Dates for your diary Autumn term 2024
Monday 11th November - Wear odd socks to school to mark the beginning of anti bullying week
Thursday 14th November - John Hunt the School Photographers will be in to take individual and sibling photographs
Friday 15th November - Children in Need day, Children are asked to donate 50p to charity and come to school dressed in spots
Thursday 5th December - John Hunt Photographers back in school
Friday 6th December - School Christmas fair 3.30 - 5.30pm, school will finish at 2.30pm
Monday 9th December - NHS in school to do Reception & Y6 Height and weight checks
Friday 13th December - Coffee and cake with the Headteacher at 9.15am
Tuesday 10th December - EYFS and KS1 Christmas performance
Thursday 12th December - KS2 Christmas performance
Thursday 12th December - Christmas Jumper Day
Thursday 12th and Friday 13th December - Father Christmas is coming into school
Tuesday 17th December - Christmas party day
Wednesday 18th December - Christmas dinner day
Friday 20th December - School finishes at 2.30pm