RCW: Blog items
Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 11:16am
Happy Monday everyone!
I hope everyone had a lovely weekend and made the most of the lovely warm weather (I think it might be the last hot sun for a while although it seems nice so far this morning!)
Today's challenge is to do something that I have just discovered myself although my husband has been nagging me to do it for a while - Listen to a podcast.
A podcast is a bit like a radio show that you can download to your tablet, phone or laptop and listen to either while you relax or while you go for a walk. Some include music, some are educational, some entertain you and some are just good for helping you relax. You can listen to them with others or by yourself if you need a bit of me time.
This weekend I have been listening to one called Sounds of the 90s by Fearne Cotton that includes lot of music from the 90s as well as intervews with 90s pop stars. I've been listening to it while I go on my hour long walks every day and I think some of the teachers may also enjoy it!
Here are some podcasts I've found that I think you might all like, the links are under each description:
But Why: A pocast for curious kids
A podcast answering lots of questions that you may find interesting!
10 - 15 minute stories (mostly for little ones)
What if world
With wacky episode titles such as "What if Legos were alive?" and "What if sharks had legs?," this series takes ridiculous "what if" questions submitted by young listeners and turns them into a new story every two weeks.http://www.whatifworldpodcast.com/
Noodle Loaf
A delightful offering from a music education specialist and his co-host daughter will get kids of all ages singing, rhyming, moving, and engaging in all kinds of musical games. The segments, games, and songs are so silly and upbeat that the whole family will enjoy participating. Little listeners can even add their voice to the theme song in the podcast's electronically compiled kid's choir!
Be Calm on Ahway Island
Includes soothing stories and mindulness techniques
History Storytime
Fun, educational and music re-telling of historical events
I hope you enjoy listening to some of these, please let us know about any that you particularly enjoy!
Mrs Glover
Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 11:12am
We have an exciting challenge for you this week....
All the staff in school have made a little video where we are using our hands/fingers to make a heart shape to show how much we are missing you all.
The video is posted on Twitter but in case you haven't managed to see it I have attached it to this blog. I have also attached a photo of all the EYFS staff making a heart shape to give you ideas.
Your challenge is to create a heart shape using your hands/fingers and send us a photo via the email address: receptionhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk
Please note that we will be posting these photos on the class blog pages online and on our school Twitter account, so please make sure that you are happy for us to post your photo on these online platforms before sending it to us.
We can't wait to see your photos!!!
Love Mrs Iqbal and Miss Williams
New Covid 19 section on Website
Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 8:28am
Good Morning Nursery and Reception,
We just wanted to show you a new section on our website...If you go to the home page at the top you will notice a tab called Covid 19. You can see it in this image:
When you hover over the top of the tab you will see different sections called:
Home learning Nursery and Reception
Home Learning KS1 (Year 1 and 2)
Home Learning Lower KS2 (Year 3 and 4)
Home Learning Upper KS2 (Year 5 and 6)
Click on the section called Home Learning Nursery and Reception. This will take you to a part of the website where it will give you lots of information about how you can support your child at home in these year groups. As you scroll down this section you will find the nursery and reception email addresses so that you can continue to send in your photos and work to your child's class teacher.
At the bottom of this section you will see images like this:
When you click on a image it will take you to that website where you can play games and find other activities to keep your children busy during this time of home learning.
There is a new website called 'Oak National Academy' which is made up of about 40 teachers teaching lessons in various areas. When you go into the website click on schedule and choose reception to see the lessons that are on offer. These web links are additional things that you could use alongisde the daily activities that we are putting up each day on the class blogs.
Any questions please don't hesitate to email us.
From Nursery & Reception Staff
Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 8:25am
Good Morning Reception!
Whilst we are learning about minibeasts, I thought it would be a great idea to build our wriggly friends a WORM HOTEL!
You will need:
Large glass jar
Potting soil
Dark paper
3-4 big healthy earthworms
1. With an adult create a layer effect in the jar, using sand and soil.
2. Start by pouring about 1 inch of sand into the bottom of the jar.
3. Then alternate between 1 inch layers of sand and soil until the layers reach the top of the jar.
4. Pour some water on top of the layers and then put the earthworms on top.
5. The earthworms should start to burrow downwards straight away.
6. To keep the outside of the jar dark, stick your dark paper around the outside of the jar.
7. Leave the top off the jar so that the worms can get some air.
8. Leave the jar to 3-4 days then pull the paper off.
Have the worms moved through the jar?
Can you still see layers of soil and sand?
As the worms have travelled, they have mixed all of the layers together!
Have fun! I cannot wait to see your creations! The worms will love them!
Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 8:14am
Good Morning Reception!
I hope you have had a lovely weekend and had lots of fun enjoying the warm weather!
Who is ready for some Monday Maths??
Let’s begin with our maths warm up songs….
Now that we are all warmed up for our maths learning, let's have a go at the starter questions below.. (If you completed the doubling activities on Thursday you should be an expert at working out the first question!)
Well done!
Today we are going to focus our learning on HALVING and SHARING.
Halving is when we share quantities into two equal groups! We use the words ‘fair’ and ‘not fair’ to work out if our quantities have been shared equally.
Take a look at the ‘Show Me’ video below to help you understand halving a little bit better!
With your adult at home, can you work out how to help Jenny and Penny half the pears so that it is fair?
There are also links to other halving challenges below for you to take part in at home (a lot of them involve food – yum!!)
Have fun and don’t forget to send in pictures of your learning at receptionhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk!
Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 8:09am
Good Morning Reception!!
