Year 5EG: Blog items
Mother's Day and fun with fractions!
Date: 28th Mar 2025 @ 3:48pm
Year 5 have had fun this week applying their times table knowledge in order to simplify fractions, it's a tough one but they've all worked really hard to get the method right.
In preparation for Mother's Day this weekend, they have had the opportunity to make cards to bring home and they look amazing!
Year 5’s Fun-Filled Red Nose Day!
Date: 21st Mar 2025 @ 2:32pm
Year 5 had a fantastic time celebrating Red Nose Day, raising money for charity while having lots of fun! The children wore red accessories and funky noses, took part in fun games and challenges, and even shared jokes to spread laughter. They learned about the importance of helping others and how their donations make a difference. It was a day full of kindness, fun, and smiles! ❤️
Date: 21st Mar 2025 @ 1:14pm
Year 5 had an exciting science-meets-cooking lesson, making delicious smoothies using dry ice and fruit juice! As they poured the juice over the dry ice, a cool mist swirled around, creating a magical effect. The children learned about states of matter and how dry ice turns straight from a solid to a gas. It was a fun, hands-on experience, and the smoothies tasted amazing too!
Date: 7th Mar 2025 @ 4:03pm
Year 5 had a wonderful time celebrating World Book Day! Some amazing costumes, teddies and comfy clothes and it was nice for everyone to be able to take the time to enjoy a good book. We had a book share with children from Year 1, explored Flotsum and created our own idea of what the story might be with partners and decorated spoons with our favourite characters. It was lovely to spend the last part of the day sharing books with our grown ups in the hall too.
Date: 28th Feb 2025 @ 6:05pm
This week we had our launch lesson for our exciting geography topic this term - Andalusia! The children had a look at some videos of this beautiful area in Spain and we discussed all the things Andalusia is known for including bull fighting. The children then got to follow along with some beginner flamenco videos and test out their dancing skills - with costume props of course! They enjoyed it so much that they asked to practice some more once they had their coats ready for home time.
Year 5 Proudly Present Their Ancient Olympics Reports!
Date: 6th Feb 2025 @ 1:20pm
Year 5 have been learning all about the Ancient Olympics and have written fantastic non-chronological reports packed with interesting facts and detailed information. They researched, planned, and organized their ideas carefully to create engaging and well-structured pieces of writing. Everyone is incredibly proud of their hard work—take a look at the attached pictures to see their amazing efforts!
Date: 24th Jan 2025 @ 2:08pm
This afternoon we have been really lucky as Wood Street Mission have been into school and each child has been able to take home 5 books to add to their home collection and enjoy! What a wonderful way to celebrate the importance of reading.
We have also begun tackling two new methods of multiplication in our Arithmatic lesson which will be built upon next week to ensure the knowledge is secure.
Date: 19th Dec 2024 @ 8:10am
What a busy week it has been at Ravensbury. From part day to Christmas dinner! In the midst of the festive joy, some year 5 and 6 children visited Winter Wonderland on Wednesday. Have a look at some of the pictures!
Date: 12th Dec 2024 @ 11:34am
Years 5 and 6 performed their Christmas songs at St Cross Church today. The children sounded wonderful, especially with the acoustics in the church. Thank you to all parents and carers that came!
Year 5 Football Frenzy: Tournament and Fun-Filled Activities!
Date: 29th Nov 2024 @ 3:54pm
Year 5 had an exciting Football Day filled with fun and energy! A group of children headed to Trafford for a thrilling football tournament, showcasing their skills and teamwork on the big stage. Meanwhile, those who stayed at school enjoyed a day packed with engaging activities, including football challenges and games. It was a fantastic day for everyone to celebrate their love for football, whether on the field or in school! See the attached pictures.
Standing Together Against Bullying: Year 5
Date: 14th Nov 2024 @ 1:10pm
This week, Year 5 took part in an anti-bullying workshop to support Anti-Bullying Week. Together, we discussed the impact of bullying, ways to support one another, and the importance of kindness and respect. We also got creative by designing posters with powerful messages and artwork to promote a safe, inclusive environment for everyone.
Year 5's Inclusive Wheelchair Workshop
Date: 18th Oct 2024 @ 4:50pm
Year 5 children enthusiastically participated in a fun, inclusive wheelchair sports workshop, promoting teamwork and understanding.
Please Complete holiday homework and continue to read!
Date: 11th Oct 2024 @ 2:48pm
This week in PSHE, we explored teamwork through a fun activity where we collaborated to build a spaghetti model structure.
Step back in time: Victorian launch
Date: 13th Sep 2024 @ 9:26am
This week, we travelled back to the Victorian era in preparation for our Quarry Bank Mill trip on Monday! We explored Victorian toys, like spinning tops and wooden dolls, and tried our hand at writing with slate and chalk just like children back then. Victorian fashion fascinated us, with boys in waistcoats and girls in long dresses and bonnets. We also learned about how wool and cotton were processed, giving us a glimpse of what life was like working in the mills. We're excited to see it all come to life during our trip next week!
