RSR: Blog items

Thursday 7th May Phonics

Date: 7th May 2020 @ 8:18am

Good Morning Reception!!

Let us start today’s phonic activity by getting active with a Jack Hartman song. Click the link at the bottom of the blog. 

Today we are going to continue thinking about the sounds oa and igh that we have learnt this week.

How many words can you read in 20 or 30 seconds…? How many words can you read in 1 minute…? Ask a grown up to time you!!!

How many alien words can you read…? Ask a grown up to time you!!!

Today’s practise and apply activities are:

Play Word Treasure Hunt using the oa and igh words. Write or print the words and have two containers or buckets with the sounds oa and igh written on them. Hide the words around the space where you are working inside or outside. When you have found a word read it to your grown up and place it in the right box/container. Watch the video where Adam is showing you how to play the game. 


Play the oa and igh woodland board game.


Play the oa and igh roll and read game.

If you do not have a dice, you can google a virtual dice or use the link below:


Which activity will you pick…? You can do 1, 2 or all 3 of them…

Love Mrs Iqbal

Don’t forget to send in your photos/work to…


Wellbeing challenge number 18

Date: 6th May 2020 @ 10:44am

Good morning,

Another sunny day! smiley First all of all I want to thank everyone who has sent in pictures of them doing my wellbeing challenges, it's fantastic to see and hear about how you're enjoying doing them! Have a look at the Past Challenges bit at the bottom to see some photos.

Today's challenge is another one to get you moving and do a mini workout. Sometimes it can seem a bit scary or time consuming to do a whole workout so these mini workouts are perfect if you want a quick break from doing school work or even from just watching TV if you fancy a stretch! All of these little energisers from Go Noodle are between 2 - 4 minutes long so perfect for something to wake you up in the morning or as a break from whatever you are doing.

Here are a few that I like:

Or just go to YouTube and type in Fresh Start Fitness to see a variety of mini workouts.

Remember to email with any photos of you doing any of the challenges.

Have a lovely day!

Mrs Glover

Past Challenges

So many fantastic photos of what you've all been up to, well done!

Spiderweb Craft

Date: 6th May 2020 @ 8:46am

Good Morning Reception!

Have you enjoyed learning about ‘The Very Busy Spider’ this week? Today I have posted some exciting craft activities, where you can make your own spider’s web craft! Take a look at the pictures below, you can choose which web you would like to make!


This web was made using a paper plate and string!

This spider’s web was made using lollypop sticks and string!


Which one are you going to choose? You can even use your own ideas to make your own spider’s web!

Make sure to send in pictures of your spider web creations! I can’t wait to see them! 


Wednesday 6th May - Maths

Date: 6th May 2020 @ 8:45am

Good Morning Reception!

First of all, I’d like to say a big WELL DONE to all of the children who participated in their maths learning earlier this week! Your teachers are so proud of you! J

Today let’s begin our maths learning with some familiar songs and some fluent-in-five questions! How quickly can you work them out? Can you get an adult to time you?


Today in our maths learning, we are going to belearning about CAPACITY. We have learnt a little bit about capacity before in reception, it sounds a little bit tricky, but it’s not! Capacity is the amount something can contain (a container, box, etc!)

Take a look at a funny capacity video/song below!

In reception we have taught this before by looking at different measurements of water and rice in cups. We use the vocabulary of  ‘full’ ‘almost full’ ‘half full’ ‘empty’ ‘almost empty’ and ‘half empty.’

Below I have posted a list of activities linked to capacity that you can try at home:

Container activity: Provide children with different containers. Can they make their container full, nearly full, nearly empty and about half full. Can they find a container which holds more than their container? Can they find one which holds less?

Spoons activity: Provide your child with a bowl or cup and a selection of different sized spoons and ladles. Ask them to investigate how many small spoons it takes to fill their container. How many large spoons? How many ladles? Which sized spoon was the best? Why?

Outdoors activity: Provide a small box for children. Ask them to hunt for things to put inside. How many items can they fit inside? Can they find the prettiest leaf? A small pebble? What is the largest item you can fit inside your box?

