Tuesday 2nd June Phonics
Date: 2nd Jun 2020 @ 8:03am
Good Morning Reception,
Let’s start our phonics today by getting physical with Jack Hartman and the phonics workout. Click on the video at the bottom of the blog.
We will continue to think about the sound ‘ur.’ How many words can you read in a minute…? Don’t let the alien words trick you out!!!
Watch the ‘show me’ video where I am showing you how to write words using the ‘ur’ sound.
Here are today’s practise and apply activities, which one will you choose?
Activity 1 – How many words can you think of with the ‘ur’ sound?
Activity 2 – What is the correct spelling?
Activity 3 – Play Buried Treasure on Phonics Play. Click on the 'ur' sound.
Activity 4 – Create a ‘ur’ poster using words that you have read.
Remember to send in your photos/videos to… receptionhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk