Year 4CC: Blog items

Year 4 Home Learning

Date: 7th May 2020 @ 12:56pm

Good Morning Year 4!

I hope you are all having a great week!

Don't forget to visit the Year 4Home Learning Page to find your tasks for this week! 

We now have a new feature on the page, so you can 'like' each task you have completed! Just click the heart symbol on the task you are working on! Let's see how many likes we can get!

Tomorrow we will be posting our weekly celebration of our home learning, so send us your updates on the Y4 email! We will also be announcing the Readers of the Week of Lexia and ActiveLearn, so make sure you have logged on!

Stay safe,

Miss Bryce :) 

Wellbeing challenge number 19

Date: 7th May 2020 @ 10:25am

Good morning,

Yet another lovely sunny day! I'm looking forward to getting out in the sun later although I actually got a little bit sunburnt yesterday! Remeber that suncream!

Today's challenge is a creative one, I'd like you to try a bit of origami. Origami is the art of folding paper and while it can be a bit tricky, it's also quite a nice relaxing activity once you know what you're doing and you end up with something that looks amazing. You could even make a few things and use them to decorate your house!

What you need for all origami is a square of paper, either plain or patterned. If youre not sure how to turn a piece of paper into a square then have a look here:

Then you could take some time to decorate your paper if you like before you fold it.

Then this is a fairly simple one to get started, a butterfly

Just follow each instruction carefully and the good thing about watching a video is that you can rewind it as much as you like! If you're not a fan of butterflies then feel free to have a look for something else on the Red Ted Art channel.

Here's my butterfly that I've just made. It's not perfect but it's the first time I've ever done it so I was quite impressed with myself!

As always I'd love to see pictures of what you've made or of any past challenges, e-mail to send them or even just to let me know what kind of challenges you prefer so I can make sure I'm doing ones that people like :-)


Past challenges

Thanks to all the children who have sent me pictures, you've all been very busy which is great to see!

Wellbeing challenge number 18

Date: 6th May 2020 @ 10:43am

Good morning,

Another sunny day! smiley First all of all I want to thank everyone who has sent in pictures of them doing my wellbeing challenges, it's fantastic to see and hear about how you're enjoying doing them! Have a look at the Past Challenges bit at the bottom to see some photos.

Today's challenge is another one to get you moving and do a mini workout. Sometimes it can seem a bit scary or time consuming to do a whole workout so these mini workouts are perfect if you want a quick break from doing school work or even from just watching TV if you fancy a stretch! All of these little energisers from Go Noodle are between 2 - 4 minutes long so perfect for something to wake you up in the morning or as a break from whatever you are doing.

Here are a few that I like:

Or just go to YouTube and type in Fresh Start Fitness to see a variety of mini workouts.

Remember to email with any photos of you doing any of the challenges.

Have a lovely day!

Mrs Glover

Past Challenges

So many fantastic photos of what you've all been up to, well done!

Wellbeing challenge number 17

Date: 5th May 2020 @ 10:20am

Good morning everyone,

I don't know about you but I can't wait to get out in that sun so today's challenge is one that can be done outside if you like.

Today we are focusing on having a growth mindset and doing this through yoga. Having a growth mindset means you have a positive attitude to your learning and know that just because you may find something difficult and you can't do it yet, you will get there as long as you don't give up!

Here are 5 different growth mindset yoga poses to try. Please feel free to try as many or as few positions as you like and send any pictures to

Mrs Glover

Past challenges

Thank you so much to the pupils who have sent in pictures of their shields of strength from yesterday, it really makes my day to see what you've ben doing!


Weekly Activities

Date: 4th May 2020 @ 12:22pm

Good Morning Year 4!

I hope you are all well and have had a lovely weekend! There are lots of new and exciting activities for you to complete this week on the Year 4 Home Learning Page...

Click on the link below to find your learning activities for this week: 

We now have a new feature on the page, so you can 'like' each task you have completed! Just click the heart symbol on the task you are working on! Let's see how many likes we can get!

I know lots of you are working so hard on all of your tasks, so well done and keep up the good work! I can't wait for our learning celebration when we are back in school... I'm sure I will be very impressed! Don't forget you can contact your teachers on the y4 email if you have and questions or updates to share. 