Don’t forget to email in pictures of your maths learning! Enjoy! J

Wednesday 6th May Phonics

Date: 6th May 2020 @ 8:13am

Good Morning Reception!!

Let us start today’s phonic activity by revising Phase 3 tricky words. Use your Phase 2 and Phase 3 tricky words. Play quick read. How many words can you read in 20 seconds or 30 seconds? Ask your grown up to time you!!!

Today we are going to think about a new sound. This sound is a diagraph. Remember a diagraph is two letters that make one sound. Our new sound is oa

Watch this show me video where I am going through the diagraph oa:


Today’s practise and apply activities are:

Can you label the pictures with the oa words? Check your answers on the second page.


Play the caterpillar spelling game with someone in your house. Cut out the strip of words on the sheet and keep them to one side. Take turns to tell each other a word on the list which must be spelt in the box under your caterpillar. Check if it is correct with the list of words, then colour a circle on your caterpillar. Who will be the first to colour all 6 circles on their caterpillar?

Play the game Buried Treasure on Phonics Play. Click Phase 3 and ‘+oa’ to start playing the game.

Love Mrs Iqbal

Don’t forget to send in your photos/work to…

Wednesday 6th May Reading

Date: 6th May 2020 @ 8:07am

Good Morning Reception!!

Wow!! I can't believe it's the middle of the week already!!! This week is going really fast!!smiley

This week we started a new story called ‘The Very Busy Spider.’ If you have not managed to listen to it yet go to Monday’s reading blog where you will find the video at the bottom of the blog.

Your grown up will ask you these questions about the story, try to remember the story and say your answers in full sentences…

Where did the spider land?

What did the spider begin to do?

What did the horse want the spider to do?

What did the cow want the spider to do?

Which animal wanted the spider to run in the meadow?

Who said ‘Maa, Maa?’

The pig said roll in the mud, but the spider ignored him. How do you think that made the pig feel?

What word would you use to describe the spider’s web?


Today I want you to make some stick puppets and retell the story ‘A Very Busy Spider’ to someone in your house. You could colour and cut out the characters from the story and put them on straws or lolly pop sticks. You could even put little strips of paper at the back of each puppet and make finger puppets.

It would be lovely if someone in your house can video your puppet show and send it in to us.

Love Mrs Iqbal

Wellbeing challenge number 17

Date: 5th May 2020 @ 10:21am

Good morning everyone,

I don't know about you but I can't wait to get out in that sun so today's challenge is one that can be done outside if you like.

Today we are focusing on having a growth mindset and doing this through yoga. Having a growth mindset means you have a positive attitude to your learning and know that just because you may find something difficult and you can't do it yet, you will get there as long as you don't give up!

Here are 5 different growth mindset yoga poses to try. Please feel free to try as many or as few positions as you like and send any pictures to

Mrs Glover

Past challenges

Thank you so much to the pupils who have sent in pictures of their shields of strength from yesterday, it really makes my day to see what you've ben doing!

Tuesday 5th May - Maths

Date: 5th May 2020 @ 8:33am

Good Morning Reception!

To begin our maths learning.. Can you work out today’s fluent-in-five questions?

This morning we are going to be following on from yesterday’s learning of measuring weight! Please refer to yesterday’s blog if you did not see it!

Take a look at the pictures below - Can you work them out? Can you label which item is heavier and which is lighter? How do you know? Can you test this with the real life item?





































Fantastic! Below I have posted a link to an ‘ordering weight challenge.’ You have to look at the items on the screen and sort them from lightest to heaviest. You can either print out the sheets and cut them out into the sorting template, or make your own scale and draw which items are the lightest and which are the heaviest!



Have fun! Please email your learning into! J




Tuesday 5th May Writing

Date: 5th May 2020 @ 8:25am

Good Morning Reception!!

This week we have started a new story ‘The Very Busy Spider.’ If you have not managed to listen to it, click on the video at the bottom of this blog where I am reading the story.  

Pick some of the animals from the story and write some super sentences describing them.

For example,

The goat has two pointy horns on the top of his head.

It has a white beard at the bottom of his face.


Miss William’s and Miss Cogger’s Phonic group you may want to write some captions like this…

The cow is big.

Cow is black and white.


