: Blog items

Thursday 30th April - rhyme

Date: 30th Apr 2020 @ 7:04am


Good Morning!

Lets start today by singing some of our favourite Nursery Rhymes...click on the link below:



Yesterday you played a rhyming game called 'odd one out'. Did you manage to find the rhyming pair and spot the 'odd one out'?

Today we are going to play another rhyming game.

See if you can make a rhyming pair by listening to a word and clicking on the picture that rhymes with it.

Click on the picture below to play the game: 

Can you think of a word that rhymes with these words too?






I hope you can find lots of rhyming pairs today. Have a great day!


Date: 29th Apr 2020 @ 2:28pm

Hello Year 4!

I hope you are all keeping well and finding lots of things to do indoors now the sunshine has disappeared!

Home Learning Update

The Year 4 team are trying out an exciting new way of sharing your learning tasks with you, which we think will make everything really easy to find! Please follow this link to find all of our learning activities:

(You can also bookmark this link in your browser for even easier access!) We will also continue to post the link on the blog for you to follow each day. 

As this is new, if you are having any problems loading or viewing the resources please let us know on the Y4 email so we can make changes! 

Thank you :)

From the Year 4 team

Wednesday's maths

Date: 29th Apr 2020 @ 1:43pm


Today we are going to focus on halving . Can you remember what halving is? When you halve an amount or cut something into half, what do you do? What happens?

Don't worry if you have forgotton. Have a look at the following links to help you remember.




Challenge 1

1. Half of 4           2. Half of 6      3. Half of 10     4. Half of 12    5. Half of 18   6. Half of 2

Challenge 2- True of False

1. Half of 4 is 2        2. Half of 6 is 4       3. Half of 10 is 7      4. Half of 12 is 6    5. Half of 8 is 4

6. Half of 20 is 10    7 Half of 16 is 9      8. Half of 18 is          9. Half of 40 is 20    10. Half of 2 is 1

Challenge 3

1. Miss wolfenden bought 12 cakes. She shared the cakes with her sister so that they both had half the amount. How many cakes did they each have?

2. Madeleine was waiting for 10 hair bobbles to arrive through the post. She opened up the box and only found half of the amount had been delivered. How many did she get?

3. 14 children wanted to go to the zoo only half of the children were allowed to go. How many went?

4. Hassan had 10 sausages on the plate. His dog ate half. How many did he have left?

5. There were 8 fish fingers . Jack and Kirsty made a fish finger sandwich, sharing the fish fingers equally. How many fish fingers did Jack have on his sandwich?


Miss Wolfenden and Miss Riley


Date: 29th Apr 2020 @ 10:45am

Hi everybody!

Wow, 3RH I am soooooooooo impressed with all of the work you've been sending in for me to see on our y3homelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk email address. I thought I would share some with you so you can see what everybody else has been up to! 

Billie doing some fantastic fraction work and some column method in her garden!

Dereck's fantastic KWL grid and his fluent in 5 working out!

Goodnews doing some online reading!

Ileri's KWL grid, Sentence of the day and Fluent in 5 working out!

Keira has been super busy watering her tomato plant and making decorations for the NHS!

Megan has also been busy planting and growing her own things and practising her times tables on beat the clock! Here she has: lettuce, chilli pepper, pepper and 4 Pansy plants!

Noah has been super busy! Reading and completing his sentence of the day and fluent in 5 activities from our blog!

Cassie has been helping her brother read and been practising her times tables!

Shawnakaye has been so busy completing the sentences of the day and even doing some timestables practice too!

Theodosia has been extremely busy practicing her times tables and completing her sentence of the day and fluent in 5 as well as work online! 

Dabira has had an excellent go at writing her own Roman diary entry!

Ruby has been busy doing lots of writing as a mountain explorer and some great fractions and grammar work! 

Ben has been busy making Roman coins and practising his times tables! 

Fatima has been very busy completing our daily work uploaded to the blog! Here's her maths and sentence of the day!

