Year 5AK: Blog items
Date: 21st May 2020 @ 10:14am
Good morning, I hope you all found some way to enjoy the sunshine yesterday. I sent a lot of time in my garden and I have to admit even though I applied plenty of sun cream, I’m still a little pink! I hope you were all more careful than me.
We’re almost at the end of the week and today is the last kindness based challenge as I have something a little different for tomorrow.
I hope that you have been experiencing some acts of kindness this week as today my challenge is to write a kindness acrostic poem. This is where you use each letter of the word you choose to start a sentence or word.
I’ve attached a file that has a few different kindness words to use for your poem so you can choose one or choose more than one you like! As always if you can’t print then don’t worry, you can write it out on a piece of paper or even type it on a computer like I have.
I have chosen the word caring. Here is my poem.
Cooking for other people
Asking people how they are
Returning peoples phone calls and messages
Interest in what friends and family are up to
Niceness goes a long way!
Going the extra mile for those you love
As always please e-mail your poems to
Mrs Glover
Past challenges
I'm very impressed with all the origami hearts you've all been making, some of you even made both hearts like I did! Here they are along with some other past challenges.
Date: 21st May 2020 @ 8:59am
Good morning Year 5!
I hope you enjoyed the sunshine yesterday - a bit chillier today, but stil set to be fine I think! Livvi and Asaph planted their courgette plant out yesterday (which I'm pleased about, it was getting far too big to be in the house!), then I have 6 tomato plants that need planting outside, but haven't managed to buy any tomato bags to grow them in yet. I need a trip to a garden centre but haven't done it yet, it feels a bit strange to be going out in that way I think!
Anyway, back on to today - check this blog for today's learning, and remember to email us so we can celebrate it!
Mrs Hodges here!
Just a Sentence of the Day from me today - click the link below and remember to check back later to see my corrected sentence!
Good afternoon!
How did you get on with today's sentence? Click the link below to see my purple pen!
Hi from Miss Wendt!
Good morning everyone! Hope you are all well and managed to get some sunshine yesterday. It was so warm wasn't it? It was actually warmer in Manchester than it was in Portugal where my Mum lives! She couldn't believe how nice our weather was!
Here is today's fluent in five -
Here are the answers!
And here is a little something to help with our Spanish weather words! I have uploaded 5 key phrases for you to practice at home.
Good Morning Year 5! From Miss Brookes
I have to say, that even though I enjoy a bit of rain, I absolutely loved yesterday's weather. I was able to sit in the garden to get all of my work done (Mrs Hughes sets us home learning, a bit like how we set you home learning!)
Today's act of kindness will be to help my Mum when cooking tea tonight (I asked her "what shall my act of kindness be today?" and she said "helping me with dinner for once" so...maybe I need to do that more often!)
Here's todays GVP. Don't hesitate to email if you get a little bit stuck on a question, I sent some of you a showme video yesterday explaining one of the questions, and I'm always happy to do that.
Here are the answers! How did you get on?
Miss Brookes
Date: 20th May 2020 @ 9:53am
Good morning,
Wow what a day! The weather forecast suggests it could get as hot as 26 degrees today! I can’t wait to get out there and enjoy it although I’ll definitely be putting on some sun cream!
Today’s activity is linked to kindness again and involves making a little present for either someone else or yourself. Today‘s challenge is to make an origami heart.
To start with you will need a square piece of paper and it will be easier to follow the instructions if it is decorated or coloured on one side.
Here is a YouTube video telling you how to make a square from an A4 piece of paper.
Then you have a choice of making 2 different hearts, one flat and one 3D. I made both and prefer the flat one and found it a bit easier but it’s up to you which you do.
Here is how to make the flat heart (my first picture)
Here is how to make the 3D inflatable heart (my second picture) (then at the end you have to blow it up using the little hole at the bottom)
I can’t wait to see your hearts! Remember to e-mail them to
Mrs Glover
Past challenges
I've really enjoyed reading about all your kind acts in your hearts from yesterday and I love how some of you are mentioning clap for carers in your kind acts for others! Here are the ones I've been sent:
Date: 20th May 2020 @ 8:51am
Good morning Year 5!
I've been looking forward to today all week because I knew the forecast is lovely warm sunshine for the whole day! I think Livvi, Asaph and I will just do a couple of homeschool activities this morning, then I'll get the paddling pool out for them! Then a friend of ours dropped round a lovely bag of treats for us yesterday so that we could have an afternoon tea today - isn't that so kind! What could you do that is kind today?
