This week in 2AH!
Date: 3rd Oct 2024 @ 11:24am
We have had a fantastic week in 2AH this week!
In English, we have started to look at the features of instruction texts and focusing on imperative 'bossy' verbs. The children have been excellent in collaborating during learning time to discuss and share their own instructions using the features that they have discussed. Do you have any recipe books or instruction manuals at home? Practice reading these with your child and ask them to point out the features that they notice.
I have been blown away this week by the children’s enthusiasm in their Maths learning. The children have been extending their knowledge of addition, adding three addends and independently using classroom resources to represent number sentences. It has been fantastic to see how the children are working with their peers to support each other in their learning and contributing so much to whole class learning.
In Geography this week, we explored hot and cold places around the world and how a countries distance from the equator determines if it will be hot or cold. The children used maps of the world to identify hot and cold places, used their knowledge to recognise the features of hot and cold places, and used reasoning to explain their knowledge of the worlds continents and oceans.
As we continue with our ‘healthy me’ topic in Science, the children found out about and described the basic needs of humans. We discussed the difference between human wants vs needs, recognising the importance of water, food, and air to our survival.
Please remember to listen to your child read their home reading book each night, the children’s reading records are checked every day so please ensure to sign this with the date when you have listened to your child read.
The children also have this weeks homework in their bookbags, this is due each Friday. Please make sure that the children practice their spellings ready for their spelling test.