Year 6RJ: Blog items

Wellbeing challenge number 11

Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 11:16am

Happy Monday everyone!

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend and made the most of the lovely warm weather (I think it might be the last hot sun for a while although it seems nice so far this morning!)

Today's challenge is to do something that I have just discovered myself although my husband has been nagging me to do it for a while - Listen to a podcast.

A podcast is a bit like a radio show that you can download to your tablet, phone or laptop and listen to either while you relax or while you go for a walk. Some include music, some are educational, some entertain you and some are just good for helping you relax. You can listen to them with others or by yourself if you need a bit of me time.

This weekend I have been listening to one called Sounds of the 90s by Fearne Cotton that includes lot of music from the 90s as well as intervews with 90s pop stars. I've been listening to it while I go on my hour long walks every day and I think some of the teachers may also enjoy it!

Here are some podcasts I've found that I think you might all like, the links are under each description:

But Why: A pocast for curious kids
A podcast answering lots of questions that you may find interesting!

10 - 15 minute stories (mostly for little ones)

What if world 
With wacky episode titles such as "What if Legos were alive?" and "What if sharks had legs?," this series takes ridiculous "what if" questions submitted by young listeners and turns them into a new story every two weeks.

Noodle Loaf
A delightful offering from a music education specialist and his co-host daughter will get kids of all ages singing, rhyming, moving, and engaging in all kinds of musical games. The segments, games, and songs are so silly and upbeat that the whole family will enjoy participating. Little listeners can even add their voice to the theme song in the podcast's electronically compiled kid's choir!

Be Calm on Ahway Island
Includes soothing stories and mindulness techniques

History Storytime
Fun, educational and music re-telling of historical events

I hope you enjoy listening to some of these, please let us know about any that you particularly enjoy!

Mrs Glover

Home Learning Stars!

Date: 27th Apr 2020 @ 10:30am

We want to celebrate our fantastic Home Learning Stars this week! 

We know that it can be difficult to focus at home, but these children have risen to the challenge and have been keeping themselves busy with their learning and other creative activities - well done!

Keep sending in your pictures to our email or twitter to make it onto next week's blog post!

Connected Curriculum

Date: 26th Apr 2020 @ 9:33pm

Good Morning everyone! 

Our Connected Curriculum this half term is Climate Change, and more specifically, ‘How is Clayton connected with the global community?'  This is a really exciting topic looking at the world and how we can find a way to do our part to help…I’m sure that you will all find out lots of interesting facts to share.

I will post a different CC activity each week on the blog for you to complete at a time that suits you best during the week.

This is also a chance to get creative in how you want to present your work… draw pictures, make posters or mind maps, write letters of fact files, make models or create PowerPoints and videos to showcase your learning!

So… TASK 1

This week’s task is to research climate change-What does it mean? How does it affect our world? What are the main causes? Is there anything being done to combat climate change?

You can present you work as you wish... perhaps a powerpoint or mind map or maybe video your own newsround clip to present your ideas for your younger viewers!

Here are some useful video clips to help get you started…

(try the little quiz after the clip- see how you get on)

I have also attached a ppt to give you extra information- good luck!

Don't forget to send pictures or videos of what you have created to or our class twitter page we love to see what you are doing- it really makes our day!

Have a lovely day,

Mrs Ranyard, Miss Kenwell and Misss Thornton

The Boy at the Back of the Class Chapter 8

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 3:48pm

Good afternoon year 6! What a lovely day it is. Well here is your final instalment of the story for this week and I think it is starting to get really exciting. This chapter is very long and to be honest I found it quite tricky reading it all in one whole recording!! Sorry for any mistakes I made, I was getting slightly distracted by my tortoise scratching away next to me. I think he likes the story too! laugh

After reading/listening, can you write down any similarities in this chapter to our last book 'Once' and Felix's life?  (Text to Text)

Prediction- What do you think will happen the next day at school? (A clue- The next chapter is called 'The Big Fight'. 