Stay safe,

Miss Bryce :) 

Wellbeing challenge number 16

Date: 4th May 2020 @ 11:24am

Good morning everyone,

I hope you all had a good weekend and are ready to work hard on your learning (and your wellbeing!) this week.

Today's challenge has actually come from a website that Mrs Hughes sent to me to look at so thank you Mrs Hughes!

Today I would like you to think about resilience which means keeping strong and bouncing back even in a difficult situation. I'd like you to design a Shield of Strength.

Think about what your strengths are, especially the ones that can help you at the moment while we're not in school, and write or draw (or both!) onto a shield. Here is my shield that you may want to use for help: 

I have attached a template of the shield in case you want to use it but otherwise you can just fraw a shield on a plain piece of paper.

As always I would love to see your challenges so please send them to

Mrs Glover

Past challenges

Thank you to Shawnakaye who has sent me a couple of photos of things that make her smile!

Home Learning Celebration!

Date: 1st May 2020 @ 4:34pm

Readers of the Week

At the start of this week, we set a reading challenge to see who would be the Star Reader of the Week in each class, based on the activities completed on Lexia and ActiveLearn.

The winners this week are….

4AR:                                                  4JB:

Honour and Thecla!    &     David and Felix!

Well done, fantastic reading! All winners will get to choose from the class prize boxes and decorate a biscuit each when we are back in school! 

Who will be the champions next week???!


Well done to everyone who has been on their Lexia and ActiveLearn accounts this week. Usernames and passwords can be found in your Home Learning Packs. If you are having trouble logging in please contact your teachers at so we can help. 

We have also had lots of updates this week from children working hard at home on their learning packs, blog activities and wellbeing tasks. It’s great to see what you are getting up to so please keep sending us your messages and pictures on the y4 email! 

If you haven’t already, make sure you check out the new Year 4 Home Learning Page to find all your activities and tasks. Click on the link  to explore.


Stay safe and keep working hard,

From the Year 4 team xxx


Wellbeing challenge number 15

Date: 1st May 2020 @ 10:19am

Hi everyone and Happy Friday! I can't believe it's already the end of another week. I hope everyone is working hard and staying safe.

I got the idea for today's wellbeing challenge yesterday when I saw the most amazing rainbow in the sky. It was the brightest colours I've ever seen and I could see the whole arc. There was even a faint second rainbow next to it!

Photos don't really show how amazing it was but you can see how vivid the colours are:

The rainbow made me feel happy when I saw it and I thought it might make other people happy too! So today's challenge is to take a photo of something that makes you feel happy. You could find something in your house or do it on a walk. It could be a person, an animal, an object or even something that you've made. Anything that makes you feel happy or positive. If you don't have a camera, phone or tablet of your own then ask an adult if you can borrow theirs but please be careful with it!

If you'd like to share your happy photo then please e-mail it to, I'd love to see it and then I can post some of them and spread the happiness around!

Have a good weekend,

Mrs Glover

Past challenges

Thanks to A who sent a photo of himself doing the breathing exercises I set yesterday, I hope they helped you feel nice and calm.


Home Learning Page

Date: 30th Apr 2020 @ 4:37pm

To explore Year 4's new Home Learning Page and see all your activites for this week, click on the link below: 

(You can also bookmark this to your browser so it's even easier to find!)

If you are having any issues accessing the page please contact the Y4 teachers at

Thank you!

Wellbeing challenge number 14

Date: 30th Apr 2020 @ 10:01am

Good morning everyone, 

I hope everyone enjoyed some relaxing colouring yesterday, here is a picture of mine. It isn't quite finished yet but I had a nice relaxing hour doing it last night:

Today's challenge is to do a mindfulness breathing activity. Mindfulness can help you relax and be in the moment, appreciating everything that's around you.

Just one breath

Find a relaxing place where you won't be disturbed. Sit in a comfortable position, either with your legs crossed or any comfortable posture. This activity can be done in as little as one minute, but you can also do it for longer periods of time.

Begin by setting a timer for one minute.       

Start breathing deeply in and out. Notice how the breath feels as it moves in and out of your body. Notice how the air feels on your skin. Pay attention to any sensations that you notice or any sounds that you hear.