Please can you make sure your child is reading every night. Homework will be sent out today and is due by Friday 20th September.
Date: 3rd May 2024 @ 3:33pm
We have been busy in computing tinkering with stop motion animation. We are going to be planning our own short film to make in the next few weeks so we had a go at making a simple one first with objects from around the classroom. The class worked beautifully well together, making sure that each photo was taken after just a small change.
Date: 19th Apr 2024 @ 4:17pm
We have had the loviliest of weeks this week. The children have come back from the holidays refreshed and apparently much matured! We have spent the week getting stuck into our new topics and trying to get outside in between the short breaks in rain!
In English, we have started studying a book called Curiosity, the Story of a Mars Rover. We are learning all about what happened to the Mars rover in its mission to land successfully. Next week, we will be writing diary entries from its point of view and we had some fantastic interpretations of it during our drama. Gerard was a wonderfully smug robot who never doubted his own ability!
In maths, we have been learning about prime, composite and square numbers. I am so proud of how far the class have come in their mathematical knowledge. They are excellent at asking questions and are greatly improved in using systematic approaches.
Our CC launch this week involved using our bodies in small groups to make models of old or new transport. The children were excellent at establishing roles within the groups and thinking about being a part rather than the whole on their own.
Golden time this week was parachute games. Whilst they are usually for the younger ones, 5HC seemed to really enjoy themselves. I won't be repeating it any time soon though, I don't think my ears can take it!
Date: 22nd Mar 2024 @ 4:25pm
Many children were very upset today as it was the last day of Miss Doherty's placement. They can be such a caring class and it was lovely to see how much they cared. We wish Miss Doherty all the best!
In English this week, we have been exploring different balanaced arguments, with the aim of writing one of our own next week. We have learned about the past perfect tense and various cohesive phrases that we can use to link different parts of the argument together.
In maths, we have been learning about the volume of cuboids. Some children took a while to understand why the formula involves multiplying the width, height and depth but we got there! I love how enthusiastic the class are about their maths learning!
Miss Doherty also taught a lovely wellbeing lesson this week about positive affirmations. The children wrote secret post-its to each other about what they like or admire. The atmosphere was calm and everyone was very kind to one another- definitely something we need to continue doing regularly!
I also thoroughly enjoyed speaking to all the parents at our progress evenings this week. I hope you found it useful and can join me in celebrating the children's successes.
I can't believe its nearly Easter! Have a great weekend.
Date: 15th Mar 2024 @ 2:09pm
Last week at Ravensbury, we celebrated World Book day. The staff in year 5 came in dressed as characters from our current text - Toro! Toro! It was lovely to see the childrne in costumes celebrating their favourite book characters and others who came dressed for a comfy day of reading.
We began the day by moving all the tables and chairs to the side of the room to make space for lots of arts and crafts! We made book characters from cardboard tubes, including an excellent superhero and cats. We then went downstairs to take part in a parent session of get comfy and read. Thank you to all the parents who joined us. We even saw some groups of chidlren reading to one another which was really heart warming to see.
We also visited year 1 to share some books with the younger children. 5HC always impresses me by their ability to think from the younger children's points of view. They are calm and welcoming and are very happy to read to little ones and engage them as best they can.
Many of the children began the day saying they don't enjoy reading but I think we might have been able to change their minds!
Date: 16th Feb 2024 @ 4:20pm
And just like that, the half term is over and we are half way through the year!
This week, we finished editing and improving our non-chronological reports. The children were so knowledgeable and eager to share their learning.
We have also finished multiplying decimals by using our knowledge of place value and have briefly moved on to dividing decimals. I have been so impressed with their understanding of place value and how they can apply it to this type of question. It was a pleasure to teach it!
And we also enjoyed a visit from some Ancient Greeks! We had a full day with them which included a short play about Hades and Persephone, making some clay tiles and learning about the two city states of Athens and Sparta. Surprisingly, most children said they'd prefer to join Athens. We seem to have a class full of actors, philosophers and artists!
Wishing everyone a very enjoyable but restful week off!
Date: 21st Jan 2024 @ 4:24pm
Well, another busy week has flown by in the blink of an eye! On Wednesday, we had the joy of being allowed ten minutes play in the snow before it all turned to mush and ice. We even built a little snowman.
The class also enjoyed the science lesson which often becomes a popular memory of year 5 - we were trying to identify the children from their baby photos. We talked about what features change as we get older (size, colour of hair, teeth) and things that don't (shape of body parts like face, hands, eyes). There were a couple that stumped everyone and others who were immediately recognizable.
Next week, we are going to be writing our Greek myths and learning about scaling in maths.
Date: 12th Jan 2024 @ 4:56pm
The week feels like its disappeared in a whirl of writing, maths and Ancient Greeks!
In writing, we have created some very scary monsters in preparation for writing a story inspired by a greek myth. We wrote two descriptive sentences and then inputted them into bing image creator. They are going to be excellent inspiration, I'm sure.
