The Disgusting Sandwich
Date: 13th Oct 2024 @ 8:58pm
This week the children have continued to learn how to write instructions. As a hook to engage the children to write, we read 'The disgusting Sandwich' The children enjoyed reading about all the disgusting ingredients that can be used to make one. After reading the story, the children thought of their own ingredients and generated adjectives to describe them. They even generated expanded noun phrases using adjectives with the same initial sound to make their descriptive sentences more exciting for the reader.
Here are some of our ideas
' Slimy, Sludgy slugs' ' Wriggly Worms' ' black, tiny ants' ' wet, white bird poo' '
To help the children describe their ingredients and use time connectives and bossy verbs to write a set of simple instructions the children used play doh to create their ingredients. look at their work
The children enjoyed every minute!
After, having such a busy day they enjoyed taking part in Mindfulness activities as part of Mental Health Day. They enjoyed meditation, listening to calm music and completing mindfulness colouring.
The children have worked hard!
Miss Wolfenden