Love Mrs Iqbal

Don’t forget to send in your photos/work to

Tuesday 5th May Phonics

Date: 5th May 2020 @ 8:17am

Good Morning Reception!!

Let us start today’s phonic activity by singing one of our phonic songs. Choose one from the list below:

Today we are going to carry on thinking about the sound igh. This sound is a trigraph. A trigraph is three letters that make one sound.

Can you read these words…?

Can you add sound buttons under these words…?

Play quick write. Your grown up will say one of the words above, can you write it on a piece of paper?


Today’s practise and apply activities are:

Can you add the correct word in each sentence?

Can you circle the word with the correct igh spelling?

Can you label the pictures using the igh sound correctly?

Can you read the alien words?


Love Mrs Iqbal

Don’t forget to send in your photos/work to…


Wellbeing challenge number 16

Date: 4th May 2020 @ 11:28am

Good morning everyone,

I hope you all had a good weekend and are ready to work hard on your learning (and your wellbeing!) this week.

Today's challenge has actually come from a website that Mrs Hughes sent to me to look at so thank you Mrs Hughes!

Today I would like you to think about resilience which means keeping strong and bouncing back even in a difficult situation. I'd like you to design a Shield of Strength.

Think about what your strengths are, especially the ones that can help you at the moment while we're not in school, and write or draw (or both!) onto a shield. Here is my shield that you may want to use for help: 

I have attached a template of the shield in case you want to use it but otherwise you can just fraw a shield on a plain piece of paper.

As always I would love to see your challenges so please send them to

Mrs Glover

Past challenges

Thank you to Shawnakaye who has sent me a couple of photos of things that make her smile!

Why doesn't a spider get stuck to its own web?

Date: 4th May 2020 @ 8:43am

Good Morning Reception!

Did you enjoy the Very Busy Spider story? If you haven’t watched it yet – the link to the video is here!

In the story, the spider is VERY busy spinning her web! After reading this story, I thought it would be a great idea to participate in a science experiment linked to spider’s webs!! Spiders catch their prey in a web (like the fly in the story!) Spider’s webs are extremely sticky so that bugs stick to them and cannot move!

But… why doesn’t a spider get stuck to its own web?

This is what we are going to investigate!

 In this experiment we are going to create our own webs and test whether our fingers stick like the fly or do not stick like the spider!

You will need:

Sticky Tape

Cooking Oil

Step one: Spread out the tape sticky side up.

Step two: Ask children to walk their fingers across the tape. What happens??

Did your fingers stick?? That is like the bugs on a spider’s web.

Step three: Now, put some cooking oil on the children’s fingers and do the same – walk their fingers across the sticky tape.

Do their fingers stick now? No! Spiders have natural oils on their bodies that keeps them from sticking to things.

I hope you enjoy this experiment!

Please email in your pictures and results to the reception home learning email (

Have fun!!

Monday 4th May - Maths

Date: 4th May 2020 @ 8:40am

Good Morning Reception!

I hope you have had a lovely weekend and are ready to take part in some exciting maths learning today!

First, let’s warm up with our maths songs and today’s fluent-in-five questions!


Today we are going to be focusing our maths learning on measuring weight.

Take a listen to a catchy measurement song below. We have listened to this weight song before in reception; it’s about a big, heavy elephant!!

When we practise measuring weight in reception, we often have turned into ‘human balance scales.’

This is where children stand with their arms placed to the side of us with hands spread. Place an item on each hand and ask children to tip to show which item is heavier and which is lighter. Use balance scales to check the children’s estimations.

Children could also hold buckets or bags in each hand and place items inside to feel which has the stronger downward pull.

When we teach weight, we encourage children to use the language of heavy, heavier, heaviest, light, lighter, lightest to compare items. To avoid misconceptions that bigger items are always heavier, we provide some small, heavier items and some large, lighter ones. Below, I have posted some fun ideas for measurement activities at home!


Busy Bag Challenge:

Use a basket or bag to collect lots of items around your house.

Once you have found lots of items, can you sort them by weight?

Balance scales activity:

Give children an item, for example, an apple. Challenge them to find things which feel heavier and lighter than the apple and sort them into sets.