Remember to email us at to show us your learning and what you're getting up to, we love hearing from you!
Mrs Hodges here!
Two activities from me today, firstly the Sentence of the Day:
Then I'd like you to have a look at the file I've attached - "The Discovery". A start to a story has been given to you - I'd like you to continue that story! The questions in the "Question Time" box will get you thinking about what might happen next, and as you "Just Write" (remember those!), I'd like you to be thinking about showing not telling the reader how your characters are feeling and what is happening. So you need to think carefully about your vocabulary choices and mixing DAD to help you do this.
We would love to be your reader for this piece of writing, so make sure you email us a photo!
Good afternoon Year 5!
Firstly, our afternoon tea was delicious, it felt like such a treat as I was writing a few reports!
How did you get on with today's sentence? Click the link below to see my corrected sentence!
Miss Wendt here!
Mrs Hodges, I think a paddling pool sounds like a wonderful idea! I'm going to finish writing 5HW's reports in the garden later; I do love being outside but I have to remember to take all my hayfever medication. Katy's act of kindness today was to put all my tablets and eye drops out on the kitchen table to remind me, alongside a pot of coffee!
Fluent in five for today!
And here are the answers!
Good Morning from Miss Brookes!
Oh Mrs Hodges, afternoon tea is one of my favourite things! There's a place in Chortlon that do a chocolate afternoon tea - instead of jam you get warm salted caramel to put on your scones. It's honestly one of my favourite tastes - it's so yummy!
My act of kindness today is to help my Dad with some DIY - he's adding a shelf to our greenhouse.
Here is today's GVP:
Here are the answers:
Don't forget to email me a picture of your sundial - I'm excited to see how they turned out!
Miss Brookes
Date: 19th May 2020 @ 10:25am
Good morning,
I hope everyone is well and taking good care of their mental health this week. We are still looking at kindness today and how important kindness is to keep everyone happy and healthy. Today's challenge will hopefully help everyone to see that kindness is all around us and I bet there are things that others do for us (and that we do for others!) that we barely even think about.
Today we're going to draw a kindness heart.
First of all draw a large heart on a piece of paper. Then on the left hand side write all the things that people do for you that are kind, all in different colours. Then on the right hand side write all the kind things that you do for others in different colours. If you can't think of many then maybe have a think of things that you could do. The acts of kindness could be as simple as just smiling at someone or saying good morning.
Here is mine if you would like to steal some ideas!
If you would like to share your kindness hearts then as always please feel free to e-mail me on
Past challenges
Thanks to Mrs Iqbal who sent me her kind acts for the week!
Well done to the children that are still sending in their mask designs as well as their kindsness acts (one here has even made his mum a cup of tea and some biscuits!)
Date: 19th May 2020 @ 8:50am
Hello Year 5!
Did you manage to do an act of kindness yesterday I wonder? Livvi made me a birthday breakfast, which I thought was very kind! What could you do today that's kind to yourself or to someone else? Perhaps you could write a letter to a family member or friend who you haven't seen for a while, or perhaps you could help your grown up around the house (offering to help with dinner, or hoovering, or keeping your room tidy!)? Let us know what you get up to!
Mrs Hodges here!
Are you ready for our second Sentence of the Day for this week? Here we go!
Good afternoon!
We've just got back from a little bike ride to our friends' house to drop off some carrot cake cupcakes as our act of kindness for today! It's getting very warm outside - I think tomorrow looks like it'll be very hot!
Click the link below to see the corrected sentence for today!
Good Morning from Miss Wendt!
Like Mrs Hodges I've been thinking about kindness too. Sometimes the smallest things can have the biggest impact. Let us know today what you have done to be kind to others.
My act of kindness today is to make Katy a pot of tea. Katy has lots of meetings all day, so I know she will appreciate it. I know it doesn't seem like a big thing, but for me it is. The smell of tea makes me feel really ill, and the taste of tea is actually enough to make me sick. In fact, I accidentally drank someone's tea once and was sick in the sink in Y3/4!
Here is today's fluent in five!
I have to say I did laugh at Miss Brookes being shocked that I don't like tea! Here are the answers for today's fluent in five.