Remember to share your answers with us on our year 6 Twitter page or using our year 6 email address, we'd love to hear from you!

Have a lovely weekend-Stay Safe and Stay at Home!

NEW LINKS!!! The Oak National Academy

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 11:22am

Hi year 6, I really want your opinion on this new link we would like to try. Today I am going to post one English reading task and a maths task and would really like you to have a go and see what you think.

Don't worry I will still put on Chapter 8 from The Boy at the Back of the Class!!

Chester Zoo live again today!

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 10:21am

Hi, Mrs Glover here again!

If you enjoyed Chester zoo being live a few weeks ago then good news, it's back again! Starting at 10am they'll be showing many different animals. I've added a picture of what is happening and when underneath and here is the YouTube link:

Wellbeing challenge number 10

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 10:08am

Good morning everyone, another lovely sunny day! I can't wait to get out there in the sun for a bit.

Fot the last day of the week I'm giving you a slightly different wellbeing challenge today and it's something that always makes me feel happy and a bit better if I'm feeling a bit low.

Today's challenge is to do something nice for someone. Here are some ideas below although feel free to do one of your own ideas!

1. Read or tell a story to a younger brother or sister

2. Tidy your room

3. Do a chore or job for someone at home

4. Give someone a compliment

5. Share a toy or some food with someone at home

6. Make someone a present, picture or card

7. Offer to help an adult with the cooking or washing up

8. Write someone a poem or story

9. Tell someone a joke

10. Phone a friend or send them a nice message

See how many of the 10 you can do and remember to let us know what you have done!

I'm going to do some baking for my husband for my good deed and maybe make him a nice dinner as well. In fact, I might go and take him a cup of tea while he's doing his work! :-)

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Glover

Sentence of The Day

Date: 23rd Apr 2020 @ 11:27am

Year 6 I have been back onto this morning and it is great to see you completing the set tasks. I had a look through some of the questions on the 'Hyphens, dashes & bullet points (A)' task and noticed you all found number 1 tricky.

In the list below, a word has been spelt correctly, but written inconsistently with the rest of the list. Click and select the incorrect word.

For the tripremember to bring the following clothes:

• A thickwarm jumper.

• waterproof jacket with a hood.

• Sturdy hiking boots.

• A bottle of water.

Can you spot the error? When you are writing bullet points the rule is they all need to be consistent, that is follow the same rule. For example if you use a capital letter to start the first sentence then all the bullet points below must start with a capital letter and the same if you start with a lowercase letter. This rule also applies to the full stop at the end. If your first bullet point has a full stop then all of them should and if your first one does not have a full stop then the rest should not have one either. 

Get it!

Complete the one above and now try this one.

In the list below, an error has been made, one of the sentences has been written inconsistently with the rest of the list. Identify the mistake.

There are many things you can do to keep yourself active and healthy:

• drink plenty of water

• join in with Joe Wicks in the morning to get your heart rate going

• be creative and make something

• eat healthy foods like fruit and vegetables.


Let us know by sending us an email or posting your answer to our Twitter account.

Year 6 @ Ravensbury @Year6Ravensbur1

The Boy at the Back of the Class Chapter 7 Mr Irons' Nose

Date: 23rd Apr 2020 @ 11:08am

Reading -The Boy at the Back of the Class Chapter 7

Mr Irons’ Nose

Today we are going to look at inference, where I would like you to make a point or form an opinion and then use evidence from the text to support your answer or idea. You will be asked questions about characters and their actions and responses and I have indicated what page you need to look at to find clues and evidence. Click on the link below to follow the chapter.

  1. Did the new boy know how to play football? Use evidence from the text on pages 62 and 63 to support your answer.
  2. Were the other children in playground surprised to see the new boy playing out? How do you know? See page 63.
  3. When Brendan–the–Bully first walked over and kicked their ball away, was Josie scared? Use evidence from page 64 to support your answer.
  4. How do the children know if Mr Irons is angry or not? See page 64.
  5. Is Mr Irons a popular teacher? Give two pieces of evidence to support your answer from pages 64 and 65.