Take another slow deep breath and see if you can imagine how the breath moves down into the lungs and then back up again. Thank your body and breath for giving you life and keeping you healthy.

Take one more deep breath and hold the breath for a moment - then release it.

If any thoughts worry you, try and imagine your thoughts immersed in a white, puffy cloud and push the thought cloud out of your awareness.

Afterward, notice how you feel after taking this one-minute break.

If you want to tell me about your experience or send any photos of yourself doing the activity then e-mail me on

There are more simple instructions below.

Mrs Glover



Date: 29th Apr 2020 @ 2:28pm

Hello Year 4!

I hope you are all keeping well and finding lots of things to do indoors now the sunshine has disappeared!

Home Learning Update

The Year 4 team are trying out an exciting new way of sharing your learning tasks with you, which we think will make everything really easy to find! Please follow this link to find all of our learning activities: 
(You can also bookmark this link in your browser for even easier access!) We will also continue to post the link on the blog for you to follow each day. 

As this is new, if you are having any problems loading or viewing the resources please let us know on the Y4 email so we can make changes! 

Thank you :)

From the Year 4 team

Wellbeing challenge number 13

Date: 29th Apr 2020 @ 10:35am

Hello everyone,

It's a rather miserable looking Wednesday out there so my wellbeing challenge today is an indoor one.

It's actually quite a simple challenge today; I'd simply like you to do some colouring. Colouring is a lovely relaxing activity that you can do on your own for some me-time or together with a family member to make it a more sociable activity.

I think most of you were given some colouring pages when we finished school but if you've already used these and don't have any more at home then good news, there is a website where you can do online colouring:

Or you could always draw something to colour! Anything you like.

I have a new Enchanted Forest colouring book that my husband bought me (pictured below) that I'm going to do a bit of colouring in later, maybe while I listen to a podcast or to some music to have a bit of a break from staring at a screen. I'll post a picture of my efforts tomorrow.

Remember to send in pictures of your challenges to

Mrs Glover

Past challenges

A big thanks to Roderigo from Year 1 who sent me a picture of his crystal ball challenge from yesterday, some fantastic goals there!


CC - The Anglo Saxons and Vikings - TASK 2

Date: 28th Apr 2020 @ 12:16pm

What was an Anglo Saxon Settlement like?

Hi Year 4, I hope you're all ready for some more CC learning! This is the second task on our new topic, so if you missed last week's scroll down the blog until you see it! 

This week we are going to explore where the Anglo Saxons lived, these are called 'settlements'. Watch the two short videos below to find out the information you will need to complete your task!  - Why the anglo saxons came to Britain. - A tour around an Anglo-Saxon settlement.


Activity - Use the information to draw and label (or design and make!) your own Anglo- Saxon settlement.  Watch the video carefully and make notes of important features!

We'd love to see your creativity so don't forget to email your pictures to the Y4 email or tweet us!



Date: 28th Apr 2020 @ 11:36am

28.04.20 - MATHS - WEEK 2 TASK 2 - ANGLES (Properties of Shape)

Over the next few tasks we will be looking at ‘Properties of Shapes’. This week we will begin with angles! Read the information below carefully, you may have heard of some of these angles before!


Click on the links below to learn more about different types of angles. (make sure flash is enabled to load the links!)  - when you have finished watching the intro click ‘skip intro’ and select ‘Make and Measure’ to explore measuring with an online protractor! 

Activity: Look carefully at the 'Obtuse and Acute Angles' worksheet attached, complete the task in your exercise book by writing the correct name of each angle. 


Exciting news !

Date: 28th Apr 2020 @ 11:13am

Exciting news! 

Mrs Glover and Mrs Harriott have now got an email address which you can use to let us know all your news (as well as keeping in touch with your class teacher on your usual year group email).

We would love to hear from you if you have tried any of Mrs Glover's well being challenges, would like any more EAL home learning if you usually come to us for learning or have any other news to share with us .

The address is: 

We can't wait to hear from you !

Mrs Glover and Mrs Harriott smiley

Wellbeing challenge number 12

Date: 28th Apr 2020 @ 10:55am

Good morning everyone,

Today's challenge is all about thinking positivity and making the most of your time while you're not at school smiley.

Imagine looking into a cyrstal ball 3 months from now.

