Climate Change in Lockdown
Date: 12th May 2020 @ 11:22am
This week’s Connected Curriculum task is to research how these strange times are having an effect on reducing pollution in some of the world’s busiest cities.
Lockdowns around the world to slow the spread of coronavirus have had an unintended consequence …
In many cities the air has become cleaner as people stay at home and travel rates have reduced significantly.
Residents in some cities have also begun to notice animals turning up in strange places and at unusual times : has anybody seen the goats spotted in a town in Wales?
Your challenge this week is to reseach and present in any way you wish: a mind-map, fact file, poster or ppt etc how pollution has reduced and resulted in changes to cities, water and adventuring animals in silent towns and cities.
How do you think people and cities could maintain some of these changes after lockdown ends to help prevent climate change?
I have also attached a wordsearch with useful vocabulary for you to use during this topic. You may also find it useful to go back to task 1 and have a look at Charlie's brilliant ppt!