Year 6RW: Blog items
Arithmetic Sats practice papers
Date: 5th Mar 2025 @ 3:41pm
Have a go at a practice arithmetic paper for KS2 Sats. Try one a week.
Challenge: can you improve your weekly score?
Date: 5th Mar 2025 @ 3:30pm
Year 6 have been exploring the mysterious events in the picture book Tuesday. We will be writing the events as a short narrative and produce a police report which describes the unexplained phenomenon detailed in the book.
Watch the clips below to check out the story...
Fractions, decimals and percentages
Date: 5th Mar 2025 @ 3:20pm
We have been finding out all about percentages. Click the here to play the game and match the pieces to the correct FDP equivalents.
Date: 13th Feb 2025 @ 12:08am
We have really enjoyed reading Michael Morpurgo's amazing book about a boy called Michael who sails around the world with his parents and finds himself falling overboard and washed up on a deserted island- but is he really alone? What a fantastic adventure- we have enjoyed every chapter in this brilliant book and we are looking foward to watching the new animated film version as a treat this week for all our hard work preparing for our SATs! Well done Year 6!
Date: 13th Feb 2025 @ 12:02am
We have been very busy this half term learning lots of different calculations with fractions.
Click the link below to play a game to practise adding and subtracting fractions.
Date: 7th Feb 2025 @ 3:45pm
What a fab Friday afternoon we've had in year 6. As part of our light unit, we have been experimenting with torches to see how light travels and what objects are good reflectors of light. The children had a great time.
In the style of Andy Goldsworthy...
Date: 24th Jan 2025 @ 5:04pm
Year 6 began their new art topic this half term, looking at the work of Andy Goldsworthy.
Andy Goldsworthy is a British sculptor who uses natural resources to create works of art. His work is described as ephemeral, which means it's only meant to last for a short time.
If you would like to lean more, click on the links below:
Y6 started by collecting their natural resources from the school playground, putting them into patterns and sketching what they could see. Then, they tested different methods of leaf printing, using paint, pastel, chalk and felt tip. This will build up to creating a piece of ephemeral art outside in the garden next week. Hopefully, it won't be windy!
Have a look at some of the fantastic work Y6 children have completed.
Date: 19th Dec 2024 @ 8:10am
What a busy week it has been at Ravensbury. From part day to Christmas dinner! In the midst of the festive joy, some year 5 and 6 children visited Winter Wonderland on Wednesday. Have a look at some of the pictures!
Date: 12th Dec 2024 @ 11:34am
Years 5 and 6 performed their Christmas songs at St Cross Church today. The children sounded wonderful, especially with the acoustics in the church. Thank you to all parents and carers that came!
Date: 3rd Dec 2024 @ 7:09pm
Some of out fabulous year 6 children have been working alongside Rosie, a dance instructor, to refine their street dance skills! Here are some pictures from their performance this week. Thank you so much to the parents, carers and staff who came to watch an cheer on the children. They were amazing! Have a look at our Facebook page to see some videos. Well done to our dancers!
Year 6 trip to Stockport Air Raid Shelter
Date: 29th Nov 2024 @ 4:31pm
On Thursday, Year 6 made the trip back in time to 1941 to visit the air raid shelters in Stockport. Opened in 1939, the shelters were the largest purpose-built civilian air raid shelters in the country designed to provide shelter for up to 3,850 people. They were extended in 1940-41 to accommodate 6,500. People travelled from all over the country for the chance to remain safe during the Blitz attacks on Britain.
Y6 got to experience first-hand what daily life was like in 1940s wartime Britain. They completed chores, sang songs and even had to 'make do and mend'! Then, they took a trip down the mile-long network of underground tunnels. We got to see what happened during an air raid, what people experienced and how being underground saved thousands of lives.
Have a look at our fabulous photographs taken on the day! More photgraphs will be uploaded next week!
Date: 24th Nov 2024 @ 10:16pm
We have really enjoyed learning all about life during the Second World War this term and how the people of Britain survived during the time known as the Blitz. We have completed extra research at home and produced some wonderful drawings, models and projects based on this.
Year 6 work hard at school and at home! Well doneYear 6!
Date: 17th Nov 2024 @ 10:17pm
Next week we are heading to Stockport for the day to visit the war museum there and to spend time in the underground shelters which provided a safe place for the people of Manchester to take shelter from Hitler's bombs. We are really looking forward to our visit and finding out even more about what life was really like for the people of Manchester during the Blitz.
Check back for some pictures of our visit...
Date: 30th Oct 2024 @ 7:18am
Just before the half term holidays, Year 6 joined Nursery for a Harvest Celebration. The Nursery children had been learning about how farmers harvest the food during Autumn. They also found out why farmers use scarecrows. Nursery loved the scarecrows so much that they learned and then performed a song and dance about them to the older children.
Click on the link to sing along to Dingle Dangle Scarecrow
Knowing how much Year 6 like to dance, the Nursery children then paired up and danced a Samba! Harvest Samba
The younger children loved sharing their learning with Year 6 and we hope to do it again very soon. Thank you Year 6 for being an amaxing audience and for looking after us.