In reading, we have started to get stuck into the ancient Greek myth of Heracles. The class were aware of Hercules - the Roman equivalent but they weren't aware of the ten tasks he had to complete so they are very enthusiastic about the exciting stories of him killing beasts.
In maths, we are working our way through learning about area and perimeter. I was so impressed with the class' ability to move from counting squares within a rectangle to find its area, to multiplying two sides to calculate it instead. Next week, we will be thinking about how to calculate the length of missing sides in composite rectilinear shapes so that we can calculate the area accurately.
And finally, today we went on a school trip to Manchester Art Gallery to take part in a drama workshop about Pandora's box. The staff were blown away by the exceptional levels of behaviour. It was the first time we've used public transport for a trip which caused a few concerns but I'm very pleased to say that we will be able to do more of this in the future. The children listened to adults, followed instructions in busy areas and were so sensible. It was by far, the proudest day I've had with this class since September. Well done 5HC!
Date: 5th Jan 2024 @ 6:01pm
Welcome back! I hope you've all had a lovely Christmas. We all (including the adults!) struggled to get back used to the early mornings this week but at least it was only three days!
We didn't take it easy in 5HC and got straight back into our maths learning. We have started by exploring perimeter. I was hugely impressed by the class' mental maths skills and how they were able to choose efficient methods of calculation for example, using multiplication to find the perimeter of a regular pentagon instead of repeated addition. Next week, we will be moving on to finding the area of rectangles and compound rectilinear shapes.
Please note that our PE days have changed. We will now be having our outdoor PE sessions on Wednesday afternoons and our indoor PE sessions on Friday afternoon. Please check the PE uniform which was sent out earlier this week in the newsletter.
Today, we sent home a permission letter for our trip to Manchester Art Gallery on Friday next week. We will be taking the tram so we will spend a bit of time next week, talking about manners and protocols for using public transport such as staying close to adults.
We can't wait to get stuck into our Ancient Greece learning! Have a great weekend.
Date: 24th Nov 2023 @ 3:57pm
We're over halfway through the half term! Where is the time going?!
This week was assessment week. The children worked so incredibly hard and really tried even though the tests were not easy. Some felt a little downhearted when they saw their results but as I explained to them, the tests are designed to cover the whole of the year 5 curriculum - much of which I haven't yet taught. They inform my teaching to help me decide what to focus on rather than test the chidlren. I will feed back all results next week at parents evening (please book an appointment via school spider if you haven't already).
We had a little time to finish off our inventions unit this week. I showed the class 'bing image creator'. You have to have an outlook account to use it so I suggested that if they wanted to use it, maybe they should with their parents at home. As a class, we used it to create visual representations of their designs by inputting a short description. The images created were absolutely amazing! I will send a copy home next week so the children can continue to practise their vocabulary and explanations.
We enjoyed a science experiement on Wednesday, testing the hardness and smoothness of different materials to find the most appropriate one for a food preparation area. The class identified that metal was the best choice because it is both hard (durable) and smooth (easy to clean). I've included some photos below.
Have a great weekend!
Date: 20th Nov 2023 @ 4:28pm
Last week seems a long time ago! I had a very busy weekend as many of us do around this time of year so I'm updating this blog later than usual.
Writing was all focused on our final write about our inventions. The class seemed to really enjoy this piece of writing and did a great job of it as a result! There were some really good attempts to include technical vocabulary such as gadget, prototype or design. The class edited their work on Friday morning and will be completing their final edits on Wednesday.
In reading, we were continuing to identiyf the features of non-fiction texts and how they help the reader. We also worked on the different reading strategies we can use to work out an unfamiliar word's meaning - word parts, prediction, semantic fields and context clues. The trouble was that many of the children in 5HC this year have a really good understanding of word meaning already so it can be hard to find ones they don't already know! Its certainly a good problem to have.
In maths, we started looking at strategies for written multiplication. The class worked through the partitioning, expanded and compact methods. They were particularly confident with expanded but we will now start encouraging them towards the short method as it is much more efficient - especially with increasingly larger numbers. If any parents would like an explanation of the method then please come and see me.
By a long way, Friday afternoon was absolutely the highlight of the week! We had practised the story of the hindu festival of Diwali about Rama and Sita. It became so much bigger than I ever intended because of the children's enthusiasm for the topic. In the end, we performed the show to year 1 and everyone did a great job! It wasn't easy as we had to do it via zoom given the current situation with illness in school but the class really stepped up and I was very proud.
And then to finish our week, the golden activity was trick shots. Each small group of children had the challenge of creating a trick shot and landing the ping pong ball in a cup. There was a little bit of frustration from some of the class but overall, they did a great job! Please take a look at the photos from Friday. We really did have a brilliant time! Our next golden time activity is dodgeball if the hall is free but chrome books if dodgeball isn't possible. Here's hoping the class earn lots of golden time!