Good Morning Year 5! From Miss Brookes
I have to say, I am shocked. I have never met someone who dislikes tea! Tea always makes me feel better if I'm stressed, how can someone not enjoy that luxury?
Today's act of kindness, is for my step-niece. She doesn't have any brothers or sisters, it's her Dads first day back at work today, and her step-mum works all day from home. So she'll be feeling a little lonely. My act of kindness today, is to find some time this evening is to cheer her up by playing Animal Crossing on the switch, with her - she loves to take her character into my world and play virtual hide and seek!
Here is today's GVP work:
If you get stuck on any of the terms, here's a link to all of the videos we have done so far:
You just click on the one that you can't remember, and it takes you back to that video. I was surprised when I created this list for you - I couldn't believe how long it was! We have got so much learning done, well done everyone. I'll add the answers at 1pm.
Here are the answers:
Now onto today's Science.
Today's science is a practical task, and I have attached a worksheet to help you (remember to click on the link at the bottom of the blog post).
This week, I would like you to create a sundial. A sundail can be used to tell the time, based on where a shadow might be. As we discussed right at the start of this unit, the Sun looks like it's moving across the sky, even though it isn't - it is just the Earth's rotation. When the Earth spins, and we're facing different parts of the sun, we create different shadows.
I've attached a Gnomon template for you to use (gnomon means 'shadow maker')
Here are the instructions:
1. Carefully cut out the gnomon and attach it ot the sundial. Make sure that it stands vertically.
2. At exactly midday (12pm), take you sundial outside. Place it on the ground and rotatae it so that the shadow cast by the gnomon falls on the 12pm marker. Make sure that you do not move the sundial from this position, or it won't work properly.
3. Calibrate your sundial. At 1pm, use a ruler and a pencil to mark the line of the shadow cast by the gnomon. Label this line 1pm (the instructions with the template says 2pm, that is an error and it should say 1pm).
4. Repeat at 2pm and 3pm.
5. The next day, mark the shadow lines at 9am, 10am and 11am.
And then your sundial will be complete! Don't forget to email us pictures of your sundial - I can't wait to see them!
Miss Brookes
Date: 18th May 2020 @ 1:04pm
Good Afternoon everyone!
So many of you took part in last weeks challenge of reading 5,000 words - well done!
This week, I want you to read 6 books
You have until Friday.
Miss Brookes
Date: 18th May 2020 @ 10:39am
Good morning everyone, its the start of a new week!
Thank you to everyone who has sent their amazing face mask designs, I've been blown away once again! Have a look below to see what you have all done.
This week it is Mental Health Awareness week so I will be posting some activities linked to this. Mental Health means looking after yourself to make sure that you are happy and healthy. The theme is kindness and involves being kind to yourself and others.
For today I've attached a little booklet for "The power of kindness" where you have to draw or write what kindness means to you and then write (or draw) 5 kind acts that you can do this week (it says month but I think we can squeeze them all into a week!) The acts of kindness can be either being kind to yourself or being kind to others. Perhaps a mix of both would be nice. If you can't print out the booklet then you can just type or write them out like I have :-).
Kindness to me means doing something nice to make somebody feel good and loved.
The 5 things I am going to do are:
1. Make my husband some cups of tea
2. Send a friend a little message through the post to cheer them up.
3. Phone my mum for a chat.
4. Have a nice relaxing foot spa while I watch one of my favourite films (for me)
5. Buy myself a litle treat while I'm out shopping, maybe some nice chocolate! (also for me!)
As always, please let me know what your ideas are by e- mailing
Mrs Glover
Past challenges
Look at all these fantastic face masks! :-D
Date: 18th May 2020 @ 8:57am
Good morning Year 5!
I hope you've all had a lovely weekend, we've just about recovered from the excitement of Livvi's birthday, but the birthday fun has returned for today - it's my birthday! I've already had a lovely morning of opening presents and cards, some lovely birthday messages from my friends and family, and have just come downstairs to see a big pile of carrot cake cupcakes made by Jon, Livvi and Asaph!
Hope you also have a great day today - let us know what you get up to by getting in touch on our email:
This week is also Mental Health Awareness Week. The theme this year is 'kindness.'
I know that you have all been doing a wonderful job of completing Mrs Glover's daily wellbeing challenges, and that you have all been working extremely hard at home - each and every one of you should be proud yourself (grown ups too!).