Let us start by singing our phonics song:
Today I want you to continue looking at the Phase 3 sounds and think about diagraphs. Remember a diagraph has 2 letters and 1 sound… The diagraphs that we are going to look at this week are:
Listen to this show me where I am explaining how to read words with our focus diagraphs qu and ch:
Today let us concentrate on the diagraphs qu and ch. Watch the video below showing you how to say the diagraph qu:
Now watch the Jack Hartman song all about the diagraph ch:
Can you read the following words with the digraphs qu and ch?
Now play the game quick write. Your grown up will choose a word and say it, you must have a go at writing it. Mrs Iqbal and Mrs Cooper’s phonic groups pick two qu and two ch words and write some super sentences.
Extra challenges, Play one of the games below:
Buried Treasure: Click on Phase 3 and choose either the diagraph qu or ch. You must read the word and decide if it is real or fake.
Dragons’ Den: Click on Phase 3 and choose either the diagraph qu or ch. You must read the word and decide if it is real or fake.
Don’t forget to send in your photos/work to receptionhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk
Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 8:01am
Good Morning Reception!!
This week we are going to continue looking at the text ‘Mad about Minibeasts.’ Start by listening to the story again and remembering all the minibeasts that you have learnt about.
Now can you tell your grown up all the minibeasts that you saw in the book…How many can you tell your grown up in a minute…? Time yourself!!!
Today there are two reading challenges depending on which Phonic group you are in. Make sure you click and find the correct reading challenge for your phonic group.
Mrs Iqbal and Mrs Cooper’s phonic groups your reading challenge is to read the sentences on the cards. Do not scroll down quickly as they is a picture. You must read the sentence twice as shown on the card and then draw a picture of what you have read. This will check if you have understood what you have read. Check your picture by scrolling down to see the picture on the card, did you draw a similar picture…?
Miss William and Miss Cogger’s phonic groups your reading challenge is to read the words and try to draw the minibeast animal.
You can find the reading challenges attached to this blog at the bottom. As an extra challenge I have also attached some minibeast action reading cards. Why not read the cards with a grown up and do the minibeast actions...? You may want to move to some music...
Don’t forget to send in your photos/work to receptionhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk
Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 12:15pm
What a start to the Summer term in Reception!!!
We are amazed at all the things that you are doing with your grown ups. Well Done everyone!!!
Find the video below and watch some of our Superstars and their work... Why not dance along to our celebration song from our Friday Celebration Assembly!!!
Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 10:22am
Hi, Mrs Glover here again!
If you enjoyed Chester zoo being live a few weeks ago then good news, it's back again! Starting at 10am they'll be showing many different animals. I've added a picture of what is happening and when underneath and here is the YouTube link:
Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 10:08am
Good morning everyone, another lovely sunny day! I can't wait to get out there in the sun for a bit.
Fot the last day of the week I'm giving you a slightly different wellbeing challenge today and it's something that always makes me feel happy and a bit better if I'm feeling a bit low.
Today's challenge is to do something nice for someone. Here are some ideas below although feel free to do one of your own ideas!
1. Read or tell a story to a younger brother or sister
2. Tidy your room
3. Do a chore or job for someone at home
4. Give someone a compliment
5. Share a toy or some food with someone at home
6. Make someone a present, picture or card
7. Offer to help an adult with the cooking or washing up
8. Write someone a poem or story
9. Tell someone a joke
10. Phone a friend or send them a nice message
See how many of the 10 you can do and remember to let us know what you have done!
I'm going to do some baking for my husband for my good deed and maybe make him a nice dinner as well. In fact, I might go and take him a cup of tea while he's doing his work! :-)
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Glover
Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 8:56am
We just wanted to say to all our families that have started the month Ramadan...
We have attached some activities for you to share with your child if you wanted to.
Love Nursery and Reception Staff x
Friday 24th April Challenges!!!
Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 8:06am
Good Morning Reception,
How are you all today? It is supposed to be a warm, sunny day, why not take your learning into the garden today...? 
Today we want you to think about the minibeast learning that you have already done so far this week. We have listened to the text 'Mad about Minibeasts,' you have been on a minibeast hunt, you have created some minibeasts using natural things from your garden and learnt about the different parts of a minibeasts body.
Using the animals from the text 'Mad about Minibeasts' we want you to pick your favourite insect and make a model using craft ideas or playdough. Look at the challenge sheet attached to this blog for more information. We have also attached the playdough recipe that was in your home learning packs. You may want to use playdough that you may already have.
We can't wait to see your favourite minibeasts in a creative way!!!
Send your photos to receptionhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk
Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 7:30am
Good Morning Reception!!!
Well done to all of these superstars for completing their learning this week and doing a fantastic job!!! Look at all of the different activities they have taken part in...
Also a big thank you to parents for supporting this learning at home and emailing in pictures of your children's work :)
Date: 23rd Apr 2020 @ 11:07am
Hi everyone,
I hope everyone is finding ways to enjoy this amazing weather, I don't think we've ever had such a nice April before!
So today's wellbeing challenge is another way to make the most of the weather and get out in your gardens and do some gardening!
Here are some nice ideas for things to do that you don't really need many resources for: https://www.gardenersworld.com/how-to/grow-plants/10-gardening-projects-for-kids/
I bet you'll already have a lot of the things in your house or garden or you could collect some of them like twigs etc while out on a walk (make sure you wash your hands after if you do that!) My favourite is the fairy garden.
Alternatively you could plant some seeds from something that you've just eatedn such as tomato seeds.
If you don't have a garden then why not design and draw your own garden (or fairy garden!) instead? You could maybe try and re-create it when you're older and have your own garden!
I have a balcony rather than a garden and had never done any gardening until a few weeks ago but below are a couple of pictures of the things I've planted! I'm watering them every day and the sun is making most of them grow nice and tall.
Have fun and remember to let us know what you've done!
Mrs Glover