Year 4CC: Blog items
Date: 3rd Nov 2023 @ 1:46pm
This week, we have begun our new CC geography unit about California. As part of this unit, we will learn lots about our planet. This week we discovered that there are four main layers to the Earth. The crust, which is the layer we live on, is the thinnest layer, then we have the mantle, then the outer core and finally the inner core. The inner core is around 5000-6000 degrees celsius hot.
As part of our CC learning, we have begun to read a new core text called I survived the San Francisco earthquake 1906 which contains fictional characters, but it is based around real events. This week have written similes and methaphors as well as using a range of sentence starters.
In in our science lesson, we have begun to learn about the digestive system, which is how food travel in, around and out of the body.
Next week we will be visiting a Hindu Temple on Thursday. Please return your letter if you have not brought it yet.
Our assembly today was presented by two firefighters who told us all about their work and how we can keep safe around bonfires.
Homework has been sent home today, and spellings/timestables will be tested next Friday.
Date: 13th Oct 2023 @ 12:47pm
What a fantastic time year 4 have had with Rabaz. Rabaz taught the children some fantastic football skills and tricks! Have a look at some of the pictures!
Date: 6th Oct 2023 @ 4:06pm
We have had a brilliant week in 4AK!
We have been super scientists this week, exploring the effects of tooth decay. We are conducting an observation over time to look at the effects of different liquids on eggshells. The reason we are doing this is because egg shells are similar to the enemael of our teeth. So far, we have observed the shells for two days. In those two days, we have seen that the orange juice seems to have had the greatest effect on the egg shells, the surface of the shells see, to have began to bubble, and the colour has changed a lot. We will continue to observe this next week and we will share our results next week. In swimming, we have all grown in confidence and learnt to float on our back and stomachs this week!
We finished off our week with making frienship bracelets in golden time!
Homowork has been sent out and next week we will be focussing on 5x and 10x tables, remember to practice!
Have a great weekend!
Date: 29th Sep 2023 @ 4:18pm
What another exciting week in year 4!
In maths, we used our knowledge of place value to help us partition and represent numbers to 1000 using gattegno charts, place value columns and lots of other representations, next week we will be focusing on numbers to 10,000. In Science, we continued to explore teeth and how we can avoid tooth decay! We have also learnt about the features of a non chronological report in English and planned our own on the Acient Maya. We can also name classroom objects in Spanish and can talk about how Diwali is celebrated!
'Can we go swimming every day?'- The children are really enjoying swimmimg and are growing more and more confident each week!
Homework is being sent home today (Friday 29th), there will be spellings, times-tables and maths work to practise. Please return your homework by Friday 6th of October. Spellings and timestables will be tested then. Also, please make sure you read every night and sign the reading record so we can be the best readers!
Date: 21st Sep 2023 @ 1:09pm
What an exciting week this has been!
In P.E in our gymnastics lesson we practiced our forward roll, it was challenging! We had a fantastic swimming lesson where we were taught how to get into the pool safely and some of us even went into the 2m pool!
We continued our science unit on teeth, learning all about the structure of teeth. We used our key vocabulary root, crown, enamel, dentine and pulp to label a diagram of a tooth. We also learnt about what type of teeth a carnivore, herbivore and omnivore have. We know that carnivores have long sharp canines to tear their prey!
This week, we also delved deeper into the world of Ancient Maya, describing their society and their jobs. We learnt that priests were the most important part of society and they were bought gifts and other maya would work for them for free!
In maths, we have mastered using column subtraction and addition with more than one exchange and can solve worded problems. In English, we practised our retrieval and inference skills, and showed off our skills using speech, fronted adverbials and expanded noun phrases to write our own Maya myth!
In Music we played lots of singing games and learnt how to control the tempo of a musical instrument in our new maya song. After our spanish lesson we now know our numbers 0-10 in Spanish!
Next week, we have PE on Monday so we'll need to wear the correct kit, and we continue swimming on Wednesday.
Check back next week for more information!