I've attached a video to do with this years theme, and I was wondering if every day this week you could do an 'act of kindness' and let us know what you did. This morning I've already made my Mum a cup of tea which is my kind act for the day.
Miss Brookes
Mrs Hodges here!
Just a Sentence of the Day from me today - but first, I'd like you to have a watch of this YouTube video:
Then have a look at this sentence:
Check back later to see my purple pen!
Good afternoon everyone!
I can confirm for Miss Wendt that the carrot cake cupcakes are delicious! You should definitely give them a go! In other news, here is my corrected sentence, remember to compare it to your sentence and make any changes if you need to!
Good Morning from Miss Wendt!
Happy Birthday Mrs Hodges! I remember you saying you had a May birthday, but I was unsure when it was. I do hope you have a lovely day, I'm sure Jon, Livvi and Asaph will spoil you! I'm very interested to hear about your cupcakes, one of my favourite types of cake is carrot!
Here is the fluent in five for today!
If you want some help with the multiplying fractions, take a look back to last Wednesday's blog where there are video clips which will explain the method to you. Remember from class - it's easier than it looks!
And here are the answers!
Good Morning Year 5 from Miss Brookes!
Happy Birthday Mrs Hodges I hope you have a fabulous day - you really do deserve it!
This week's GVP is slightly different, as there are no videos. As we've studied each of our year 5 objectives, and recapped some of our year 4 objectives, I have decided that this week I am going to give you six questions each day with are about a variety of GVP skills. At 1pm (I always forget this part, so I've even set an alarm!) I'm going to give you all the answers.
If there's a question that you don't understand, email me and let me know, and then I will create a showme video explaining it to you.
Here is todays:
Here are the answers:
How did you do?
Miss Brookes
Date: 15th May 2020 @ 3:12pm
Here are this week's Reading Plus Winners:
Most Lessons Completed: Alissia with 6 lessons at 80% or above! Well done, Alissia!
Most Words Read: Rhianna with 8,658 (how many have you won now? You always seem to be reading the most words! Well done).
This week's reading challenge was to read 5,000 words! Well done to all of the children who managed to complete this, a lot of you were very close!
The following children managed to reach this target:
Well done everyone who took part!
Enjoy your weekend,
Miss Brookes
Date: 15th May 2020 @ 3:05pm
5CB, I am so proud of all of the hard work you are putting in at home in these challenging times! We've been off school for nearly six weeks now (excluding easter half term), and yet I am still seeing pictures of you smiling and of all of the wonderful work you are completing at home. You all deserve a huge well done!
This week, the following children emailed in their work and are our outstanding learners:
I've attached some pictures of their work below.
I'd love to see work from more of you guys so please do not hesitate to email them in - or to even email and say a hello! I'd love to know what exciting things you are getting up to at home. Tomorrow we're doing a 'family bake off' in my house. The theme is "summer holiday" and I will make sure to show you guys the results on Monday so you can help judge the winner.
I'm a proud of each and every one of you.
Enjoy your weekend,
Miss Brookes
Date: 15th May 2020 @ 10:15am
Good morning and happy Friday! End of the week already! Fingers crossed we get some sun this weekend.
My last wellbeing challenge of the week is a creative one in case you want to spend some time on it over the weekend.
I’d like you to design your own face mask. As we know, face masks are being worn by many people at the moment to keep help them safe. If you had to wear one, what would you like it to look like? You can have whatever you want on it and make it as crazy as you like!
I’ve attached a template if you would like to use it but don’t worry if you don’t have a printer, you can just draw one like I drew mine! Here is mine for you to have a look at, now if only I could sew…
Please send me your designs as I’d love to see them!
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Glover
Past challenges
Thank you to Heer who sent me this joke:
There were two boys who were going to school and they were late.The teacher asked why they were late.One said I was looking for my money that i lost. The teacher asked the other boy why he was late.He said I put my foot on his money.
and to Tomasz for these jokes:
What is a pirate's favourite letter?
What do you call an alligator in a vest?
An investigator!
and to Theodosia for sending me a lovely video of her telling me jokes such as:
What do you get if you cross a tiger with a porcupine?
A slow poke!
Date: 15th May 2020 @ 9:03am
Good morning everyone!
Happy Friday! I hope you've all had a lovely week - Livvi had a brilliant day yesterday for her birthday, despite it being in lockdown!
Let us know what you get up to today, we'd love to see your learning!
Hello from Mrs Hodges!