YES                     NO


  1. On page 66, how do you think the new boy felt? Give evidence to support your answer.
  2. On pages 68 and 69, what do you think Mrs Khan thought about Mr Irons? Support your viewpoint with evidence from the text.

Get in touch and show us your answers. I am missing you all and would love to hear what you think about this new story so far...

Wellbeing challenge number 9

Date: 23rd Apr 2020 @ 11:07am

Hi everyone,

I hope everyone is finding ways to enjoy this amazing weather, I don't think we've ever had such a nice April before!

So today's wellbeing challenge is another way to make the most of the weather and get out in your gardens and do some gardening!

Here are some nice ideas for things to do that you don't really need many resources for: 

I bet you'll already have a lot of the things in your house or garden or you could collect some of them like twigs etc while out on a walk (make sure you wash your hands after if you do that!)  My favourite is the fairy garden.

Alternatively you could plant some seeds from something that you've just eatedn such as tomato seeds.

If you don't have a garden then why not design and draw your own garden (or fairy garden!) instead? You could maybe try and re-create it when you're older and have your own garden!

I have a balcony rather than a garden and had never done any gardening until a few weeks ago but below are a couple of pictures of the things I've planted! I'm watering them every day and the sun is making most of them grow nice and tall.

Have fun and remember to let us know what you've done!

Mrs Glover


Good morning Year 6!

Date: 23rd Apr 2020 @ 9:28am

Good morning Year 6,

I am sure like me you are really missing your friends- I know I am missing seeing Miss Thornton and Miss Kenwell everyday!

I think that is why I am enjoying listening to the blogs with Miss Thornton reading our new class novel so much so I can hear her familiar voice! Don't forget to look back through the blog for the first 6 chapters of the week she will be continuing the story for those of you who are desperate to find out more about the new boy!

I don't always get time to sit down and read a book to myself especially when I have to occupy the twins so my new hobby is popping in my earbuds and LISTENING to  Miss Thornton reading me the book so I can make the tea or do the dishes at the same time!! Brilliant! Maybe you could use your earphones and chill in the garden at the same time and enjoy the story. Remember to get in touch and tell us what you have been listening to and which parts of the story you are enjoying,

Happy Thursday

Mrs Ranyard



Miss Thornton's Science Investigation with Joe Wicks!

Date: 22nd Apr 2020 @ 10:18am

Good morning year 6! This morning I have been doing a science investigation. I have been looking at the effects of exercise on heart rate.

  1. I checked my resting heart rate to begin with which was 75 bpm (Beats Per Minute).
  2. Next I started the Joe Wicks PE lesson. By the way I got all of the questions right today!
  3. After 15 minutes I checked my heart rate to see if it had risen and it was 107 bpm!
  4. At the end of the session (30 mins in total) my heart rate had risen to 139 bpm. I think it was all the jumping involved getting my heart rate racing!
  5. Then I wanted to see how long it took for my heart rate to return to normal-this is called resting rate.
  6. After 5 minutes it had dropped to 109 bpm.
  7. After 10 mins it had dropped to 86 bpm.
  8. After 15 mins it had dropped to 77 bpm, which was approximately what my resting rate was originally.

This is a great investigation you could easily try at home year 6. You can watch this morning’s Joe Wicks PE lesson on YouTube and try it for yourself.

Below is an optional sheet you can complete to note down your findings or you can just tell me your results via our email or on twitter-I’d love to hear how high your heart rate went.


WWII EVACUEES- Mantle of the Expert

Date: 15th Mar 2018 @ 11:16am

On Thursday, we welcomed a special visitor, Tim Taylor, to school who helped us with our “Mantle of the Expert” exploring through our Connected Curriculum how evacuees would have felt being sent away during the Second World War. Our ideas inspired some descriptive writing as journalists reporting the chaotic scenes from the train stations as children were evacuated. We also acted as a billeting officers  to persuade host families to take in evacuees. What a great afternoon in role!