Date: 2nd Jun 2020 @ 9:18am
Good morning!
How did day 1 of our exercise challenge go ? Here's one of our exercise superstars playing basketball.
Well done to you if you also did some exercise !
If yesterday didn't quite happen for you, that's ok . Today is your day ! Let me know how you get on:
Mrs Harriott
June 2nd - #30DaysWild - Whole School Challenge 2 πβοΈπΎπ²π·
Date: 2nd Jun 2020 @ 8:16am
Hello again,
Just a reminder - This month our school is going WILD! Here’s today’s challenge
I found this challenge on the free 30 Days Wild app.
Today why not look for signs of new life when you go out for a walk. I saw some ducklings at our local pond over the weekend (see short video) and look closely at the photo. What baby can you see? What is this baby animal called?
Send your photos in to and I'll put them up on our school blog.
PLEASE BE CAREFUL and make sure you complete the challenges with an adult.
From Mrs Ganner
We have some fabulous photos below, just in from Alissia and Keira. Great bug spotting!
#30 Days Wild Launch Day ππ²ππ·π
Date: 1st Jun 2020 @ 12:27pm
June 1st - #30DaysWild - Challenge 1
Hello everybody,
I hope you had an amazing half term and you’re as excited to be back completing home learning challenges as I am. This month our school is going to go WILD! Yes, that’s right, our mission is to do as many wild things as we can and have fun whilst learning outside.
Each day I will put up a wild challenge and you can take a photo of you and your family completing it so I can put it on this blog.
Here is your challenge for today, see how many wild minibeasts you can find outside:
Send your photos in to and I'll put them up on our school blog.
If you'd like to choose your own challenges download this app:
PLEASE BE CAREFUL and make sure you complete the challenges with an adult.
From Mrs Ganner
Date: 1st Jun 2020 @ 10:57am
Hello and welcome back to the start of our final half term of this school year!
As you know, Mrs Glover has been setting us wellbeing challenges to keep us feeling positive and productive over the last few months. It has been fantastic to look back at all the photos you have sent her showing your creative work!
For the next few weeks, Mrs Glover is lucky enough to be going into school each day to teach as we start opening up the school to certain year groups, so I'll be setting your wellbeing challenge.
So, here's your challenge for this week:
Can you set yourself an exercise goal for the week and try and do a different exercise each day? It could be going for a walk with your family, making up a dance , going on a bike ride, jumping on your trampoline, doing an online workout like Joe Wicks or doing 30 star jumps in your kitchen!
Use the chart below to record your exercise each day ( or just write it on a piece of paper if you do not have a printer) and send it in . If you would like to share a photo during the week ,send it in too and I can post it on the blog for others to be inspired to try your idea !
I can't wait to see who can be an exercise superstar!
Mrs Harriott
Date: 1st Jun 2020 @ 9:31am
Good Morning Year 4!
I hope you have all had a lovely half term and have been enjoying the wonderful sunshine!
We are now starting our new term, Summer 2, with lots of new and exciting learning to explore! Visit the Year 4 Learning Page to see your new tasks:
As always, if you have any questions, messages or photos to share with your Year 4 teachers please email
We look forward to hearing from you! Don't forget, on Friday's we will announce our Reader of the Week and post our celebration of Home Learning photos.
Take care and keep working hard, from the Year 4 Team :)
Date: 25th May 2020 @ 10:58am
Hello and happy half term!
I'm not going to be posting a daily challenge for you over half term but here is something you can do if you like. It's a funny time right now and it's one we may want to look back on in the future to remind oursleves what we did, how we felt and how lucky we are when it's all over. So I've attached a time capsule template for you use so that you can record some of these things, either by writing or drawing it's up to you.
You can either print it out, do it on a computer or just draw our each page for yourself. Do as much or as little as you chooe and feel free to share anything you do on
Stay safe,
Mrs Glover
Date: 22nd May 2020 @ 5:29pm
Hello Year 4!
Well done for another week of super Home Learning from you all! t's been lovely to see the updates that have been sent into the Year 4 email this week!