Final Sentence of the Day for this week! Click the link below:
How did you get on with today's sentence Year 5? Click below to see my purple pen which you can use to check against your corrected sentence!
Hello from Miss Wendt!
Thank you to everyone who has sent work in this week. I will be showing off our wonderful work in a post this afternoon, it's always great to recieve your emails.
Here is the final fluent in five for Friday! (Try saying that very quickly!)
And here are todays answers!
Good morning from Miss Brookes!
It's Friday - can you believe that we've been doing home learning through our blog for six weeks now? (3 weeks since we've been creating a shared post). It feels as if it's gone very quickly to me!
As today is Friday, here is a link to the recap of this weeks learning, and I have attached the quiz for you to do.
Check back in a couple of hours for the video going through the answers. Please email me the areas of Grammar, Vocabularly or Punctuation that you want to look at next week - if there's a skill you find tricky, then I can focus on that skill for one of the videos. I want to make them as helpful to you as possible.
Don't forget to check this afternoon for the celebration posts!
How did you all get on? Here are the answers:
Miss Brookes
Wellbeing challenge number 14.5.20
Date: 14th May 2020 @ 10:21am
Good morning everyone,
I've had a request to make the font on my blog a little easier to read so that some of the younger children can have a go at reading it themselves which is a fantastic idea, so hopefully this will be a bit easier to read!
I hope people enjoyed yesterdays challenge, I know that some people did the Jason Manford quiz at 1.30 so if anyone didn't get the chance to watch Friday the turtle or had any problems accessing the Facebook live video then here it is on YouTube today:
Today's challenge is one that will hopefully make you and others around you smile. I want you to tell someone a joke! In fact, I think you should try and make as many people laugh as possible! Laughing is very good for both your health and wellbeing and it's certainly one of my favourite things to do, especially if I'm feeling a bit sad.
If you don't know any jokes then have a look at these:
Here are some that I like!
What do elves learn in school?
The elf-abet.
Why didn’t the skeleton go to the dance?
He had no body to dance with.
Please e-mail me on with your best jokes or any stories of making people laugh.
Mrs Glover
Past challenges
Thanks to everyone who has sent me pictures of them doing a few of the past challenges, here are a few of them!
Date: 14th May 2020 @ 7:47am
Good morning Year 5!
Well, the Hodges house have been awake for a VERY long time, because we have a very excited 8 year's Livvi's birthday today! She's had a lovely morning of opening some presents, and we're about to watch a surprise video of lots of her friends wishing her a 'Happy Birthday', since she can't see them in person! I managed to get the cake finished - the buttercream colour was darker than I was hoping for, but Livvi loves it and I'm reminding myself that that's what matters! I've attached a photo for you to see!
Let us know what you get up to today, and remember to email us your learning!
Learning from Mrs Hodges today!
Just a Sentence of the Day from me today - click the link below!
Good afternoon everyone!
Bit of a later update from me today as we've just got back from a doorstep cake delivery bike ride - it was so lovely to see lots of Livvi's friends! (at a safe distance of course!)
Anyway, click the link below to see my purple pen corrections!
Hello from Miss Wendt!
I think the first thing to say today is Happy Birthday Livvi! I can imagine the excitement in the Hodges household this morning, especially looking at that wonderful cake!
Here are today's fluent in five questions:-
Como esta el clima?
As promised, today we are going to learn some new Spanish vocabulary - all about the weather!
What do you think the question above means?
Here is a short video which will introduce the vocabulary words and phrases. I will be back later with an activity for you to complete!
Here are the fluent in five answers!
I've also added a document for you to download at home. It's a chatterbox (sometimes called a fortune teller!) to help you remember the different ways we can talk about the weather in Spanish!
Good Morning Year 5 from Miss Brookes!
Happy Birthday Livvi! I hope you have the fabulous day that you deserve That cake looks amazing - you should be very proud of yourself Mrs Hodges (and Mr Hodges for the baking part!)
This weekend we're going to have a 'family bake off.' My Dad is going to choose a picture of a cake from the internet, and then - with no recipe - my mum and I, and my sister and her step-daughter, are going to compete to see who can make the best version of that cake! I will make sure to send pictures on Monday so you can help judge the winner.
Yesterday's GVP work was amazing - I received some fantastic emails, so I've attached some to the blog post. They show some brilliant phrases for cohesion. Well done Akin, Auryn and Jennifer!
