Connected Curriculum
Date: 26th Apr 2020 @ 9:33pm
Good Morning everyone!
Our Connected Curriculum this half term is Climate Change, and more specifically, ‘How is Clayton connected with the global community?' This is a really exciting topic looking at the world and how we can find a way to do our part to help…I’m sure that you will all find out lots of interesting facts to share.
I will post a different CC activity each week on the blog for you to complete at a time that suits you best during the week.
This is also a chance to get creative in how you want to present your work… draw pictures, make posters or mind maps, write letters of fact files, make models or create PowerPoints and videos to showcase your learning!
So… TASK 1
This week’s task is to research climate change-What does it mean? How does it affect our world? What are the main causes? Is there anything being done to combat climate change?
You can present you work as you wish... perhaps a powerpoint or mind map or maybe video your own newsround clip to present your ideas for your younger viewers!
Here are some useful video clips to help get you started…
(try the little quiz after the clip- see how you get on)
I have also attached a ppt to give you extra information- good luck!
Don't forget to send pictures or videos of what you have created to or our class twitter page we love to see what you are doing- it really makes our day!
Have a lovely day,
Mrs Ranyard, Miss Kenwell and Misss Thornton