We are now at the end of our Summer 1 Term, so there will not be any new work being adding to the Year 4 Home Learning Page next week. I hope everyone enjoys their half term, has a rest and finds lots of fun things to do! Our new term of online learning will begin on the 1st June.
Take care and stay safe,
Miss Bryce and the Year 4 Team :)
Date: 22nd May 2020 @ 5:02pm
At the start of this term we set a reading challenge to see who would be the Star Reader of the Week in each class, based on the activities completed on Lexia and ActiveLearn.
The winners of this week are…. AGAIN!!! >>>>
4AR: 4JB:
Honour! David!
Well done, fantastic reading! Both winners will get to choose from the class prize boxes and decorate a biscuit when we are back in school.
Who will be the champions next week???! Everyone will have to really get their reading minutes up to beat these two!
Well done to everyone who has been on their Lexia and ActiveLearn accounts this week. Usernames and passwords can be found in your Home Learning Packs. If you are having trouble logging in please contact your teachers at so we can help.
Stay safe and keep working hard,
From the Year 4 team xxx
Date: 21st May 2020 @ 10:14am
Good morning, I hope you all found some way to enjoy the sunshine yesterday. I sent a lot of time in my garden and I have to admit even though I applied plenty of sun cream, I’m still a little pink! I hope you were all more careful than me.
We’re almost at the end of the week and today is the last kindness based challenge as I have something a little different for tomorrow.
I hope that you have been experiencing some acts of kindness this week as today my challenge is to write a kindness acrostic poem. This is where you use each letter of the word you choose to start a sentence or word.
I’ve attached a file that has a few different kindness words to use for your poem so you can choose one or choose more than one you like! As always if you can’t print then don’t worry, you can write it out on a piece of paper or even type it on a computer like I have.
I have chosen the word caring. Here is my poem.
Cooking for other people
Asking people how they are
Returning peoples phone calls and messages
Interest in what friends and family are up to
Niceness goes a long way!
Going the extra mile for those you love
As always please e-mail your poems to
Mrs Glover
Past challenges
I'm very impressed with all the origami hearts you've all been making, some of you even made both hearts like I did! Here they are along with some other past challenges.
Date: 20th May 2020 @ 9:53am
Good morning,
Wow what a day! The weather forecast suggests it could get as hot as 26 degrees today! I can’t wait to get out there and enjoy it although I’ll definitely be putting on some sun cream!
Today’s activity is linked to kindness again and involves making a little present for either someone else or yourself. Today‘s challenge is to make an origami heart.
To start with you will need a square piece of paper and it will be easier to follow the instructions if it is decorated or coloured on one side.
Here is a YouTube video telling you how to make a square from an A4 piece of paper.
Then you have a choice of making 2 different hearts, one flat and one 3D. I made both and prefer the flat one and found it a bit easier but it’s up to you which you do.
Here is how to make the flat heart (my first picture)
Here is how to make the 3D inflatable heart (my second picture) (then at the end you have to blow it up using the little hole at the bottom)
I can’t wait to see your hearts! Remember to e-mail them to
Mrs Glover
Past challenges
I've really enjoyed reading about all your kind acts in your hearts from yesterday and I love how some of you are mentioning clap for carers in your kind acts for others! Here are the ones I've been sent:
Date: 19th May 2020 @ 10:25am
Good morning,
I hope everyone is well and taking good care of their mental health this week. We are still looking at kindness today and how important kindness is to keep everyone happy and healthy. Today's challenge will hopefully help everyone to see that kindness is all around us and I bet there are things that others do for us (and that we do for others!) that we barely even think about.
Today we're going to draw a kindness heart.
First of all draw a large heart on a piece of paper. Then on the left hand side write all the things that people do for you that are kind, all in different colours. Then on the right hand side write all the kind things that you do for others in different colours. If you can't think of many then maybe have a think of things that you could do. The acts of kindness could be as simple as just smiling at someone or saying good morning.
Here is mine if you would like to steal some ideas!
