What would you pack for a hot and cold climate?
Date: 24th May 2024 @ 1:39pm
In our Connected Curriculum this half term we have been answering the question 'Why is weather so wonderful?' During this topic we have been learning about weather in different seasons, tried to understand the meaning of different weather symbols, learnt about what and where the Equator, North and South poles are.
We learnt about what and where the Equator line was. We used an atlas and globe to locate it along with the North and South poles. We used small polystrene balls to mark on the Equator, North and South poles and told our friends some facts that we could remember.
We had a fantastic discussion about what climate is and what the weather conditions were in hot and cold places. The children were very confident and knowleageable about what would happen in dangerous weather conditions such as too much rain, sun or snow. Even Mr Jones was impressed who came to see the lesson! At the end of the discussion we chose a climate that we would prefer to visit by playing Go and Stand using two suitcases labelled hot and cold climates. Most of the children chose to visit a hot climate, including Miss Timmins!
We decided to pack our suitcases with things we would need to take with us if we were going to a hot or cold climate. The drawings and labels were very detailed. It was lots of fun and the suitcase pictures looked amazing!