I am SO impressed with every single person who has sent me some work! As you can see, I get lots of pictures and I love them!

It is great to share on our blog so if you want to send any pictures of yourselves with messages to the rest of the class, you can do! Here's mine!


Miss Humphreys :)


Wednesday Challenge

Date: 29th Apr 2020 @ 10:43am

Good morning Year 2!

How are you all getting on with your connected curriculum/ science challenges?  I would love to hear how you are finding our recycling topic.

Yesterday’s sentence of the day:

The children loved playing football so we decided to play it again.

Today’s English challenge

Today’s challenge is going to be a little bit different. I know that this is possibly a difficult time for you at home and I sometimes have my down days too. It is totally normal! In day to day life, I bet you hear lots of compliments from your friends and it might make you feel good about yourself. Today I want you to write down 5 sentences and include 5 things that make you feel proud of yourself. Remember, it doesn’t have to be anything big and there are no incorrect answers. Here are my sentences:

I am proud that I have finished my jigsaw this week and I have started a new one.

I am proud that I have finished my suduko puzzles without support.

I am proud that I have been on a run three days in a row because I sometimes find running tricky.

I am proud that I have managed to do lots of school work.

I am proud that I have been recycling more items.

Maths Challenge

Well done to everybody who has been logging on to TTRockstars. Today, I would like you to try and beat your time from last week. I know you can do it.

Miss Hamer

Wellbeing challenge number 13

Date: 29th Apr 2020 @ 10:36am

Hello everyone,

It's a rather miserable looking Wednesday out there so my wellbeing challenge today is an indoor one.

It's actually quite a simple challenge today; I'd simply like you to do some colouring. Colouring is a lovely relaxing activity that you can do on your own for some me-time or together with a family member to make it a more sociable activity.

I think most of you were given some colouring pages when we finished school but if you've already used these and don't have any more at home then good news, there is a website where you can do online colouring without having to have any colours or anything printed out:


Or you could always draw something to colour! Anything you like.

I have a new Enchanted Forest colouring book that my husband bought me (pictured below) that I'm going to do a bit of colouring in later, maybe while I listen to a podcast or to some music to have a bit of a break from staring at a screen. I'll post a picture of my efforts tomorrow.

Remember to send in pictures of your challenges to EALhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk

Mrs Glover

Past challenges

A big thanks to Roderigo from Year 1 who sent me a picture of his crystal ball challenge from yesterday, some fantastic goals there!

Wednesday 29th April :)

Date: 29th Apr 2020 @ 10:06am

Good morning Year 3,

Half way through another week of home learning! We are so impressed with all of the work you have sent in to us this week! 

First of all... here are the answers for the sentence of the day and fluent in 5 from yesterday:

A mountain range is a group of mountains found on land or under the sea. Some mountains used to be volcanos like Ben Nevis in Scotland Snowdon in Wales.

A needs a capital letter to start the sentence.

Under not unda – it has the er suffix

Sea not see – this is a homophone, two words that sound the same but are spelt differently and have a different meaning. Sea is like the ocean which is the one we want. See is to see something.

Some not sum – again, homophone. Some means a few of something and sum means the sum of something e.g.the sum of 2 numbers in maths.

Used – It may sound like it has you at the beginning but it is just the ‘u’ sound

2 in 1 = Wales – first of all needs a capital letter because it is the name of a place and secondly, it is spelt differently. Whales are the animal. Wales is the place.

2/3 of 12       = 8                                  3/8 of 40      = 15

4/10 of 50     =20                                 2/4 of 44       =22

Well done if you got those answers correct! Now on to today's challenges. 

Sentence of the day:

Can you spot where the capital letters should go and why?

julie and ben were walking through high end park on sunday when a fox jumped out of the bushes and chased them all the way back home to their house on windmill lane.


SPAG Activity: 


Maths Activity: Addition and subtraction of fractions with the same denominator.