Draw or write what challenges you are facing, what positive changes you want to make and what might be different in 3 months time.

Try to focus on things that seem possible to achieve like starting a new hobby, learning a few words in a new language or getting better at some of your learning like reading or times tables.

I've done mine on the computer (on MS Word) as my paper is in the study where my husband is on a video call for work so I didn't want to disturb him! But you can do yours however you want.

I've included a picture of mine below if you want to have a look!

Please feel free to tell me about any of the wellbeing challenges you have done, I'd love to see what you're all doing in your free time! You can now e-mail me on to let me know (or to contact me or Mrs Harriott about any EAL home learning too)

Have a good day!

Mrs Glover


Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 3:31pm


Attention Year 4! 

Every week your teachers will be announcing their ‘Reader of the Week’, this will be based on the reading, spelling and grammar work that we can see being completed each week on Lexia or ActiveLearn. 

Some children have already completed lots of activities on these sites but there are lots of you who will need to get logged on! Remember, these sites give you access to lots of different books but also help with your question and answer skills. 

Everyone should have their log in details in their Learning Packs. If you are having trouble logging in please contact Miss Bryce on the Y4 email and she will help! 

We look forward to seeing who this week’s winners will be… to be announced on Friday’s celebration post!

Good Luck!

From the Year 4 Team

Wellbeing challenge number 11

Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 11:16am

Happy Monday everyone!

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend and made the most of the lovely warm weather (I think it might be the last hot sun for a while although it seems nice so far this morning!)

Today's challenge is to do something that I have just discovered myself although my husband has been nagging me to do it for a while - Listen to a podcast.

A podcast is a bit like a radio show that you can download to your tablet, phone or laptop and listen to either while you relax or while you go for a walk. Some include music, some are educational, some entertain you and some are just good for helping you relax. You can listen to them with others or by yourself if you need a bit of me time.

This weekend I have been listening to one called Sounds of the 90s by Fearne Cotton that includes lot of music from the 90s as well as intervews with 90s pop stars. I've been listening to it while I go on my hour long walks every day and I think some of the teachers may also enjoy it!

Here are some podcasts I've found that I think you might all like, the links are under each description:

But Why: A pocast for curious kids
A podcast answering lots of questions that you may find interesting!

10 - 15 minute stories (mostly for little ones)

What if world 
With wacky episode titles such as "What if Legos were alive?" and "What if sharks had legs?," this series takes ridiculous "what if" questions submitted by young listeners and turns them into a new story every two weeks.

Noodle Loaf
A delightful offering from a music education specialist and his co-host daughter will get kids of all ages singing, rhyming, moving, and engaging in all kinds of musical games. The segments, games, and songs are so silly and upbeat that the whole family will enjoy participating. Little listeners can even add their voice to the theme song in the podcast's electronically compiled kid's choir!

Be Calm on Ahway Island
Includes soothing stories and mindulness techniques

History Storytime
Fun, educational and music re-telling of historical events

I hope you enjoy listening to some of these, please let us know about any that you particularly enjoy!

Mrs Glover

Home Learning Success!

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 4:35pm

Well done to all of our Year 4 learners who have been working hard this week! 

Lots of you have been busy with your learning packs, blog work and wellbeing activities! Thank you for all of your updates posted on Twitter and on the y4homelearning email.

Here are some highlights from the week!

Keep busy everyone and stay safe! 

From the Year 4 team :)



Chester Zoo live again today!

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 10:21am

Hi, Mrs Glover here again!

If you enjoyed Chester zoo being live a few weeks ago then good news, it's back again! Starting at 10am they'll be showing many different animals. I've added a picture of what is happening and when underneath and here is the YouTube link:

Morning Activities

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 10:18am

24.04.20   Good Morning Year 4

Morning Activities

Write down your work in your exercise book. Remember to check your answers tomorrow!

Yesterday’s Answers:

  1. “It is such a long way,” sighed Oliver.      (total 6)
  2. Miss Bryce asked, “Has everyone completed their homework?” (total 7)
  3. Lilly whispered urgently, “We’ve got to go now!” (total 6) 


Now try:     Fluent in 5:

Sentence of the Day

 Add the missing punctuation and capital letters in these sentences and correct the Year 3/4 spellings:

  1. my faverate flavour of ice cream is caramel chocolate and vanilla (total 4)
  2. this is a very inporrtent announcement (total 3)
  3. that partikuler tree is over one hundred years old (total 3)

Wellbeing challenge number 10

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 10:08am

Good morning everyone, another lovely sunny day! I can't wait to get out there in the sun for a bit.

