It has been a busy week in Year 2!

Date: 15th Sep 2024 @ 5:59pm


Well all we can say is that it has been a busy week in year 2 this week. The children have settled in well and are becoming more and more confident at working independently, which is lovely to see. The children have enjoyed joining in with Mrs's Hughes Celebration assembly this week and were particularly excited when they worked with Miss Kent during singing Assembly. Our children are so talented at singing and performing and it is lovely to see they come alive when they sing and dance.

This week was the launch to our new Geography topic ' What will we see when we travel from Pole to Pole' The children made passports, created suitcase lists and boarding passes which they really enjoyed. Some of the children would make great travel agents! This week they will be using globes, maps and Atlases to locate the Continents and Oceans of the world. If would like to help them further have a look at the knowledge organiser below to see the skills, knowledge and new vocabulary that they will be learning.

Travelling from pole to pole (1).jpg

They have a fantastic week and have made all the staff very proud. We know that they will continue to work hard next week too.

Thanks for all your support

The Year Two Team

‘We create, We explore,

We care, We soar’


Ravensbury Community School

Tartan StreetClayton M11 4EG

Maureen Hughes | Headteacher

Jo Wendt | SENCO

0161 223 0370