Ask children to use the balance scales to check their estimation.

Are all the heavier things larger than the apple?

Can they find anything which is larger than the apple but lighter?

Ask children to use cubes or similar objects to balance an item on one side and adding cubes until the scales balance. How many cubes are the same weight as an apple?

Monday 4th May Phonics

Date: 4th May 2020 @ 8:20am

Good Morning Reception!!

Let us start today’s phonic activity by revising Phase 3 tricky words. Use your Phase 3 tricky word mat and play fastest finger first. Grown ups say a tricky word, who will point to it the fastest...?

Sing the tricky word song. Write the Phase 3 tricky words on scraps of paper and put them around your room where you can see them. Each time you sing a tricky word in the song point or stand near the word. Click the video link at the bottom of the blog for the song.

Today we are going to think about a new sound. This sound is a trigraph. A trigraph is three letters that make one sound. Our new sound is…

Watch this show me video where I am going through the trigraph igh:

Today’s practise and apply activities are:

Can you make some igh words using the letters on the sheet? Time yourself, how many will you be able to write in 1 minute…?

For example, on the sheet I can see bright and might.  


Can you label the pictures with the igh words…? Mrs Iqbal and Mrs Cooper’s Phonic groups choose three words and write some super sentences.


Can you find the igh words in the wordsearch?


Play the game Dragon’s Den on Phonics Play. Click Phase 3 and find the sound ‘igh.’

Love Mrs Iqbal

Don’t forget to send in your photos/work to…

Monday 4th May Reading

Date: 4th May 2020 @ 8:09am

Good Morning Reception!!

This week we have a new story all about a very busy spider. Listen to the video at the bottom of the blog where I am reading the story for you.

Can you remember all the animals in the story? Tell your grown up all the animals that were in the story. Use the story PowerPoint to see if you remembered all the animals.  

Mrs Iqbal and Mrs Cooper’s Phonics groups – Use a piece of paper and make a story map of the story. Use the animal pictures attached to the blog or you could draw the animals. Look at my story map to give you an idea…

Miss Williams and Miss Cogger’s Phonic groups – Match the animal to the word. Cut out the animal pictures and read the words and match the picture to the correct words.  

Love Mrs Iqbal

Don’t forget to send in your photos/work to

Wellbeing challenge number 15

Date: 1st May 2020 @ 10:21am

Hi everyone and Happy Friday! I can't believe it's already the end of another week. I hope everyone is working hard and staying safe.

I got the idea for today's wellbeing challenge yesterday when I saw the most amazing rainbow in the sky. It was the brightest colours I've ever seen and I could see the whole arc. There was even a faint second rainbow next to it!

Photos don't really show how amazing it was but you can see how vivid the colours are:

The rainbow made me feel happy when I saw it and I thought it might make other people happy too! So today's challenge is to take a photo of something that makes you feel happy. You could find something in your house or do it on a walk. It could be a person, an animal, an object or even something that you've made. Anything that makes you feel happy or positive. If you don't have a camera, phone or tablet of your own then ask an adult if you can borrow theirs but please be careful with it!

If you'd like to share your happy photo then please e-mail it to, I'd love to see it and then I can post some of them and spread the happiness around!

Have a good weekend,

Mrs Glover

Past challenges

Thanks to A who sent a photo of himself doing the breathing exercises I set yesterday, I hope they helped you feel nice and calm.

Reception Superstars

Date: 1st May 2020 @ 8:16am

Take a look at this week’s reception superstars…..

Challenge Friday

Date: 1st May 2020 @ 8:14am

Good Morning Reception!

Today is Friday yay! So you know what that means….. CHALLENGE FRIDAY!!!

I have posted four challenges below for you to take part in, see how many you can complete!


Challenge one: Numbots!!! Why don’t you log-in to Numbots and see how many levels you can complete?? Try and beat your high score!

Challenge two: Double Ladybirds! Draw a ladybird template, fold it in half and open it again. Paint spots on one side of the folded paper – make sure you count how many there are! Then, fold and press the page together! Open it back up… have you doubled your spots? How many are there all together now?

Challenge three: Doubles scavenger hunt: Can you hunt around your house or garden and DOUBLE your items? For example…. double one sock! Double two apples! Double three shoes! Can you write the number sentence underneath?

