Friday 24th April Challenges!!!
Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 8:06am
Good Morning Reception,
How are you all today? It is supposed to be a warm, sunny day, why not take your learning into the garden today...? 
Today we want you to think about the minibeast learning that you have already done so far this week. We have listened to the text 'Mad about Minibeasts,' you have been on a minibeast hunt, you have created some minibeasts using natural things from your garden and learnt about the different parts of a minibeasts body.
Using the animals from the text 'Mad about Minibeasts' we want you to pick your favourite insect and make a model using craft ideas or playdough. Look at the challenge sheet attached to this blog for more information. We have also attached the playdough recipe that was in your home learning packs. You may want to use playdough that you may already have.
We can't wait to see your favourite minibeasts in a creative way!!!
Send your photos to