If you would like to share your kindness hearts then as always please feel free to e-mail me on
Past challenges
Thanks to Mrs Iqbal who sent me her kind acts for the week!
Well done to the children that are still sending in their mask designs as well as their kindsness acts (one here has even made his mum a cup of tea and some biscuits!)
Date: 18th May 2020 @ 3:26pm
Hello Year 4,
Here we are at the start of a new week! I hope you have all had a lovely weekend, and are now ready for some more learning! Visit the Year 4 Home Learning Page to find your tasks for this week:
This week is Mental Health Awareness Week, focussing on the theme of ‘Kindness’. How many of these daily activities can you complete this week to be kinder to yourself and others?
Date: 18th May 2020 @ 10:39am
Good morning everyone, its the start of a new week!
Thank you to everyone who has sent their amazing face mask designs, I've been blown away once again! Have a look below to see what you have all done.
This week it is Mental Health Awareness week so I will be posting some activities linked to this. Mental Health means looking after yourself to make sure that you are happy and healthy. The theme is kindness and involves being kind to yourself and others.
For today I've attached a little booklet for "The power of kindness" where you have to draw or write what kindness means to you and then write (or draw) 5 kind acts that you can do this week (it says month but I think we can squeeze them all into a week!) The acts of kindness can be either being kind to yourself or being kind to others. Perhaps a mix of both would be nice. If you can't print out the booklet then you can just type or write them out like I have :-).
Kindness to me means doing something nice to make somebody feel good and loved.
The 5 things I am going to do are:
1. Make my husband some cups of tea
2. Send a friend a little message through the post to cheer them up.
3. Phone my mum for a chat.
4. Have a nice relaxing foot spa while I watch one of my favourite films (for me)
5. Buy myself a litle treat while I'm out shopping, maybe some nice chocolate! (also for me!)
As always, please let me know what your ideas are by e- mailing
Mrs Glover
Past challenges
Look at all these fantastic face masks! :-D
Date: 15th May 2020 @ 4:38pm
At the start of this term we set a reading challenge to see who would be the Star Reader of the Week in each class, based on the activities completed on Lexia and ActiveLearn.
The winners of this week are….
4AR: 4JB:
Honour! David!
Well done, fantastic reading! Both winners will get to choose from the class prize boxes and decorate a biscuit when we are back in school.
Who will be the champions next week???!
Well done to everyone who has been on their Lexia and ActiveLearn accounts this week. Usernames and passwords can be found in your Home Learning Packs. If you are having trouble logging in please contact your teachers at so we can help.
Stay safe and keep working hard,
From the Year 4 team xxx
Date: 15th May 2020 @ 4:31pm
Well done to all our Year 4 learners this week! We know how hard you are all working… keep it up! Thank you for everyone who has sent us in updates so far, we love seeing and hearing about what you have been up to! Great work this week :)
If you have updates to share with your teachers please email them to
Date: 15th May 2020 @ 10:15am
Good morning and happy Friday! End of the week already! Fingers crossed we get some sun this weekend.
My last wellbeing challenge of the week is a creative one in case you want to spend some time on it over the weekend.
I’d like you to design your own face mask. As we know, face masks are being worn by many people at the moment to keep help them safe. If you had to wear one, what would you like it to look like? You can have whatever you want on it and make it as crazy as you like!
I’ve attached a template if you would like to use it but don’t worry if you don’t have a printer, you can just draw one like I drew mine! Here is mine for you to have a look at, now if only I could sew…
Please send me your designs as I’d love to see them!
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Glover
Past challenges
Thank you to Heer who sent me this joke:
There were two boys who were going to school and they were late.The teacher asked why they were late.One said I was looking for my money that i lost. The teacher asked the other boy why he was late.He said I put my foot on his money.
and to Tomasz for these jokes:
What is a pirate's favourite letter?
What do you call an alligator in a vest?
An investigator!
and to Theodosia for sending me a lovely video of her telling me jokes such as:
What do you get if you cross a tiger with a porcupine?
