Design and Technology in 1AI!
Date: 23rd Nov 2024 @ 6:32pm
During this half term's topic 'How has the world around me changed?' we have a design and technology project that we need to do. We learnt about what design and technology is and the three parts that are needed in any DT project - design, make and evalute. Our DT project is called create a stable and strong house model. Last week we designed our stable model house and explored how to use two joining techniques called flange and tabs. The flange joining technique created the chimney part of the house and the tab technique created the windows and doors. Then we spent Friday afternoon making our model houses. We used our designs to make sure we aded the correct number of windows, doors and other parts such as the chimney and drainpipes. Some models even had a back door and flag! Next week we will evalute our model houses and make an improvement to them.