Remember, you only need to change the numerator by adding them together or taking them away. The denominator stays the same.

The answers are only these 3 fractions on the bottom so if you got a different fraction to 3/10, 7/10 or 9/10 for your answer, check again carefully. 


CC activity:

Watch this video on getting to the very top of Europe’s 10 tallest mountains and imagine how it might feel whilst you were stood at the very top of them. After all that hard work and training, how would you feel.


Now, can you write a short diary entry as if you were one of the people in the video? Remember, a diary entry is FIRST person. That means, I, I’m, we, my, us, me, I’ll – you know this from your Boudicca diary entries! See how much you can describe. Answer these questions:

What can you see?

What can you hear?

What can you smell?

How do you feel?

What are you thinking?


Start with:

Dear Diary,

I can’t believe we’ve finally made it to the top. The view is …


We can't wait to read them all! 

Finally, speaking of reading. We set you a challenge to read in as many different places as you could, we've had a few emails back with pictures of this which were great! Keep sending your pictures of you reading in random places to y3homelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk - Here, we've seen Miss G reading... in her bath!!!

She's reading on her tablet. Remember, you can read using Lexia and Reading Plus and lots of other online platforms too!

Happy learning at home!

Miss Humphreys, Miss Faragher and Miss G :)

PS. The Roman Shield challenge ends on Friday! Remember to send your pictures in of you designing or creating a shield!


Lexia and activelearn

Date: 29th Apr 2020 @ 10:06am

This is just a quick blog post to remind you about Lexia and activelearn.

-To get on lexia you need to go to this website https://www.lexiacore5.com/register or download the lexia app. When you get to the page which says teacher email please type in lexia@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk .The website will then take you to your own log in page where you can enter your log in detalis provided in the pack.

Lexia will help your children to practice their reading and phonics.

- To get on activelearn you will need to go to this website https://www.activelearnprimary.co.uk/login?c=0. When you get to this page you can log in with your log in details provided in your pack. The school passcode is ppsk.

On this website there are lots and lots of books for your children to read as well as reading and comprehension games for them to play.

The Boy at the Back of the Class Chapter 10 Part 2

Date: 29th Apr 2020 @ 10:03am

Hi everyone! Well here is the next instalment of our story-part 2 of chapter 10.



On page 10, what country did Ahmet go to and where did he stay?

Why do you think Ahmet and Ms Hemsi used pictures to explain Ahmet’s story?

Does Ahmet like living in England? Use evidence on page 112 to support your answer.

How do you think everyone felt after hearing Ahmet’s story?

What question would you have asked Ahmet?

Why didn’t Mrs Khan want the children to ask Ahmet questions without checking with her or Ms Hemsi first?

Wednesday sentence of the day and phonics :)

Date: 29th Apr 2020 @ 9:52am

Good Morning Year 1! We hope you’ve had a great week so far. I have loved looking at all of your home learning pictures! I think this weeks celebration is going to be a long one!

Sentence of the day

Well done to all of those children who spotted the mistake! The time connectives were in the wrong order! It should have looked like this…


  1. First fill your flower pot with twigs and dried leaves
  2. Next find a shady area of the garden
  3. Then that put some stones in your flower pot to stop it flying away
  4. After that add some sugar to the pot
  5. Finally peek inside to see which bugs have visited your hotel









Here are Gerards and YuXiangs sentences, well done boys!


Now look at today’s sentence. Look at the green for growths, have I used the correct grapheme (phonics) to spell the words?



  1. First fill your flowur pot with twigs and drighd leaves
  2. Next find a shadee area of the garden
  3. Then that put some stoans in your flower pot to stop it flying away
  4. After that add sum sugar to the pot
  5. Finally peyk inside to see which bugs have visited your hotel



Let’s have recap of yesterday’s phonics. Sort these words into the correct sound category. I have two for you…

Can you think of any other words to put into the categories?








Watch the video and see if you can guess what todays sound will be?