Date: 6th Oct 2024 @ 6:05pm
Year 6 are off on an exciting adventure this week...we are headed to Lake Windermere for our residential trip to Ghyllhead. We are so excited! We are looking forward to all the challenges and fun activities we will take part in. Have a sneak peak of some of the things we will get up to!
Date: 1st Oct 2024 @ 6:16pm
Year 6 has been reading Goodnight Mr Tom- a story set during WWII and is about a boy, Willie Beech, who is evacuated from London and sent to live in the countryside with a Tom Oakley a grumpy old man.
We have also been researching about evacuation during the war and have found out lots of information:
- the operation was called "Pied Piper"
- one and a half million children were evacuated
- the childen were called evacuees
- they were sent to live with "host families"
- a billeting officer collected them from the train station and took them to their new homes
- the governement had to persuade mothers to send their children away fromthe cities as they were relucant to do so
Watch the clip below to see what it was like for families to be split up during the war...
Date: 1st Oct 2024 @ 5:58pm
We have been busy the last few weeks reading and researching all about the Second World War. It has been a really interesting topic and we have been busy collecting all our ideas down in teams ready to write our own information texts later this week.
What was the cause of the second world war?
Date: 13th Sep 2024 @ 5:15pm
Year 6 launched their new history learning this week; we are going to be asking the question...
What was the cause of the second world war?
We listened to Neville Chamberlain's (the Prime Minister in 1939) declaration of war and thought about how we would feel if we heard that today. We decided that it felt very unnerving and made us all worried about what the future could hold. We imagined ourselves as children in 1939, and thought about the impact on our lives.
Click on the link below and listen to Neville Chamberlain's speech. How do you think you would feel after hearing this news?
Have a look at our knowledge organisrer below to see what we will be learning in history this half term!
We are a rights respecting school!
Date: 6th Sep 2024 @ 4:02pm
What a busy first week it has been for year 6 this week. We've launched the use of recognition boards in class which have a different focus each day. We have focus on transitions and being in the different focus areas this week. In addition, we have joined Ravensbury's journey to be a rights respecting school. We have discussed what rights that we have as children and how we can resepct our rights. As part of our learning about children's rights, we each created a haiku poem based on a text called 'Every Child a Song'. Please have a look at the attached pictures.
A reminder that PE days are Monday and Friday.
Have a great weekend.
Date: 25th Jul 2024 @ 10:45am
Happy holidays... Here are the photographs in files of the lovely year 6 pupils past and present. They will only be available until September. Thank you for all your support over the year. Mrs Bennett (Miss Thornton)
Date: 24th Jan 2024 @ 2:27pm
This week we looked at some geopgraphy and explored our Race Around the World project in our CC lessons.
The children reminded themselves of the 4 cardinal compass points (N,S,E and W) and learned about the 4 intercardinal points (NE, SE, SW, NW)
We used this knowledge to locate our project checkpoints in an atlas, plot the direction of travel and decide which countries we would pass through on the way to our destinations.
The children really enjoyed using the atlases and finding out more about the World's geography
Date: 22nd Nov 2023 @ 2:46pm
We have been learning about Diwali in year 6. Last week we rehearsed and performed some Diwali plays as well as a sepcial Diwali dance. Everyone really enjoyed the experience and it is so lovely to wokr with a group of young people that give everything to the task at hand. There are some amazing actors in 6DL as well as some incredible dancers! Well done everybody
Date: 2nd Oct 2023 @ 11:03am
We have been learning the lindyhop and have been making some really good progress in "falling off the log" and being able to "mess around" (both legitimate lindyhop moves)
Date: 2nd Jun 2020 @ 11:22am
Good morning Year 6,
Can you believe all the lovely sunshine we have had? We hope you have had a lovely break and are looking forward to getting back to some learning either at home or for some of you back in school next week!
We are missing you all and looking forward to seeing some of you next Monday- we were busy in school yesterday getting ready! Don't worry though there will still be work posted on the blog and padlet for you to complete at home.
Also, please feel free to like, add a comment or ask questions below an activity on padlet if you like something, want to ask a question or just want to say hi- we would love to hear from you!
Miss Kenwell, Miss Thornton and Mrs Ranyard
Date: 2nd Jun 2020 @ 10:44am
Hey everyone, I hope you have been enjoying our CC topic on Climate Change especially finding out about the climate change warriors and exploring some of the ideas of how we can take positive action to stop climate change. This week we will be looking at how we can become part of the solution even in our own small way using what we have found out. We will also be thinking about our BIG QUESTION: ‘How is Clayton connected with the global community?' by considering how we can be involved in protecting the planet from the problems we have researched.
Last month was Earth Day where people across the globe share their commitments to help protect our earth. Can we make every day Earth day? Let's try! Choose one or two activities below:
1. Make an earth day craft sharing your commitments- try the earth house or craft commitment
2. Write a persuasive letter to a friend encouraging them to commit to Recycle, Re-use, Reduce, Repair or Refuse
3. Create a poster for Earth Day to encourage change
Remember to share your work with us -you can tweet us or email us we would love to see it!