Challenge four: Tube and cars experiment: Using plain white paper, can you create a number line 1-20 just like on the picture above? All you need to do is find an old tube of kitchen roll, place it above the paper and send some toy cars down it! Simple! Test how far your car can travel! What number did your car reach? Can you use another car and reach a larger number??

I hope you enjoy your challenges!

I can’t wait to see how many you can complete… have fun! 

Wellbeing challenge number 14

Date: 30th Apr 2020 @ 10:02am

Good morning everyone, 

I hope everyone enjoyed some relaxing colouring yesterday, here is a picture of mine. It isn't quite finished yet but I had a nice relaxing hour doing it last night:

Today's challenge is to do a mindfulness breathing activity. Mindfulness can help you relax and be in the moment, appreciating everything that's around you.

Just one breath

Find a relaxing place where you won't be disturbed. Sit in a comfortable position, either with your legs crossed or any comfortable posture. This activity can be done in as little as one minute, but you can also do it for longer periods of time.

Begin by setting a timer for one minute.       

Start breathing deeply in and out. Notice how the breath feels as it moves in and out of your body. Notice how the air feels on your skin. Pay attention to any sensations that you notice or any sounds that you hear.

Take another slow deep breath and see if you can imagine how the breath moves down into the lungs and then back up again. Thank your body and breath for giving you life and keeping you healthy.

Take one more deep breath and hold the breath for a moment - then release it.

If any thoughts worry you, try and imagine your thoughts immersed in a white, puffy cloud and push the thought cloud out of your awareness.

Afterward, notice how you feel after taking this one-minute break.

If you want to tell me about your experience or send any photos of yourself doing the activity then e-mail me on

There are more simple instructions below.

Mrs Glover

Thursday 30th Writing

Date: 30th Apr 2020 @ 8:07am

Good Morning Reception!!

Today you are going to do something really exciting and make your very own information book about the minibeast that you found lots of information about. Remember I asked you to choose a minibeast from the text ‘Mad about Minibeasts’ and do some research and write some facts on the sheet below:

Watch the first video where I am showing you how to fold a piece of paper into a book that will have 8 pages. Pause the video at each point to make sure you fold the paper carefully. Ask a grown up to help you this, it may get a little tricky!!! The second video shows you how I used my information to write it in my little book. My cat Buffy decided to join me at this point and have a nosy at what I was doing!!!

Make your book as creative as you want. I cannot wait to see what they look like.

Good Luck!!!

Don’t forget to send in your photos/work to

Thursday April 30th Phonics

Date: 30th Apr 2020 @ 8:03am

Good Morning Reception!!

Start today’s phonic activity by picking one of your favourite songs from this week. Below I have put the links for the ones that we have done this week:


Today we are going to carry on thinking about diagraphs. Remember a diagraph is two letters that makes one sound. We are going to think about the diagraphs ai and ee.


Watch this show me video where I am going through some words with ai and ee in them:


Today for your practise and apply activities I want you to choose your own learning. I have attached some activities to this blog. You can do one activity or more than one it's up to you.  What will you choose...? 

Play popping balloons PowerPoint. How many balloons can you read and pop in 1 minute or even 30 secs…? Ask a grown up to time you!


Try the ai or ee writing activity.


Play the ai and ee woodland board game.


Can you spot the ai words that are hiding in the minibeast woodland picture…? Write a list of the words and choose three to put into sentences.


Play the game called Picnic on Pluto by clicking phase phase 3 and choosing ai or ee or any other diagraph from this week that you want to practise.


Don’t forget to send in your photos/work to…


Thursday 30th April Formation

Date: 30th Apr 2020 @ 7:58am

Good Morning Reception!

Today I would like you to practise your letter formation, focusing on the letters v, w, x, y and z.

It can get a little bit tricky – why not watch the ‘show me’ video below and use the rhymes to help you to write these letters correctly!

You can use paper to use as you practise, or I have attached letter formation sheets to print below!

Can you send in some pictures of your beautiful writing?

Can you write a word that includes the sounds v, w, x, y or z?