Now, onto today's learning.
Today's GVP is focused on punctuation, and more importantly, apostrophes. This is something a lot of us use incorrectly at times, which is why we're looking at it today.
Check back later, as I am going to attach the answers to today's blog post.
So far in these past three weeks, we have looked at all of our year 5 objectives and recapped some of our year 4 objectives. Please email me and let me know which objectives you found the most challenging, or want to practice more, and then I can include them in next weeks videos.
Here are the answers:
Miss Brookes
Date: 13th May 2020 @ 10:39am
Good morning everyone,
I'm sorry I didn't post a wellbeing challenge yesterday but I was in school! I meant to do it the night before but then forgot and had an early night ready for school yesterday, oops! Sorry about that but I'm back today and have a choice of 2 for you to do to make up for it.
You've been very creative lately (please see the past challenges below!) so I'm giving you something a bit different today. One is i you would like to relax and one is if you would like to have a bit of fun.
The first challenge is to do Jason Manford's comedy kids quiz at 1.30pm today, available from the following YouTube link. If you can't do it at 1.30 then it will be up for a few days after. and if you want more then have a look on his YouTube channel for past quizzes!
The second challenge is also at 1.30pm although I think you can watch it later if you're not free then! The National Marine Aquarium in Plymouth are doing Turtle Time! A live video of their Green Sea Turtle who is called Friday. I always find watching sea animals very relaxing so you could watch it, learn some facts about turtles and then have a go at drawing the turtle. Ths live video will be on facebook so you'll have to ask an adult to log in to their account if they have one.
Please e-mail me to let me know how you did in the quiz or any facts or pictures you have of the turtle!
Mrs Glover
Past Challenges
I've been blown away by the effort you've gone to with these challenges (people have even dressed up!) and every time I get emails with pictures of your challenges it really cheers me up so thank you! Here are some pictures I've received over the last couple of days, thanks to everyone who's sent me one!
Date: 13th May 2020 @ 8:58am
Hello Year 5!
Did you check out the YouTube link I posted yesterday about the "Space Talk" with Tim Peake? If you've learnt anything new, remember to email and tell us about it!
I'm busy getting ready for Livvi's birthday tomorrow, and began making her cake last night - I've made fondant shaped horses so far (and Jon's made the chocolate cakes!), but I've looked at them this morning and I'm hoping they don't crack as I put them on the cake this evening. I'll show you the end result tomorrow!
Good morning from Mrs Hodges!
Two activities from me today. Firstly, our Sentence of the Day:
Then I'd like you to have a look at the attached Writing activity. Using the picture, have a look at the "Question Time" section to get you exploring what you can see more. Then I'd like you to do the "Sentence Challenge", where you need to add adverbs to the sentences to show how the verbs are done in each sentence. One has been given to you already as an example. If you want an extra challenge, can you add an -ed, -ly or -ing opener to each sentence too?
Good afternoon!
How did you get on with today's sentence? Click the link below to see my purple pen corrections!
Hello for MIss Wendt!
Good morning everyone! Before our fluent in five questions, I want to share some excellent links for you to get help with fractions. I had a lovely email yesterday from Maddison who is working very hard on her home learning. She wanted a reminder of the different ways we use fractions.
Here are some really good tutorials. There are many to look at, so please don't watch them all at once! But they are very helpful and give a step-by-step guide to a range of ways to calculate fractions. I have also included the Y3/4 links as you might want a reminder of past skills. This is the Y3/4 link - have a look at this one first for a refresher And this is the Y5/6 link.
Definitely worth looking at Y5 - you can select the area of fractions learning you are unsure about (adding fractions, equivalent fractions, ordering fractions) and work through the tutorial.
Here is today's fluent in five. I'll be back later with the answers!
And here are the answers! Did anyone have a look at the fractions links today?
Good Morning Year 5 from Miss Brookes!
The work that I have seen from all your emails this week so far, is amazing! Well done everyone.
Today's GVP is all about phrases for cohesion. See if you can work out what 'cohesion' means before you look at the video.
Date: 12th May 2020 @ 8:48am
Good morning Year 5!
How are you all today? We're ready for PE with Joe here, and then I think will be doing some Maths and Writing today.