For today’s phonics challenge I want you to make your very own phonics ai family bingo game.

First you will need to make a bingo card for all of your family with different ai words on – remember they must all be different otherwise everyone will win!

Next you need to write down all of the words that you will call of pieces of paper and fold them up.

Then when your family are ready to play you can  take a piece of folded paper and call the word, they will need to cross of the word on their bingo cards if they have it.

Finally if you want to play extra games, make extra cards so that you and your family can take it in turns being the bingo caller.

Good luck!


Hope you all have a great day. Don’t forget to email us if you have any questions or super learning!

Sentence of The Day

Date: 29th Apr 2020 @ 9:26am

Good morning year 6. Today we are going to continue to look at Spooky Stories and the sentence you are going to explore would be ideal for you to use at the start of a Spooky Story to hook in your reader. 

As the feirce wind howled around Tom and Ahmet, the moonlight giving them limited visibility, they aprehensively walked up the uneven path and approached the ancient uninviting gates which guarded the monstrous house beyond. 


Can you find two spelling errors? They are quite tricky!

I have also missed out an important piece of punctuation. CLUE- It is used to separate adjectives.

I would also like you to think of a better word than walked.

Write out your sentence and send it to us at our email address or Tweet us your sentence.


Could you now add to my sentence using DAD - I have written the description now you can add an action from the characters then some dialogue? 

Wednesday 29th April

Date: 29th Apr 2020 @ 8:44am

Good morning! 

How is everyone today? We're up and ready for PE with Joe, and I think Livvi and Asaph have chosen to do some Science, Writing and Art for today. We'd love to see your completed activities for today, remember to email us!

Thank you to all the children who have sent us a heart photograph so far! They are: Jennifer, Denico, Victoria, Ivory, William, Zain, Alissia, Maddison, Aden, Rhianna, Lilly-Anne and Taissa! Six children in each class...I wonder which class can send them in first? y5homelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk


Mrs Hodges here!

Hello! Two activities from me today - the first is the Sentence of the Day, which is still to do with the YouTube video I posted on Monday where Chris Hadfield shows us how he makes a sandwich on board the International Space Station. Click on the link in Monday's blog post if you haven't watched it yet!

Here's today's sentence!


The second activity is working on our writing and vocabulary. I've attached a document called, "The Visitor". First, I'd like you to have a look at the section called, "Question Time!" to get you thinking about the image you can see. Secondly, I'd like you to read the "Sick Sentences". At the moment, the two sentences given are not very detailed and use repeated vocabulary to describe the robot. Can you improve the sentences by describing what you can see in more detail? Remember that skill we've been practising in school - show not tell. How can you show the reader than the robot is big without simply telling the reader? See if you can write 3 or 4 sentences, including these things in some of your sentences:

* relative clause

* 2a sentence

* -ly, -ing or -ed sentence opener

* conjunction to extend the sentence

I can't wait to see the sentences you create! If you have time today, there's a lovely activity on the same document asking you to design your own robot and describe it. If you fancy doing this too, I'll be very impressed!

Thank you to those children who have emailed their Sentence of the Day in today! Click on the link below to see my purple pen!



Good morning from Miss Wendt!

After a very exciting time yesterday, today is back to normal. I've still got my balloons up though!

I thought we'd try a challenge today; this will practice sequencing and counting on/back in 10's. Have a look and I will post the answers later.


Have a look at Aden's work for a good explanation of the right answers! If you count back or forward in 10's, the ones digit will never change - 

43, 53, 63, 73, 83

119, 109, 99, 89, 79, 69, 59

I've also attached a blank multiplication square, just in case you want to practice a timed challenge at home. Get someone else in your house to time you, and email me your times! We can create a leaderboard to see who can complete it the quickest!


Good Morning Year 5! From Miss Brookes

I hope you all enjoyed your Monday, I was especially happy when it rained as I enjoyed an impromptu 'family film night' with my parents, while video-calling my sister as she watched the same movie! I apologise to everyone that wanted sunshine, I may have jinxed it as it's looking chilly today too!