A slow poke!
Date: 14th May 2020 @ 11:30am
Year 4 Home Learning Page
Hello Year 4
I hope you are all having a good week! I have been sent lots of updates of children's learning this week... look out for your picture in tomorrow's celebration post! We will also be finding out who our Readers f the Week are, so get logged on to Lexia or ActiveLearn and read!
Keep checking in with the Year 4 Home Page to find your learning activities for this week:
We now have a new feature on the page, so you can 'like' each task you have completed! Just click the heart symbol on the task you are working on! Let's see how many likes we can get!
Don't forget, if you have any questions or updates to share you can email the Year 4 team at
Stay safe and keep working hard!
Miss Bryce :)
Wellbeing challenge number 14.5.20
Date: 14th May 2020 @ 10:21am
Good morning everyone,
I've had a request to make the font on my blog a little easier to read so that some of the younger children can have a go at reading it themselves which is a fantastic idea, so hopefully this will be a bit easier to read!
I hope people enjoyed yesterdays challenge, I know that some people did the Jason Manford quiz at 1.30 so if anyone didn't get the chance to watch Friday the turtle or had any problems accessing the Facebook live video then here it is on YouTube today:
Today's challenge is one that will hopefully make you and others around you smile. I want you to tell someone a joke! In fact, I think you should try and make as many people laugh as possible! Laughing is very good for both your health and wellbeing and it's certainly one of my favourite things to do, especially if I'm feeling a bit sad.
If you don't know any jokes then have a look at these:
Here are some that I like!
What do elves learn in school?
The elf-abet.
Why didn’t the skeleton go to the dance?
He had no body to dance with.
Please e-mail me on with your best jokes or any stories of making people laugh.
Mrs Glover
Past challenges
Thanks to everyone who has sent me pictures of them doing a few of the past challenges, here are a few of them!
Date: 13th May 2020 @ 10:39am
Good morning everyone,
I'm sorry I didn't post a wellbeing challenge yesterday but I was in school! I meant to do it the night before but then forgot and had an early night ready for school yesterday, oops! Sorry about that but I'm back today and have a choice of 2 for you to do to make up for it.
You've been very creative lately (please see the past challenges below!) so I'm giving you something a bit different today. One is i you would like to relax and one is if you would like to have a bit of fun.
The first challenge is to do Jason Manford's comedy kids quiz at 1.30pm today, available from the following YouTube link. If you can't do it at 1.30 then it will be up for a few days after. and if you want more then have a look on his YouTube channel for past quizzes!
The second challenge is also at 1.30pm although I think you can watch it later if you're not free then! The National Marine Aquarium in Plymouth are doing Turtle Time! A live video of their Green Sea Turtle who is called Friday. I always find watching sea animals very relaxing so you could watch it, learn some facts about turtles and then have a go at drawing the turtle. Ths live video will be on facebook so you'll have to ask an adult to log in to their account if they have one.
Please e-mail me to let me know how you did in the quiz or any facts or pictures you have of the turtle!
Mrs Glover
Past Challenges
I've been blown away by the effort you've gone to with these challenges (people have even dressed up!) and every time I get emails with pictures of your challenges it really cheers me up so thank you! Here are some pictures I've received over the last couple of days, thanks to everyone who's sent me one!
Date: 11th May 2020 @ 12:21pm
Year 4 Home Learning Page
Good Morning Year 4!
I hope you are all well and have had a lovely weekend! There are lots of new and exciting activities for you to complete this week on the Year 4 Home Learning Page...
Click on the link below to find your learning activities for this week:
We now have a new feature on the page, so you can 'like' each task you have completed! Just click the heart symbol on the task you are working on! Let's see how many likes we can get!
I know lots of you are working so hard on all of your tasks, so well done and keep up the good work! I can't wait for our learning celebration when we are back in school... I'm sure I will be very impressed! Don't forget you can contact your teachers on the y4 email if you have and questions or updates to share.
Stay safe,
Miss Bryce :)