I came across this yesterday in my Twitter feed - "Tim Talks Space" - which are half hour videos of Tim Peake (the British astronaut who lived on the International Space Station) responding to questions all about life in space. I think it will be fascinating to listen to, and what a wonderful opportunity to discover more about space and the ISS by hearing the experiences of someone who has been! Here is the link, there's two episodes on there currently, with more to come!
Have a lovely day and remember to email us your learning!
Mrs Hodges here!
Before we get onto today's sentence, I'd like you to have a watch of a new video clip, where the astronaut Chris Hadfield shows us how they brush their teeth in space:
Then click below for the Sentence of the Day!
Good afternoon!
How did you get on with today's sentence? Click the link below to check yours against my purple pen!
Hello from Miss Wendt!
Good morning everyone! I must admit when I woke up and saw the rain this morning, my first thought was 'oh, Miss Brookes will be pleased'!
Thanks again to everyone who has sent in home learning - it really is one of my favourite times of the day getting to hear from you all.
Here are the fluent in five questions for today.
I'll be back later with the answers! Have a good day everyone!
Good Afternoon everyone!
Here are the fluent in five answers - how did you do?
Good Morning from Miss Brookes!
Sorry Miss Wendt - I just can't help but love the sound of rain when I'm stuck indoors! It isn't raining here yet though, maybe that'll come later.
I thought I'd share this link with you all:
The children in 5CB have been reading Harry Potter at the end of each day, when we're in school. Different actors from the Harry Potter movies (including Fantastic Beasts), and stage play, have been reading chapters of the first Harry Potter story and sharing them online! The link above is the person who plays Harry Potter, reading Harry Potter! Each week a new person reads the next chapter. Isn't that amazing?
Today's GVP continues with determiners. Well done to those children that emailed me their work yesterday.
Today's science is all about the phases of the Moon, or the 'Lunar Cycle.' Where do you think the word Lunar comes from?
Miss Brookes
Date: 11th May 2020 @ 10:36am
Good morning everyone,
I hope everyone has had a lovely weekend! I spent a lot of time in the sun, in fact possibly a bit too much time! I also had some delicious food and lovely video chats with some of my friends.
Thanks again for all your wellebing challenge e-mails. It really cheers me up whenever I get one and see what you've all been up to!
Today's wellbeing challenge is actually Miss Bryce's idea so thanks Miss Bryce! It's a creative one and is to design your own superhero.
Who would they be?
What would they do?
What would they wear?
Have a think about what is important to you and then either draw, make or write about your superhero.
See the attached picture file for all the details and how it relates to Banksy.
Remember to e-mail to show me pictures of your superheroes!
Past challenges
Some fantastic origami by all the pupils who gave it a go, well done!
Date: 11th May 2020 @ 10:34am
Good Morning everyone!
I almost forgot to post our weekly reading challenge! So many of you took part last week with trying to read 3,500 words - I was very impressed!
This week, I want you to read 5,000 words. That's a 1,000 words a day! I also want you to write down any new words you come across, that you might not have seen before, or didn't know the definition of.
Don't forget to email them across at
Good luck!
Miss Brookes
Date: 11th May 2020 @ 6:58am
Good morning Year 5!
I'm posting this bright and early today because I'm going to be going into school shortly, I'm very excited to see some of the children who are going in and have some lovely activities planned!
I hope you've had a lovely weekend - it felt like two different seasons from Saturday to Sunday didn't it! We had the paddling pool out on Saturday, and Livvi and Asaph spent the day in their swimsuits, then yesterday we went for a walk with hats, gloves and coats with a stop for a cup of hot chocolate from our flask!
It's Livvi's birthday on Thursday, so I've got lots to get ready to help celebrate's strange having a birthday in lockdown, I wonder how those of you who have had your birthday these past few weeks have celebrated?
Remember to send us your learning this week to, we'd love to see!
Mrs Hodges here!
The first Sentence of the Day for this week, here we go! First of all, I'd like you to have a final watch of the Tim Peake video we looked at last week (which seems like a long time ago in my head!) for one more sentence to do with that. Then we'll watch a new video tomorrow!
Then here's our sentence:
Remember to check back later to see my corrected sentence!
Good afternoon everyone!
I've just got back after a day in school - it's so strange being there without all of you! How did you get on with today's sentence? Here's my purple pen for you to check your sentence against!
Good morning from Miss Wendt!