A huge thank you to everyone that has completed their Connected Curriculum challenge so far - be sure to look out for your photographs in Friday's celebration post. 

Well done to Aden who has already read 5 books this week! There are quite a few of you who are almost there as well.

Now, onto today's GVP. 

Today, we are looking at adverbials. I even included a fronted adverbial at the start of that sentence, can you spot what it is? 

Don't forget to share your adverbial word mat with us, and keep it safe so we can use it when we go back to school. You can use the template attached, or create your own - whether that's on a computer or piece of paper (if you do it on a computer/tablet, email the document across to us and we will keep it safe until school returns). When we get back to school, we can laminate them to stop them from getting damaged, and then use them in our writing lessons! I'm looking forward to seeing how creative you can be. 


Enjoy your Wednesday! 

Wednesday 29th April Phonics/Reading

Date: 29th Apr 2020 @ 8:25am

Good Morning Reception!!

Let us start by singing a new phonics song:


Today we are going to think about the diagraph ng and all the diagraphs that we have learnt so far this week. Remember a diagraph is two letters that makes one sound. 

Watch Geraldine the Giraffe video showing you how to read words with the ng sound in them. 


Practise reading words in the diagraph flowers. See the sheets attached to this blog. How many words can you read in 1 minute? Get a grown up to time you. I saw Year 1 doing this on their blog...Find some interesting places in your house to read the words. Where will you do your reading...? 

To further apply your knowledge of reading words with diagraphs play the game Bingo. Use the template that has been attached to this blog. Grown-ups put the words in a bag or box. Pick out a word and say it if it is on the board it must be covered. To cover the word, you could use pasta shells, small toys or even raisins. Once you cover all the words, shout BINGO!!!

Mrs Iqbal and Mrs Cooper's Phonic groups: Can you put some of the BINGO words into a sentence and draw a picture about your sentence...? As an extra activity make a ng flower. Your grown up will help you read the instructions to make the flower and you can then write the ng words in each petal of the flower.

Miss Williams and Miss Cogger's phonic groups: Play quick write with some of the ng words from BINGO and do the ng sound book activities. 

Don’t forget to send in your photos/work to receptionhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk


Wednesday 29th April - Dragonfly Puppets

Date: 29th Apr 2020 @ 8:15am

Hi Reception!!

Whilst we are learning about minibeasts, and the weather isn’t great outside, I thought it would be a lovely idea to get crafty and make some dragonfly puppets!

You will need:

Coloured paper (for dragonfly body)

White paper (for wings)

Paper straws


Hole punch



Your first instruction, using a pencil, create a dragonfly body template using coloured paper. Now create a wing template onto white paper (see pictures below.) Draw some lines onto the dragonfly body to help as a guide for folding.

Using scissors, cut out the templates and begin to fold the paper backwards, then up and down again, creating a concertina effect on the dragonfly body.











Use a hole punch on the dragonfly  body while it is folded, and feed the paper straw through. The top of the body should hang off quite a bit.

Add glue on the underside and end of the long piece of paper hanging off the straw. Then curl it around into a circle and secure the end on the first fold on the front of the dragonfly body to make the dragonfly head. See the pictures below as a guide.


Turn your dragonfly body face down. Flatten the first fold on the body and add glue to the middle of it. Glue the dragonfly body down in the centre of the wings.

Add a googly eye or draw an eye on each side of the face of your dragonfly craft.


Ta-da, your dragonfly craft is complete! How amazing!

Please email in your pictures, I can't wait to see your fantastic creations!


Wednesday 29th April - Doubling and Halving Board Game

Date: 29th Apr 2020 @ 8:14am

Good Morning Reception!

Here are your three fluent-in-5 questions for the day! See how quickly you can work them out!


Today I have posted a super doubling and halving game for you to play at home!

