish? 

Science Challenge

This term, we have been looking at directions. As one of your challenges, I asked you to google your postcode to become more familiar with your surroundings. Whilst we have been off school, I am sure many of you have been going on daily walks to get out of the house. As an extra challenge this week, I would like you to note down any directions you have taken whilst on your daily walks. Do you always go the same route? 

Have a great day! 

Miss Hamer


Date: 15th May 2020 @ 10:43am

Good Morning Year 2, 

I just want to say a huge THANKYOU to you all for working so hard at home this week. It really does make my day when I receive your emails showing me what you have been up to. Of course you are all SUPERSTARS but this week I would like to give a huge shout out to one person in particular. Well done to Faith for working so hard this week. Yesterday she even went to the park to make a video of her completing the active Maths challenge. 

Lexia superstars

Huge well done to Hao Yu, Oscar and Andrew for climbing the Lexia ladder this week! I am so impressed with your hard work! Please find your certificates attached :) 

Home learning 

Here are few pictures of some of you keeping busy at home. 

‘We create, We explore,

We care, We soar’


Ravensbury Community School

Tartan StreetClayton M11 4EG

Maureen Hughes | Headteacher

Jo Wendt | SENCO

0161 223 0370