I don’t know about you but having Friday as a bank holiday really confused me! Guess what I did? I got up yesterday at 7am, had a shower and got ready to start some school jobs – completely forgetting it was Sunday, not Monday! It took me quite a while to realise it wasn’t time for school, I felt very confused all day!
I hope you’ve all had a lovely weekend and enjoyed the sunshine. I loved reading Miss Brookes’ celebration post about the amount of reading happening in Year 5. Well done to all those children who are reading daily and continuing to use the app. Keep your eyes peeled over the next few days for a Times Tables Rockstars Challenge!
Here is the fluent in five for today, I’ll be back later with the answers.
And here are the answers for today!
Good Morning from Miss Brookes!
I have woken up this morning in a brilliant mood - and I have no idea why! Hopefully it will stay with me for the rest of the day (or even the week).
I had an interesting weekend, first we celebrated VE day with a social distancing street party. We all sat in our front gardens with tea and cake, and shouted to the neighbours over the road.
Here's a picture of my family joining in, and sitting in the front garden - we had to put the lead on Merlin because he decided to bark every time someone walked past our fence (he's never sat in the front garden before). It is a sorry excuse for cake - but we had no flour in, and that's all we could find in the cupboard!
Then Yesterday, my Mum and I made some candles out of beeswax! It was very tricky, but we got there in the end.
Now on to today's GVP.
For today and tomorrow, we're focussing on determiners. The reason for this, is that even though it is something you learn in year 4, I know plenty of children in my class at least will have forgotten what one is.
Date: 8th May 2020 @ 5:09pm
Good afternoon everyone! I hope you are having a fabulous bank holiday Friday.
Here are this week's Reading Plus Winners:
Most Lessons Completed: Dylan, Angelica and Alissia all tie with 6 books at 80% or above! Well done you three.
Most Words Read: Rhianna with 8,373 words!
I thought I would also include our reading challenge winners for the week, as I posted the outstanding learners post for my class yesterday!
This week, the challenge was to read 3,500 words.
The following children managed to reach this target:
Well done everyone who took part!
Enjoy your weekend,
Miss Brookes
Date: 7th May 2020 @ 3:30pm
Good afternoon everyone!
I hope you have had a fabulous Thursday so far.
Right at the beginning of lockdown, when we sent home our home-learning packs, we included a checklist of different activities. I've attached it as a reminder.
How well have you done on the checklist so far?
Have you managed to reach gold? Platinum?
Email us and let us know on
Miss Brookes
Date: 7th May 2020 @ 10:36am
Good Morning 5CB! I am so proud of you all, for working so hard both at home, and in school (for those couple of children who are in still in school).
The work you have been sending me has been amazing, and has really cheered me up this week. I am writing the celebration post today because tomorrrow is a bank holiday, however, I am not going to write the winners of this weeks reading challenge, or the reading plus challenge, until tomorrow evening - to give you a fair five days to complete it.
The children this week, that have demonstrated outstanding learning are:
What amazing work you have all emailed me! Look below for some pictures of their learning.
Please send in your heart photographs - we only have 7 so far, and Mrs Thewlis wants to make the video this weekend.
Have a brilliant three day weekend, take care, and stay safe.
Miss Brookes
Date: 7th May 2020 @ 10:25am
Good morning,
Yet another lovely sunny day! I'm looking forward to getting out in the sun later although I actually got a little bit sunburnt yesterday! Remeber that suncream!
Today's challenge is a creative one, I'd like you to try a bit of origami. Origami is the art of folding paper and while it can be a bit tricky, it's also quite a nice relaxing activity once you know what you're doing and you end up with something that looks amazing. You could even make a few things and use them to decorate your house!
What you need for all origami is a square of paper, either plain or patterned. If youre not sure how to turn a piece of paper into a square then have a look here:
Then you could take some time to decorate your paper if you like before you fold it.
Then this is a fairly simple one to get started, a butterfly
Just follow each instruction carefully and the good thing about watching a video is that you can rewind it as much as you like! If you're not a fan of butterflies then feel free to have a look for something else on the Red Ted Art channel.
Here's my butterfly that I've just made. It's not perfect but it's the first time I've ever done it so I was quite impressed with myself!
As always I'd love to see pictures of what you've made or of any past challenges, e-mail to send them or even just to let me know what kind of challenges you prefer so I can make sure I'm doing ones that people like :-)
Past challenges
Thanks to all the children who have sent me pictures, you've all been very busy which is great to see!