I have attached the template onto a link below for you to print. If you don’t have a printer, you could ask an adult to help you to make your own copy of the game on paper!

The rules are simple - Simply roll the dice and move to the square indicated. Then, complete the instruction by correctly doubling or halving the number on that square. If you answer correctly, you stay where you are. Answer incorrectly and you must go back to where you came from.




Have fun! See how far you can get! Can you get to the finish?

Email in to receptionhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk, we can’t wait to see how you get on!



Wednesday 29th April - Maths

Date: 28th Apr 2020 @ 2:21pm


Hi everyone!

Today we are going to start our Maths learning by singing the days of the week song.

Click on the link below to listen to the days of the week. You can teach this song to your grown up as we sing it every day at Nursery!



Jasper's beanstalk


Today we are going to be looking at the order and sequence of the story.

You can remind yourself of the story and listen to it again by using the link below:



Today I would like you to talk with your grown up about what Jasper does on each day of the week.

Use the picture cards attached below to discuss what he does on each day of the week.

Talk about the order and sequence of the story. What does he do first? What happens next? Which day follows? What happens on that day?

Today is Wednesday. What does Jasper do on Wednesday? What will he do tomorrow? (Thursday)


Below I have attached a rhyme to help you remember the order and sequence of events for the story.

Wednesday 29th April - Phonics

Date: 28th Apr 2020 @ 1:27pm


Good Morning!

Let’s start our learning today by listening to a rhyming story.

UCan you join in with the words to the story and repetitive phrases?



Today we are continuing to learn about rhyme.

We are going to play a game called ‘odd one out’.


Have a look at the pictures on the strips below and say the name of each item.




Listen carefully … can you find the one that doesn’t rhyme with the others? Remember to listen to the sound at the end of the word.

Let’s see if you can find the rhyming pair?

Which one is the ‘odd one out’?


You could collect some objects from around your house and have a go at playing this game with items too! (You may be able to use the following rhyming pairs: hat, cat, dog, log, pan, can, car, jar, pen, ten, duck, truck. Then find some other objects too that will not rhyme)

Ask an adult to choose 3 items (a rhyming pair and one that does not rhyme) and place them on the table. Point and name each item. Then have a go at finding the rhyming pair and the ‘odd one out’.


I hope you have fun playing this rhyming game!



Tuesday's maths

Date: 28th Apr 2020 @ 1:21pm


Today's maths challenge is going to be based on doubling. We are all really good at singing the doubling song to help us remember out doubling facts. It seems such a long time since we last sung the song together so have a go at singing it to your adults. If you would like to sing more doubling songs then follow the links and have a go at learning something new.




Challenge 1

1.Double 6     2.Double 8      3.Double 9     4.Double 4     5.Double 3    6. Double  1    7. Double 5

Challenge 2

1. Miss Wolfenden bought 4 cakes. she needed double. How many cakes did she need?

2. Mrs Hughes has a 'double it' machine. She put 9 biscuits in it . How many came out?

3. Jessica bought  5 lollies. Her mum made double the amount. How many cakes did her mum make? How many altogether?

4. Jack built a tower 12 bricks high. Tom built a tower and used double the amount of bricks. How many bricks did Tom use?

The Boy at the Back of the Class Chapter 10 Part 1

Date: 28th Apr 2020 @ 12:45pm

Good afternoon year 6, what a great day I am having today in school. I didn't want to miss reading chapter 10 so I have done it in school with two special guest appearances. See if you can tell who it is as I am reading with them.


Can you think after hearing the first part of Chapter 10 what else Ahmet might talk about and where are the rest of his family?

CC - The Anglo Saxons and Vikings - TASK 2

Date: 28th Apr 2020 @ 12:16pm

What was an Anglo Saxon Settlement like?

Hi Year 4, I hope you're all ready for some more CC learning! This is the second task on our new topic, so if you missed last week's scroll down the blog until you see it! 