Stockport Air Raid Shelter

Date: 15th Mar 2018 @ 11:08am

On our visit to the Stockport Air Raid shelter and museum we went back in time…we arrived as confused evacuee children waiting to be billeted and sent to new host families…but the ARP showed us all the ropes and with plenty of singing and asking questions we were ready!

Children in Need fundraising

Date: 15th Mar 2018 @ 11:03am

Well done to Year 6 who organised fun games and activities for the rest of the school to have a go on to raise money for Children in Need…the final total is still being counted! Watch this space!

Te gusta

Date: 15th Mar 2018 @ 11:01am

Today we practised asking and answering questions about school subjects in Spanish…what brilliant accents and confidence we are developing! Muy bien.

Working alongside the artist

Date: 15th Mar 2018 @ 11:01am

Autumn is here! We have really enjoyed collecting materials from the school grounds. Using nature to inspire us to make our own Andy Goldsworty inspired collages. Take a look below.

Andy Goldsworthy

Date: 15th Mar 2018 @ 10:59am

We have had a wonderful time using nature to inspire us to make art in the style of Andy Goldsworthy.


Date: 15th Mar 2018 @ 10:58am

Year 6 we work hard but always make time to play hard too! This week’s Golden Time was great fun! We enjoyed making pom-poms and biscuits; what a treat!


Date: 15th Mar 2018 @ 10:54am

As part of our Connected Curriculum theme of Survival, we have been acting out the events of our unfortunate cruise: crashing our luxury liner, falling overboard and arriving on a strange uninhabited island. How will we ever survive?










Blackpool Zoo Part 3

Date: 15th Mar 2018 @ 10:51am

Blackpool Zoo Part 2

Date: 15th Mar 2018 @ 10:47am

Animal madness!

Date: 15th Mar 2018 @ 10:45am

ON Wednesday we enjoyed the best day ever at Blackpool Zoo! We visited as part of our Science topic on Evolution and Inheritance and we even dined in the Darwin Centre named after the famous scientist Charles Darwin who we have been studying in class. Click the link to find out even more about him. We hope you enjoy our photos!

Miss Thornton’s literacy group-Haunted House Sentences.

Date: 15th Mar 2018 @ 10:39am

Here is one of our super sentences we wrote together yesterday.

Cautiously, I tip-toed into the silent, shadowy basement because I wanted to find the mysterious, golden key.

We also had a go at writing our own.

Inquisitively,  I hurried up the old, spiral staircase but I heard a noise, froze and charged upstairs!

Slowly, I crawled up the old, creaky staircase to find the Ruby Heart.

Quietly, I crept up the old, narrow staircase but when I reached the top a strange force pushed me down.

Cautiously, I ran up the creaky staircase but an old bony hand reached out and pushed me down.

Slowly, I crept up the old narrow stairs but when I reached the top, a pair of hands pushed me back.

Quickly, I crept up the old, narrow stairs but when I reached the top, a dark figure was waiting for me.

Anxiously, I crept up the narrow , creepy stairs but  when I reached the top a wolf leapt out and pounced on me.

Silently, I crept up the spiral, narrow stairs, but straight after I had reached the top, the stairs collapsed behind me. I was trapped forever!

Courageously, I crept up the old, putrid-smelling staircase, and when I reached the top, there was a huge Egyptian mirror, with an eye-ball staring straight back at me.

Suspiciously, I tip-toed up the creaky, old stairs because I heard a strange noise coming from the attic.

Cautiously, I stepped into the huge Master bedroom, collapsing at the sight of a ghost! Whist I was unconscious, I dreamt that I stumbled to my grave and was buried alive.

Slowly, I sneaked up the giant, spiral staircase, but suddenly I plummeted down a disguised trap door.

I hope you liked our sentences. Look out tomorrow for our spooky embedded clauses and three part sentences…

‘We create, We explore,

We care, We soar’


Ravensbury Community School

Tartan StreetClayton M11 4EG

Maureen Hughes | Headteacher

Jo Wendt | SENCO

0161 223 0370