Fot the last day of the week I'm giving you a slightly different wellbeing challenge today and it's something that always makes me feel happy and a bit better if I'm feeling a bit low.

Today's challenge is to do something nice for someone. Here are some ideas below although feel free to do one of your own ideas!

1. Read or tell a story to a younger brother or sister

2. Tidy your room

3. Do a chore or job for someone at home

4. Give someone a compliment

5. Share a toy or some food with someone at home

6. Make someone a present, picture or card

7. Offer to help an adult with the cooking or washing up

8. Write someone a poem or story

9. Tell someone a joke

10. Phone a friend or send them a nice message

See how many of the 10 you can do and remember to let us know what you have done!

I'm going to do some baking for my husband for my good deed and maybe make him a nice dinner as well. In fact, I might go and take him a cup of tea while he's doing his work! :-)

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Glover


Date: 23rd Apr 2020 @ 12:10pm

23.04.20 - MATHS – TASK 1
Hi Year 4!

I hope you’re all getting on ok, well done and thank you to everyone who has started sending in pictures or messages about the work you are doing at home! It’s great to see.

I would like you to have a go at this Maths Challenge. It will help you to practise the work we have done in class on decimals, fractions and making a whole. Click on the link below:

(Summer Term Week 1 – Lesson 1 - Make a Whole)

Click on ‘Get the Activity’ to see the worksheet (write your answers in your exercise book if you can’t print it!) and watch the video to help you. Be ready to hit ‘pause’ to stop the video and give you time to complete the tasks!

You can split this activity into 2 parts. Why not try Questions 1-5 today and 6-10 tomorrow? When you have finished, click on ‘Get the answers’ to go through your work with your grown up.









Don’t forget you can contact your teachers with any questions at

Keep up the good work!   Miss Bryce :) 

Wellbeing challenge number 9

Date: 23rd Apr 2020 @ 11:07am

Hi everyone,

I hope everyone is finding ways to enjoy this amazing weather, I don't think we've ever had such a nice April before!

So today's wellbeing challenge is another way to make the most of the weather and get out in your gardens and do some gardening!

Here are some nice ideas for things to do that you don't really need many resources for: 

I bet you'll already have a lot of the things in your house or garden or you could collect some of them like twigs etc while out on a walk (make sure you wash your hands after if you do that!)  My favourite is the fairy garden.

Alternatively you could plant some seeds from something that you've just eatedn such as tomato seeds.

If you don't have a garden then why not design and draw your own garden (or fairy garden!) instead? You could maybe try and re-create it when you're older and have your own garden!

I have a balcony rather than a garden and had never done any gardening until a few weeks ago but below are a couple of pictures of the things I've planted! I'm watering them every day and the sun is making most of them grow nice and tall.

Have fun and remember to let us know what you've done!

Mrs Glover


Morning Activities

Date: 23rd Apr 2020 @ 10:09am

23.04.20   Good Morning Year 4

Morning Activities

Write down your work in your exercise book. Remember to check your answers tomorrow!

Yesterday’s Answers:

A. 4002 - 685 =  3317                  B. 7 x 6  = 42              C. 171÷ 6  = 28 r3

D. 6823 + 10 =  6833                       E. 8 ÷ 10 = 0.8

  1. Although the dog is small, he is very fast.     (total 4)
  2. The cloak was made from a golden, silky material.   (total 4)
  3. Tom's first thunderstorm was a terrifying experience.    (total 4)

Now try:    Fluent in 5:

Sentence of the Day

 Add the missing speech punctuation and capital letters to these sentences. Don't forget to check for statemnts, questions and exclaimations! :

  1. it is such a long way sighed oliver      (total 6)
  2. miss bryce asked has everyone completed their homework (total 7)
  3. lilly whispered urgently we’ve got to go now (total 6) 

‘We create, We explore,

We care, We soar’


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Maureen Hughes | Headteacher

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0161 223 0370