This week we are going to explore where the Anglo Saxons lived, these are called 'settlements'. Watch the two short videos below to find out the information you will need to complete your task!

https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zc3b4wx  - Why the anglo saxons came to Britain.

https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/znjqxnb - A tour around an Anglo-Saxon settlement.


Activity - Use the information to draw and label (or design and make!) your own Anglo- Saxon settlement.  Watch the video carefully and make notes of important features!

We'd love to see your creativity so don't forget to email your pictures to the Y4 email or tweet us!



Date: 28th Apr 2020 @ 11:36am

28.04.20 - MATHS - WEEK 2 TASK 2 - ANGLES (Properties of Shape)

Over the next few tasks we will be looking at ‘Properties of Shapes’. This week we will begin with angles! Read the information below carefully, you may have heard of some of these angles before!


Click on the links below to learn more about different types of angles. (make sure flash is enabled to load the links!) 


http://flash.topmarks.co.uk/651  - when you have finished watching the intro click ‘skip intro’ and select ‘Make and Measure’ to explore measuring with an online protractor! 

Activity: Look carefully at the 'Obtuse and Acute Angles' worksheet attached, complete the task in your exercise book by writing the correct name of each angle. 


Exciting news !

Date: 28th Apr 2020 @ 11:13am

Exciting news! 

Mrs Glover and Mrs Harriott have now got an email address which you can use to let us know all your news (as well as keeping in touch with your class teacher on your usual year group email).

We would love to hear from you if you have tried any of Mrs Glover's well being challenges, would like any more EAL home learning if you usually come to us for learning or have any other news to share with us .

The address is:   Ealhomelearning@ravenbsury.manchester.sch.uk 

We can't wait to hear from you !

Mrs Glover and Mrs Harriott smiley

Wellbeing challenge number 12

Date: 28th Apr 2020 @ 10:56am

Good morning everyone,

Today's challenge is all about thinking positivity and making the most of your time while you're not at school smiley.

Imagine looking into a cyrstal ball 3 months from now.

Draw or write what challenges you are facing, what positive changes you want to make and what might be different in 3 months time.

Try to focus on things that seem possible to achieve like starting a new hobby, learning a few words in a new language or getting better at some of your learning like reading or times tables.

I've done mine on the computer (on MS Word) as my paper is in the study where my husband is on a video call for work so I didn't want to disturb him! But you can do yours however you want.

I've included a picture of mine below if you want to have a look!

Please feel free to tell me about any of the wellbeing challenges you have done, I'd love to see what you're all doing in your free time! You can now e-mail me on Ealhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk to let me know (or to contact me or Mrs Harriott about any EAL home learning too)

Have a good day!

Mrs Glover

Tuesday 28th April :)

Date: 28th Apr 2020 @ 10:22am

Good morning Year 3, 

WOW, Miss Faragher and I are so impressed with the work that we recieved yesterday! And all of the love heart pictures for Mrs Thewlis to create a brilliant video with. In case you didn't know, Mrs Thewlis recently uploaded a video of the staff sending a picture of themselves with a love heart ... link is attached below in case you haven’t seen it. She has asked us to challenge everybody in our class to send a picture of themselves doing a love heart with their fingers. She will then make a little video/collage and upload to the twitter and website pages. There’s also a prize for the class who get the most responses! So send your pictures in as soon as you can! 

https://twitter.com/ravensburycomm1/status/1254470310063222785?s=21 - Video of staff. 


Let's get to it!  ANSWERS FROM 28.04.2020

First of all, here are the answers to yesterday's sentence of the day and fluent in 5. 

Suddenly, rain started pouring down so fast! The sun had been out all day and then the rain came. That meant one thing… a rainbow! It was beautiful and so colourful. There were so many different colours, I couldn’t believe my eyes!