Can you write a sentence that includes the sounds v, w, x, y or z?

I can’t wait to see! J

Thursday 30th April Maths

Date: 30th Apr 2020 @ 7:55am

Good Morning Reception!

This week in our maths learning we have been looking at doubling and halving quantities. Many of you have emailed in pictures of yourselves trying very hard with these activities so well done! 

Today I would like you to have a go at these fluent-in-5 questions linked to this week’s learning!

Below I have listed ideas for some practical activities linked to doubling and halving that you can try at home:

Doubling with dominos: Provide sets of dominoes and ask the children to find the doubles. Show the children how to play dominoes and look at the doubles they make as they play

Play doubles using dice:  The children take turns to roll 2 dice and score a point each time they roll a double. The first to reach 3 points wins the game.

Pebbles/cube doubles: Sit opposite your child. Demonstrate setting out a quantity of small items such as pebbles or cubes. Ask the children to double it by making the same quantity. You can also try this by holding up your fingers and asking the children to match them to make a double.

Sharing with fruit: Show the children a bowl of strawberries/grapes etc. Explain that you are going to share them into 2 equal groups so that there will be half for you and half for them. Put a handful straight onto each plate without counting – make sure that one plate has much more pieces of fruit than the other. Ask the children if that is fair. Prompt them to show you how to share the strawberries fairly by splitting them in half.

Sharing items: They could share out cards or dominoes before playing a game. Prompt the children to notice that sometimes they can make equal groups, and sometimes they have items left over!

Have fun completing your practical tasks! Don’t forget to share your learning at receptionhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch! :)

Wellbeing challenge number 13

Date: 29th Apr 2020 @ 10:36am

Hello everyone,

It's a rather miserable looking Wednesday out there so my wellbeing challenge today is an indoor one.

It's actually quite a simple challenge today; I'd simply like you to do some colouring. Colouring is a lovely relaxing activity that you can do on your own for some me-time or together with a family member to make it a more sociable activity.

I think most of you were given some colouring pages when we finished school but if you've already used these and don't have any more at home then good news, there is a website where you can do online colouring without having to have any colours or anything printed out:

Or you could always draw something to colour! Anything you like.

I have a new Enchanted Forest colouring book that my husband bought me (pictured below) that I'm going to do a bit of colouring in later, maybe while I listen to a podcast or to some music to have a bit of a break from staring at a screen. I'll post a picture of my efforts tomorrow.

Remember to send in pictures of your challenges to

Mrs Glover

Past challenges

A big thanks to Roderigo from Year 1 who sent me a picture of his crystal ball challenge from yesterday, some fantastic goals there!

Wednesday 29th April Phonics/Reading

Date: 29th Apr 2020 @ 8:25am

Good Morning Reception!!

Let us start by singing a new phonics song:

Today we are going to think about the diagraph ng and all the diagraphs that we have learnt so far this week. Remember a diagraph is two letters that makes one sound. 

Watch Geraldine the Giraffe video showing you how to read words with the ng sound in them.

Practise reading words in the diagraph flowers. See the sheets attached to this blog. How many words can you read in 1 minute? Get a grown up to time you. I saw Year 1 doing this on their blog...Find some interesting places in your house to read the words. Where will you do your reading...? 

To further apply your knowledge of reading words with diagraphs play the game Bingo. Use the template that has been attached to this blog. Grown-ups put the words in a bag or box. Pick out a word and say it if it is on the board it must be covered. To cover the word, you could use pasta shells, small toys or even raisins. Once you cover all the words, shout BINGO!!!

Mrs Iqbal and Mrs Cooper's Phonic groups: Can you put some of the BINGO words into a sentence and draw a picture about your sentence...? As an extra activity make a ng flower. Your grown up will help you read the instructions to make the flower and you can then write the ng words in each petal of the flower.

Miss Williams and Miss Cogger's phonic groups: Play quick write with some of the ng words from BINGO and do the ng sound book activities. 

Don’t forget to send in your photos/work to


‘We create, We explore,

We care, We soar’


Ravensbury Community School

Tartan StreetClayton M11 4EG

Maureen Hughes | Headteacher

Jo Wendt | SENCO

0161 223 0370