Capital letter for Suddenly because it starts the sentence

Exclamation mark rather than question mark. It is not asking a question.

meant – spelt wrong           beautiful – spelt wrong                  colourful – spelt wrong

1/3 of 12        =4                                   1/8 of 32                 = 4

1/4 of 44       =11                                  1/10 of 90               =9


Today's sentence of the day

a mounten range is a group of mountains found on land or unda the see_ Sum mountains yoused to be volcanos like ben nevis in Scotland Snowdon in whales.

Errors in green:

-Mountain is spelt incorrectly. It has the ai sound like rain

-There needs to be a full stop at the end of the sentence.

-Ben Nevis needs capital letters because it is a proper noun – it is the name of something.

7 unmarked errors (including a 2 in 1 error)


Today's fluent in 5

Focus on non-unit fractions

2/3 of 12                                              3/8 of 40

4/10 of 50                                            2/4 of 44

Remember non-unit fractions are similar to unit fractions to work out, they just have one extra step. Divide the whole number by the denominator (bottom part of the fraction). Whatever answer you get, times it by the numerator (top part of the fraction). E.g. 2/3 of 30          30 (whole number) ÷ 3(denominator) = 10          

10 (answer) x2(numerator) = 20    20 = answer.


Today's CC activity:

Yesterday, we introduced mountains as part of our 'Can I grow lettuce on a mountain summit?' topic. Today, you are going to do the same activity of a KWL grid but for rivers

Get a piece of paper: Draw a table like this.

What I know already

What I would like to know

What I know now






Fill out the what you already know section and the what you would like to know about rivers.

Once you have done all of that, watch this BBC bitesize video about rivers, https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z849q6f/articles/z7w8pg8

Read all of the information below the video, then there is a quiz at the bottom. Have a go at that and see what score you get!

If you visit https://www.theschoolrun.com/homework-help/rivers there are lots of pictures and facts on rivers that might help you with the next job.

Your job is to now write three facts about rivers in your ‘what I know now’ column. Send us your results of the quiz and your 3 facts to y3homelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk


Our reading challenge

Yesterday, we challenged you to read in as many places as you can. Miss Faragher has been found reading under her table!!

Send in your pictures of you reading in as many different places as you can to y3homelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk. Remember - this could even be whilst you are on Lexia or Reading Plus. There will be prizes for those children who are working their way through their work on these apps! 

And finally... remember, I challenged you to make your very own Roman shield, you have until Friday to send them in! We've seen some amazing ones so far!!! 

Good luck with all your work! You're doing a fantastic job so far.

Miss Humphreys, Miss Faragher and Miss G :)

Tuesday Sentence of the day and phonics

Date: 28th Apr 2020 @ 10:03am

Good Morning! It was great to see you all up and busy doing your home learning yesterday, we had so many emails and pictures to reply to which really made us smile! Well done!

Sentence of the day

Here are the answers from yesterday’s sentence of the day. Lots of you spotted the mistakes so well done. Here are my corrections as well as some of yours that you have sent in.

Courteous's sentence of the day! Well done Courteous!

For today’s sentence I’m going to write some instructions. But are the time connectives in the right order? Time connectives tell us which order to do things in. They are really important in instructions because they help us do them in the right order. Put on your detective hat, what have I done wrong?


  1. Next fill your flower pot with twigs and dried leaves
  2. finally find a shady area of the garden
  3. After that put some stones in your flower pot to stop it flying away
  4. First add some sugar to the pot
  5. Then peek inside to see which bugs have visited your hotel





Lets have a quick read practice of those tricky words from yesterday. Look at the video and turn the sound off! Can you read the tricky words? Give yourself a point for every word you read correctly? How many points did you get? Can you beat your score?


Watch the video below to find out all about todays phonics…



We hope you all have a lovely day. Don't forget to send your home learning and love heart pictures into us at y1homelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk




‘We create, We explore,

We care, We soar’


Ravensbury Community School

Tartan StreetClayton M11 4EG

Maureen Hughes | Headteacher

Jo Wendt | SENCO

0161 223 0370
